Tensorflow - Same Padding Calculation - tensorflow

I have the following parameters:
in_height = 28
in_width = 28
stride (s) = 2
padding (p) = 'SAME'
The idea of 'SAME' padding is when s = 1 then input map and output map dimensions (height, width) should remain same
So if I should be able to get the padding size using the following:
(28 + 2*p - 5) + 1 = 28
Solving gives p = 2
which means there should be a padding on each side of 2
Using p=2 the output map size would be:
(28 + 4 -5)/2 + 1 = 14
From Tensorflow documentation, Same Padding:
out_height = ceil(float(in_height) / float(strides[1]))
out_width = ceil(float(in_width) / float(strides[2]))
pad_along_height = max((out_height - 1) * strides[1] +
filter_height - in_height, 0)
pad_along_width = max((out_width - 1) * strides[2] +
filter_width - in_width, 0)
pad_top = pad_along_height // 2
pad_bottom = pad_along_height - pad_top
pad_left = pad_along_width // 2
pad_right = pad_along_width - pad_left
To follow the above:
out_height = ceil(28.0/2.0) = 14.0
out_width = ceil(28.0/2.0) = 14.0
pad_along_height = max((14.0 -1)*2 + 5 - 28,0) = 3
pad_along_width = max((14.0 -1)*2 + 5 - 28,0) = 3
pad_top = 3 // 2 = 1
pad_bottom = 3//2 - pad_top = 2
pad_left = pad_along_width // 2 = 1
pad_right = pad_along_width - pad_left = 2
So does it mean that the image should be padded 1 on top and 2 on bottom similarly on the left and right?

I was looking at the Tensorflow documentation they actually validate the thought:
Note that the division by 2 means that there might be cases when the
padding on both sides (top vs bottom, right vs left) are off by one.
In this case, the bottom and right sides always get the one additional
padded pixel. For example, when pad_along_height is 5, we pad 2 pixels
at the top and 3 pixels at the bottom. Note that this is different
from existing libraries such as cuDNN and Caffe, which explicitly
specify the number of padded pixels and always pad the same number of
pixels on both sides.


Pulp solves multiple combinatorial problems

As the title says,
I want to solve a problem similar to the summation of multiple schemes into a fixed constant, However, when I suggest the constrained optimization model, I can't get all the basic schemes well. Part of the opinion is to add a constraint when I get a solution. However, the added constraint leads to incomplete solution and no addition leads to a dead cycle.
Here is my problem description
I have a list of benchmark data detail_list ,My goal is to select several numbers from the benchmark data list(detail_list), but not all of them, so that the sum of these data can reach the sum of the number(plan_amount) I want.
For Examle
detail_list = [50, 100, 80, 40, 120, 25],
plan_amount = 20,
The feasible schemes are:
detail_list[2]=20 can be satisfied, detail_list[1](noly 10) + detail_list[3](only 10) = plan_amount(20) , detail_list[1](only 5) + detail_list[3](only 15) = plan_amount(20) also can be satisfied, and detail_list1 + detail_list2 + detail_list3 = plan_amount(20). But you can't take four elements in the detail_list are combined, because number = 3, indicating that a maximum of three elements are allowed to be combined.
from pulp import *
num = 6 # the list max length
number_max = 3 # How many combinations can there be at most
plan_amount = 20
detail_list = [50, 100, 80, 40, 120, 25] # Basic data
plan_model = LpProblem("plan_model")
alpha = [LpVariable("alpha_{0}".format(i+1), cat="Binary") for i in range(num)]
upBound_num = [int(detail_list_money) for detail_list_money in detail_list]
num_channel = [
LpVariable("fin_money_{0}".format(i+1), lowBound=0, upBound=upBound_num[i], cat="Integer") for i
in range(num)]
plan_model += lpSum(num_channel) == plan_amount
plan_model += lpSum(alpha) <= number_max
for i in range(num):
plan_model += num_channel[i] >= alpha[i] * 5
plan_model += num_channel[i] <= alpha[i] * detail_list[i]
test_dd = open("2222.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8")
i = 0
while True:
if LpStatus[plan_model.status] == "Optimal":
test_dd.write(str(i + 1) + "times result\n")
for v in plan_model.variables():
test_dd.write(v.name + "=" + str(v.varValue))
alpha_0_num = 0
alpha_1_num = 0
for alpha_value in alpha:
if value(alpha_value) == 0:
alpha_0_num += 1
if value(alpha_value) == 1:
alpha_1_num += 1
plan_model += (lpSum(
alpha[k] for k in range(num) if value(alpha[k]) == 1)) <= alpha_1_num - 1
i += 1
I don't know how to change my constraints to achieve this goal. Can you help me

RGB to HSV in numpy

I'm trying to implement RGB to HSV conversion from opencv in pure numpy using formula from here:
def rgb2hsv_opencv(img_rgb):
img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
return img_hsv
def rgb2hsv_np(img_rgb):
assert img_rgb.dtype == np.float32
height, width, c = img_rgb.shape
r, g, b = img_rgb[:,:,0], img_rgb[:,:,1], img_rgb[:,:,2]
t = np.min(img_rgb, axis=-1)
v = np.max(img_rgb, axis=-1)
s = (v - t) / (v + 1e-6)
s[v==0] = 0
# v==r
hr = 60 * (g - b) / (v - t + 1e-6)
# v==g
hg = 120 + 60 * (b - r) / (v - t + 1e-6)
# v==b
hb = 240 + 60 * (r - g) / (v - t + 1e-6)
h = np.zeros((height, width), np.float32)
h = h.flatten()
hr = hr.flatten()
hg = hg.flatten()
hb = hb.flatten()
h[(v==r).flatten()] = hr[(v==r).flatten()]
h[(v==g).flatten()] = hg[(v==g).flatten()]
h[(v==b).flatten()] = hb[(v==b).flatten()]
h[h<0] += 360
h = h.reshape((height, width))
img_hsv = np.stack([h, s, v], axis=-1)
return img_hsv
img_bgr = cv2.imread('00000.png')
img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img_bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img_rgb = img_rgb / 255.0
img_rgb = img_rgb.astype(np.float32)
img_hsv1 = rgb2hsv_np(img_rgb)
img_hsv2 = rgb2hsv_opencv(img_rgb)
print('max diff:', np.max(np.fabs(img_hsv1 - img_hsv2)))
print('min diff:', np.min(np.fabs(img_hsv1 - img_hsv2)))
print('mean diff:', np.mean(np.fabs(img_hsv1 - img_hsv2)))
But I get big diff:
max diff: 240.0
min diff: 0.0
mean diff: 0.18085355
Do I missing something?
Also maybe it's possible to write numpy code more efficient, for example without flatten?
Also I have hard time finding original C++ code for cvtColor function, as I understand it should be actually function cvCvtColor from C code, but I can't find actual source code with formula.
From the fact that the max difference is exactly 240, I'm pretty sure that what's happening is in the case when both or either of v==r, v==g are simultaneously true alongside v==b, which gets executed last.
If you change the order from:
h[(v==r).flatten()] = hr[(v==r).flatten()]
h[(v==g).flatten()] = hg[(v==g).flatten()]
h[(v==b).flatten()] = hb[(v==b).flatten()]
h[(v==r).flatten()] = hr[(v==r).flatten()]
h[(v==b).flatten()] = hb[(v==b).flatten()]
h[(v==g).flatten()] = hg[(v==g).flatten()]
The max difference may start showing up as 120, because of that added 120 in that equation. So ideally, you would want to execute these three lines in the order b->g->r. The difference should be negligible then (still noticing a max difference of 0.01~, chalking it up to some round off somewhere).
h[(v==b).flatten()] = hb[(v==b).flatten()]
h[(v==g).flatten()] = hg[(v==g).flatten()]
h[(v==r).flatten()] = hr[(v==r).flatten()]

How to solve simple linear programming problem with lpSolve

I am trying to maximize the function $a_1x_1 + \cdots +a_nx_n$ subject to the constraints $b_1x_1 + \cdots + b_nx_n \leq c$ and $x_i \geq 0$ for all $i$. For the toy example below, I've chosen $a_i = b_i$, so the problem is to maximize $0x_1 + 25x_2 + 50x_3 + 75x_4 + 100x_5$ given $0x_1 + 25x_2 + 50x_3 + 75x_4 + 100x_5 \leq 100$. Trivially, the maximum value of the objective function should be 100, but when I run the code below I get a solution of 2.5e+31. What's going on?
a <- seq.int(0, 100, 25)
b <- seq.int(0, 100, 25)
c <- 100
optimal_val <- lp(direction = "max",
objective.in = a,
const.mat = b,
const.dir = "<=",
const.rhs = c,
all.int = TRUE)
b is not a proper matrix. You should do, before the lp call:
b <- seq.int(0, 100, 25)
b <- matrix(b,nrow=1)
That will give you an explicit 1 x 5 matrix:
> b
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] 0 25 50 75 100
Now you will see:
> optimal_val
Success: the objective function is 100
Background: by default R will consider a vector as a column matrix:
> matrix(c(1,2,3))
[1,] 1
[2,] 2
[3,] 3

AMPL param syntax

I'm struggling with AMPL syntax (it's my first project).
In my model I have:
set GRID; # a grid represented by a sequence of integer
param W; # width of the grid
param d{i in GRID, j in GRID}; # distance between point of the grid
in my data I have:
set GRID = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16;
param W = 4;
param d{i in GRID, j in GRID} = sqrt( (abs(i-j) mod W)**2 + (abs(i-j) div W)**2 ); # I want to calculate the distance between each pair of points
but on last line I get the error:
(offset 7)
expected ; ( [ : or symbol
AMPL data format doesn't allow expressions, so you need to specify the initialization of the d parameter in the model itself:
set GRID; # a grid represented by a sequence of integer
param W; # width of the grid
param d{i in GRID, j in GRID} = sqrt((abs(i-j) mod W)**2 + (abs(i-j) div W)**2);

Find control point on piecewise quadratic Bezier curve

I need to write a program to generate and display a piecewise quadratic Bezier curve that interpolates each set of data points (I have a txt file contains data points). The curve should have continuous tangent directions, the tangent direction at each data point being a convex combination of the two adjacent chord directions.
0.1 0,
0 0,
0 5,
0.25 5,
0.25 0,
5 0,
5 5,
10 5,
10 0,
9.5 0
The above are the data points I have, does anyone know what formula I can use to calculate control points?
You will need to go with a cubic Bezier to nicely handle multiple slope changes such as occurs in your data set. With quadratic Beziers there is only one control point between data points and so each curve segment much be all on one side of the connecting line segment.
Hard to explain, so here's a quick sketch of your data (black points) and quadratic control points (red) and the curve (blue). (Pretend the curve is smooth!)
Look into Cubic Hermite curves for a general solution.
From here: http://blog.mackerron.com/2011/01/01/javascript-cubic-splines/
To produce interpolated curves like these:
You can use this coffee-script class (which compiles to javascript)
class MonotonicCubicSpline
# by George MacKerron, mackerron.com
# adapted from:
# http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=
# EC90C5C6-C982-4F49-8D46-A64F270C5247%40gmail.com&forum_name=matplotlib-users
# (easier to read at http://old.nabble.com/%22Piecewise-Cubic-Hermite-Interpolating-
# Polynomial%22-in-python-td25204843.html)
# with help from:
# F N Fritsch & R E Carlson (1980) 'Monotone Piecewise Cubic Interpolation',
# SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis 17(2), 238 - 246.
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monotone_cubic_interpolation
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_Hermite_spline
constructor: (x, y) ->
n = x.length
delta = []; m = []; alpha = []; beta = []; dist = []; tau = []
for i in [0...(n - 1)]
delta[i] = (y[i + 1] - y[i]) / (x[i + 1] - x[i])
m[i] = (delta[i - 1] + delta[i]) / 2 if i > 0
m[0] = delta[0]
m[n - 1] = delta[n - 2]
to_fix = []
for i in [0...(n - 1)]
to_fix.push(i) if delta[i] == 0
for i in to_fix
m[i] = m[i + 1] = 0
for i in [0...(n - 1)]
alpha[i] = m[i] / delta[i]
beta[i] = m[i + 1] / delta[i]
dist[i] = Math.pow(alpha[i], 2) + Math.pow(beta[i], 2)
tau[i] = 3 / Math.sqrt(dist[i])
to_fix = []
for i in [0...(n - 1)]
to_fix.push(i) if dist[i] > 9
for i in to_fix
m[i] = tau[i] * alpha[i] * delta[i]
m[i + 1] = tau[i] * beta[i] * delta[i]
#x = x[0...n] # copy
#y = y[0...n] # copy
#m = m
interpolate: (x) ->
for i in [(#x.length - 2)..0]
break if #x[i] <= x
h = #x[i + 1] - #x[i]
t = (x - #x[i]) / h
t2 = Math.pow(t, 2)
t3 = Math.pow(t, 3)
h00 = 2 * t3 - 3 * t2 + 1
h10 = t3 - 2 * t2 + t
h01 = -2 * t3 + 3 * t2
h11 = t3 - t2
y = h00 * #y[i] +
h10 * h * #m[i] +
h01 * #y[i + 1] +
h11 * h * #m[i + 1]