Use Underscore.js in a Titanium Alloy project - titanium

How do I use the built in underscore library in a Titanium Alloy project.
In the docs it says to do the following:
var _ = require("alloy/underscore")._;
However, whenever I do this, I get the following error:
17:22:55 [ERROR] [iphone, 10.3.3,] {
"message": "undefined is not an object (evaluating '_.extend')",
"line": 1179,
"column": 6,
"stack": "Controller
So my question is, how can I use the built in Underscore.js library in Alloy

It turns out underscore is already imported, so you can just use it without actually doing a require statement. e.g.;


Vue js cannot parse css codes in components

I am using vue js + laravel to create a project. But I am facing an issue when I run npm run watch command.
Vue js throws the error below and the project does not build.
ERROR in ./node_modules/sweetalert2/dist/sweetalert2.min.css (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??clonedRuleSet-8[0].rules[0].use[1]!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js??clonedRuleSet-8[0].rules[0].use[2]!./node_modules/sweetalert2/dist/sweetalert2.min.css)
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js):
ValidationError: Invalid options object. CSS Loader has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema.
- options.url should be one of these:
boolean | object { filter? }
-> Allows to enables/disables `url()`/`image-set()` functions handling (
* options.url should be a boolean.
* options.url should be an object:
object { filter? }
at validate (/var/www/liaratech/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/schema-utils/dist/validate.js:105:11)
at Object.getOptions (/var/www/liaratech/node_modules/webpack/lib/NormalModule.js:527:19)
at Object.loader (/var/www/liaratech/node_modules/css-loader/dist/index.js:31:27)
I realized that vue js cannot parse css codes in vue js component files.
How can i fix that?
The issue here is a version mismatch for css-loader.
Using css-loader#^3.0.0 fixes the problem (laravel-mix and sweetalert2 seem to use different versions I guess).
"devDependencies": {
"css-loader": "^3.0.0"

Typescript annotation error for default React Native app?

When creating a fresh React Native project and opening the default app.js file in VSCode, this line;
const App: () => React$Node = () => {
Type annotations can only be used in TypeScript files.
as a VSCode problem.
Am I suppose to have typescript installed with React Native, or is this some kind of other issue with VSCode or something? Surely React Native isn't releasing their default app.js file with an error.
Here's the contents of the problem.
"resource": "/d:/App/sw_lbi_app/App.js",
"owner": "typescript",
"code": "8010",
"severity": 8,
"message": "Type annotations can only be used in TypeScript files.",
"source": "ts",
"startLineNumber": 27,
"startColumn": 12,
"endLineNumber": 27,
"endColumn": 28
const App: () => React$Node = () => {
Type annotations can only be used in TypeScript files.
In case you want to leave this line of Facebook's code to stay peacefully in Microsoft's VS Code, there is a Setting switch to turn off the TypeScript-style validation in a .js file.
Open Preferences => Settings, search javascript.validate, and locate
Uncheck it, and re-open App.js file. The validation will be gone.
PS: There is an option to make this setting change in User scope or Workspace scope.
That's Flow, not TypeScript. Simply remove the types and your code will run without problem.
It is Flow not TypeScript as mentioned Yanick.
VSC doesn't support it by default, so if you want to keep it the way it is, you can just install
Flow Language Support extension in your IDE.

Error "Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined" binding n-api module

I wrote a c++ module using n-api, compiled it with cmake-js and now want to use it in my electron-vue app. If I use the module in a project without electron-vue it works. But when I try to use it in my electron-vue app I'm always getting this error:
App threw an error during load
TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined
at Function.getFileName (D:\temp\test2\node_modules\bindings\bindings.js:178:16)
at bindings (D:\temp\test2\node_modules\bindings\bindings.js:82:48)
at eval (webpack:///./src/main/index.js?:28:67)
at Module../src/main/index.js (D:\temp\test2\dist\electron\main.js:3822:1)
at __webpack_require__ (D:\temp\test2\dist\electron\main.js:21:30)
at eval (webpack:///./src/main/
at Object../src/main/ (D:\temp\test2\dist\electron\main.js:3810:1)
at __webpack_require__ (D:\temp\test2\dist\electron\main.js:21:30)
at eval (webpack:///multi_./src/main/
at Object.0 (D:\temp\test2\dist\electron\main.js:3880:1)
I'm using bindings like so:
const colorBalance = require('bindings')('colorBalance');
I have tried to define my module as external according to this but it didn't solve the problem:
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
pluginOptions: {
electronBuilder: {
externals: ['NameOfMyModule']
Most probably you are trying to apply method 'indexOf' to variable which isn't defined yet. Take a look at docs . Check if your variable is defined somewhere and it should be an array type.
In the meantime I've tried to import the module without bindings:
const colorBalance = require('../../build/Release/colorBalance.node');
Then I getting a new error:
Error: Cannot open D:\temp\test2\build\Release\colorBalance.node: Error: Module did not self-register.
at Object.eval (webpack:///./build/Release/colorBalance.node?:1:155)
at eval (webpack:///./build/Release/colorBalance.node?:2:30)
at Object../build/Release/colorBalance.node (D:\temp\test2\dist\electron\main.js:97:1)
at __webpack_require__ (D:\temp\test2\dist\electron\main.js:21:30)
at eval (webpack:///./src/main/index.js?:28:20)
at Module../src/main/index.js (D:\temp\test2\dist\electron\main.js:3833:1)
at __webpack_require__ (D:\temp\test2\dist\electron\main.js:21:30)
at eval (webpack:///./src/main/
at Object../src/main/ (D:\temp\test2\dist\electron\main.js:3821:1)
at __webpack_require__ (D:\temp\test2\dist\electron\main.js:21:30)
I've rebuild electron using electron-rebuild. I've read about win_delay_load_hook here and tried this but the error doesn't disappear.
I've solved my problem by changing the build chain from cmake to gyp. Compiling with gyp everything works fine.
#grobotor, regarding the self-register issue. Please see these resources :)
TLDR; I discovered my issue was due to this in the bindings.gyp
"sources": [ ],
This was causing the error "Error: Module did not self-register" when I was attempting to run autotests on Linux (as module is only built for mac)
Regarding your original issue, I don't think electronBuilder externals is where that property should be since it's a packager. The externals needs to configure the bundler, such as with webpack's externals
Example of my configuration:
// Bundle all deps when building dist (except native modules), otherwise streamline development by just using local node_modules dir
externals: packDistributable ? [{
permissions: "node-mac-permissions"
}] : [nodeExternals()],

Running Aurelia new project failed

I've just created Aurelia new project and when I run au run --watch (I am following this instructions:, I got this message from console. I'm quite new in JS and don't know anything about error code so can anybody tell me what's wrong?
{ uid: 11,
name: 'writeBundles',
branch: false,
error: [SyntaxError: Block-scoped declarations (let, const,function,class) not yet supported outside strict mode],
duration: [ 1, 536524679 ],
time: 1493576142781 }
You'll need node.js version 6 and above for es2015 features like let, const and class

How can I get the Amazon Cognito Identity SDK working in Aurelia?

I am trying to get the Amazon Cognito Identity SDK working in Aurelia. I do not have a lot of Javascript experience and am very unfamiliar with the various dependency systems.
I installed the Cognito SDK using: npm install --save amazon-cognito-identity-js
I then edited my aurelia_project/aurelia.json file as suggested in the Aurelia documentation to include a new client library dependency in build.bundles vendor-bundle dependencies:
"name": "aws-sdk",
"path": "../node_modules/aws-sdk/",
"main": "dist/aws-sdk"
"name": "amazon-cognito-identity-js",
"path": "../node_modules/amazon-cognito-identity-js/dist",
"main": "amazon-cognito-identity.min"
However, when I try to run the code using au run I get the error: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/nathanskone/Projects/scc/aurelia-app/src/xmlbuilder.js'
I have tried to include xmlbuilder in my aurelia.json to no avail. When it is included I end up getting this error about lodash: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/nathanskone/Projects/scc/aurelia-app/src/lodash/object/assign.js'
I haven't found any way to get past the lodash error.
Is there anyone out there familiar with the Aurelia dependency system that could help?
EDIT #2: While I got past the xmlbuilder/lodash errors, I have run into further errors trying to bundle the aws-sdk. Here is my current aurelia.json:
"dependencies": [
"name": "xmlbuilder",
"path": "../node_modules/xmlbuilder/lib",
"main": "index"
"name": "aws-sdk",
"path": "../node_modules/aws-sdk",
"main": "index",
"resources": ["lib/region_config.json"]
And the error I am currently getting:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/nathanskone/Projects/scc/aurelia-app/src/crypto.js'
If I remove the resources (lib/region_config.json) then I get this error instead:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/nathanskone/Projects/scc/aurelia-app/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/region_config.json.js'
I think crypto is actually an object defined in aws-sdk/lib/util.js, which is required by aws-sdk/lib/region_config.js.
Try the compiled library instead, using the compiled lib bundled just fine.
Also the library seems to define window.AWS, so injecting it or not will work
"name": "aws-sdk",
"path": "../node_modules/aws-sdk/dist",
"main": "aws-sdk.min",
"exports": "AWS"
It seems the only way to import those libraries is by using the prepend section, the libraries write to the window variable so it can still be accesible to your app scripts, only by not importing them like ES6 modules.
"prepend": [