Run a function on page load using SmartClient - smartclient

When the page loads, I want to hide some buttons based on user permissions.
I have a function that does what I need, but currently I have to press a button to call it.
How to run a applyUserPermissions function right after page loads using SmartClient?
function applyUserPermissions(){

Same as in plain Javascript
The statements are executed, one by one, in the same order as they are written.
~ w3c Javascript School
So like this:
function applyUserPermissions(){
// calls it on page load


Modify External Browser Element via Vb.Net

Is that anyway to Modify firefox (or other browser) element with Watin/VB.Net after it open?
For example, I have a blank html page, then i open that page with Watin. Because its blank so no element loader. Then i want to add element to that page (form or link or image). Is that possible?
Or is it possible to done with memory editing? or maybe javascript?
so far the closest thing that i can find is this javascript
<button onclick="openTab()">Open</button>
<button onclick="closeTab()">Close</button>
var TAB;
function openTab() {
TAB ="", "TAB");
function closeTab() {
but its work change the elemnt of its own page, if use another URL its not work, and also its not vb. net XD
The following is functional code to modify a web page (any web page) using WatiN. You will be modifying the local copy you have locally, not the one on the server, of course. You can go as crazy as you want but you need to be more specific on what you want to achieve:
var browser = new IE();
browser.Eval(#"document.write('This is new text on the web page<br>')");
browser.Eval(#"var buttonnode= document.createElement('input');");
browser.Eval(#"buttonnode.setAttribute('value','New Button');");

Magnific Popup plugin: Preloader not working on iframe

I used the plugin to open up an internal page, which works fine with iframe but the preloader does not show up. I just want to display a preloader image or a "loading..." text. This is what I tried:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.link').magnificPopup({type:'iframe', preload: true});
Is there something else I need to do?
If you look at the Javascript source of jquery.magnific-popup.js, the mfp.updateStatus('loading'); is never called in the iFrame code block. So what I did was simply add mfp.updateStatus('loading'); to the initIframe function and remove mfp.updateStatus('ready'); from the getIframe function. It may be better to add a setTimeout to call the mfp.updateStatus('ready') but it seems to work okay without that.

Re-captcha's widget buttons reload the whole page

I have Google's re-captcha implemented and working in Chrome perfectly (AJAX APIs). IE is the problem...
I have: localhost://myapp/index.html and a link for Forgot your password. When this link is clicked jQuery click handler is called. Handler function changes the div's content and also calls for Recaptcha.create(...) The widget is displayed correctly and works as expected in Chrome, but in IE if I click on reload icon or the sound button it reloads the whole page.
If I manually call for Recaptcha.reload() it reloads without any problem ?!
HTML I have is:
<div id="recaptcha" style="width:120px"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
//In a jquery click handler I call
callback: Recaptcha.focus_response_field
So far so good... Captcha gets loaded well in all browsers. In IE8 and 9 when I click the widgets buttons for reload and mp3 version the whole page gets reloaded
I tried changing http for https and vice-versa, but still without any luck...
When Recaptcha.create(); is called, Google's re-captcha RELOAD and IMAGE/TEXT buttons' code looks something like this:
<a href="javascript:Recaptcha.reload();">
and I don't know why the page gets reloaded in my app in IE when the button is pressed and in the demo Google provided DEMO it sends a async request...
Since I can't change the javascript in href attribute I had to add a onclick handler in jQuery $(document).ready();
My solution was this:
$("#recaptcha).on("click", "id_of_the_reload_button", function(e){
I basically blocked the natural behavior of the anchor google provides and called the reload() function myself.
I've never found out what was causing my page to reload in the first place

How to replace jquery's live for elements that don't exist when the page is loaded

I have seen numerous advice on stackexchange and all over the web suggesting that I not use jquery's live function. And at this point, it is deprecated, so I'd like to get rid of it. Also I am trying to keep my javascript in one place(unobtrusive)--so I'm not putting it at the bottom of the page. I am unclear though on how to rewrite the code to avoid live for elements that don't yet exist on the page.
Within the javascript file for my site I have something like this:
$(function() {
$('button.test').live('click', function(){
.on( doesn't work since the element doesn't exist yet.
The button is in a page I load in a colorbox pop-up modal window. I'm not sure exactly where that colorbox window sits in the DOM but I think it is near the top.
I could use delegate and attach this to the document--but isn't the whole point of not using live to avoid this?
What is the best way to get rid of live in this case?
You can use .on() -
$(document).on("click", "button.test", function() {
If you use live() you can use die().
You can also use on() and off().
They do about the same thing but its recomended to use on.
I ended up avoiding both live and an on attached at the document level. Here's how:
Wrap all of the jquery code specific to objects in a page which loads in the colorbox window in the function like so:
function cboxready(){
The code wrapped in this function can attach directly to the objects (instead of attaching at the document level) since it will only get run once the colorbox window is open.
Then just call this function using colorbox's callback when you attach the colorbox, like so:
onComplete:function(){ cboxready(); }

Chrome Extension Dev: Updating javascript variables in background.html

I have a working extension, and now I'm trying to add some options/features!
I have a background page which keeps track of the "state" of each tab (per tab javascript variables that hold options/settings). Now I want to have a popup.html file which will have 1 option, a time slider. I'm not concerned with the slider or any html/css. My issue is that I'm unsure of how to communicate the new setting to the background page.
My background page contains some code like this:
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
function Init(tab)
'TurnOffTimer': false,
'TimerIsOn': TimerIsOn,
'Interval': Interval,
'RefreshRate': RefreshRate
}, responseCallback);
TimerIsOn, Interval, and RefreshRate are javascript variables on the same page.
What I need to know is how, once the slider (which is declared in the popup.html) is set and the user clicks 'ok', the timer value can be sent to background.html to be stored in the appropriate javascript variable, and the extension functionality can be updated. I can create another function called Update which will take this updated value and run, but I need to know how I can call the Update function from popup.html if it's declared in background.html.
Hopefully I'm making sense but if clarification is necessary, feel free to ask.
You can directly access background page's window object from popup with chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage(). So to change some var in bg page from popup you can just call:
chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().Interval = 5;
You would need to change your extension a bit, as once you have popup attached to browser action button, chrome.browserAction.onClicked listener won't be firing anymore. You would need to call Init from popup manually in a similar way:
And inside Init() manually get selected tab id, as it won't be passed anymore.