VBA copy value of named_range into TextBox - vba

The named range (or user defined range) has 6 columns, but number of rows may change based on other functions.
Now trying to get the entire value of that range, of all 6 columns and all rows into a TextBox. Rows delimited by tab.
Following code returns object defined error etc.
UserForm1.TextBox1.Value = Sheet1.Range("named_range").Value
Any help much appreciated.
FunThomas is right, I won'e be able to get the value of the range without declaring it an separate line. So I started with the below code which works well in displaying the range in a multiline msgBox.
How do I get rid of the extra InputBox, and display results in UserForm1.TextBox1 instead of the msgBox which has limited functionality.
Sub showOfferRange()
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xTxt As String
Dim xCell As Range
Dim xStr As String
Dim xRow As Long
Dim xCol As Long
On Error Resume Next
xTxt = ThisWorkbook.Names("offers_running")
Set xRg = Application.InputBox("Offer range:", "Display offers", xTxt, , , , , 8)
'Set xRg = xTxt
If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
For xRow = 1 To xRg.Rows.Count
For xCol = 1 To xRg.Columns.Count
xStr = xStr & xRg.Cells(xRow, xCol).Value & vbTab
xStr = xStr & vbCrLf
MsgBox xStr
End Sub

Basically, to write the text into the textbox of the form, it´s just
UserForm1.TextBox1.text = UserForm1.TextBox1
As you have multiple lines, don´t forget to set the MultiLine-Property of the textbox to true.
Another point: You should change the lines where you read the range. The on error resume next is a very dangerous statement as it eat up all errors and you can get completly lost to find a bug. It's only needed to catch the case that the inputbox doesn't return a Range (for example because Cancel was pressed). So I suggest you change the steatements to
xTxt = ThisWorkbook.Names("offers_running")
Set xRg = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set xRg = Application.InputBox("Offer range:", "Display offers", xTxt, , , , , 8)
On Error Goto 0
If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub


VBA Code to Autofill

Have a column H with alphanumeric characters. Some cells in this column have the content (RAM) followed by 5 digits starting from 00000 to 99999.
If cell H219 has the content (RAM) 23596 then i have to fill cell A219 with a comment "completed".
This has to be done for all cells with the content "(RAM) followed by 5 digits"
Sub Macro16_B()
' ' Macro16_B Macro ' '
intRowCount = Worksheets("Reconciliation").UsedRange.Rows.Count
For i = 11 To intRowCount
If InStr(Range("H" & i).Value, "(RAM 00000-99999") Then
Range("A" & i).Value = "Completed"
End If
Next i
End Sub
A non-VBA answer could be (if the cell doesn't have extra text other than (RAM) & 5 numbers):
My VBA answer would be:
Sub Test()
Dim rLastCell As Range
Dim rCell As Range
With Worksheets("Reconciliation")
Set rLastCell = .Columns(8).Find("*", , , , xlByColumns, xlPrevious)
If Not rLastCell Is Nothing Then
For Each rCell In .Range(.Cells(1, 8), rLastCell)
If rCell Like "*(RAM) #####*" Then
rCell.Offset(, -7) = "complete"
End If
Next rCell
End If
End With
End Sub
Cheers #Excelosaurus for heads up on the * would've forgotten it as well. :)
One way is to use the Like operator. The precise format of your string is not clear so you may have to amend (and assuming case insensitive). # represents a single number; the * represents zero or more characters.
Sub Macro16_B()
Dim intRowCount As Long, i As Long
' ' Macro16_B Macro ' '
intRowCount = Worksheets("Reconciliation").UsedRange.Rows.Count
For i = 11 To intRowCount
If Range("H" & i).Value Like "(RAM) #####*" Then
Range("A" & i).Value = "Completed"
End If
Next i
End Sub
Well, there are already 2 good answers, but allow me to paste my code here for good measure, the goal being to submerge #user2574 with code that can be re-used in his/her next endeavors:
Sub Macro16_B()
'In the search spec below, * stands for anything, and # for a digit.
'Remove the * characters if you expect the content to be limited to "(RAM #####)" only.
Const SEARCH_SPEC As String = "*(RAM #####)*"
Dim bScreenUpdating As Boolean
Dim bEnableEvents As Boolean
'Keep track of some settings.
bScreenUpdating = Application.ScreenUpdating
bEnableEvents = Application.EnableEvents
On Error GoTo errHandler
'Prevent Excel from updating the screen in real-time,
'and disable events to prevent unwanted side effects.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
'Down with business...
Dim scanRange As Excel.Range
Dim cell As Excel.Range
Dim content As String
Dim ramOffset As Long
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Reconciliation").Columns("H")
Set scanRange = .Worksheet.Range(.Cells(11), .Cells(.Cells.Count).End(xlUp))
End With
For Each cell In scanRange
content = CStr(cell.Value2)
If content Like SEARCH_SPEC Then
cell.EntireRow.Columns("A").Value = "Completed"
End If
On Error Resume Next
'Restore the settings as they were upon entering this sub.
Application.ScreenUpdating = bScreenUpdating
Application.EnableEvents = bEnableEvents
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Error"
Resume Recover
End Sub

Excel macro - finding cells that are used offsheet

I use the standard finance cell formatting where inputs are blue, cells that reference anything offsheet are green, and everything else is black.
All well and good - I was capable of developing macros that basically do what the GoTo -> constants -> numbers and GoTo -> formulas and then looks within the formula text for a "!" symbol.
However is there a way to select and highlight (say, in purple) all cells that are used offsheet, regardless of whether they are input as constants or formulas or whatever on the original sheet?
ie: I'd like to be able to quickly find and identify any cells that are used offsheet via macro. I'm good at making macros in general, but just can't think up any functionality that would accomplish this. Can anyone give me a hint to get me started in the right direction?
EDIT: What I have so far:
Sub Offsheet_Dependents()
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xCell As Range
Dim xTxt As String
On Error Resume Next
xTxt = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address
Set xRg = Application.InputBox("Please select the data range:", "EDI macro", xTxt, , , , , 8)
If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
' Need to modify the below for loop to only highlight cells where the reference is offsheet. Currently higlights entire range.
' also need to add a cell.cleararrows command somewhere and have it work
For Each cell In xRg
Worksheet.cell.NavigateArrow TowardPrecedent:=False, ArrowNumber:=1, LinkNumber:=1
If ActiveCell.Worksheet.Name <> Worksheet.cell.Worksheet.Name Then
cell.Interior.Color = RGB(204, 192, 218)
End If
End Sub
Another possibility, but the second macro doesn't successfully apply the first one across the range :( :
Sub Color_Dependents()
Dim rLast As Range, iLinkNum As Integer, iArrowNum As Integer
Dim stMsg As String
Dim bNewArrow As Boolean
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set rLast = ActiveCell
iArrowNum = 1
iLinkNum = 1
bNewArrow = True
Application.Goto rLast
On Error Resume Next
ActiveCell.NavigateArrow Towardprecedent:=False, ArrowNumber:=iArrowNum, LinkNumber:=iLinkNum
If Err.Number > 0 Then Exit Do
On Error GoTo 0
If rLast.Address(External:=True) = ActiveCell.Address(External:=True) Then Exit Do
bNewArrow = False
If rLast.Worksheet.Parent.Name = ActiveCell.Worksheet.Parent.Name Then
If rLast.Worksheet.Name = ActiveCell.Parent.Name Then
' local
stMsg = stMsg & vbNewLine & Selection.Address
stMsg = stMsg & vbNewLine & "'" & Selection.Parent.Name & "'!" & Selection.Address
End If
' external
stMsg = stMsg & vbNewLine & Selection.Address(External:=True)
End If
iLinkNum = iLinkNum + 1 ' try another link
If bNewArrow Then Exit Do
iLinkNum = 1
bNewArrow = True
iArrowNum = iArrowNum + 1 'try another arrow
Application.Goto rLast
If stMsg Like "*!*" Then
ActiveCell.Interior.Color = RGB(204, 192, 218)
End If
End Sub
Sub Purple_Range()
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xCell As Range
Dim xTxt As String
On Error Resume Next
xTxt = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address
Set xRg = Application.InputBox("Please select the data range:", "EDI macro", xTxt, , , , , 8)
Set xRg = Application.Union(xRg, ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
For Each cell In xRg
Call Color_Dependents
Next cell
End Sub
In Sub Purple_Range()
For Each cell In xRg
Next cell
For Each cell In xRg
Call Color_Dependents
Next Cell
The reason why the second Macro was failing was because Color_Dependents() was updating the color of the current ActiveCell and Purple_Range() was cycling through the range with out updating the location of ActiveCell to make it current.
Otherwise the Macro was working fine.

Unable to update the value in combobox to sheet

I am new to VBA Coding.I have an userform which retrieves the value from excel sheet.There is a combobox which retrieves the value.But i want to change the combobox value & save it in excel.....
Image for Data in Excel
Dim temp As String
Dim findid As String
Dim lkrange As Range
Set lkrange = Sheet6.Range("A:D")
findid = TextBox1.Value
On Error Resume Next
temp = Application.WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(findid, lkrange, 1, 0)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "ID not found"
MsgBox "ID found"
Label5.Caption = Application.WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(findid, lkrange, 2, 0)
Label6.Caption = Application.WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(findid, lkrange, 3, 0)
ComboBox1.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(findid, lkrange, 4, 0)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim fid As String
Dim rowc As Integer
Dim rowv As Integer
fid = TextBox1.Value
rowc = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(fid, Range("A:A"), 0)
rowv = rowc - 1
Cells(rowv, 4).Values = marktable.ComboBox1.Value
End Sub
you could try the following
Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim lkrange As Range
Dim rng As Range
Set lkrange = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet6").Range("A:A")
With Me
Set rng = MyMatch(.TextBox1.Value, lkrange)
If rng Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "ID not found"
MsgBox "ID found"
.Label5.Caption = rng.Offset(0, 1)
.Label6.Caption = rng.Offset(0, 2)
.ComboBox1.Text = rng.Offset(0, 3)
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim lkrange As Range
Dim rng As Range
Set lkrange = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet6").Range("A:A")
With Me
Set rng = MyMatch(.TextBox1.Value, lkrange)
If Not rng Is Nothing Then rng.Offset(0, 3).Value = .ComboBox1.Text
End With
End Sub
Private Function MyMatch(val As Variant, rng As Range, Optional matchType As Variant) As Range
Dim row As Long
If IsMissing(matchType) Then matchType = 0
On Error Resume Next
row = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(val, rng, matchType)
If Err = 0 Then Set MyMatch = rng.Parent.Cells(rng.Rows(row).row, rng.Column)
End Function
there were some errors:
Sheet6.Range("A:D") is not vaild
if you want to point to a sheet named "Sheet6" belonging to the Workbook where the macro resides, then you have to use ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet6").Range("A:A")
Cells(...,...).Values =... is not valid
you must use Cells(...,...).Value =
but I think the following suggestions are more important:
Always use Option Explicit statement at the very beginning of every module
this will force you to explicitly declare each and every variable, but then it'll save you lots of time in debugging process
avoid/limit the use of On Error Resume Next statement
and, when used, make sure to have it followed as soon as possible by the "On Error GoTo 0" one. that way you have constant control on whether an error occurs and where
I confined it in a "wrapper" function (MyMatch()) only.
Always specify "full" references when pointing to a range
I mean, Cells(..,..) implictly points to the active sheet cells, which may not always be the one you'd want to point to.

Script for fixing broken hyperlinks in Excel

I have a spreadsheet that is used for tracking work orders. The first column of the sheet has numbers starting at 14-0001 and continue sequentially all the way down. The numbers were hyperlinked to the .XLS of their respective work order (ex. the cell containing 14-0001 links to Z:\WorkOrders\14-0001-Task Name\14-0001-Task Name.xls)
Problem is, My computer crashed and when Excel recovered the file all the hyperlinks changed from:
**"Z:\blah blah\WorkOrders\14-****-Task Name\14-****-Task Name.xls"**
**"C:\Users\blahblah\WorkOrders\14-****-Task Name\14-****-Task Name.xls"**
There are hundreds of entries so I was hoping that I could run a script to fix all of the hyperlinks.
Heres a script I found online which from what I understood is supposed to do what I want, but when I run the script from the VB window in Excel I get "Compile error: Argument not optional" and it highlights Sub CandCHyperlinx()
Option Explicit
Sub CandCHyperlinx()
Dim cel As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim adr As String
Dim delstring As String
'string to delete: CHANGE ME! (KEEP quotes!)
delstring = "C:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\"
'get all cells as range
Set rng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
'ignore non hyperlinked cells
On Error Resume Next
'check every cell
For Each cel In rng
'skip blank cells
If cel <> "" Then
'attempt to get hyperlink address
adr = cel.Hyperlinks(1).Address
'not blank? then correct it, is blank get next
If adr <> "" Then
'delete string from address
adr = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(adr, delstring)
'put new address
cel.Hyperlinks(1).Address = adr
'reset for next pass
adr = ""
End If
End If
Next cel
End Sub
Is this even the right script? What am I doing wrong?
Try this:
Sub Macro1()
Const FIND_TXT As String = "C:\" 'etc
Const NEW_TXT As String = "Z:\" 'etc
Dim rng As Range, hl As Hyperlink
For Each rng In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Cells
If rng.Hyperlinks.Count > 0 Then
Set hl = rng.Hyperlinks(1)
Debug.Print rng.Address(), "Before", hl.TextToDisplay, hl.Address
hl.TextToDisplay = Replace(hl.TextToDisplay, FIND_TXT, NEW_TXT)
hl.Address = Replace(hl.Address, FIND_TXT, NEW_TXT)
Debug.Print rng.Address(), "After", hl.TextToDisplay, hl.Address
End If
Next rng
End Sub
I've just had the same problem, and all the macros I tried didn't work for me. This one is adapted from Tim's above and from this thread Office Techcentre thread. In my case, all my hyperlinks were in column B, between rows 3 and 400 and 'hidden' behind the filename, and I wanted to put the links back to my Dropbox folder where they belong.
Sub FixLinks3()
Dim intStart As Integer
Dim intEnd As Integer
Dim strCol As String
Dim hLink As Hyperlink
intStart = 2
intEnd = 400
strCol = "B"
For i = intStart To intEnd
For Each hLink In ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks
hLink.TextToDisplay = Replace (hLink.TextToDisplay, "AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Excel",
hLink.Address = Replace(hLink.Address, "AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Excel",
Next hLink
Next i
End Sub
Thanks for your help, Tim!

Cannot use named range when it is empty

I have a named range lstVendors that refers to: =OFFSET(Data!$W$2,0,0,COUNTA(Data!$W$2:$W$400),1). I want this range to be populated when the workbook opens. I have the following code for this:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.WindowState = xlMaximized
Dim rslt()
Dim i As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim startRng As Range
Dim DropDown1 As DropDown
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Dashboard").Shapes("TextBox 6").Visible = False
' Range("lstVendors").Offset(0, 0).Value = "Please Select..."
' Set DropDown1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Dashboard").DropDowns("Drop Down 1")
' DropDown1.Value = 1
On Error Resume Next
If Not IsError(Range("lstVendors")) Then
End If
On Error GoTo 0
rslt = Application.Run("SQLite_Query", "path/to/my/sqlite", "SELECT PROGRAM_ID FROM VENDOR;")
Set startRng = Range("lstVendors")
i = 0
For n = 2 To UBound(rslt)
Range("lstVendors").Offset(i, 0).Value = rslt(n)(0)
i = i + 1
Next n
End Sub
It errors on the Set startRng = Range("lstVendors"). I know this is because there's nothing in the range when I'm trying to set it, because if I put one entry into the named range, the set works, however, I need it populated by the sqlite query on each open as the data changes.
Any suggestions much appreciated.
Try this. You have a dynamic range that doesn't evaluate after you clear the contents. To avoid this, there are probably several ways, but easy to simply hardcode the startRange variable so that it always points to Data!$W$2 address, which is (or rather, will become) the first cell in your lstVendors range.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim rslt()
Dim i As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim startRng As Range
Dim DropDown1 As DropDown
Dim rngList As Range
'// Define your startRange -- always will be the first cell in your named range "lstVendors"
' hardcode the address because the dynamic range may not evalaute.
Set startRange = Sheets("Data").Range("W2")
'// Empty th lstVendors range if it exists/filled
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
'// Run your SQL query
rslt = Application.Run("SQLite_Query", "path/to/my/sqlite", "SELECT PROGRAM_ID FROM VENDOR;")
i = 0
'// Print results to the Worksheet, beginning in the startRange cell
For n = 2 To UBound(rslt)
'Increment from the startRange cell
startRange.Offset(i, 0).Value = rslt(n)(0)
i = i + 1
'Verify that "lstVendors" is being populated
Debug.Print Range("lstVendors").Address
Next n
End Sub
Thanks for the suggestions. Here is what I ended up doing in order to get around my problem. It involves adding something I didn't specify would be ok in my original question, so David's answer is great if what I did isn't an option. I first populated the first two cells in my named range with "Please Select..." and "All". In Sub Workbook_Open() we do this:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.WindowState = xlMaximized
Dim rslt()
Dim i As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim startRng As Range
Dim DropDown1 As DropDown
' Disable our not found message
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Dashboard").Shapes("TextBox 6").Visible = False
' Set our start range to our named range
Set startRng = Range("lstVendors")
' Grab all vendor names
rslt = Application.Run("SQLite_Query", "path/to/my/sqlite", "SELECT PROGRAM_ID FROM VENDOR;")
' Print result. Skip first two rows as constants "Please Select..." and "All" are populated there
i = 2
For n = 2 To UBound(rslt)
startRng.Offset(i, 0).Value = rslt(n)(0)
i = i + 1
Next n
End Sub
Then we will create Sub Workbook_BeforeClose:
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
' Disable the save changes dialog. This workbook will be locked up for display only. No need to confuse the user.
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
' Clear everything below the "Please Select..." and "All" cells in the named range
On Error Resume Next
Range("lstVendors").Offset(2, 0).ClearContents
On Error GoTo 0
' Save the changes to the named range
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
This information is going to populate a drop down, so having Please Select and All hardcoded into the named range is acceptable for me. If that stipulation doesn't work for someone else looking at this in the future, please use David's suggestion! Thanks again!