Inconsistency between Ti and Appc CLI - titanium

I have been creating some node npm scripts to help with creating Titanium projects for both Titanium and Appcelerator (the difference is that the Appc projects are registered in your platform account).
I have tried both a standard ti create and running an appc ti create as well as appc new and found a few inconsistencies in how the CLI handles the arguments passed in.
using the Ti CLI
-d seems to be the directory in which your project directory is created, but using appc CLI this is the actual project directory. So for example in Ti for my test project created with Ti CLI
-n test -d /User/fred/projects
but for the appc CLI
-n test -d /User/fred/projects/test
Also for the appc CLI there seems be no way of generate a Classic project, it seems determined to create an Alloy project, like it or not.
My question/query is is this all correct or is there something I am missing and is there any way of getting the appc CLI to create a classic project rather than an Alloy one ?
appc CLI version: 6.2.2
ti CLI version: 5.0.12

You need to use --classic flag to create classic project>
Check this doc and read details of Create a Titanium Project section!/guide/Appcelerator_CLI_Tasks-section-src-43306725_AppceleratorCLITasks-BuildMobileApplications


How to uninstall dotnetcli from command line

Im using the formula described here ( to uninstall dotnet core sdk from macos. I followed the steps and after finishing and verifying there is not an sdk nor a runtime, the command dotnet is still valid in the terminal and is referring that is valid at hosting. Any ideas around how to remove all the sdk, cli from my laptop?
If you want to remove all versions and components of .NET Core, just delete the main dotnet directory:
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/dotnet

react-native-camera: sdk manager plateforms-tools 28.0.1 can't be installed

I'm trying to install react-native-camera. I'm on Ubuntu 18, Webstorm for IDE. Targeting Android.
For the Android SDK, I don't have a full Android Studio install. I've instead install only android-sdk and I'm using the sdkmanager. That works fine with my stub app, it compile and runs on Android with
react-native run-android
I've installed react-native-camera as a module with npm as per the indications:
npm install react-native-camera --save
react-native link react-native-camera
So far so good. It links. If I try to launch the app however (even before trying to actually use the camera), I get some warnings:
> Configure project :react-native-camera
Checking the license for package Android SDK Platform-Tools in /usr/lib/android-sdk/licenses
License for package Android SDK Platform-Tools accepted.
Preparing "Install Android SDK Platform-Tools (revision: 28.0.1)".
Warning: Failed to read or create install properties file.
WARNING: platform-tools package is not installed, and automatic installation failed.
So I've tried to install the platforms tools using the sdk manager & instructions provided here:
sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-28"
Which yields:
Warning: Failed to read or create install properties file.
So I am guessing it really has to do with the sdkmanager...
Do I absolutely need 28.0.1 for react-native-camera? If so, how can I get around this issue with the SDK manager? I've tried various similar syntax for the install of the platform and it didn't work. I checked with sdkmanager --list that it's the proper name (seems to be). And if I go under android-sdk/platforms-tools all I see there is the adb file (or perhaps the install is supposed to just update that file?)
Silly me.
I needed to run the SDK manager as sudo. To do that:
sudo bash sdkmanager [installations args as per post above].
I will leave the post - I lost a ridiculous amount of time for that, hopefully it can help others....
And yes - if the platform-tools install has worked then under /platform-tools you should see a bunch of files, not just the adb one.

Nativescript vue, how to get the .apk file?

By following nativescript docs, installed all dependencies and tns doctor dont find any error.
and followed a tutorial and ran the following commands,
npm install -g #vue/cli #vue/cli-init
vue init nativescript-vue/vue-cli-template hello-vue
cd hello-vue
npm install
All sets fine and then i did my coding for an simple app then i ran below command:
npm run watch:android
This deploy the app in my connected android phone.
so my question is how can i get the apk file, so that i can send to another person?
Note: sidekick even not opening my folder. and when running tns build android shows No project found at or above 'C:\wamp64\www\newapp' and neither was a --path specified.
For building the apk for android, use the following command:
tns build android --release --key-store-path <path-to-your-keystore> --key-store-password <your-key-store-password> --key-store-alias <your-alias-name> --key-store-alias-password <your-alias-password>
Lots more info here :
If you want to get the debug apk using tns debug android --bundle, it will be located here :
<your project folder>/platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
If you are having trouble running tns, install nativescript globally using:
npm i -g nativescript
And follow the simple prompts.
I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for (it sounds like you want a debug.apk instead of an output.apk), but you might want to look at the documentation for publishing an Android app.

Mojave + Xcode 10 build fails on glog config.h, gflags/gflags.h

I'm testing React Native 0.56.0-rc.2 on Mac OS Mojave and Xcode 10.
react-native init TestProject --version="0.56.0-rc.2"
cd TestProject
npm run start
react-native run-ios
Which generated some long errors.
Entering Xcode gave me a failure on missing config.h for glog, which I found could be built manually:
cd ./node_modules/react-native/third-party/glog-0.3.4
./configure && make && make install
Which passed that stage, but got me on yet another issue
'gflags/gflags.h' file not found
I can't find anything related to RN and this on Google or Stack Overflow, only references to other packages and instructions to install those on a Debian-based system.
Is this a known issue?
Running this from the project directory fixed it for me:
cd ./node_modules/react-native/third-party/glog-0.3.4 && ../../scripts/
This manually triggers the config script
A simple and quick resolution.
In Xcode, go to File->Project/Workspace settings.
Change the build system to Legacy Build system.
This is the resolution from Wesley's link. Saw something the other day about posting the direct answer and trying to avoid linking because links / websites can change. I was going to leave this as a comment, but don't have enough rep.
It is a known issue, tracked here:
I resolved it by running following steps
In the root of the project, run npm install or yarn - install packages
cd node_modules/react-native - go to node modules directory
scripts/ - install # node_modules/react-native/third-party
cd third-party - go to newly created third party directory
cd glog-0.3.x - ls -la to find your directory version number or just use tab to auto-complete)
./configure - run setup
cd ../../../../ - change back to your project directory
react-native run-ios or react-native run-android - deploy
If any of these solution does not work, please check your project path. Project path and/or directory names should not contain any
space in its name or you can create project on Desktop or in Documents
Because of invalid name in project path, React Native project unable to link / add glob header files inside project / workspace.

no info and debug messages in Titanium console after updating Xcode

I'm using simple Ti.API.log() calls in several apps, and they worked fine - until I did the most recent XCode update. Since then, the Titanium console messages end with "focusing app simlatur" when I start an iOS App in the simulator, otherwise, no messages from my Ti.API.log() calls are displayed.
Run configuration -> log level is set to "info". Does anyone else have such problem or a solution?
It was a bug with the new version of the iOS simulator. See the issue tracker thread:
Scrolling down in that thread will show the current workaround reproduced below. This will download and install the newest bleeding edge version of the sdk that contains the fix. They estimate that it will be merged into an official release by mid december. If you are working in titanium studio, you might have to update to the newest version of that as well. I had this issue last week and fixed it by performing the below command and updating titanium studio. (titanium studio can be updated through help->install software and then adding the site for the beta release [see - ])
My new working setup is:
Studio version:
CLI version 3.2.0
Titanium SDK version 3.2.0.v20131114123518
sudo npm install -g git://
ti sdk install -b master -d
To get back to stable:
sudo npm install -g titanium#3.1.2
ti sdk select 3.1.3.GA
This is a known issue at the moment with 3.1.2.GA CLI. It has been fixed in the upcoming 3.2 CLI. Just hang in there while the AppC team works on this.
For the time being, you can uninstall the current cli via npm like so
npm remove titanium
Then install the "latest and greatest" version from github like so
npm install -g [sudo] npm install -g git://
You can refer to the setup options here: