Kotlin - Extension for final class - kotlin

Is it possible to create extension of final classes like String? Like in swift it is possible to add additional methods inside a extension of final class.
For an example - I would like to create a method in String extension which will tell me String have valid length for password.
val password : String = mEdtPassword!!.getText().toString()
// how to define haveValidLength method in extension
val isValid : Boolean = password.haveValidLength()
Note - That example is just for a sake to understand usability of extension, not a real scenario.

yes, you can. Kotin extension method provides the ability to extend a class with new functionality without having to inherit from the class or use any type of design pattern such as Decorator.
Below is an extension method for a String:
// v--- the extension method receiver type
fun String.at(value: Int) = this[value]
And the extension method code generated as Java below:
public static char at(String receiver, int value){
return receiver.charAt(value);
So an extension method in Kotlin is using delegation rather than inheritance.
Then you can calling an extension method like as its member function as below:
println("bar".at(1))//println 'a'
You also can write an extension method for the existing extension function, for example:
fun String.substring(value: Int): String = TODO()
// v--- throws exception rather than return "ar"
But you can't write an extension method for the existing member function, for example:
operator fun String.get(value: Int): Char = TODO()
// v--- return 'a' rather than throws an Exception
val second = "bar"[1]

Trying to add more detail, this answer might be helpful for someone.
Yes we can add additional methods to final classes like String. For an example I would like to add one method in String which will tell me that my String have valid number of characters for password or not.
So what I have to do is, I have ti create a below function which can be written in same class or at different separate class file.
fun String.hasValidPassword() : Boolean {
// Even no need to send string from outside, use 'this' for reference of a String
return !TextUtils.isEmpty(this) && this.length > 6
And now from anywhere call
val isValid : Boolean = password.haveValidLength()
If your application just has a single password validation, then there is no problem.
However, I don't suggest you write such a extension method hasValidPassword if the application has more than one validation. since the extension method is satically, you can't change your hasValidPassword in runtime. So if you want to change the validation in runtime, you should using a function instead, for example:
class PasswordRepository(private val validate:(String)->Boolean){
fun save(value:String){
//TODO persist the password
val permitAll = PasswordRepository {true}
val denyAll = PasswordRepository {false}
permitAll.save("it will be persisted")
denyAll.save("it will not be persisted")
In other words, the extension method above violates Single Responsibility Principle, it does validation & string operations.

You can do that with extension functions in Kotlin. With extensions, you are able to add extra functionality to a class that you do or do not have access to; for example a legacy code base. In the example given in the Kotlin docs here, swap was added to MutableList<Int> which doesn't have swap originally. A this keyword is used that refers to the object that the swap functionality will operate on. In the example below, this refers to testList
val testList = mutableListOf(1, 2, 3)
testList.swap(0, 2)


Easiest way to modify value passed to inline class constructor

I'm trying to use inline classes in Kotlin to create a class inlining the String class, such that if I have an instance of my class that it will always be true for the contained string that s == s.trim().
I was initially expecting there to be a straightforward way to do this, like perhaps:
value class Trimmed private constructor(val str: String) : {
constructor(s : String) : super(s.trim())
but that doesn't work, and neither do the other direct approaches I considered ("this(s.trim())", etc.).
This problem has turned out to be surprisingly tricky:
Kotlin seems to provide no easy way to have the primary constructor filter or modify the data that is passed to the constructor of the contained String object.
Even if I make the primary constructor private, I can't declare another constructor with the same signature (taking a single String as a parameter).
If this were a normal (non-inlined) class, I could just set the value after superclass class construction (e.g. "init { str = str.trim() }", but since it's an inline class, I can't do that. ("this=this.trim()" doesn't work either, and String objects themselves are immutable so I can't change the contents of 'str'.)
I tried making the class constructor private and creating a factory function in the same file with the same name as the class, but then I couldn't call the class constructor from within the factory function due to access restrictions.
I then tried making the factory function within the class's companion object, but then Kotlin tried to make that function call itself recursively instead of calling the class's constructor. I wasn't able to find a way to syntactially disambiguate this. I managed to work around this by creating a file-private typealias to give another name for the class so I could call the constructor from within the factory function. (Annoyingly, I couldn't declare the typealias in the companion object next to the factory function: I had to declare it outside.)
This worked, but seemed ugly:
typealias Trimmed2 = Trimmed
value class Trimmed private constructor(val str: String) {
init { assert(str == str.trim()) }
companion object {
// Kotlin won't let me put the typealias here. :-(
fun Trimmed(s: String): Trimmed = Trimmed2(s.trim()) // Don't want recursion here!
Another working solution is here, using a private constructor with a dummy argument. Of course Kotlin complained that the dummy argument was unused and so I had to put in a big (why is it so big?) annotation suppressing the warning, which is, again, ugly:
value class Trimmed private constructor(val str: String) {
private constructor (untrimmed: String, #Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") dummy: Unit) : this(untrimmed.trim())
init { assert(str == str.trim()) }
companion object {
fun Trimmed(s: String): Trimmed = Trimmed(s, Unit)
Is there a simpler, cleaner way to do this? For instance, a syntactic way to clarify to Kotlin that the companion function is trying to call the class constructor and not itself and so avoid the need for a dummy parameter?
Code to construct instances of the class from outside this file should look like constructing an instance of a normal class: 'Trimmed("abc")', not using some factory function with a different name (e.g. "of" or "trimmedOf") or other alternate syntax.
It should be impossible to construct the object containing an untrimmed string. Outside code, and the Trimmed class itself, should be able to trust that if a Trimmed instance exists, that its contained str will be a trimmed string.

Extension function from a generic interface

Consider the following interface
interface EntityConverter<in A, out B> {
fun A.convert(): B
fun List<A>.convert(): List<B> = this.map { it.convert() }
I want to use it in a spring boot application where specific implementations get injected so that the extension function becomes usable on the type.
However this doesn't work. The compiler does not resolve the extension function.
Note that you're defining extension functions that are also member functions of the EntityConverter type. You should take a look at this part of the doc for information about how this works.
Essentially, in order to use them, you need 2 instances in scope:
the dispatch receiver (an instance of EntityConverter<A, B>)
the extension receiver (an instance of A or List<A>, where A matches the first type parameter of the EntityConverter in scope)
You can use with() to bring the EntityConverter in scope so you can use convert on your other instances using the usual . syntax:
val converter = object : EntityConverter<Int, String> {
override fun Int.convert() = "#$this"
val list = listOf(1, 2, 3)
val convertedList = with(converter) {
println(convertedList) // prints [#1, #2, #3]
Now you have to decide whether this kind of usage pattern is what makes most sense for your use case. If you'd prefer more "classic" calls without extensions (converter.convert(a) returning a B), you can declare your functions as regular methods taking an argument instead of a receiver.
Bonus: functional interface
As a side note, if you add the fun keyword in front of your EntityConverter interface, you can create instances of it very easily like this:
val converter = EntityConverter<Int, String> { "#$this" }
This is because your converter interface only has a single abstract method, making it easy to implement with a single lambda. See the docs about functional interfaces.
I'm not sure if you can mention extension functions as a part of interface, because it's like static functions.
I'd recommend to put "common" function in interface with A typed parameter. Then just put extension method for list nearby.
interface EntityConverter<in A, out B> {
fun convert(a: A): B
fun <A, B> EntityConverter<A, B>.convert(list: List<A>): List<B> = list.map { convert(it) }
I wasn't aware about possibility of inheritance of extension methods in Kotlin. And about its overriding as well. So my answer could be just an alternative of using extension methods.

is there any way I send a nullable Function<T,R> as parameter in Kotlin?

I am trying to use the public interface Function (as I learned it in Java) in Kotlin.
For this I created my method
fun foo(input: List<String>, modifier1: Function<List<String>>? = null){
as far I remember here I should be able to do modifier1.apply(input)
but seems like it is not possible (it is possible to do modifier1.apply{input} though)
Reading more about it I found this:
Kotlin: how to pass a function as parameter to another?
So I changed my method signature to this:
fun foo(input:String, modifier2: (List<String>) -> (List<String>){
Here I am able to do modifier2(input)
and I can call foo this way
service.foo(input, ::myModifierFunction)
fun myModifierFunction(input:List<String>):List<String>{
//do something
return input
So far this seems possible but it is not acceptable to have the function reference as nullable, is there any way I can do that? or use Function ?
You were using kotlin.Function instead of java.util.function.Function in your first example. Note that the latter takes 2 generic types: 1 for the incoming parameter and 1 for the resulting one.
The apply method you saw is the default Kotlin one: apply, not the one of Java's Function-interface.
If you really want to have the Java-function as nullable type the following should work:
fun foo(input: List<String>, modifier1: java.util.function.Function<List<String>, List<String>>? = null) {
modifier1?.apply(input) ?: TODO("what should be done if there wasn't passed any function?")
Kotlin variant for the same:
fun foo(input: List<String>, modifier1: ((List<String>) -> List<String>)? = null) {
modifier1?.invoke(input) ?: TODO("what should be done if there wasn't passed any function?")
Maybe also a default function, such as { it } instead of null might better suite your needs? (Java variant would be Function.identity()):
// java modifier1 : Function<List<String>, List<String>> = Function.identity()
// kotlin modifier1 : (List<String>) -> List<String> = { it }
You can make the reference nullable simply with ? — the only wrinkle is that the whole function type needs to be in parens first:
fun foo(input: String, modifier2: ((List<String>) -> List<String>)? = null) {
As required, modifier2 is optional; if specified, it may contain null, or it may contain a function taking and returning a list of strings.
As mentioned in another answer, kotlin.Function is not the same as java.util.function.Function — though in practice you shouldn't need to refer to either directly, as the -> notation is simpler.
If you want to pass in a function that takes List<String> as its parameter and returns nothing meaningful, the type for you is Function1<List<String>, Unit>. The method name for invoking a function is invoke(), which you could also do with just regular parentheses, if it wasn't nullable. All in all, your code could look something like this:
fun foo(input: List<String>, modifier1: Function1<List<String>, Unit>? = null) {
The 1 in the typename of Function1 means that it's a one parameter function, there's also Function0, Function2, etc.
The Function type on its own is not something you can use to call that function, as it's an empty marker interface. All functions implement this regardless of how many parameters they have.

Kotlin inline class in JUnit tests

I am trying to understand concept of inline classes - they are a simple object wrapper of single property that is being inlined during runtime.
That means, that the actual initialization of the class is not happening at runtime
I was trying to write simple test which directly will show my above explanation during JUnit test as below:
companion object {
private const val NAME = "JACK"
inline class NameInlineClass(val value: String)
fun unwrapping() {
val nameInlineClass = NameInlineClass(NAME)
val name = nameInlineClass
assertEquals(name, NAME)
This test fails unfortunately which leads me to the question why during assertEquals() the actual unwrapped String value is not being compared, but the actual inline class (which should be unwrapped during runtime)?
What you probably wanted to do was val name = nameInlineClass.value, but I'll try to explain the error.
See Representation from docs (includes code sample):
In generated code, the Kotlin compiler keeps a wrapper for each inline
class. Inline class instances can be represented at runtime either as
wrappers or as the underlying type. This is similar to how Int can be
represented either as a primitive int or as the wrapper Integer.
That means as long as you don't reference the wrapping object or its type explicitly, value will not be boxed. We can check it by inspecting bytecode (decompiled back to Java for readability):
// kotlin source
fun unwrapping() {
val nameInlineClass = NameInlineClass(NAME)
val name = nameInlineClass // this line gets dropped by compiler by the way
assertEquals(name, NAME)
// java representation of bytecode
public final void unwrapping() {
String nameInlineClass = NameInlineClass.constructor-impl("JACK");
Assert.assertEquals(NameInlineClass.box-impl(nameInlineClass), "JACK");
I won't paste entire generated NameInlineClass body, but constructor-impl is static method that only checks for null of value, and box-impl creates the wrapper object.
You can see nameInlineClass is indeed a String - that means inline works and no extra object was allocated.
Only when you reference nameInlineClass instead of nameInlineClass.value compiler determines that this object needs representation and "boxes" the value with wrapper NameInlineClass class.

why there is 'by' for the extended class and reified in function define

coming across a sample with a class and a function and trying to understand the koltin syntax there,
what does this IMeta by dataItem do? looked at https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/classes.html#classes and dont see how to use by in the derived class
why the reified is required in the inline fun <reified T> getDataItem()? If someone could give a sample to explain the reified?
class DerivedStreamItem(private val dataItem: IMeta, private val dataType: String?) :
IMeta by dataItem {
override fun getType(): String = dataType ?: dataItem.getType()
fun getData(): DerivedData? = getDataItem()
private inline fun <reified T> getDataItem(): T? = if (dataItem is T) dataItem else null
for the reference, copied the related defines here:
interface IMeta {
fun getType() : String
fun getUUIDId() : String
fun getDataId(): String?
class DerivedData : IMeta {
override fun getType(): String {
return "" // stub
override fun getUUIDId(): String {
return "" // stub
override fun getDataId(): String? {
return "" // stub
why the reified is required in the inline fun <reified T> getDataItem()? If someone could give a sample to explain the reified?
There is some good documentation on reified type parameters, but I'll try to boil it down a bit.
The reified keyword in Kotlin is used to get around the fact that the JVM uses type erasure for generic. That means at runtime whenever you refer to a generic type, the JVM has no idea what the actual type is. It is a compile-time thing only. So that T in your example... the JVM has no idea what it means (without reification, which I'll explain).
You'll notice in your example that you are also using the inline keyword. That tells Kotlin that rather than call a function when you reference it, to just insert the body of the function inline. This can be more efficient in certain situations. So, if Kotlin is already going to be copying the body of our function at compile time, why not just copy the class that T represents as well? This is where reified is used. This tells Kotlin to refer to the actual concrete type of T, and only works with inline functions.
If you were to remove the reified keyword from your example, you would get an error: "Cannot check for instance of erased type: T". By reifying this, Kotlin knows what actual type T is, letting us do this comparison (and the resulting smart cast) safely.
(Since you are asking two questions, I'm going to answer them separately)
The by keyword in Kolin is used for delegation. There are two kinds of delegation:
1) Implementation by Delegation (sometimes called Class Delegation)
This allows you to implement an interface and delegate calls to that interface to a concrete object. This is helpful if you want to extend an interface but not implement every single part of it. For example, we can extend List by delegating to it, and allowing our caller to give us an implementation of List
class ExtendedList(someList: List) : List by someList {
// Override anything from List that you need
// All other calls that would resolve to the List interface are
// delegated to someList
2) Property Delegation
This allows you to do similar work, but with properties. My favorite example is lazy, which lets you lazily define a property. Nothing is created until you reference the property, and the result is cached for quicker access in the future.
From the Kotlin documentation:
val lazyValue: String by lazy {