In which eclipse project Tasks View code present - eclipse-plugin

I am not able to find eclipse project which contains source code for Tasks view.
I search many eclipse project from below URL
But not able to find project which contains Tasks View source code.

The tasks view org.eclipse.ui.internal.views.markers.TasksView is in the org.eclipse.ui.ide plugin which is part of the core Eclipse Platform project.
The GIT source for Platform is here. You can also install the source in to your Eclipse by installing the Eclipse Platform SDK.


How to put Maven Tycho Dependency in my Eclipse Plug-in?

I've created a new project using tycho 0.26.0, it runs with Eclipse 4 Neon.2, so all modules are building successfully using maven, now I am trying to add a new dependency in my project, I have created a jar and I want to use it in my project, but I don't understand so good how is it working.
I add I am using a target definition, so I have to add my configuration to this file, this will be used by my modules.
I don't know if I got your question right.
I assume you want to build an Eclipse RCP application with tycho and use an JAR file from one of your plug-ins.
The simplest solution is then to create a new plug-in project from this jar by using the Plug-in from existing JAR Archives-Wizard.
If you have done this, you can add a dependency from this new plug-in to your existing plug-ins. Don't forget to export all packages of the library, by opening and adding all packages in the Runtime tab.
To get this running with maven you have also to add a pom.xml file to the new Plug-in. This link help me a lot with maven tycho (
Btw. if you don't need this library as plain JAR, you can also create directly a Plug-in project instead of first creating a JAR and then creating a Plug-in project.

Getting contents and natures of all projects in a Maven build

Currently I'm working on a Maven plugin that should generate files in all projects (OSGi bundles) that have a certain Eclipse project nature.
How can I access the contents of the projects included in the build and the project natures by using the Maven API?
Maven is a standalone build tool, not an Eclipse plugin. You cannot access Eclipse project settings from core Maven API.
Eclipse supports Maven with the M2E Eclipse plugin. It is possible to write M2E extensions and in the extension you can query the project natures via the functions of AbstractProjectConfigurator class.
However, M2E extensions will not run when you compile your code in the command line. I suggest that you choose one of the followings:
Write an Eclipse plugin that generates the source code into the src folder of the maven project. Code generation should be started by the user manually (selecting a context menu in the project or something).
Avoid using Eclipse project natures and solve your questions based on analyzing the source and pom of your project.
If you need to react on certain aspects in the source code like it looks from the thread with Balazs then you can simply write an ordinary maven plugin and include it in the parent pom. It will then run in every project and can analyze the code and react based on it.

guice-assistedinject.jar in Eclipse target platform but not addable in plug-in's dependencies

I'm developing an Eclipse RCP application with Eclipse 4.4 Luna M5 and I'm using Guice 3.0.
So I added guice.jar to my target platform and for every plug-in I'm developing I can add bundle to the plug-in's dependencies using the plug-in manifest editor of Eclipse. So far, everything works fine.
Now the problem: I want to use guice assisted injects (#Assisted).
So I added guice-assistedinject.jar to my target platform. (I'm using a .target file = Eclipse Target definition file).
In then "Content" tab of the .target file editor Eclipse correctly shows me the fragment bundle 3.0 from guice-assistedinject.jar, but I cannot add this bundle or an exported package of this bundle to the dependencies of the plug-in projects I'm developing.
When I press "Add" in the plug-in manifest editor, is not in the list of addable dependencies? What's wrong?
Here my comment as answer again:
OK, found the solution: it's a PDE problem, see accepted answer in Eclipse OSGi bundle reqiure another bundle's fragment
After changing the manifest of my guice-3.0.jar in the target platform like described in the link above, I needed to do the following:
Reload the target platform (Windows -> Preferences -> Plug-in development -> Target platform) and restart eclipse.
Remove the bundle from the required bundles of my plug-in.
Add all needed packages to "imported packages" of my plug-in. Now in the list of packages I can see and import it!

Why does Eclipse load all plugins in a workspace?

I'm using Eclipse 3.6 for developing Eclipse plug-in. In the same workspace, I have 2 Plug-in projects: projA and projB. No mater which project was run, both two projects will be loaded in the new Eclipse instance. If I only want to load projA, I have to close projB, why?
I run the project like this: right click the project and "Run as--- Eclipse Application".
Have you defined the target platfom?
You can also edit your Run Configuration and choose the plugins to launch with.
The way you debug your project will start a new instance of Eclipse with all existing plugins installed(in your case,both project A and B are installed).This is typically called self-hosting in PDE.
If project A has no dependent package,just close other projects.

Eclipse plugin view does not show up after install

I created a sample plugin which includes a simple view in eclipse and ran the plugin from inside the workbench, my plugin is installed and I get my view showing up in Window/Show View/Other... . I packaged the plugin as a jar file and installed it under the plugins directory of eclipse and restarted my eclipse workbench. I am not able to find my plugin view. I dont know whats is wrong
I am using eclipse RCP SR2 (3.6) for developing plugins and my packaged jar file includes the code, META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and plugin.xml files.
I created the plugin from the book 'Eclipse Plug-ins, 3rd Edition'. I followed the steps outright and am not able to set up the plugin as a jar file.
I got it to work somehow? The plug-in project was created using Execution Environment JavaSE-1.6. 'It was given in the book I referred'. Now the manifest editor had the entry 'Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.6'. Now I ran the application with-in eclipse, it was working. But when I bundled the plugin as jar and copied the plug-in jar under plugins folder and restarted eclipse the plugin was not working, I dont know why, I thought my eclipse is not running under JRE1.6, but I checked my Windows->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs-> I have only jdk1.6.0_27 checked (So I assume that the eclipse is running under JavaSE1.6). This is bit confusing for me! I removed the Execution Environment entry in the Manifest editor Overview tab. Now there is no 'Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment' entry in my Manifest, I created the bundle jar again and installed in eclipse plugins folder and restarted eclipse using -clean option. It started working in my eclipse. I got it to work somehow but with no understanding! I am still looking for answers from some one who can help me figure out what went wrong?
Open an OSGI console and type 'ss'. It should list all of the plugins. Can you see it? What is the state of it.
You can use Preferences/plug-in development/target platform edit running 'running platform' content tab to list and check/uncheck plugins. I hope it helps.
You could try copying your jar file to the eclipse/dropins folder.