Visual Basic Check whether two images are the same or different -

So I have a program which downloads images online and then stores them in files. But if two images have the same name, I have a piece of code which changes the file name to add a 1 to the end so that there are no errors. However, I was thinking it would be better to first check whether or not the images are the same before renaming them. And I am no way near good enough at VB as of yet to make my own image comparison code, so I looked on google and found this code but the thing is the code says that 2 identical images are different so? If anyone could have a look at the problem I would be hugely grateful.
Edit: Just for some further clarity I am comparing an image I already have stored in my folder with an image from the internet.
Re-Edit: I have found out that I have not correctly loaded one of the image variables if anybody knows what I need to change this would help? As I made the image variables the same to test and it worked fine.
Dim image1 As Bitmap = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(New IO.MemoryStream(New System.Net.WebClient().DownloadData(picture)))
Dim image2 As Bitmap = CType(Image.FromFile(path + "\" + uname + ".png", True), Bitmap)
Dim a As Boolean = AreSameImage(image1, image2)
If a Then
MsgBox("Identical image")
MsgBox("Different images")
End If
Public Function AreSameImage(ByVal I1 As Image, ByVal I2 As Image) As Boolean
Dim BM1 As Bitmap = I1
Dim BM2 As Bitmap = I2
For X = 0 To BM1.Width - 1
For y = 0 To BM2.Height - 1
If BM1.GetPixel(X, y) <> BM2.GetPixel(X, y) Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
Just out of curiosity if anyone knows how I could make it so that it checks the image against all the files in a certain folder - this would be really helpful. Thanks again!

Try to load your picture like this
Dim req As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("")
Dim stream As Stream = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()
Dim img As Image = Image.FromStream(stream)
Dim image1 As Bitmap = New Bitmap(img)
Is the path for Image2 correct?


Taking a screenshot of only portion of the browser using selenium in VBA | "Selenium VBA"

so this one is about taking a screenshot of only a portion of the browser using Selenium in VBA. I saw there is something like
but not sure how to use these sub attributes height and width or if they will work.
Plus I have multiple images to save using different filenames automatically. I tried this but it did not work.
dim bot as chromedriver, img as selenium.image
bot.get "http://"
for a = 1 to 100
set img = bot.takescreenshot(500)
img.Saveas this workbook.path & " :\" & a & ".jpg"
any suggestions please. Thanks in advance
There is unfortunately no built in function to take partial screenshots. However, you might try the following function to get an image of a specific element--please forgive any vb related mistakes I may have made as I rarely use the language.
Public Function CaptureElementScreenShot(ByVal element As HTMLElement, ByVal uniqueName As String) As Image
Dim screenshot As Screenshot = (CType(Me.driver, ITakesScreenshot)).GetScreenshot()
screenshot.SaveAsFile(filename, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
Dim img As Image = Bitmap.FromFile(uniqueName)
Dim rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle()
If element IsNot Nothing Then
Dim width As Integer = element.Size.Width
Dim height As Integer = element.Size.Height
Dim p As Point = element.Location
rect = New Rectangle(p.X, p.Y, width, height)
End If
Dim bmpImage As Bitmap = New Bitmap(img)
Dim croppedImage = bmpImage.Clone(rect, bmpImage.PixelFormat)
Return croppedImage
End Function

Error Multiple Read 2D barcode from image ( A generic error occurred in GDI+.)

I want to read 2D matrixcode from an image that I captured using camera and display it on a picturebox. The image will be saved from picturebox and then it will read the value of 2D matrixcode from the image.
I managed to read it one time. However, the second time I click the button to read it, it appeared this error. ": A generic error occurred in GDI+."
I want it able to capture it multiple time for each time I click.
Below are my attached code :
Dim filepath As String = Environment.CurrentDirectory
Dim current2 As Bitmap = CType(PictureBoxFilter.Image, Bitmap)
Dim fileName2 As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(filepath, "test.png")
Dim decoder As DmtxImageDecoder = New DmtxImageDecoder()
Dim codes As List(Of String) = decoder.DecodeImage(CType(Bitmap.FromFile(System.IO.Path.Combine(filepath, "test.png")), Bitmap), 1, New TimeSpan(0, 0, 3))
For Each code As String In codes
If code <> "" Then
Label1.Text = code
Label1.Text = ""
End If

Cant get image from resources

My resource1 contains graphic files named dot1, dot2 , dot3 etc. and each represent image of dice wall.
My game class have method updateView()
Public Sub updateView()
Dim imageName As String
image = "dot" & ToString(dice1.getDots())
Form1.PictureBox1.Image = CType(My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(imageName ), Image)
image = "dot" & ToString(dice2.getDots())
Form1.PictureBox2.Image = CType(My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(imageName ), Image)
... etc.
End Sub
I want to update 5 pictureboxes on form1 with images from reasource box depending on rolled number. This code isnt working and i dont know why.
ps. sorry for bad english
It appears that you're trying to GetObject(imageName), where imageName is declared as an empty string. You can solve this two ways, either define imageName, or search for the string you create in the image variable:
Dim imageName As String
imageName = "dot" & ToString(dice1.getDots())
Form1.PictureBox1.Image = CType(My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(imageName ), Image)
image = "dot" & ToString(dice1.getDots())
Form1.PictureBox1.Image = CType(My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(image), Image)
In either case, using Option Strict would help to solve problems like these.

Loading Picture Stored in Access Database into Program VB.NET

I have an Access Database linked with a VB project through a data source. In the database on one of the tables, I have an OLE Object field. I have saved pictures in .BMP format and .JPG format in this field. The problem I am encountering is loading this image into my application. This is what I would like to be able to do:
ButtonMeal1.BackgroundImage = IPOSDBDataSet.Meals.Rows(0).Item(5)
Where Item(5) is the column of the row where the image is stored.
Is there another way of doing this. Do I have to load the picture into the program by storing it as a variable, and then using that to change the background image of the button. There are no clear answers on the internet regarding my issue. Please help!
After doing some more research, I found some code and adjusted it to try fix my problem.
Dim ImageByteArray As Byte() = CType(IPOSDBDataSet.Meals.Rows(0).Item(5), Byte())
Dim ImageMemoryStream As MemoryStream = New IO.MemoryStream(ImageByteArray)
Dim MyImage As Image = Drawing.Image.FromStream(ImageMemoryStream)
PictureBox1.Image = MyImage
However, I receive the error "Parameter is Not Valid" with the 3rd line of the code. Would anyone be able to tell me how I could adjust my code to fix this issue, or tell me if I am doing something completely wrong?
I keep on changing the code around, but the error is always "Parameter is not valid.". What parameter is not valid?
No matter what I change it to, the error still persists. What is this parameter that is causing all my issues?
Dim ImageByteArray As Byte() = CType(IPOSDBDataSet.Meals.Rows(0).Item(5), Byte())
Dim ImageMemoryStream As MemoryStream = New IO.MemoryStream(ImageByteArray)
Dim ImageStream As Stream = ImageMemoryStream
Dim MyImage As Image = Drawing.Image.FromStream(ImageStream)
PictureBox1.Image = MyImage
Can anyone please help? I really need to be able to implement this into my program. Is there any other possible way of storing images in an access database, and importing them into my program?
Credit goes to TnTinMan from CodeProject for the answer. Hopefully this helps someone else:
Dim ImageByteArray As Byte() = CType(DataSet.Table.Rows(RowNo).Item(ItemNo), Byte())
Dim ImageMemoryStream As MemoryStream = New IO.MemoryStream(GetImageBytesFromOLEField(ImageByteArray))
Dim MyImage As Image = Drawing.Image.FromStream(ImageMemoryStream)
Friend Shared Function GetImageBytesFromOLEField(ByVal oleFieldBytes() As Byte) As Byte()
Dim BITMAP_ID_BLOCK As String = "BM"
Dim JPG_ID_BLOCK As String = ChrW(&HFF).ToString() & ChrW(&HD8).ToString() & ChrW(&HFF).ToString()
Dim PNG_ID_BLOCK As String = ChrW(&H89).ToString() & "PNG" & vbCrLf & ChrW(&H1A).ToString() & vbLf
Dim GIF_ID_BLOCK As String = "GIF8"
Dim TIFF_ID_BLOCK As String = "II*" & ChrW(&H0).ToString()
Dim imageBytes() As Byte
' Get a UTF7 Encoded string version
Dim u7 As System.Text.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF7
Dim strTemp As String = u7.GetString(oleFieldBytes)
Dim st2 As String = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(oleFieldBytes)
' Get the first 300 characters from the string
Dim strVTemp As String = strTemp.Substring(0, 300)
' Search for the block
Dim iPos As Integer = -1
If strVTemp.IndexOf(BITMAP_ID_BLOCK) <> -1 Then
iPos = strVTemp.IndexOf(BITMAP_ID_BLOCK)
ElseIf strVTemp.IndexOf(JPG_ID_BLOCK) <> -1 Then
iPos = strVTemp.IndexOf(JPG_ID_BLOCK)
ElseIf strVTemp.IndexOf(PNG_ID_BLOCK) <> -1 Then
iPos = strVTemp.IndexOf(PNG_ID_BLOCK)
ElseIf strVTemp.IndexOf(GIF_ID_BLOCK) <> -1 Then
iPos = strVTemp.IndexOf(GIF_ID_BLOCK)
ElseIf strVTemp.IndexOf(TIFF_ID_BLOCK) <> -1 Then
iPos = strVTemp.IndexOf(TIFF_ID_BLOCK)
Throw New Exception("Unable to determine header size for the OLE Object")
End If
' From the position above get the new image
If iPos = -1 Then
Throw New Exception("Unable to determine header size for the OLE Object")
End If
imageBytes = New Byte(CInt(oleFieldBytes.LongLength - iPos - 1)) {}
Array.ConstrainedCopy(oleFieldBytes, iPos, imageBytes, 0, oleFieldBytes.Length - iPos)
Return imageBytes
End Function
There isn't really such a thing as an 'image' stored in an Access table, only a binary stream. Therefore, the left hand side of your expression doesn't know that the right hand side is providing an image. You would have to stream the binary stream into a stream in VB.NET, then use System.Graphics methods to make it into a BMP or PNG or whatever. You could assign that object to the button.
still show error: index and length must refer to a location within the string.Parameter name: len

Low quality thumbnails in listview

I use
I use ListView to view 50*x thumbnails(.jpg) at the left to the items.
But instead of 32bit high quality thumbnails, ListView lowers them to 8bit or 16bit(not sure).
Here's the code
Private Sub afterprocessed()
Dim imlTemp As New ImageList
Dim dirFiles() As String = IO.Directory.GetFiles("backend\communicate\thumbnails")
Dim _imgList As New ImageList
Dim imgSize As New Size
imgSize.Width = 50
ListView1.SmallImageList = _imgList
Dim count As Integer = 0
Dim item As New ListViewItem
For Each dirFile As String In dirFiles
Dim imgFilename As String = IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dirFile)
Dim img As New System.Drawing.Bitmap(dirFile)
Dim imgImage As Image = Image.FromFile(dirFile)
'Dim imgHeight As Integer
'imgHeight = imgImage.Height
imgSize.Height = imgImage.Height
_imgList.ImageSize = imgSize
ListView1.Items.Add(imgFilename, count)
count += 1
End Sub
And the quality is noticably low. Compared to original JPG
Any advice? I'd greatly appreciate it :D
You need this.
this.ListView1.SmallImageList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit;
I had a similar problem one time and I found out it was being caused by using the ImageList.ImageSize method, which seems to use a poor resizing algorithm. I resolved it by ensuring all the images I used were already the correct size on disk before loading them. But if that's not an option for you it shouldn't be too difficult to resize them before adding them to the ImageList.