Add compiler flag only if --default-library=shared is used - meson-build

The meson build system allows to either build shared or static libraries with the option --default-library. However I am not able to know if a shared or static library is being built and I need that to pass at least a define. Is there a way to query the library type?
This was my guess:
libtype = get_option('default-library')
if libtype = 'shared'
build_dll = ['-DBUILDING_DLL', '-fvisibility=hidden']
build_dll = ''
But apparently I get:
Meson encountered an error in file, line 10, column 0:
Tried to access unknown option "default-library".

In case someone else has this issue, the solution is simple:
libtype = get_option('default_library')
(note the underscore instead of the dash)
(Credit for the answer goes to jpakkane (the creator of meson), who answered on IRC)


Compilation of contract with include

I’m currently struggling to compile a contract (on aeternity's Sophia language) with include of a custom library “Library.aes” which resides in a separate file at the same level of the filesystem as the using contract.
The library looks like
namespace Library =
type number = int
function inc(x : number) : number = x + 1
The contract is using it like this
include "Library.aes"
When I compile (locally using compiler node) the contract, I always get
"Couldn't find include file 'Library.aes'\n"
also tried to pass the full path to the include, same result.
Is there a need to define the attribute options.file_system somehow?
let’s use the same example:
~/Quviq/Aeternity/aesophia_http [git:master]: FOO="include \\\"Bar.aes\\\"\\n\\ncontract Foo =\\n entrypoint foo() ="
~/Quviq/Aeternity/aesophia_http [git:master]: BAR="namespace Bar =\\n function bar() = 42"
~/Quviq/Aeternity/aesophia_http [git:master]: curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"code\":\"$FOO\",\"options\":{\"backend\":\"fate\",\"file_system\":{\"Bar.aes\":\"$BAR\"}}}" -X POST http://localhost:3080/compile
Beware the quoting of strings, but apart from that it is rather straightforward.
This post is pretty old but thought on responding anyway.
Did you tried this by using aeproject?
Try to put your contract code under the file structure and use the deploy script so you can work it out locally first and the deploy to testnet or mainnet.
If you have Erlang installed you may use aesophia_cli instead of hosting a local node. Then it should search for include files in the same directory as your main .aes file.

qmake to Cmake transition: syntax for external librairies

For a specific project I am moving out of qmake and now have to use cmake.
My path are the following:
Source : ~/Projects/Project
External static library (OSVR in this instance) paths : ~/osvr/lib/ , ~/osvr/include/osvr /osvr/include/jsoncpp
Using qmake, the linking part to that library used to be:
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include
LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../osvr/lib/ -losvrClientKit -losvrClient -losvrCommon -losvrUtil -ljsoncpp
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../osvr/include/
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../jsoncpp/include/
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../osvr/lib/
Now I need to use cmake, but the library is not linked to:
The relevant part of my cmake.txt:
set(OSVR_DIR /home/pilou/osvr)
set(OSVR_INCLUDE_DIR /home/pilou/osvr/include/osvr/ClientKit)
find_library(OSVR_LIBRARIES ${OSVR_DIR}/lib)
target_link_libraries(myexec ${QT_LIBRARIES} ${OSVR_LIBRARIES} )
target_include_directories(myexec PUBLIC include ${OSVR_DIR}/include )
Which doesn't work...
A little help would be lovely as I am not too sure about how:
to ensure the external include folder is scanned
to link to my 3 libraries osvrClientKit osvrClient osvrCommon.
As a matter of fact I am also interested in a good explanation.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT : Thanks to the reply from ComicSansMs and for the posterity, the working Cmake syntax :
set(OSVR_DIR /home/pilou/osvr)
set(OSVR_INCLUDE_DIR /home/pilou/osvr/include)
find_library(OSVR_CLIENT_KIT_LIBRARY osvrClientKit HINTS ${OSVR_DIR}/lib)
find_library(OSVR_CLIENT_LIBRARY osvrClient HINTS ${OSVR_DIR}/lib)
find_library(OSVR_COMMON_LIBRARY osvrCommon HINTS ${OSVR_DIR}/lib)
find_library(OSVR_UTIL_LIBRARY osvrUtil HINTS ${OSVR_DIR}/lib)
find_library(JSONCPP_LIBRARY jsoncpp HINTS ${OSVR_DIR}/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu)
and down the track:
target_link_libraries(myExec ${QT_LIBRARIES} ${OSVR_LIBRARIES} )
target_include_directories(myExec PUBLIC include ${OSVR_INCLUDE_DIR} )
Your use of find_library looks wrong.
Check out the manpage for find_library. You have to give the name of the library you want to find as an argument. You can optionally provide additional hints where to find that library:
find_library(OSVR_COMMON_LIBRARY osvrCommon
Note that you will need one separate find_library call for each library! Since your libraries seem to have interdependencies, the correct way to model them in CMake is to also add an imported target per library and then model the interdependencies on those targets correctly.
If you don't feel comfortable doing that yet, you can also add all the find libraries to a single OSVR_LIBRARIES variable in the correct order and then depend on that:
find_package(OSVR_COMMON_LIBRARY ...)
find_package(OSVR_CLIENT_LIBRARY ...)
find_package(OSVR_CLIENTKIT_LIBRARY ...)
target_link_libraries(myexec ${QT_LIBRARIES} ${OSVR_LIBRARIES})
Note though that this approach is quite fragile with regards to future changes and should in general be avoided in favor of the imported targets.
Also, be sure that you actually have proper error handling mechanisms in place for the case that your find calls do not actually find anything.

using the add function in a modular project

I have modeled my project in alloy, and I want to separate the run part from the modeled part of my project.
In some fact and predicate I use the add function in cardinality comparison.
Here is an example :
#relation1 = add[ #(relation2), 1]
When the run part and the model part are in the same file all work successfully.
But when I separate them in 2 files, I have the following syntax error :
The name "add" cannot be found.
I thought it needed to open the integer module where there is an add function, so I have opened it it the header of the model part.
But then the runtime ask me to specify the scope of this/Univ.
You must specify a scope for sig "this/Univ"
Here is an example :
first the model in one module
module solo
open util/ordering [A] as chain
//open util/integer
sig A{ b : set B}
fact { all a : A - chain/last | #( = add[ #(a.b), 2]}
sig B{}
then the run part in another module :
module due
open solo
run {#(solo/chain/first.b) = 2 }for 10 B, 5 A
when I call it like this I have the "the name add cannot be found" error.
When I uncomment the integer module opening, I have the "You must specify a scope for sig "this/Univ"" error.
What should I do that to make it works?
If I'm not mistaken + is the union operator and thus can't be used to perform additions.
Which version of alloy are you using ?
I think the add[Int,Int] function was added recently, before it used to be plus[int,int].
You might want to try plus[Int,Int] and see if it solves your problem.
Else it would be nice to have access to your models. Maybe the error comes from elsewhere.

Using System.Reflection and resources in Phalanger

I need to embed some resource in a pure compiled dll written in php using phalanger.
These are txt files tha I set in visual studio as "Embedded Resource".
My problem is that I cannot use the Assembly class to get the resource using GetManifestResourceStream.
I tried code like this:
use System\Reflection\Assembly
$asm = Assembly::GetExecutingAssembly(); //this gives me mscorlib instead of my dll
$str = $asm->GetManifestResourceStream("name");
My question is: how do I get access to embedded resources in phalanger?
Many thanks
I'm not sure, why Assembly::GetExecutingAssembly() returns an incorrect value. Anyway to workaround the $asm value, use following code:
$MyType = CLRTypeOf MyProgram;
$asm = $MyType->Assembly;
Then you can access embedded resources as you posted
or you can include standard resource file (.resx) into your project, and use \System\Resources\ResourceManager
$this->manager = new \System\Resources\ResourceManager("",$asm);
Just note, currently there can be just one .resx within Phalanger project
This question is old, but the part of the Phalanger code (Php.Core.Emit.AddResourceFile() method) responsible for this hasn't changed since this was asked. I faced the same problem and solved it in (almost) non-hacky way. You have to provide alternative name (/res:/path/to/filename,alternative-name) for this to work though.
$asm = clr_typeof('self')->Assembly;
$resourceStream = $asm->GetManifestResourceStream("filename");
$reader = new \System\Resources\ResourceReader($resourceStream);
$type = $data = null;
$reader->GetResourceData("alternative-name", $type, $data);
// and still there are 4 excess bytes
// representing the length of the resource
$data = \substr($data, 4);
$stream = new IO\MemoryStream($data);
// after this $stream is usable as you would expect
Straightforward GetManifestResourceStream() (as suggested by Jakub) does not work because Phalanger does not use System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineManifestResource() (like I think it should when supplied with unrecognized file format). It uses ModuleBuilder.DefineResource() which returns ResourceWriter instead, that only really suited for .resources files. And this is what dictates the requirement to use ResourceReader when you need to read your resource.
Note: This answer applies to Phalanger master branch at the time of writing and prior versions since circa 2011. Noted because it looks like a bug (especially the need to use both original and alternative names).

extra-paths not added to python path with zc.recipe.testrunner

I am trying to run tests by adding a version of tornado downloaded from in the sys.path.
recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
extra-paths = ${buildout:directory}/parts/tornado/
defaults = ['--auto-color', '--auto-progress', '-v']
But when I run bin/tests I get the following error :
ImportError: No module named tornado
Am I not understanding how to use extra-paths ?
Have you tried looking into generated bin/tests script if it contains your path? It will tell definitely if your buildout.cfg is correct or not. Maybe problem is elsewhere. Because it seem that your code is ok.
If you happen to regularly include various branches from git/mercurial or elsewhere to buildout, you might be interested in mr.developer. mr.developer can download and add package to develop =. You wont need to set extra-path in every section.