Google Cloud ML Engine "out-of-memory" error when Memory utilization is nearly zero - tensorflow

I am following the Tensorflow Object Detection API tutorial to train a Faster R-CNN model on my own dataset on Google Cloud. But the following "ran out-of-memory" error kept happening.
The replica master 0 ran out-of-memory and exited with a non-zero status of 247.
And according to the logs, a non-zero exit status -9 was returned. As described in the official documentation, a code of -9 might means the training is using more memory than allocated.
However, the memory utilization is lower than 0.2. So why I am having the memory problem? If it helps, the memory utilization graph is here.

The memory utilization graph is an average across all workers. In the case of an out of memory error, it's also not guaranteed that the final data points are successfully exported (e.g., a huge sudden spike in memory). We are taking steps to make the memory utilization graphs more useful.
If you are using the Master to also do evaluation (as exemplified in most of the samples), then the Master uses ~2x the RAM relative to a normal worker. You might consider using the large_model machine type.

The running_pets tutorial uses the BASIC_GPU tier, so perhaps the GPU has ran out of memory.
The graphs on ML engine currently only show CPU memory utilization.
If this is the case, changing your tier to larger GPUs will solve the problem. Here is some information about the different tiers.
On the same page, you will find an example of yaml file on how to configure it.

Looking at your error, it seems that your ML code is consuming more memory that it is originally allocated.
Try with a machine type that allows you more memory such as "large_model" or "complex_model_l". Use a config.yaml to define it as follows:
scaleTier: CUSTOM
# 'large_model' for bigger model with lots of data
masterType: large_model
runtimeVersion: "1.4"
There is a similar question Google Cloud machine learning out of memory. Please refer to that link for actual solution.


Out of memory at every second trial using Ray Tune

I am tuning the hyperparameters using ray tune. The model is built in the tensorflow library, it occupies a large part of the available GPU memory. I noticed that every second call reports an out of memory error.It looks like the memory is being freed, you can see in the GPU memory usage graph, this is the moment between calls of consecutive trials, between which the OOM error occurred. I add that on smaller models I do not encounter this error and the graph looks the same.
How to deal with this out of memory error in every second trial ?
There's actually a utility that helps avoid this:
def tune_func(config):
train(), resources_per_trial={"GPU": 1}, num_samples=10)

OpenVINO unable to get optimum performance while running multiple inference engines

I am running multiple python processes( 4 in this case using multiprocessing module) for person detection (using ssd mobilenet model), each having it's own inference engine of OpenVINO. I am getting a very low FPS (not more than 10) for each process. My suspicion is the CPUs are not getting utilized optimally because the number of threads being spawned by each engine are high, which is adding to the overhead and also the sharing of CPUs across processes.
Also for single process, I am getting upto 60fps with OMP_NUM_THREADS set to 4.
My CPU details are:-
2 Sockets
4 cores each socket
1 thread each core
Total - 8 CPUs
So what would be the
Optimal value for OMP_NUM_THREADS in this case?
How can I avoid Sharing of CPUs across each process?
Currently I am playing with OMP_NUM_THREADS and KMP_AFFINITY variables, but just doing a hit and trail on setting the values. Any detail on how to set would be really helpful. Thanks
In case of multiple networks inference you may try to set OMP_WAIT_POLICY to PASSIVE.
BTW, OpenVINO 2019R1 moved from OpenMP to TBB. It might give better efficiency in case of deep learning networks pipeline.
In case if you are using the same model for all the processes consider to use OV multi-stream inference. Using this you can load single network and next to create a multiple infer requests. Using this you will have a better CPU utilization (if compare to running one infer request across multiple cores) and in result better throughput.
To understand how to use multi stream inference take a look on inference_engine/samples/python_samples/benchmark_app/benchmark sample
As well you can use benchmark sample to do a grid search to find an optimal configuration (number of streams, batch size).

TensorFlow Serving and serving more models than the memory can allow

TensorFlow Serving can serve multiple models by configuring the --model_config_file command line argument. I had success using this feature in small experiments.
However, it's unclear to me what happens when the total memory required by these models is larger than, say, the available GPU memory.
Does the server just crash? Or does it support keeping a subset of models available and possibly unloading/loading models based on the usage?
Trying to load a model when you are out of memory will fail to load that model. There's no dynamic loading/unloading at this time.
As currently written, it will crash if there isn't enough memory for all of the models requested to load. Internally there is a feature to gracefully decline to load a model that doesn't fit, which you could enable by writing a small PR that pipes the ServerCore::Options::total_model_memory_limit_bytes option [1] to a flag in Note, however, that the notion of "fitting in memory" is based on a somewhat crude way of estimating model RAM footprint.
As Gautam said, it does not dynamically load/unload, although there is a library implemented for that (which isn't currently used in the released binary), called CachingManager [2].

Optimizing Tensorflow for a 32-cores computer

I'm running a tensorflow code on an Intel Xeon machine with 2 physical CPU each with 8 cores and hyperthreading, for a grand total of 32 available virtual cores. However, I run the code keeping the system monitor open and I notice that just a small fraction of these 32 vCores are used and that the average CPU usage is below 10%.
I'm quite the tensorflow beginner and I haven't configured the session in any way. My question is: should I somehow tell tensorflow how many cores it can use? Or should I assume that it is already trying to use all of them but there is a bottleneck somewhere else? (for example, slow access to the hard disk)
TensorFlow will attempt to use all available CPU resources by default. You don't need to configure anything for it. There can be many reasons why you might be seeing low CPU usage. Here are some possibilities:
The most common case, as you point out, is the slow input pipeline.
Your graph might be mostly linear, i.e. a long narrow chain of operations on relatively small amounts of data, each depending on outputs of the previous one. When a single operation is running on smallish inputs, there is little benefit in parallelizing it.
You can also be limited by the memory bandwidth.
A single call takes little time. So, you end up going back and forth between python and the execution engine.
You can find useful suggestions here
Use the timeline to see what is executed when

Google-colaboratory: No backend with GPU available

Here it is described how to use gpu with google-colaboratory:
Simply select "GPU" in the Accelerator drop-down in Notebook Settings (either through the Edit menu or the command palette at cmd/ctrl-shift-P).
However, when I select gpu in Notebook Settings I get a popup saying:
Failed to assign a backend
No backend with GPU available. Would you like to use a runtime with no accelerator?
When I run:
import tensorflow as tf
device_name = tf.test.gpu_device_name()
if device_name != '/device:GPU:0':
raise SystemError('GPU device not found')
print('Found GPU at: {}'.format(device_name))
Of course, I get GPU device not found. It seems the description is incomplete. Any ideas what needs to be done?
You need to configure the Notebook with GPU device
Click Edit->notebook settings->hardware accelerator->GPU
You'll need to try again later when a GPU is available. The message indicates that all available GPUs are in use.
The FAQ provides additional info:
How may I use GPUs and why are they sometimes unavailable?
Colaboratory is intended for interactive use. Long-running background
computations, particularly on GPUs, may be stopped. Please do not use
Colaboratory for cryptocurrency mining. Doing so is unsupported and
may result in service unavailability. We encourage users who wish to
run continuous or long-running computations through Colaboratory’s UI
to use a local runtime.
There seems to be a cooldown on continuous training with GPUs. So, if you encounter the error dialog, try again later, and perhaps try to limit long-term training in subsequent sessions.
Add some pictures to make it clearer
My reputation is just slightly too low to comment, but here's a bit of additional info for #Bob Smith's answer re cooldown period.
There seems to be a cooldown on continuous training with GPUs. So, if you encounter the error dialog, try again later, and perhaps try to limit long-term training in subsequent sessions.
Based on my own recent experience, I believe Colab will allocate you at most 12 hours of GPU usage, after which there is roughly an 8 hour cool-down period before you can use compute resources again. In my case, I could not connect to an instance even without a GPU. I'm not entirely sure about this next bit but I think if you run say 3 instances at once, your 12 hours are depleted 3 times as fast. I don't know after what period of time the 12 hour limit resets, but I'd guess maybe a day.
Anyway, still missing a few details but the main takeaway is that if you exceed you'll limit, you'll be locked out from connecting to an instance for 8 hours (which is a great pain if you're actively working on something).
After Reset runtime didn't work, I did:
Runtime -> Reset all runtimes -> Yes
I then got a happy:
Found GPU at: /device:GPU:0
This is the precise answer to your question man.
According to a post from Colab :
overall usage limits, as well as idle timeout periods, maximum VM
lifetime, GPU types available, and other factors, vary over time.
GPUs and TPUs are sometimes prioritized for users who use Colab
interactively rather than for long-running computations, or for users
who have recently used less resources in Colab. As a result, users who
use Colab for long-running computations, or users who have recently
used more resources in Colab, are more likely to run into usage limits
and have their access to GPUs and TPUs temporarily restricted. Users
with high computational needs may be interested in using Colab’s UI
with a local runtime running on their own hardware.
Google Colab has by default tensorflow 2.0, Change it to tensorflow 1. Add the code,
%tensorflow_version 1.x
Use it before any keras or tensorflow code.