Comparing multiple row and columns in sql server - sql

I had two tables first one is the real table second one is the temporary. I had to compare this two table . First table had 'KartelaKod' field should match with temp's 'KartelaKodu' field, First's 'OzellikKod' field should match with temp's 'OzellikKodu',first's 'AltKod' field should match with temp's 'StokKodu'.
Finally if it doesn't match exactly it should return ''.
PS: You should have to group first table according to VrtUrunKod.
In example if MAM|002's (which is VrtUrunKod) OzellikKod field doesn't match with temp table's OzellikKodu field, it should look for another VrtUrunKod record.
Edit1:isnull((Select TOP 1 VrtUrunKod From KonfigOlusmusOzellikler k Where Sirket_Kod = #sp_Sirket_Kod and AnaUrunKod = #spStokKod and
exists(Select * From #TempDegisen t Where t.KartelaKodu = k.KartelaKodu and t.OzellikKodu = k.OzellikKod and t.StokKodu = k.AltKod)),'') this is what i written so far you can ignore Sirket_Kod field and parameter.

This should produce a list of rows where there is a k with no matching t, and at with no matching k. If no rows result, all rows are matched:
KonfigOlusmusOzellikler k
#TempDegisen t
t.KartelaKodu = k.KartelaKodu and
t.OzellikKodu = k.OzellikKod and
t.StokKodu = k.AltKod
WHERE t.KartelaKodu IS NULL OR k.KartelaKodu IS NULL


Access "find unmatched query" return records which are available both tables when one of the fields is empty

I am trying to list records from table N that do not have a match in table O
The result is shown in query N Without Matching O
As one can see on above image, it is returning records which exist in both tables, which it should not.
In above example table N and table O are identical (copy)
The query is as follows:
FROM N LEFT JOIN O ON (N.[F8] = O.[F8]) AND (N.[F7] = O.[F7]) AND (N.[F6] = O.[F6]) AND (N.[F5] = O.[F5]) AND (N.[F4] = O.[F4]) AND (N.[F3] = O.[F3]) AND (N.[F2] = O.[F2]) AND (N.[F1] = O.[F1])
WHERE (((O.F1) Is Null));
I guess it is because of empty values (e.g. field F5 in the example above)
Further down the table other fields may be empty as well
My question is:
How do I return unmatched records from a table which may contain empty cells
Try using Nz on that field (F5):
FROM N LEFT JOIN O ON (N.[F8] = O.[F8]) AND (N.[F7] = O.[F7]) AND (N.[F6] = O.[F6]) AND (Nz(N.[F5]) = Nz(O.[F5])) AND (N.[F4] = O.[F4]) AND (N.[F3] = O.[F3]) AND (N.[F2] = O.[F2]) AND (N.[F1] = O.[F1])
WHERE (((O.F1) Is Null));

How to retrieve data based on multiple conditions from multiple rows from two joined tables?

[Table 1]
[Table 2]
[select *]
product.xid as xid,
product.option_group_id as option_group_id,
product.brand_id as brand_id
FROM product_promotion as product
LEFT JOIN product_promotion_to_filters as filters
ON(filters.product_xid = product.xid)
WHERE (filters.options_xid = '04320095' and filters.value_xid = '50073608') and (filters.options_xid = '85047331' and filters.value_xid = '77933356')
No value is returned. empty query
My problem with the where part. Value does not match because multiple rows are returned
The result I want in the condition section is to only get the matching records from multiple preferences.
WHERE (filters.options_xid = '04320095' and filters.value_xid = '50073608') and (filters.options_xid = '85047331' and filters.value_xid = '77933356')
As a result of this query, I want only the data with xid 27145569 to come
Since there is no data in one row, I can only make one condition, but sometimes 2-3 or more conditions need to be matched.
This is how I found the solution.
WHERE CONCAT(filters.options_xid,filters.value_xid) IN ('0432009550073608', '8504733163299671') HAVING COUNT(product.xid) >= 2;
You can use IN command to filter the result in WHERE clause.
Let me know if it works.

How to replace a value in one field by a value from another field (different column) within the same view table (SQL)?

I'd like to know if it is possible to replace a value from one field by using a value from another column and a different row.
For Example, click this to view the table image.
I'd like the SumRedeemed value 400 in row 15 to be replaced by the value -1*(-395); the value -395 comes from the EarnPointsLeft in row 6 (both have the same CID meaning that they are the same person). Any suggestions?
You need this update statement:
update t
set t.sumredeemed = (-1) * (select earnpointsleft from FifoPtsView where cid = t.cid)
from FifoPtsView t
where t.cid = 5000100008 and t.earnpointsleft = 0
This will work if the select statement will return only 1 row.
you can simply update your table
update t
set t.sumredeemed = ABS(t2.earnpointsleft )
from FifoPtsView t join FifoPtsView t2 on t.cid = t.cid and isnull(t2.earnpointsleft,0)>0
if you want negative values you can remove ABS ,
please give me your feedbacks

Creating filter with SQL queries

I am trying to create a filter with SQL queries but am having trouble with numeric values linking to other tables.
Every time I try to link to another table, it takes the same record and repeats it for every element in the other table.
For example, here is query:
The last line is the actual filtering criteria.
Here is an example result:
There should only be ONE result (Item has an RID of 0). But it's repeating a copy of the one record for every result inside the substitution groups table (there's 4).
Here is my database schema for reference. The lines indicate relationships between tables and the circles indicate the values I want:
You're forgot to join between ELEMENTS and SUBSTITUTION_GROUPS in your query.

Help with a complex join query

Keep in mind I am using SQL 2000
I have two tables.
tblAutoPolicyList contains a field called PolicyIDList.
tblLossClaims contains two fields called LossPolicyID & PolicyReview.
I am writing a stored proc that will get the distinct PolicyID from PolicyIDList field, and loop through LossPolicyID field (if match is found, set PolicyReview to 'Y').
Sample table layout:
PolicyIDList LossPolicyID
9651XVB19 5021WWA85, 4421WWA20, 3314WWA31, 1121WAW11, 2221WLL99 Y
5021WWA85 3326WAC35, 1221AXA10, 9863AAA44, 5541RTY33, 9651XVB19 Y
0151ZVB19 4004WMN63, 1001WGA42, 8587ABA56, 8541RWW12, 9329KKB08 N
How would I go about writing the stored proc (looking for logic more than syntax)?
Keep in mind I am using SQL 2000.
Select LossPolicyID, * from tableName where charindex('PolicyID',LossPolicyID,1)>0
Basically, the idea is this:
'Unroll' tblLossClaims and return two columns: a tblLossClaims key (you didn't mention any, so I guess it's going to be LossPolicyID) and Item = a single item from LossPolicyID.
Find matches of unrolled.Item in tblAutoPolicyList.PolicyIDList.
Find matches of distinct matched.LossPolicyID in tblLossClaims.LossPolicyID.
Update tblLossClaims.PolicyReview accordingly.
The main UPDATE can look like this:
UPDATE claims
SET PolicyReview = 'Y'
FROM tblLossClaims claims
SELECT DISTINCT unrolled.LossPolicyID
SELECT LossPolicyID, Item = itemof(LossPolicyID)
FROM unrolling_join
) unrolled
JOIN tblAutoPolicyList
ON unrolled.ID = tblAutoPolicyList.PolicyIDList
) matched
ON matched.LossPolicyID = claims.LossPolicyID
You can take advantage of the fixed item width and the fixed list format and thus easily split LossPolicyID without a UDF. I can see this done with the help of a number table and SUBSTRING(). unrolling_join in the above query is actually tblLossClaims joined with the number table.
Here's the definition of unrolled 'zoomed in':
SELECT LossPolicyID,
Item = SUBSTRING(LossPolicyID,
(v.number - 1) * #ItemLength + 1,
FROM tblLossClaims c
JOIN master..spt_values v ON v.type = 'P'
AND v.number BETWEEN 1 AND (LEN(c.LossPolicyID) + 2) / (#ItemLength + 2)
) unrolled
master..spt_values is a system table that is used here as the number table. Filter v.type = 'P' gives us a rowset with number values from 0 to 2047, which is narrowed down to the list of numbers from 1 to the number of items in LossPolicyID. Eventually v.number serves as an array index and is used to cut out single items.
#ItemLength is of course simply LEN(tblAutoPolicyList.PolicyIDList). I would probably also declared #ItemLength2 = #ItemLength + 2 so it wasn't calculated every time when applying the filter.
Basically, that's it, if I haven't missed anything.
If the PolicyIDList field is a delimited list, you have to first separate the individual policy IDs and create a temporary table with all of the results. Next up, use an update query on the tblLossClaims with 'where exists (select * from #temptable tt where tt.PolicyID = LossPolicyID).
Depending on the size of the table/data, you might wish to add an index to your temporary table.