If I imported a class, should I still prepend that class name to its methods when they're used in a different class? - vb.net

I work with a codebase where there are many classes with thousands of lines of code. I've noticed inconsistencies in style concerning prepending class names when using their methods and I'm trying to figure out the previous developer's reasoning. If we
import GeneralCode
in Class A, is it bad practice to write
in Class A since we already imported it (instead of simply using DoSomething())? I would think so, but I suppose it's also nice to know which methods come from which classes at a glance, since Class A imports many classes and uses methods from several of them.
EDIT: This is for VB.NET, not Java (sorry for the wrong tag, rough morning). I am new to VB.NET but GeneralCode and DoSomething() are not declared as static, neither is the import in Class A.
Might be something to do with VB.NET, but DoSomething() can indeed be used with or without prepending GeneralCode.

A method need to be prefixed with
The class name if it's a static method.
The name of the instance when it's not a static method.
Unless you are calling a method from your own class.


Static method (which isn't class method) in objective C

While reading THIS question and accepted answer for the question, I was unable to get the difference between these two types of methods. Actually got the point by reading the example, but then, I was not able to write my own static method.
I tried googling create static method in objective c static methods
Which returned me links to THIS and THIS question. But, the example here are CLASS methods as per the first link in the question. Which is confusing me.
Can anyone here show me how do I create a static method which is not a class method ?
Any light on this would be appreciated.
The problem you are having is the following - there are no static methods in Obj-C, that's why you cannot create them.
The difference between static and class methods is a difference between language concepts. You can find static methods in languages like Java or C++, you will find class methods in languages like Obj-C and Ruby.
The principal difference is that
Static methods are shared between all instances (this doesn't exist in Obj-C). They are dispatched statically (at compile time) depending on the type of the variable.
Class method is a method on a class. In languages like Obj-C and Ruby a class itself is an instance of another class (metaclass). Using + before a method declaration means the method will be defined on the class. Technically, it's just an instance method, just on a different object.
Don't worry if you don't understand the concept of class method perfectly, it takes time. To simplify, you can consider it as a method shared between instances, but it can be overriden in subclasses.

difference between class and instance structure

I'm currently trying to learn how to use GObject and there's a point I absolutely don't understand: What's the difference between the class and the instance structure (like "MamanBarClass" and "MamanBar") resp. how do I use them? At the moment I'd put all my object attributes into a private structure (like "MamanBarPrivate"), register it with "g_type_class_add_private" and define properties/getters/setters to access them. But when I leave the class structure empty I get the following error at "g_type_register_static_simple":
specified class size for type `MamanBar' is smaller than `GTypeClass' size
And why are all object methods defined in the class structure (like "GtKWidgetClass")? Probably I'm just screwing up everything, but I only worked with Delphi for OOP yet (I know, nothing to be proud about :D)
I'm currently trying to learn how to use GObject and there's a point I absolutely don't understand: What's the difference between the class and the instance structure (like "MamanBarClass" and "MamanBar") resp. how do I use them?
The class structure is only created once, and is not instance-specific. It's where you put things which are not instance-specific, such as pointers for virtual methods (which is the most common use for the class struct).
At the moment I'd put all my object attributes into a private structure (like "MamanBarPrivate"), register it with "g_type_class_add_private" and define properties/getters/setters to access them.
Good. That's the right thing to do.
But when I leave the class structure empty I get the following error at "g_type_register_static_simple":
You should never leave the class structure empty. It should always contain the class structure for the type you're inheriting from. For example, if you're trying to create a GObject, the class structure should look like this (at a minimum):
struct _MamanBarClass {
GObjectClass parent_class;
Even if you're not inheriting from GObject, you still need the base class for GType:
struct _FooClass {
GTypeClass parent_class;
This is how simple inheritance is done in C.
And why are all object methods defined in the class structure (like "GtKWidgetClass")? Probably I'm just screwing up everything, but I only worked with Delphi for OOP yet (I know, nothing to be proud about :D)
Those are virtual public methods. As for why they're defined in the class structure instead of the instance structure, it's because the implementations are the same for every instance.

How do I create a file-scope class in objective-c?

I left the original, so people can understand the context for the comments. Hopefully, this example will better help explain what I am after.
Can I create a class in Obj-C that has file-scope visibility?
For example, I have written a method-sqizzling category on NSNotificationCenter which will automatically remove any observer when it deallocs.
I use a helper class in the implementation, and to prevent name collision, I have devised a naming scheme. The category is NSNotificationCenter (WJHAutoRemoval), so the private helper class that is used in this code is named...
That's a mouthful, and currently I just do this...
#define BlockObserver WJH_NSNotification_WJHAutoRemoval__Private__BlockObserver
and just use BlockObserver in the code.
However, I don't like that solution.
I want to tell the compiler, "Hey, this class is named Bar. My code will access it as Bar, but I'm really the only one that needs to know. Generate a funky name yourself, or better yet, don't even export the symbol since I'm the only one who should care."
For plain C, I would is "static" and for C++ "namespace { }"
What is the preferred/best/only way to do this in Obj-C?
Original Question
I want to use a helper class inside the implementation of another. However, I do not want external linkage. Right now, I'm just making the helper class name painfully unique so I will not get duplicate linker symbols.
I can use static C functions, but I want to write a helper class, with linker visibility only inside the compilation unit.
For example, I'd like to have something like the following in multiple .m files, with each "Helper" unique to that file, and no other compilation unit having linker access. If I had this in 10 different files, I'd have 10 separate classes.
#interface Helper : NSObject
#implementation Helper : NSObject
I have been unable to find even a hint of this anywhere, and my feeble attempts at prepending "static" to the interface/implementation were wrought with errors.
I don't believe you will be able to do what you want because of the Objective-C Runtime. All of your classes are loaded into the runtime and multiple classes with the same name will conflict with each other.
Objective-C is a dynamic language. Unlike other languages which bind method calls at compile time, Objective-C does method resolution at invocation (every invocation). The runtime finds the class in the runtime and then finds the method in the class. The runtime can't support distinct classes with the same name and Objective-C doesn't support namespaces to seperate your classes.
If your Helper classes are different in each case they will need distinct class names (multiple classes with the same name sounds like a bad idea to me, in any language). If they are the same then why do you want to declare them separately.
I think you need to rethink your strategy as what you are trying to do doesn't sound very Objective-C or Cocoa.
There's no way to make a class "hidden." As mttrb notes, classes are accessible by name through the runtime. This isn't like C and C++ where class are just symbols that are resolved to addresses by the linker. Every class is injected into the class hierarchy.
But I'm unclear why you need this anyway. If you have a private class WJHAutoRemovalHelper or whatever, it seems very unlikely to collide with anyone else any more than private Apple classes or private 3rdparty framework classes collide. There's no reason to go to heroic lengths to make it obscure; prefixing with WJHAutoRemoval should be plenty to make it unique. Is there some deeper problem you're trying to fix?
BTW as an aside: How are you implementing the rest of this? Are you ISA-swizzling the observer to override its dealloc? This seems a lot of tricky code to make a very small thing slightly more convenient.
Regarding the question of "private" classes, what you're suggesting is possible if you do it by hand, but there really is no reason for it. You can generate a random, unique classname, call objc_allocateClassPair() and objc_registerClassPair on it, and then assign that to a Class variable at runtime. (And then call class_addMethod and class_addIvar to build it up. You can then always refer to it by that variable when you need it. It's still accessible of course at runtime by calling objc_getClassList, but there won't be a symbol for the classname in the system.
But this is a lot of work and complexity for no benefit. ObjC does not spend much time worrying about protecting the program from itself the way C++ does. It uses naming conventions and compiler warning to tell you when you're doing things wrong, and expects that as a good programmer you're going to avoid doing things wrong.

Better to add method to pre-defined class or make subclass?

Say you want to add a lengthOfFirstLine method to the predefined File class. Is it a better practice to modify the existing class, or make a new class that extends the File class with your new method?
EDIT -- Specifically, the situation is that a class is lacking one method in particular. I don't want to completely change the class, but rather augment it with that method.
It depends if the method is applicable to all elements of the class File. For instance, lengthOfFirstLine doesn't apply to binary files, so probably it doesn't belong in a generic File class, but if your class only represent text files, then it should go there.
For .NET languages, there's also the option of using extension methods. This way you don't have to "dirty up" a class by adding helper/utility methods to it, and no inheritance is required as well - you add functionality to a class by simply adding a using statement to your code.
Agree with Luis and Lester. If you are using .Net the extension methods are the way to go for this sort of functionality. But you should try not add LengthOfFirstLine to a base class if you can open all sorts of files such as binary files. You would sub class it to a FileClass and add the method to that.
Remember that the extension methods in .Net are syntactic sugar anyway. You can simulate it in your own language using Static classes and methods. This is what .Net does under the covers anyway.
For example have a static FileHelpers class and have various static helper methods on it. The first parameter for each of these static methods would be the File class. So you could call this using FileHelpers.GetLengthOfFirstLine(myOpenedFile)

Is it good practice to call module functions directly in VB.NET?

I have a Util module in my VB.NET program that has project-wide methods such as logging and property parsing. The general practice where I work seems to be to call these methods directly without prefixing them with Util. When I was new to VB, it took me a while to figure out where these methods/functions were coming from. As I use my own Util methods now, I can't help thinking that it's a lot clearer and more understandable to add Util. before each method call (you know immediately that it's user-defined but not within the current class, and where to find it), and is hardly even longer. What's the general practice when calling procedures/functions of VB modules? Should we prefix them with the module name or not?
Intellisense (and "Goto Definition") should make it trivial to find where things are located, but I always preface the calls with a better namespace, just for clarity of reading. Then it's clear that it's a custom function, and not something built in or local to the class you're working with.
Maybe there's a subtle difference I'm missing, but I tend to use shared classes instead of modules for any code that's common and self-contained - it just seems easier to keep track of for me, and it would also enforce your rule of prefacing it, since you can't just call it from everywhere without giving a namespace to call it from.
I usually put the complete namespace for a shared function, for readibility.
Call MyNameSpace.Utils.MySharedFunction()
Util is such a generic name.
Example from the .Net framework. You have System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(...). Usually you refer to this as HttpUtility.UrlEncode since you have an import statement at the top.
The name of the class which has the static utility methods should be readable and explainable. That is good practice. If you have good class names they might just as well reside in a Utils namespace, but the class name should not be Utils.
Put all your logging in a Logger class. All your string handing in a StringUtils class etc. And try to keep the class names as specific as possible, and I'd rather have more classes with fewer functions than the other way around.