Ignore style cascading in React Native - react-native

I am using ReactNavigation to implement the navigation on my React Native app. All my views so far have no styles defined for them, and look just fine if I access them directly, without any routing. When accessed through the library's StackNavigator, however, they get extremely distorted, to the point where all components collapse into one. I suspect this is happening due to the cascading of the navigator's styling.
Is there any way to disable style cascading for a particular component in ReactNative?


Is there a way to overlay react-navigation headers from within a screen?

Wondering if there's a simple way to overlay react-navigation's Stack and MaterialTopTabNavigator components within individual screens. I need to overlay both when displaying components such as loading overlays and dialog/prompt components.
I understand I could define these components within the same root file as the navigation, however this means I have to track the state of the dialog within redux or some other shared state, which I would prefer to avoid in an effort to be more declarative/functional.
Can't find any good solutions, and I'm combing through react-navigation's source code, but if someone else has already solved this it would save me a lot of time. Thanks!
Edit: I also don't want to use react-native's modal or react-native-modal. Would like to implement a custom component myself.

React native: which navigator is more flexible?

I'm considering a navigator for a new react-native project
I think the best 2 options are react navigation and react native navigation
Which one is more flexible in terms of defining custom navbars (for example a toggle searchbar) and overriding the default back button handler (for example: to prompt a 'save changes?' warning)?
I would say react-navigation is a better choice, in terms of its flexible api.
Also check out this post from Eric Vicenti, if you are trying to choose the way to go in terms of navigation and navigation animations;

React Native Navigation Problems

I am new to React Native and want to be able to make my code where the user clicks on text and it takes them from an initial page and am very confused as to how I am supposed to do this and where to put what. Am I supposed to have separate files for separate pages? Thanks!
The Navigator or NavigatorIOS components are what you're looking for. Basically, your text elements need to be wrapped in an element like TouchableHighlight that has an onPress handler that utilizes the navigator.push() to navigate. Or you could jThis tutorial does a pretty good job describing how Navigation works on a basic level within React Native apps.
As to separate files for separate pages - it's not necessary, but as you develop your own custom components and your apps become more complicated, having them in separate files helps with keeping you

React Native - Using ToolbarAndroid with Navigator's navigationBar

I'm using React Native 0.14.0 to develop an Android application. Currently I'm using the ToolbarAndroid component to add a toolbar on top of my scene, but it is not kept between scenes. I found that the Navigator has a navigationBar property, which can be set to a Navigator.NavigationBar component, which should include an object dealing with the title and left and right buttons of the navigation bar. See the official example to understand what I mean. As there is little documentation on this part, I have to rely on the example to set the navigationBar properly.
This Navigator.NavigationBar is not as powerful as the ToolbarAndroid, as itdoesn't automatically have space for the logo, for example.
Is there any way to use ToolbarAndroid with the navigationBar property of the Navigator?
Not really. The closest you could probably get is to wrap the ToolbarAndroid in a component and map the navigator left, right methods to the onIconClicked functions. But that defeats the purpose as you are probably most interested in the ToolbarAndroid's UI.
You need to pass a component that will behave something like the Navigator.NavigationBar. If you can drop in a component that will play nice and provide some of the expected props then it'll work.

What is different between navigator and navigatorIOS in react-native?

Just look through fb's document.
What is different between navigator and navigatorIOS in react-native?
There used to be a comparision between the two in the official docs. Not sure why it is removed since 0.31. You can still get it from google the cached version though:
Navigator Comparison
The differences between Navigator and NavigatorIOS are a common source
of confusion for newcomers.
Both Navigator and NavigatorIOS are components that allow you to
manage the navigation in your app between various "scenes" (another
word for screens). They manage a route stack and allow you to pop,
push, and replace states. In this way, they are similar to the html5
history API. The primary distinction between the two is that
NavigatorIOS leverages the iOS UINavigationController class, and
Navigator re-implements that functionality entirely in JavaScript as a
React component. A corollary of this is that Navigator will be
compatible with Android and iOS, whereas NavigatorIOS will only work
on the one platform. Below is an itemized list of differences between
the two.
Navigator #
Extensive API makes it completely customizable from JavaScript.
Under active development from the React Native team.
Written in JavaScript.
Works on iOS and Android.
Includes a simple navigation bar component similar to the default NavigatorIOS bar: Navigator.NavigationBar, and another with
breadcrumbs called Navigator.BreadcrumbNavigationBar.
See the UIExplorer demo to try them out and see how to use them. Currently animations are good and improving, but they are still less
refined than Apple's, which you get from NavigatorIOS.
You can provide your own navigation bar by passing it through the navigationBar prop.
NavigatorIOS #
Small, limited API makes it much less customizable than Navigator in its current form.
Development belongs to open-source community - not used by the React Native team on their apps. A result of this is that there is
currently a backlog of unresolved bugs, nobody who uses this has
stepped up to take ownership for it yet.
Wraps UIKit, so it works exactly the same as it would on another native app. Lives in Objective-C and JavaScript. Consequently, you
get the animations and behaviour that Apple has developed. iOS only.
Includes a navigation bar by default; this navigation bar is not a React Native view component and the style can only be slightly
Based on my experience, navigatorIOS is pretty buggy for now and I would suggest using Navigator instead. If you take a look at the Facebook F8 app, they were using Navigator rather than navigatorIOS.
Navigator is a transition between different scenes in your app, it can be regarded as an animation.
NavigatorIOS wraps UIKit navigation, it will push or pop a controller and behave more like an Native navigation.