Deleting all columns between the first one and the last four on a sheet - vba

I have a worksheet here with multiple columns full of data, ranging from cell AA to CT currently. The first column contains rows with headings and is frozen. Data is added to the end column of this range weekly. & Then all columns between the first and the last four are deleted (to show a month's worth of data but keep the headings intact).
I'm very new to VBA and I've been trying to write some code to automate this, so far I've managed to select the 5th column in from the end. But I can't get it to select the columns in between the 4th column from the end and Cell AA:
Sub DeleteColumns()
Dim i
i = Range("KFIData").End(xlToRight).Offset(0,-4).EntireColumn.Select
End Sub
Am I going about this completely the wrong way?
Many thanks

Well if you managed to catch column 5 from the end, use this statement:
Range(Columns("AA"), Columns(ColumnFiveFromEnd)).Delete
ColumnFiveFromEnd can be a number as well as a text identifier.


How to move parts of a dynamic pivot table to a separate table?

I have pivot table pulling data from a query from a proprietary database system we use at work. I'm trying to figure out a way to move certain parts of the pivot table to a different sheet where it wouldn't exist as a pivot table there. My problem I'm running into is that the table changes the number of columns and rows depending upon the types and amounts of things that we shipped that shift, so I can't have it simply have my new table equal the cell values in the pivot table.
This is an example of the pivot data having fewer columns and rows based on what occurred that shift at work.
The reason why I would like this in a regular table as opposed to a pivot table is because there's other calculations I'd like to put into the table that extend beyond a pivot table's capabilities (ex. have the user id be displayed as their name, and have a weighted system based off of what the driver moves, but I suppose that's irrelevant.)
I've been poking around the internet, and it seems that the majority of answers to this issue deal with static tables. Any help would be appreciated!
Let's assume you want the cell to have the value from "BEER Total" for "M307577". Then this would be the formula you put in the cell:
=VLOOKUP("M307577",A5:Z100,MATCH("BEER Total",A5:Z5,0),FALSE)
"A5:Z100" would be the whole pivot table and "A5:Z5" would be the first row containing variables.
As you mentioned you are not familiar with VBA, I would suggest this approach:
Use the first column and first row of the second sheet as a reference. Refer to all the variables from the pivot table there (refer to the cell containing IDs and Variables, and pull the formula to the last row for IDs and last column for variables (or a reasonable range as last column and row would not be sufficient)). This will leave you with zeros, empty cells from the pivot table sheet, but will have all the names that you need.
Then refer to those cells and use the aforementioned formula (instead of names, use the cells that you just created).
Whenever the pivot table updates, those cells will be updated as well and you will see the values for the corresponding ID and Variable.
I think you want the GETPIVOTDATA function. Determine what your logic will look like and click on the appropriate combination of cells. Excel will automatically setup the GETPIVOTDATA function appropriately for you.
Also, if the last used columns and last used rows are changing, you will probably need a Macro to help you with your task.
Sub LastRowInOneColumn()
'Find the last used row in a Column: column A in this example
Dim LastRow As Long
With ActiveSheet
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
End With
MsgBox LastRow
End Sub
Sub LastColumnInOneRow()
'Find the last used column in a Row: row 1 in this example
Dim LastCol As Integer
With ActiveSheet
LastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
End With
MsgBox LastCol
End Sub
You can use a combination of functions to help you get the last used cell in a specific range.
From there, I think you can figure out your next steps.
Post back with more information if you still have trouble with this, or start a new post if your question is answered.

Select only one column even if a merged range lies below

Test case:
Take an empty sheet, and merge the range "D2:F2". You can do this manually.
Then, activate the macro recorder and select the column E by just clicking on the E letter on the top of the spreadsheet. You will get the following:
Now, try to run this line of code from the same macro directly: you will see that it selects the three columns D, E and F.
Is this a bug of the macro recorder? Or, rather, a bug of VBA itself (that detects the merged range in my column and decides to extend the selection even if explicitly asked to select one single column)? How should I do to select only one of the columns on which a merged range lies via VBA code, exactly as I can do manually?
I have a spreadsheet with year on a line, months on the below line and days on the below line.
Hence, the days are just cells but months and especially years are shared/merged cells among the several days.
My need is just to detect the current day and select the column, in order for the user to see on which day they should look the data at. But, because of the "years" cell widely merged just above, the entire year is selected.
No, this is not a bug.
Why: Try to manually select the range E1 to E5. That is what is going on when you use Columns("E:E").select. Think of it as .Select not selecting the column, but instead selecting each cell from top to bottom.
The .select method isn't something you should depend on. What exactly are you trying to use select for? There is another (quite arguably better way) to do this.
Edit: Also, as my father always says, merged cells shouldn't be used. He uses "center across selection" instead, which looks exactly like a merged cell without any of the seemingly buggy behavior.
Need: I would use the macro to highlight the data... probably with something like this...
Range("E7").Interior.ColorIndex = RGB(0, 0, 0)
I feel that the question is genuine unlike some of the comments here. I will try to explain.
Using the test case from the question, say I want to do some action only on column D (say change its column width), without changing the same for columns E to F. I can do that in excel by selecting column D specifically by pressing on column header (press on that "D" in the column names bar). If we select column using range selection (mouse or keyboard shortcut CTRL+SPACE), it extends the selection to include E and F columns. But if we press that column D on the header, it only selects one column. I expect VBA to do the same.
Sadly, I couldn't find anything to "select" a single column or range which includes cells merging through multiple columns or range. However, I could do the action on that single column.
I tried following that didn't work. And I feel that it should work.
Didn't work. Extends the selection to include merged cells. I guess, this is okay.
Didn't work. Extends the selection to include merged cells. I feel this is not okay.
Even this didn't work. This definitely should've.
So finally I directly applied the action without selecting the cells.
Column("D").ColumnWidth = 10
And this did it. Only the column D width was changed, leaving column E and F untouched. Similarly, I could do font change and other actions.
Only drawback is that I have to do all actions individually. So, I use a loop to perform action on the selection.
Something like this:
For Each x in Range("D:D")
x.font.size = 10 = "Calibri"
'...and so on...
Next x
You probably know the row in which the days start. Therefore, instead of selecting the entire column, you could define a range starting from the first day row to the last day row and select that range.
Your table should have this values and formats
Then you can loop through each column on row 4 -just assumed- and check each value if they match today. Next you can scroll to that cell using Application.Goto.
Sub FindToday()
Dim wsTable As Worksheet '<~ worksheet with your table
Set wsTable = Sheet2
Dim Cols As Integer '<~ a variable to loop through columns
With wsTable
For Cols = 1 To .Cells(4, .Cells.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column + 1
If .Cells(4, Cols).Value = Date Then '<~ check if the date is today
Application.Goto wsTable.Cells(1, Cols), True '<~ scroll to that cell if true
Exit For
End If
End With
End Sub
If you want just to hide the particular column if there is merged cell try not to select the column just use like this for example -- Columns("N").EntireColumn.Hidden = True... This will solve your doubt.

Copying values across a dynamic column and row range

I have the following code that:
copies the column headings (in row 1) from column C across to the second last column
pastes these column headings in row 1 in the column 2 across from the last column with data
pastes the column headings alongside each row of data through to the bottom row
Sub GLDR()
'use End(xlUp) to determine Last Row with Data, in column A of the GLDRYYPP tab
Dim lastRowDR As Long
lastRowDR = Sheets("GLDRYYPP").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'copy the cost type categories and paste alongside the cost centres
CTNameCol = "S2:AF" & lastRowDR
Sheets("GLDRYYPP").Range("C1", Range("C1").End(xlToRight).Offset(0, -1)).Copy
Sheets("GLDRYYPP").Paste Destination:=Sheets("GLDRYYPP").Range("C1").End(xlToRight).Offset(0, 2)
Sheets("GLDRYYPP").Range(Range("C1").End(xlToRight).Offset(0, 2), Range("C1").End(xlToRight).Offset(0, 2).End(xlToRight)).Copy
Sheets("GLDRYYPP").Paste Destination:=Sheets("GLDRYYPP").Range(CTNameCol)
End Sub
The first two steps have been set to be dynamic for any additional columns added but I am having trouble writing some code that will paste the data through to the bottom row. As you can see the range "S2:AF(last row)" has been written to make use of the result from the lastRowDR dimension.
Is there a way to write the code which will make the copy dynamic across the columns and rows?
Yes there is a way to write the code which will make the copy dynamic across the columns and rows. What you need to do is to identify a distinct quality about the cost centres so that you locate it using something like ActiveSheet.Cells.Find(Txt).
Then you'll be able to determine what CTNameCol should be. There is some helpful info here: Range.Find Method.
If you add add a picture of your spreadsheet I will update this answer with more precise information.

Removing a row in a table if it doesn't contain keyword

Right now I have a really long table in a Word doc which I populated from an Excel worksheet. It has 6 columns and I'm trying to code something in Word VBA that will go through all the rows in the table and delete the entire row if the cell in the first column DOES NOT start with an equal sign ("=").
For example, I'm only trying to keep the rows that has texts like,
"=1+S -03F7", "=1+M -06M1", etc. etc.
How would I code this? I can't give the code anything specific to look for since the parts after the equal sign will be different for every row.
So this wouldn't work, right?:
If Not ActiveDocument.Tables(83).Columns(1).Range.Text = "=" Then
I guess I should reference to cells in column 1, not the column itself... Also, it doesn't work because it's only looking for things with just the equal sign... And I don't know how I can get it to select the row if it find the cell without the equal sign. I don't know how to match by case in the cell of the first column.
You can loop through the rows in the table using the Rows property. You can then find the first cell in that Row using the Cells property. You can then check just the first character of the Range:
Sub DeleteUnwantedRows()
Dim t As Table
Dim r As Row
Set t = ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
For Each r In t.Rows
If r.Cells(1).Range.Characters(1) <> "=" Then r.Delete
Next r
End Sub

Find Last Row of Name with constantly changing names

I'm really stuck on this one. I have a spreadsheet with thousands of rows. I use this code to filter them based off of product in the E column.
Sub IsolateCCENCE()
Dim Operations As Workbook
Dim Operations_Sheet As Worksheet
Set Operations = Workbooks("Operations for Macros")
Set Operations_Sheet = Operations.Worksheets("Operations")
Operations_Sheet.Range("$A$6:$AH$13108").AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:="=CCE" _
, Operator:=xlOr, Criteria2:="=NCE"
End Sub
Which works and leaves me with just under 1700 rows. Within these rows, in the A column, there are company names. Each company takes up approximately 20 rows. Each row represents a payment and has a corresponding date, in the D column. I need a macro (I'm assuming with a loop) that will then do the following:
Go through the rows, find the last row for each company
In that row, find the corresponding date
If that date is within 30 days from today, generate an email
Part 3 is easy. But Part 1 and 2 I can't seem to get. The data is always going to be changing.
Maybe it would be easier to have all of the data copy and pasted into another spreadsheet and then filter through every single company, find the last row (and thus the corresponding date)? But I don't know I would have a macro defined to filter through each company when the company names will be changing constantly.
I appreciate any help. Thanks in advance!
If a specific company name in say F1 then:
entered with Ctrl+Shift+Enter should give you the earliest date for the company named in F1, that if more recent than today()-30 (or less far into the future than today()+30 ?) you might use for your e-mail trigger (subject to other filtering etc).