Detect an invalid paypal email using MassPay Paypal API - api

I'm using MassPay Paypal API to make payments.
I was able to test it and is working pretty well using sandbox accounts.
The problem is I couldn't find a way to identify if the email that is going to receive money is a valid paypal email.
I tested it using a fake email and money was taken from the payer sandbox account even though the email (the one that should receive the money) doesn't have a paypal account associated, and the API response was as if it was a successful request.
I found this method to get the verification status of an account, but there is no much info in the documentation or any other info that helps me understand if this is what I'm looking for or how to apply it.

You will need an API operation called GetVerifiedStatus API Operation under PayPal adaptive accounts. Refer the below:
Sample API request:
API end point:
requestEnvelope.errorLanguage = en_US&emailAddress = = Firstname&lastName = Lastname&matchCriteria = NAME


Getting Paypal API response

I am trying out the PayPal API Developer Account, and am in the midst of creating a test payment. I have followed the steps stated here.
However, what I want to do is to extract the JSON response from the orders API, in which I would be using in Tibco. The request has been successfully made and is reflected in the Sandbox account. But I am unsure how I can obtain the URL that returns the JSON response from the orders API.
I am new to Paypal API integration and I would really appreciate any help provided.

How to get payout using PayPal API, with only batch_sender_id

Sometimes the PayPal API fails to give back a payout_id but still processes a payment (i.e. because the server is down).
I have some payments that I would like to fetch information for, but only have the batch_sender_id (the id that I gave each payment).
Is there a way to get the payment information with PayPal's API? There doesn't seem to be a way to fetch payments without the payout_id.
Resubmit with the same batch_sender_id, it should return html code 400 with a link to the resource that contains the previously submitted request. So before making a request to PayPal be sure to store the batch_sender_id so you can re-request later if you do not get a response.

Can the PayPal API track inbound payments in real time?

I'm planning to create a web application that allows a user to track donation amounts to their PayPal account that are posting in real time towards a goal.
I need to know...
A. If it's possible
B. If the path I'm using is the best path
c. What is the best path is b isn't.
The flow would work like this.
1) User visits site and enters their PayPal Email address / password / goal donation amount. I'd then be able to make api calls on behalf of this user.
2) I'd use the API call and make a webhook on this users account for when donations come in (The webhooks only say it can fire when sales come in, but maybe donations count as a sale?)
3) I'd have a function on my website ready to accept the post data and update the tracker.
So if the tracker starts out saying 0/300 (user entered 300 for goal amount at the start), then a 15 dollar donation comes in it will update to 15/300, and if another donation for 5 dollars comes in it will say 20/300 etc...
Thanks for any suggestions / help!
Instead of using the user's PayPal email address and password, PayPal has something called a client id and client secret. These work like passwords to make API calls and allot safer than asking for the real email address and password from your user. If you revise your #1, then it is certainly possible to make API calls and receive webhooks just like you described.
Link to PayPal Authentication & Headers:
Link to PayPal Notifications for managing webhooks:

Confused as to which PayPal api to use for generic payments?

I'm building a small cart app in PHP which needs to have PayPal integrated into it for payments.
Checking the PP developer site you get 100 different APIs for every kind of job, however there is no clear answer as to which is the GENERIC API I should use to accept payments in the classic manner most webshops implement:
1. Client clicks pay
2. Redirected to PP site where he is asked to login.
3. After login he is presented with confirmation, he clicks OK.
4. Browser redirects back to my cart which presents user with a "Thank you" message, order code etc, while in the background a request is sent to my cart with the transaction credentials (transaction id, success status etc).
By the way, I'm not looking for Express Checkout since in this case PP provides the shipping info.
You could use the DoDirectPayment API to process payments. This will keep the buyer on your site, and they will enter in the information on your site. Then you will pass the details over to PayPal through an API call, and PayPal will then send the response back to you if the payment is approved.
If you are not wanting to use the DoDirectPayment API and are wanting to direct the buyer over to PayPal's pages to complete the payment but do not want to use Express Checkout, you could use PayPal Payments Adv/Payflow.
Express Checkout is what you want. Shipping info can be set on your end or Paypal end. It makes no difference.

How do I get gateway Authcode from Shopify?

Shopify receives and stores information received from the gateway after a payment is made. It can be viewed in the orders page right at the bottom under Order History section. The words "customer successfully paid..." is a hyperlink. That information contains the authcode apart from some other credit card information. I just want the authcode. The webhook does not send this information in the xml data. Can you retrieve this through the API or is this not allowed? Thanks
Any gateway-specific info is provided through the receipt parameter on the Transactions API. If the token you're looking for isn't there, it's not available.
Thanks for your assistance. Apparently Shopify won't provide that information due to PCI compliance reasons. The payment provider that does the credit card processing will only send one response to Shopify and I was hoping I could get them to send me a response as well but that was wishful thinking on my part. The finance team will just have to log into Shopify and see that information if they need it.