ReadyRoll server details for VSTS Build phase - azure-sql-database

I am trying to implement the CI/CD for ReadyRoll. For the release portion I am using an Azure SQL Server so I have specified the server name, db name and cred there. However, I am not sure what details do I give for the build component when creating the shadow db. I thought they were the same but then I get an error saying that its trying to create a db in my azure sql server and it fails because there's already a db with that name there. This led me to think I am supplying the wrong values but I am not sure what is that I am to supply.

ReadyRoll maintains two databases:
•Target database
This is the development database or sandbox that you use for
debugging and to edit schema objects (e.g. using SSMS). When you
deploy, ReadyRoll executes your migration scripts against this
database to upgrade it. You shouldn't drop the target database from
your SQL Server instance.
•Shadow database
This is an exact copy of your database schema created automatically
from your project scripts (001.sql, 002.sql, 003.sql, etc). It's
created every time you use the ReadyRoll DbSync tool to view pending
changes or import. The shadow database is used by the SQL Compare
engine (that powers ReadyRoll) as the base from which to generate a
new migration script. It is safe to drop the database at any time.
More information: Target and shadow databases
You can specify these arguments for shadow database: ShadowServer, ShadowUserName, ShadowPassword, ShadowDatabase. (You also can just specify target database)
More information: Shadow database
The sample for MSBuild Arguments of Visual Studio Build task:
/ /p:TargetUsername=XXX /p:TargetPassword=XXX /p:ShadowServer=XXX /p:TargetDatabase=XXX /p:GenerateSqlPackage=True /p:SkipDriftAnalysis=True /p:ShadowUserName=XXX /p:ShadowPassword=XXX /p:DBDeployOnBuild=True


Avoiding data loss with a SQL Server script

I work for a customer who has his own database management team and I need to deploy my new web application version within a SQL Server 2008 script (I am not in position to execute any actions on their systems). I can't back up myself their database and I'm not sure they'll do it so if I delete all data it's gonna be terrible.
Therefore, I'm looking for a solution to back-up if possible the database, extract the existing datas, execute the new statements of my script, and re-include the datas saved in the database.
It is possible to do this in a SQL server script ?
More generally, how can I safely update schemas and datas of a SQL Server database within a script without losing all data inside ?
PS :
Currently, I'm using in the dev environment the initial database schema and the newest. So, I use Visual Studio 2012 with Data Tools to make Schema comparison and generate the update script.
You start with a copy of the database schema with sample data against which you can develop and test.
Then you write scripts (perhaps with the aid of a tool like SSDT) that updates the schema to be compatible with the new version of your application, retaining the data in the database.
You deliver these tested schema modification scripts along with the new version of your application for the customer's administrators to test and apply to the target database as part of the application upgrade.

Is it possible to change default ComputeModel for create database with Azure SQL Server

I tried to create a database in Azure Sqlserver. "CREATE DATABASE" SQL command works. But it use default "General Purpose" as ComputeModel. Is it possible to use other option as default one.
I found the power shell command: New-AzSqlDatabase which I could use to create database with give ComputeModel. But I do not want to that way.
My target is: System admin define the default template such as ResourceGroupName, ComputeModel, MinVcore, MaxVcore etc... And developer or DBA could run SQL Command to create database without touching Azure setting at all.
Is there anyone could give me some suggstion?
With the latest Gen 5 hardware in place, we are making a change to the default database configuration and the default elastic pool configuration for all new Azure SQL databases. Starting May 31, 2019, the default configuration will be a General Purpose 2 vCore database or elastic pool provisioned on Gen 5 hardware.
In SSMS, you can edit the script to create new database with the price tier which you specified.
Fore details, please reference this tutorial: Script objects in SQL Server Management Studio
This tutorial teaches you to generate Transact-SQL (T-SQL) scripts for various objects found within SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). In this tutorial, you find examples of how to script the following objects:
Queries, when you perform actions within the GUI
Databases in two different ways (Script As and Generate Script)
Stored procedures
Extended events
To script any object in Object Explorer, right-click it and select the Script Object As option. This tutorial shows you the process.
Hope this helps.

How to automate deployment of entity model changes to database?

Currently I use Visual Studio Database Project, so I can deploy changes to database with one click and keep data in database.
Now I want to be able to create model in Entity Framework and deploy with one click.
So I got sql script to create database from Entity Framework. I can run this script to create database, but I want to keep my data in database.
Is there any way to do that ? Any tool that will do that ? Should I generate it on my own with T4 ?
I use CI so I need to be able to deploy often. I want something similar to Visual Studio Database Project deployment, but with Entity Framework generated database.
Liquibase is a database change management tool. It's implemented in Java but a command-line version is available to control your database upgrades (.NET version is under development).
If you need some modelling tool support then
Power architect can be used with liquibase.
The problems associated with managing database schema upgrades are subtle. For some background reading I would recommend:
Evolutionary Database Design
Get your database under version control
Create a file called to hold the database details:
classpath=C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver\\sqljdbc_1.2\\enu\\sqljdbc.jar
When using liquibase against an existing database you can run the following commands:
liquibase generateChangeLog
liquibase changelogSync
The first command will create an XML file called database-changelog.xml containing the extracted data model.
The second command is optional, but useful if you want to apply new changes to the current database. It marks the extracted changesets as already executed in the database.
Now that you have a starting point, you can proceed to add new changesets to the database-changelog.xml file. To apply these new changes just run the following command:
liquibase update
This is the same command that you use for brand new databases. During an update operation liquibase will compare the changesets in the XML file to the changesets already applied to the target database.
For more advanced usecases I suggest reading the liquibase documentation and the following answer may also help:
comparing databases and genrating sql script using liquibase
To be able to generate Visual Studio Database Project from Entity Framework Model You need to install Entity Designer Database Generation Power Pack.
You need to add Database Project to Your solution and then create edmx model with the same name. Then right click on edmx workspace and select Generate Database from Model and from generation menu Sync Database Project.
You can then deploy this Sql project from Visual Studio to Sql Server.

Managing a subset of the database in a SQL Server 2008 DB Project

I'm new to using SQL Server 2008 DB Project's in VS 2010. I found a good intro to setting them up. It's nice how they create Tables, Stored Proc's etc as objects. But is it also a limitation?
I want to use this project to manage 1 stored procedure (for learning). I do not want to import the entire database because 90% of the database is stuff we do not manage.
I created a new project without doing the import process. I then added a new stored procedure. Now I am having difficulty getting the thing to build. I'm getting various errors saying that I have unresolved references to objects.
How can I add a new stored it and deploy it to the database? Is it possible with this kind of SQL project or do I need to drop back to the old, simple type of SQL projects that VS 2008 and below used?
According to another post, support for the Database Project type is gone. Support for my situation appears to have been erased.
UPDATE 2 3/21/2012
I installed MSSCCI which allows me to use SSMS directly with TFS 2010. I no longer needed and found the setup process to be unmanageable for a large database SQL 2008 project. Especially when you only manage a small % of the DB.
You can Partition a Database Project by Using Partial Projects. This allows the database project to know the entire schema of the database, at the same time, you need not maintain the entire schema. You can work with the subset of the database that's under active development, for instance (or the subset which is your responsibility), yet the project knows the entire schema. This permits it to create change scripts at deployment time, by comparing the schema in the project with the schema in the target database.
You must import all schema objects referenced by your new stored procedure. But this can become a large task because every referenced object need all it's references too.
More trouble with linked server objects.

Automatic incremental SQL Script generation for incremental, nightly builds when using Team Build in TFS 2008 and Visual Studio 2008?

hope that everybody here is OK.
We are using VS 2008 as development tool, TFS 2008 as version control as well as build automation. Some of our developer use dbpro for databases changes and some use SQL Server management studio.
I am trying to automate build for Web Application built using C# and VB.Net.
Our scenario is such that we have a central database to which our web application connects.
Whenever we supply our clients with a new functionality or a bug fix, we supply them incremental builds.
The SQL script is checked into source control for every incremental build when they have made and tested there changes on our central DB Server.
I want to generate Differential script that can be run at the client as an incremental update script. Now to come about it is a problem. Sometimes our developers tend to forget the database change-sets and the script in the source control is missing an SP or a two.
Also, sometimes we need to insert default data into some of the tables that have strict stringent values and not test values. Like a table that contains Services provided by the panel, we add a new service name, signature, credentials and service address, etc etc in the ServiceTable. Besides this many other tables may have test data that may not be needed.
If we use DataCompare, it will generate changeset for required data (important for client to enable certain services) and our test data that was added to the database as a result of our testing of the functionality or bug fix.
Currently i am using SQLSchemaCompareTask (from Visual Studio 2008 Team Database Professional Power Tools API) in the TFSBuild.proj file of the build definition for TFS 2008.
Using SQLSchemaCompareTask, the script generated contains database names like [dbo]. etc which are not desired as the script fails when run against SQL Server 2000 databses (Some of our client still use SQL Server 2000) databases as teh backend of the application.
Also default data can't be generated by this process.
To overcome this problem, i have to come up with a solution that can compare databases and generate script automatically that does not have to be manually reviewed again before being sent to the client.
Please suggest effective methodology of such SQL script generation and suggest whether two different databases may be used or something ? Is there any toolkit or api that can enable build automation for SQL Server databases?
Thank you all.
Try to use SQL Examiner Suite for this:
The tool compares both schema and data and produces synchronization scrips (or differentials scripts). You can automate script creation with supplied command-line tool.
Rather than collating many individual change set scripts (and therefore occasionally missing objects out), why not use schema compare and data compare to create a single script from your database project using a database equivalent to your client's on the target? This should create a script tailored to their requirements.
In data compare you can exclude test data records that you don't want pushed to your client by unchecking them in the lower grid.