Which would yield better performance in general? - vba

I have a small dilemma. As we all know, defining variables by types and avoiding the usage of variants is the most obvious performance trick. The problem is I'm trying to write a library of routines that would work with implicitly-typed arguments (basically variants).
Take for example:
Sub Test(A As String) ' Implicit ByRef
Debug.Print A
End Sub
Nothing crazy, right? If I did Test "ABC", it works as expected. The problem arises when I try to pass a value from an array (Test Array("ABC")(0)) or even a return value from another routine while chaining. I'd get a compile error saying "ByRef argument type mismatch".
I need these routines to take in various types of arguments and typecast them when possible. I then thought of the following:
Sub Test(ByVal A As String) ' Explicit ByVal
Debug.Print A
End Sub
Now it works fine. So ultimately, my question is: is the performance gain achieved by explicitly defining argument types worth the tradeoff of the performance loss imposed by making copies of argument values from the use of ByVal? I know there will be cases where one would be better than the other, but for a general usage library, which method would be more suitable?
I have setup a small benchmark. I'm not exactly using the most powerful computer in the world (Core i3-2120, 32-bit Windows 7, 4 GB RAM), so I can't say these will apply for other setups.
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Private Sub NoOp(ParamArray Self()) ' Adds a small overhead; not sure if there's a better built-in routine to use
End Sub
Private Sub ByReference(ByRef Argument As Variant) ' ByRef and As Variant are the default keywords if all keywords are ignored
NoOp Argument
End Sub
Private Sub ByValue(ByVal Argument As String)
NoOp Argument
End Sub
Private Sub Benchmark()
Dim Index As Long, Argument As Variant: Argument = "ABC"
A = GetTickCount / 1000
For Index = 1 To 10000000
ByReference Argument
B = GetTickCount / 1000
For Index = 1 To 10000000
ByValue Argument
Debug.Print B - A, (GetTickCount / 1000) - B ' Seconds; we get higher precision if we divide them before taking their differences
End Sub
Result: 3.88499999999476 4.99199999999837
We can see a very obvious performance loss for a string (a short one, anyway).
Now, if I change Argument to 12345 and the routine definition's argument type to Long, I get:
Result: 4.07200000000012 4.05599999999686
I don't know whether or not that's within the margin of error, but it does tell us that different types will behave differently.
Feel free to try different types on your own system and let me know.

I made a quick test, have a look below. Calling ByRef is faster, which comes to no surprise, but the amount of time is so small that usually you really don't have to care. Tested on Win7 with a three years old laptop, so nothing fancy.
Running with 1 million iterations, result was 141 ms for ByRef and 281 ms for ByVal. Changing the string used as parameter every other time increased the time, but for both methods, so I assume that this is due to string handling.
My conclusion: Choose calling method by your needs, not for speed.
Option Explicit
Private mlngStart As Long
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Sub test()
testPerformance 1000000, False
testPerformance 1000000, True
End Sub
Sub testPerformance(iterations, changeString)
Dim s As String
s = "Hello World, this is a really long string to test what will happen when we pass it by value"
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To iterations
If changeString Then s = IIf(i Mod 2 = 0, "Hello world", "Hello World, this is a really long string to test what will happen when we pass it by value")
Call f1(s)
Next i
Debug.Print iterations, changeString, "ByRef: " & EndTimer
For i = 1 To iterations
If changeString Then s = IIf(i Mod 2 = 0, "Hello world", "Hello World, this is a really long string to test what will happen when we pass it by value")
Call f2(s)
Next i
Debug.Print iterations, changeString, "ByVal: " & EndTimer
End Sub
Sub f1(ByRef s As String)
If s = "X" Then
Debug.Print s
End If
End Sub
Sub f2(ByVal s As String)
If s = "X" Then
Debug.Print s
End If
End Sub
Public Sub StartTimer()
mlngStart = GetTickCount
End Sub
Public Function EndTimer() As Long
EndTimer = (GetTickCount - mlngStart)
End Function
1000000 False ByRef: 141
1000000 False ByVal: 281
1000000 True ByRef: 655
1000000 True ByVal: 764


Determine the unit setting in powerpoint

I am trying use VBA to determine the user preference for the measurement unit in PowerPoint, however, I can't find the correct method. Do you know a way to determine if the unit setting is in inches, cm, pt?
I had this need too; with Word or Excel is easy, because Word.Application.Options.MeasurementUnit or Excel.Application.MeasurementUnit returns it; but for other Office Apps you have to grab it from a registry key, if your project has no Word or Excel reference, of course.
I have in one module:
Option Explicit
Public Const KeyInternationalMeasurementUnits As String = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International\iMeasure"
Enum eMeasure
Metrics = 0
Imperial = 1
End Enum
Function eMeasure_ToEnum(str As String) As eMeasure
Select Case str
Case "Metrics": eMeasure_ToEnum = Metrics
Case "Imperial": eMeasure_ToEnum = Imperial
End Select
End Function
Function eMeasure_ToString(value As eMeasure) As String
Select Case value
Case Metrics: eMeasure_ToString = "Metrics"
Case Imperial: eMeasure_ToString = "Imperial"
End Select
End Function
Function RegKeyRead(ByVal ReadedKey As String) As String
Dim thisWS As Object
Set thisWS = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
RegKeyRead = thisWS.RegRead(ReadedKey)
Set thisWS = Nothing
End Function
Function RegKeyExists(ByVal RegKey As String) As Boolean
Dim thisWS As Object
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set thisWS = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
thisWS.RegRead RegKey
RegKeyExists = True
GoTo ExitFunction
Set thisWS = Nothing
Exit Function
RegKeyExists = False
GoTo ExitFunction
End Function
And I call it whenever I need to:
Function WhichInternationalMeasurementUnits() As String
If RegKeyExists(KeyInternationalMeasurementUnits) Then
WhichInternationalMeasurementUnits = eMeasure_ToString(CInt(RegKeyRead(KeyInternationalMeasurementUnits)))
End If
End Function
You can adapt too an IsWord or IsExcel precondition test like this one that I used to grab which decimal sign is on regional settings.
If you're on Windows, there is no setting for preferred measurement units. PPT picks up the units, metric or imperial, from your Windows settings.
If it's important to know what units the user is seeing, you'd need to query the Win API.
If your code needs to use coordinates, the setting the user sees is not relevant; your code will use points (72 to the inch).
Did a bit of digging in a couple of Dan Appleman's old books and cobbled up this API call to determine whether the system is set to US or Metric. If I pass it 1033 (US English), it returns 1 until I go into Control Panel and set the system for metric; then it returns 0. But with the system set to US, the function returns 0 if I pass it the locale code for e.g. Dutch.
Fair warning: I'm strictly a cut/paste/play 'til it stops crashing API programmer. Nearly incompetent at it. Take it all with a grain of salt, eh?
Option Explicit
Declare Function GetLocaleInfo& Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetLocaleInfoA" (ByVal _
Locale As Long, ByVal LCType As Long, ByVal lpLCData As String, ByVal cchData _
As Long)
Function WindowsUSorMetric() As Long
' Returns 1 for U.S. or 0 for Metric
' NOTE: Needs modification before it'll work with 64-bit apps
' Assumes USEnglish
Dim Locale As Long
Dim LCType As Long
Dim lpLCData As String
Dim cchData As Long
' 1033 is the languageID for US English
' Use the Object Browser in the VBA IDE, look up msolanguageid for others
Locale = 1033
LCType = &HD
lpLCData = String$(255, 0)
cchData = 255
Call GetLocaleInfo(Locale, LCType, lpLCData, cchData)
WindowsUSorMetric = CLng(Left$(lpLCData, InStr(lpLCData, Chr$(0)) - 1))
End Function
Sub TestMe()
MsgBox WindowsUSorMetric
End Sub

How do I properly instantiate a VBA array and check if it's empty? [duplicate]

Passing an undimensioned array to the VB6's Ubound function will cause an error, so I want to check if it has been dimensioned yet before attempting to check its upper bound. How do I do this?
Note: the code has been updated, the original version can be found in the revision history (not that it is useful to find it). The updated code does not depend on the undocumented GetMem4 function and correctly handles arrays of all types.
Note for VBA users: This code is for VB6 which never got an x64 update. If you intend to use this code for VBA, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/32539884/11683 for the VBA version. You will only need to take the CopyMemory declaration and the pArrPtr function, leaving the rest.
I use this:
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal length As Long)
Private Const VT_BYREF As Long = &H4000&
' When declared in this way, the passed array is wrapped in a Variant/ByRef. It is not copied.
Public Function pArrPtr(ByRef arr As Variant) As Long
'VarType lies to you, hiding important differences. Manual VarType here.
Dim vt As Integer
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(vt), ByVal VarPtr(arr), Len(vt)
If (vt And vbArray) <> vbArray Then
Err.Raise 5, , "Variant must contain an array"
End If
'see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms221627%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
If (vt And VT_BYREF) = VT_BYREF Then
'By-ref variant array. Contains **pparray at offset 8
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(pArrPtr), ByVal VarPtr(arr) + 8, Len(pArrPtr) 'pArrPtr = arr->pparray;
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(pArrPtr), ByVal pArrPtr, Len(pArrPtr) 'pArrPtr = *pArrPtr;
'Non-by-ref variant array. Contains *parray at offset 8
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(pArrPtr), ByVal VarPtr(arr) + 8, Len(pArrPtr) 'pArrPtr = arr->parray;
End If
End Function
Public Function ArrayExists(ByRef arr As Variant) As Boolean
ArrayExists = pArrPtr(arr) <> 0
End Function
? ArrayExists(someArray)
Your code seems to do the same (testing for SAFEARRAY** being NULL), but in a way which I would consider a compiler bug :)
I just thought of this one. Simple enough, no API calls needed. Any problems with it?
Public Function IsArrayInitialized(arr) As Boolean
Dim rv As Long
On Error Resume Next
rv = UBound(arr)
IsArrayInitialized = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function
Edit: I did discover a flaw with this related to the behavior of the Split function (actually I'd call it a flaw in the Split function). Take this example:
Dim arr() As String
arr = Split(vbNullString, ",")
Debug.Print UBound(arr)
What is the value of Ubound(arr) at this point? It's -1! So, passing this array to this IsArrayInitialized function would return true, but attempting to access arr(0) would cause a subscript out of range error.
Here's what I went with. This is similar to GSerg's answer, but uses the better documented CopyMemory API function and is entirely self-contained (you can just pass the array rather than ArrPtr(array) to this function). It does use the VarPtr function, which Microsoft warns against, but this is an XP-only app, and it works, so I'm not concerned.
Yes, I know this function will accept anything you throw at it, but I'll leave the error checking as an exercise for the reader.
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(pDst As Any, pSrc As Any, ByVal ByteLen As Long)
Public Function ArrayIsInitialized(arr) As Boolean
Dim memVal As Long
CopyMemory memVal, ByVal VarPtr(arr) + 8, ByVal 4 'get pointer to array
CopyMemory memVal, ByVal memVal, ByVal 4 'see if it points to an address...
ArrayIsInitialized = (memVal <> 0) '...if it does, array is intialized
End Function
I found this:
Dim someArray() As Integer
If ((Not someArray) = -1) Then
Debug.Print "this array is NOT initialized"
End If
Edit: RS Conley pointed out in his answer that (Not someArray) will sometimes return 0, so you have to use ((Not someArray) = -1).
Both methods by GSerg and Raven are undocumented hacks but since Visual BASIC 6 is no longer being developed then it is not a issue. However Raven's example doesn't work on all machines. You have to test like this.
If (Not someArray) = -1 Then
On some machines it will return a zero on others some large negative number.
In VB6 there is a function called "IsArray", but it does not check if the array has been initialized. You will receive Error 9 - Subscript out of range if you attempt to use UBound on an uninitialized array. My method is very similar to S J's, except it works with all variable types and has error handling. If a non-array variable is checked, you will receive Error 13 - Type Mismatch.
Private Function IsArray(vTemp As Variant) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ProcError
Dim lTmp As Long
lTmp = UBound(vTemp) ' Error would occur here
IsArray = True: Exit Function
'If error is something other than "Subscript
'out of range", then display the error
If Not Err.Number = 9 Then Err.Raise (Err.Number)
End Function
Since wanted comment on here will post answer.
Correct answer seems is from #raven:
Dim someArray() As Integer
If ((Not someArray) = -1) Then
Debug.Print "this array is NOT initialized"
End If
When documentation or Google does not immediately return an explanation people tend to call it a hack.
Although what seems to be the explanation is that Not is not only a Logical, it is also a Bitwise operator, so it handles the bit representation of structures, rather than Booleans only.
For example of another bitwise operation is here:
Dim x As Integer
x = 3 And 5 'x=1
So the above And is also being treated as a bitwise operator.
Furthermore, and worth to check, even if not the directly related with this,
The Not operator can be overloaded, which means that a class or
structure can redefine its behavior when its operand has the type of
that class or structure.
Accordingly, Not is interpreting the array as its bitwise representation and it distinguishes output when array is empty or not like differently in the form of signed number. So it can be considered this is not a hack, is just an undocumentation of the array bitwise representation, which Not here is exposing and taking advantage of.
Not takes a single operand and inverts all the bits, including the
sign bit, and assigns that value to the result. This means that for
signed positive numbers, Not always returns a negative value, and for
negative numbers, Not always returns a positive or zero value.
Logical Bitwise
Having decided to post since this offered a new approach which is welcome to be expanded, completed or adjusted by anyone who has access to how arrays are being represented in their structure. So if anyone offers proof it is actually not intended for arrays to be treated by Not bitwise we should accept it as not a hack and actually as best clean answer, if they do or do not offer any support for this theory, if it is constructive comment on this is welcome of course.
This is modification of raven's answer. Without using API's.
Public Function IsArrayInitalized(ByRef arr() As String) As Boolean
'Return True if array is initalized
On Error GoTo errHandler 'Raise error if directory doesnot exist
Dim temp As Long
temp = UBound(arr)
'Reach this point only if arr is initalized i.e. no error occured
If temp > -1 Then IsArrayInitalized = True 'UBound is greater then -1
Exit Function
'if an error occurs, this function returns False. i.e. array not initialized
End Function
This one should also be working in case of split function.
Limitation is you would need to define type of array (string in this example).
When you initialite the array put an integer or boolean with a flag = 1. and query this flag when you need.
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare Function ArrPtr Lib "msvbvm60" Alias "VarPtr" (arr() As Any) As Long
Private Type SafeArray
cDims As Integer
fFeatures As Integer
cbElements As Long
cLocks As Long
pvData As Long
End Type
Private Function ArrayInitialized(ByVal arrayPointer As Long) As Boolean
Dim pSafeArray As Long
CopyMemory pSafeArray, ByVal arrayPointer, 4
Dim tArrayDescriptor As SafeArray
If pSafeArray Then
CopyMemory tArrayDescriptor, ByVal pSafeArray, LenB(tArrayDescriptor)
If tArrayDescriptor.cDims > 0 Then ArrayInitialized = True
End If
End Function
Private Type tUDT
t As Long
End Type
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim longArrayNotDimmed() As Long
Dim longArrayDimmed(1) As Long
Dim stringArrayNotDimmed() As String
Dim stringArrayDimmed(1) As String
Dim udtArrayNotDimmed() As tUDT
Dim udtArrayDimmed(1) As tUDT
Dim objArrayNotDimmed() As Collection
Dim objArrayDimmed(1) As Collection
Debug.Print "longArrayNotDimmed " & ArrayInitialized(ArrPtr(longArrayNotDimmed))
Debug.Print "longArrayDimmed " & ArrayInitialized(ArrPtr(longArrayDimmed))
Debug.Print "stringArrayNotDimmed " & ArrayInitialized(ArrPtr(stringArrayNotDimmed))
Debug.Print "stringArrayDimmed " & ArrayInitialized(ArrPtr(stringArrayDimmed))
Debug.Print "udtArrayNotDimmed " & ArrayInitialized(ArrPtr(udtArrayNotDimmed))
Debug.Print "udtArrayDimmed " & ArrayInitialized(ArrPtr(udtArrayDimmed))
Debug.Print "objArrayNotDimmed " & ArrayInitialized(ArrPtr(objArrayNotDimmed))
Debug.Print "objArrayDimmed " & ArrayInitialized(ArrPtr(objArrayDimmed))
Unload Me
End Sub
Based on all the information I read in this existing post this works the best for me when dealing with a typed array that starts as uninitialized.
It keeps the testing code consistent with the usage of UBOUND and It does not require the usage of error handling for testing.
It IS dependent on Zero Based Arrays (which is the case in most development).
Must not use "Erase" to clear the array. use alternative listed below.
Dim data() as string ' creates the untestable holder.
data = Split(vbNullString, ",") ' causes array to return ubound(data) = -1
If Ubound(data)=-1 then ' has no contents
' do something
End If
redim preserve data(Ubound(data)+1) ' works to increase array size regardless of it being empty or not.
data = Split(vbNullString, ",") ' MUST use this to clear the array again.
The easiest way to handle this is to insure that the array is initialized up front, before you need to check for the Ubound. I needed an array that was declared in the (General) area of the form code.
Dim arySomeArray() As sometype
Then in the form load routine I redim the array:
Private Sub Form_Load()
ReDim arySomeArray(1) As sometype 'insure that the array is initialized
End Sub
This will allow the array to be re-defined at any point later in the program.
When you find out how big the array needs to be just redim it.
ReDim arySomeArray(i) As sometype 'i is the size needed to hold the new data
The title of the question asks how to determine if an array is initialized, but, after reading the question, it looks like the real problem is how to get the UBound of an array that is not initialized.
Here is my solution (to the the actual problem, not to the title):
Function UBound2(Arr) As Integer
On Error Resume Next
UBound2 = UBound(Arr)
If Err.Number = 9 Then UBound2 = -1
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
This function works in the following four scenarios, the first three that I have found when Arr is created by an external dll COM and the fourth when the Arr is not ReDim-ed (the subject of this question):
UBound(Arr) works, so calling UBound2(Arr) adds a little overhead, but doesn't hurt much
UBound(Arr) fails in in the function that defines Arr, but succeeds inside UBound2()
UBound(Arr) fails both in the function that defines Arr and in UBound2(), so the error handling does the job
After Dim Arr() As Whatever, before ReDim Arr(X)
For any variable declared as an array, you can easily check if the array is initialized by calling the SafeArrayGetDim API. If the array is initialized, then the return value will be non-zero, otherwise the function returns zero.
Note that you can't use this function with variants that contain arrays. Doing so will cause a Compile error (Type mismatch).
Public Declare Function SafeArrayGetDim Lib "oleaut32.dll" (psa() As Any) As Long
Public Sub Main()
Dim MyArray() As String
Debug.Print SafeArrayGetDim(MyArray) ' zero
ReDim MyArray(64)
Debug.Print SafeArrayGetDim(MyArray) ' non-zero
Erase MyArray
Debug.Print SafeArrayGetDim(MyArray) ' zero
ReDim MyArray(31, 15, 63)
Debug.Print SafeArrayGetDim(MyArray) ' non-zero
Erase MyArray
Debug.Print SafeArrayGetDim(MyArray) ' zero
ReDim MyArray(127)
Debug.Print SafeArrayGetDim(MyArray) ' non-zero
Dim vArray As Variant
vArray = MyArray
' If you uncomment the next line, the program won't compile or run.
'Debug.Print SafeArrayGetDim(vArray) ' <- Type mismatch
End Sub
If the array is a string array, you can use the Join() method as a test:
Private Sub Test()
Dim ArrayToTest() As String
MsgBox StringArrayCheck(ArrayToTest) ' returns "false"
ReDim ArrayToTest(1 To 10)
MsgBox StringArrayCheck(ArrayToTest) ' returns "true"
ReDim ArrayToTest(0 To 0)
MsgBox StringArrayCheck(ArrayToTest) ' returns "false"
End Sub
Function StringArrayCheck(o As Variant) As Boolean
Dim x As String
x = Join(o)
StringArrayCheck = (Len(x) <> 0)
End Function
My only problem with API calls is moving from 32-bit to 64-bit OS's.
This works with Objects, Strings, etc...
Public Function ArrayIsInitialized(ByRef arr As Variant) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
ArrayIsInitialized = False
If UBound(arr) >= 0 Then If Err.Number = 0 Then ArrayIsInitialized = True
End Function
If ChkArray(MyArray)=True then
End If
Public Function ChkArray(ByRef b) As Boolean
On Error goto 1
If UBound(b) > 0 Then ChkArray = True
End Function
You can solve the issue with Ubound() function, check if the array is empty by retrieving total elements count using JScript's VBArray() object (works with arrays of variant type, single or multidimensional):
Sub Test()
Dim a() As Variant
Dim b As Variant
Dim c As Long
' Uninitialized array of variant
' MsgBox UBound(a) ' gives 'Subscript out of range' error
MsgBox GetElementsCount(a) ' 0
' Variant containing an empty array
b = Array()
MsgBox GetElementsCount(b) ' 0
' Any other types, eg Long or not Variant type arrays
MsgBox GetElementsCount(c) ' -1
End Sub
Function GetElementsCount(aSample) As Long
Static oHtmlfile As Object ' instantiate once
If oHtmlfile Is Nothing Then
Set oHtmlfile = CreateObject("htmlfile")
oHtmlfile.parentWindow.execScript ("function arrlength(arr) {try {return (new VBArray(arr)).toArray().length} catch(e) {return -1}}"), "jscript"
End If
GetElementsCount = oHtmlfile.parentWindow.arrlength(aSample)
End Function
For me it takes about 0.4 mksec for each element + 100 msec initialization, being compiled with VB 6.0.9782, so the array of 10M elements takes about 4.1 sec. The same functionality could be implemented via ScriptControl ActiveX.
There are two slightly different scenarios to test:
The array is initialised (effectively it is not a null pointer)
The array is initialised and has at least one element
Case 2 is required for cases like Split(vbNullString, ",") which returns a String array with LBound=0 and UBound=-1.
Here are the simplest example code snippets I can produce for each test:
Public Function IsInitialised(arr() As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
IsInitialised = UBound(arr) <> 0.5
End Function
Public Function IsInitialisedAndHasElements(arr() As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
IsInitialisedAndHasElements = UBound(arr) >= LBound(arr)
End Function
Either of these two ways is valid to detect an uninitialized array, but they must include the parentheses:
(Not myArray) = -1
(Not Not myArray) = 0
' Function CountElements return counted elements of an array.
' Returns:
' [ -1]. If the argument is not an array.
' [ 0]. If the argument is a not initialized array.
' [Count of elements]. If the argument is an initialized array.
Private Function CountElements(ByRef vArray As Variant) As Integer
' Check whether the argument is an array.
If (VarType(vArray) And vbArray) <> vbArray Then
' Not an array. CountElements is set to -1.
Let CountElements = -1
On Error Resume Next
' Calculate number of elements in array.
' Scenarios:
' - Array is initialized. CountElements is set to counted elements.
' - Array is NOT initialized. CountElements is never set and keeps its
' initial value of zero (since an error is
' raised).
Let CountElements = (UBound(vArray) - LBound(vArray)) + 1
End If
End Function
' Test of function CountElements.
Dim arrStr() As String
Dim arrV As Variant
Let iCount = CountElements(arrStr) ' arrStr is not initialized, returns 0.
ReDim arrStr(2)
Let iCount = CountElements(arrStr) ' arrStr is initialized, returns 3.
ReDim arrStr(5 To 8)
Let iCount = CountElements(arrStr) ' arrStr is initialized, returns 4.
Let arrV = arrStr
Let iCount = CountElements(arrV) ' arrV contains a boxed arrStr which is initialized, returns 4
Erase arrStr
Let iCount = CountElements(arrStr) ' arrStr size is erased, returns 0.
Let iCount = CountElements(Nothing) ' Nothing is not an array, returns -1.
Let iCount = CountElements(Null) ' Null is not an array, returns -1.
Let iCount = CountElements(5) ' Figure is not an array, returns -1.
Let iCount = CountElements("My imaginary array") ' Text is not an array, returns -1.
Let iCount = CountElements(Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) ' Created array of Integer elements, returns 5.
Let iCount = CountElements(Array("A", "B", "C")) ' Created array of String elements, returns 3.
I see a lot of suggestions online about how to tell if an array has been initialized. Below is a function that will take any array, check what the ubound of that array is, redimension the array to ubound +1 (with or without PRESERVER) and then return what the current ubound of the array is, without errors.
Function ifuncRedimUbound(ByRef byrefArr, Optional bPreserve As Boolean)
On Error GoTo err:
1: Dim upp%: upp% = (UBound(byrefArr) + 1)
If bPreserve Then
ReDim Preserve byrefArr(upp%)
ReDim byrefArr(upp%)
End If
ifuncRedimUbound = upp%
Exit Function
If err.Number = 0 Then Resume Next
If err.Number = 9 Then ' subscript out of range (array has not been initialized yet)
If Erl = 1 Then
upp% = 0
GoTo errContinue:
End If
ErrHandler.ReportError "modArray", ifuncRedimUbound, "1", err.Number, err.Description
End If
End Function
This worked for me, any bug in this?
If IsEmpty(a) Then
Exit Function
End If
Dim someArray() as Integer
If someArray Is Nothing Then
Debug.print "this array is not initialised"
End If

Why does my function assume a missing argument is there?

I have a function which updates a form, "LoadingInterface". The function looks like this:
Private Sub updateLoadingBar(Optional tekst As String, Optional barOnePerc As Long, Optional barTwoPerc As Long)
If Not IsMissing(tekst) Then
LoadingInterface.Label1.Caption = tekst
End If
If Not IsMissing(barOnePerc) Then
LoadingInterface.Bar.Width = barOnePerc * 1.68
LoadingInterface.prosent.Caption = barOnePerc & "%"
LoadingInterface.prosent.Left = barOnePerc * 1.68 / 2 - 6
End If
If Not IsMissing(barTwoPerc) Then
LoadingInterface.SubBar.Width = barTwoPerc * 1.68
End If
End Sub
I then call the function like this, expecting it to only update the textfield, since the other two arguments are missing.
Call updateLoadingBar(tekst:="Test")
This works fine for updating Label1, but unfortunately the other two values are updated too - it seems that not including any values in the function-call makes VBA assume the two variables values are 0. What's more, it appears that the IsMissing function does not detect that the two values are missing when the function is called, which is the bigger problem. Stepping through the code using F8 confirms that all the if-statements are indeed entered.
Is there any way to make the code skip the two lowermost if-statements in my function, if no values are provided for the parameters barOnePerc and barTwoPerc?
IsMissing only works if the argument is declared as a Variant.
I don't think you can validly distinguish between 0 and no passed parameter for the Long. In that case you would need to declare as Variant in the signature. You can later cast if required.
I guess you could put a default (unlikely number) and test for that. Note: I wouldn't advise this. This just screams "Bug".
IsMissing returns a Boolean value indicating whether an optional Variant argument has been passed to a procedure.
Syntax: IsMissing(argname)
The required argname argument contains the name of an optional Variant
procedure argument.
Remarks: Use the IsMissing function to detect
whether or not optional Variant arguments have been provided in
calling a procedure. IsMissing returns True if no value has been
passed for the specified argument; otherwise, it returns False.
Both methods:
Option Explicit
Public Sub Test()
End Sub
Public Function RetVal(Optional ByVal num As Long = 1000000) As Long
If num = 1000000 Then
MsgBox "No value passed"
RetVal = num
MsgBox "Value passed " & num
RetVal = num
End If
End Function
Public Function RetVal2(Optional ByVal num As Variant) As Long
If IsMissing(num) Then
MsgBox "No value passed"
MsgBox "Value passed " & num
RetVal2 = CLng(num)
End If
End Function

Is there a VBA equivalent (or way to replicate) passing parameters as 'Out' like C#?

I generally use VBA but have been reading up on programming techniques in The C# Programming Yellow Book which, obviously, is more specific to C#. Anyway, it mentions a technique of passing parameters using the Out keyword.
I already know that VBA supports byVal and byRef and am fairly certain there is no direct equivalent for Out. Passing parameters using Out is subtly different to passing parameters by Ref.
This Answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/388781/3451115 seems to give a good explanation of the difference between Out & Ref.
The Ref modifier means that:
The value is already set and
The method can read and modify it.
The Out modifier means that:
The Value isn't set and can't be read by the method until it is set.
The method must set it before returning.
In the code base that I've inherited there are several places where values are assigned to variables using methods that accept parameters byRef. It seems to me that while passing byRef does the job, passing by Out would be safer... So (and here is the question) is there a way of safely / reliably replicating Out in VBA?
In my first iteration (original question) I imagined that the code would have a pattern like:
Sub byOutExample(byRef foo As String)
' Check before running code:
' foo must = vbNullString
If foo <> vbNullString then Err.Raise(someError)
' Do Something to assign foo
foo = someString
' Check before exiting:
' foo must <> vbNullString
If foo = vbNullString then Err.Raise(someError)
End Sub
Other considerations: is it worth doing, is there a better way, what could go wrong?
Edit: I noticed in the comments for the above definition of Ref vs Out that the passed parameter need not be null, nothing, empty etc. it can be preassigned - the main criteria seems that it is re-assigned.
In light of #ThunderFrame's answer below and the comment that a parameter passed by Out can be pre-assigned (and used), perhaps the following is a better approach:
Sub byOutExample(ByRef foo As String)
Dim barTemp As String
barTemp = foo
' Do Something to assign a new value to foo (via barTemp)
barTemp = someString
' Must assign new variable
foo = barTemp
End Sub
In which case would it be true to say that, as long as foo only appears in the 2 locations shown above, the above code is an accurate way to replicate passing a parameter by Out in VBA?
The answer is unequivocally 'no' you cannot replicate the C# out parameter modifier in VBA. From https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/out-parameter-modifier:
Variables passed as out arguments do not have to be initialized before
being passed in a method call. However, the called method is required
to assign a value before the method returns.
These aspects simply don't exist in VBA. All variables in VBA are initialised with default values, ie the concept of an unitialised variable does not exist in VBA, so point 1 isn't possible; and the compiler cannot object if a specified parameter has not had a value assigned within the procedure, so point 2 isn't possible either.
Even the coding patterns in your example would rely on the Do Something to assign foo not to resolve to the relevant data type's default value (which is obviously not the same as being unitialised). The following, for example, would wrongly throw an error:
Public Sub Main()
Dim income As Long, costs As Long
Dim result As Long
income = 1000
costs = 500
ProcessSpend income, costs, result
End Sub
Private Sub ProcessSpend(income As Long, costs As Long, ByRef outValue As Long)
Const TAX_RATE As Long = 2
Dim netCosts As Long
Dim vbDefaultValue As Long
netCosts = costs * TAX_RATE
outValue = income - netCosts
If outValue = vbDefaultValue Then Err.Raise 5, , "Unassigned value"
End Sub
So we're really left with the question of is there a way of getting close to the characteristics of out in VBA?
Unitialised variables: the closest I can think of are a Variant or Object type which by default initialise to Empty and Nothing respectively.
Assign value within the procedure: the simplest way would be to test if the address of the assigning procedure matches your desired procedure address.
It's all leaning towards a helper class:
Option Explicit
Private mNumber As Long
Private mTargetProc As LongPtr
Private mAssignedInProc As Boolean
Public Sub SetTargetProc(targetProc As LongPtr)
mTargetProc = targetProc
End Sub
Public Sub SetNumber(currentProc As LongPtr, val As Long)
mAssignedInProc = (currentProc = mTargetProc)
mNumber = val
End Sub
Public Property Get Number() As Long
If mAssignedInProc Then
Number = mNumber
Err.Raise 5, , "Unassigned value"
End If
End Property
And then the previous example would look like this:
Public Sub Main()
Dim income As Long, costs As Long
Dim result As clsOut
income = 1000
costs = 500
ProcessSpend income, costs, result
Debug.Print result.Number
End Sub
Private Sub ProcessSpend(income As Long, costs As Long, outValue As clsOut)
Const TAX_RATE As Long = 2
Dim netCosts As Long
If outValue Is Nothing Then
Set outValue = New clsOut
End If
outValue.SetTargetProc AddressOf ProcessSpend
netCosts = costs * TAX_RATE
outValue.SetNumber AddressOf ProcessSpend, income - netCosts
End Sub
But that's all getting very onerous... and it really feels as if we are trying to force another language's syntax onto VBA. Stepping back a little from the out characteristics and developing in a syntax for which VBA was designed, then a function which returns a Variant seems the most obvious way to go. You could test if you forgot to set the 'out' value by checking if the function returns an Empty variant (which suits point 1 and 2 of the out characteristics):
Public Sub Main()
Dim income As Long, costs As Long
Dim result As Variant
income = 1000
costs = 500
result = ProcessedSpend(income, costs)
If IsEmpty(result) Then Err.Raise 5, , "Unassigned value"
End Sub
Private Function ProcessedSpend(income As Long, costs As Long) As Variant
Const TAX_RATE As Long = 2
Dim netCosts As Long
netCosts = costs * TAX_RATE
'Comment out the line below to throw the unassigned error
ProcessedSpend = income - netCosts
End Function
And if you wanted the option of passing in a pre-assigned value, then could just define an optional argument as a parameter to the function.
You can pseudo enforce an out type parameter in VBA by passing it in ByRef, and then checking that it is Nothing (or the default value for a value type) before continuing, much as you have done with the String in your example.
I wouldn't impose the exit condition - sometimes an empty string is a perfectly valid return value, as is a Nothing reference.

How can I assign a Variant to a Variant in VBA?

(Warning: Although it might look like one at first glance, this is not a beginner-level question. If you are familiar with the phrase "Let coercion" or you have ever looked into the VBA spec, please keep on reading.)
Let's say I have an expression of type Variant, and I want to assign it to a variable. Sounds easy, right?
Dim v As Variant
v = SomeMethod() ' SomeMethod has return type Variant
Unfortunately, if SomeMethod returns an Object (i.e., a Variant with a VarType of vbObject), Let coercion kicks in and v contains the "Simple data value" of the object. In other words, if SomeMethod returns a reference to a TextBox, v will contain a string.
Obviously, the solution is to use Set:
Dim v As Variant
Set v = SomeMethod()
This, unfortunately, fails if SomeMethod does not return an object, e.g. a string, yielding a Type Mismatch error.
So far, the only solution I have found is:
Dim v As Variant
If IsObject(SomeMethod()) Then
Set v = SomeMethod()
v = SomeMethod()
End If
which has the unfortunate side effect of calling SomeMethod twice.
Is there a solution which does not require calling SomeMethod twice?
In VBA, the only way to assign a Variant to a variable where you don't know if it is an object or a primitive, is by passing it as a parameter.
If you cannot refactor your code so that the v is passed as a parameter to a Sub, Function or Let Property (despite the Let this also works on objects), you could always declare v in module scope and have a dedicated Sub solely for the purpose of save-assigning that variable:
Private v As Variant
Private Sub SetV(ByVal var As Variant)
If IsObject(var) Then
Set v = var
v = var
End If
End Sub
with somewhere else calling SetV SomeMethod().
Not pretty, but it's the only way without calling SomeMethod() twice or touching its inner workings.
Ok, I mulled over this and I think I found a better solution that comes closer to what you had in mind:
Public Sub LetSet(ByRef variable As Variant, ByVal value As Variant)
If IsObject(value) Then
Set variable = value
variable = value
End If
End Sub
[...] I guess there just is no LetSet v = ... statement in VBA
Now there is: LetSet v, SomeMethod()
You don't have a return value that you need to Let or Set to a variable depending of its type, instead you pass the variable that should hold the return value as first parameter by reference so that the Sub can change its value.
Dim v As Variant
For Each v In Array(SomeMethod())
Exit For 'Needed for v to retain it's value
Next v
'Use v here - v is now holding a value or a reference
You could use error trapping to reduce the expected number of method calls. First try to set. If that succeeds -- no problem. Otherwise, just assign:
Public counter As Long
Function Ambiguous(b As Boolean) As Variant
counter = counter + 1
If b Then
Set Ambiguous = ActiveSheet
Ambiguous = 1
End If
End Function
Sub test()
Dim v As Variant
Dim i As Long, b As Boolean
counter = 0
For i = 1 To 100
b = Rnd() < 0.5
On Error Resume Next
Set v = Ambiguous(b)
If Err.Number > 0 Then
v = Ambiguous(b)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Next i
Debug.Print counter / 100
End Sub
When I ran the code, the first time I got 1.55, which is less than the 2.00 you would get if you repeated the experiment but with the error-handling approach replaced by the naïve if-then-else approach you discussed in your question.
Note that the more often the function returns an object, the less function calls on average. If it almost always returns an object (e.g. that is what it is supposed to return but returns a string describing an error condition in certain cases) then this way of doing things will approach 1 call per setting/ assigning the variable. On the other hand -- if it almost always returns a primitive value then you will approach 2 calls per assignment -- in which case perhaps you should refactor your code.
It appears that I wasn't the only one with this issue.
The solution was given to me here.
In short:
Public Declare Sub VariantCopy Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByRef pvargDest As Variant, ByRef pvargSrc As Variant)
Sub Main()
Dim v as Variant
VariantCopy v, SomeMethod()
end sub
It seems this is similar to the LetSet() function described in the answer, but I figured this'd be useful anyway.
Dim v As Variant
Dim a As Variant
a = Array(SomeMethod())
If IsObject(a(0)) Then
Set v = a(0)
v = a(0)
End If