Some errors while changing default currency in odoo 10.0... - odoo

How to change the default currency in Odoo 10.0 without exchange rate ?
I tried the method from
But I got the errors such as
When in POS, I tried to "Validate Closing & Post Entries", I got Odoo warning There is no account defined on the journal Cash for Profit involved in a cash difference and can not post the POS transaction.
While in POS checkout, the unsolved problems on
How to fix them ?
I also includeed the recorded screen on youtube at :

In solution of your 1st error you need to define opening and closing account in payment methods define in POS front. For that POS >> Configuraion >> Payment Methods. In that choose payment method which active in POS and from that there are 2 fields name "Default Debit Account" and "Default Credit Account" define accounts here. By adding accounts here your 1st error is resolved. Don't know much about second error if you know then late me know. :)


Cannot create unbalanced journal entry in Odoo

I am using odoo version 12.0+e . Whenever I go to POS and Close a Session by Hitting the "validate closing & post entries" button it shows loading screen and after a few minutes it shows "Cannot create unbalanced journal entry." error. I am running odoo trial in cloud server. the problem screenshot has been tagged.enter image description here
Instead of creating separate jounral entry line you have to setup vals for debit and credit line then create jounral entry record. This will solve your problem
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VI05 - Purchase order is locked by the same user

I run transaction code VI05 with a Freight Cost document. When I pick the ​document and press F8, an error message occurs: "Purchase Order is already elaborated by user ABC". I mention that ABC is my user.
It seems that this PO is locked/unlocked many times during VI05 flow, but the last time I get this error (when ME22 is called).
Did anyone meet this problem?

Paypal error 10413

I am working with the paypal express checkout API and am having issues.
I have a request like so:
I have reviewed this many times and see no error in the math, yet this is what paypal sends me.
TIMESTAMP : 2017-03-22T01:41:05Z
CORRELATION ID : e22e8009c7018
ACK : Failure
VERSION : 88.0
BUILD : 31129382
Error Code : 10413
Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts.
I found that PayPal responded this way because I did not include L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NUMBER0 . After including that field, it was accepted. I must say that the error message sent to me lead to me to the wrong issue

What is the correct way to add a PCTC SSR in SITA Web Services (SWS)

I'm trying to use the SITA Web Services to add an emergency contact to a booking. I'm using this XML, but I keep getting "013 - ACTION" error
<OTA_AirBookModifyRQ xmlns:="" TransactionIdentifier="" Version="2003.5.0">
<AirBookModifyRQ BookingReferenceID="JKYZJ" ModificationType="5">
<SpecialServiceRequest SSRCode="PCTC" Status="11" TravelerRefNumberRPHList="1">
<Airline Code="XS"></Airline>
The reason you're getting "013 - ACTION" is that you are specifying "11" (which means NN -Need) as the status. Change the status to "26", which means HK - Hold Confirmed).
Note also, for PCTC the element must be in a specific format to be correctly accepted by reservation system. See the Agent Reservation guide for more details on this.

Rails 3 - Model Error Message Validation Messages

Currently I have a script that checks to make sure that a test card was not submitted in production (since accepts test credit cards in live mode) and I add an error message to the credit card number if the one submitted is in the Test_Credit_Cards array like so:
TEST_CREDIT_CARDS = ['370000000000002', '6011000000000012', '4007000000027', '4012888818888']
validate :not_a_test_credit_card
def not_a_test_credit_card
self.errors[:cc_number] << "number is invalid!" if TEST_CREDIT_CARDS.include?(cc_number) and Rails.env.production?
Now on the front end the error message appears like so:
Credit card cc number is invalid!
Is there anyway to change the message to read Credit Card number is invalid! I just want to remove the cc portion from the message.
First, remove the number from the error message:
self.errors[:cc_number] << "is invalid!" if TEST_CREDIT_CARDS.include?(cc_number) and Rails.env.production?
Next, put a translation for cc_number in config/locales/en.yml:
cc_number: "number"
I prefer this answer over Anthony Alberto's answer for three reasons:
It is always a good idea to use ActiveRecord existing translation engine.
This way, cc_number will be translated to number whenever you add errors on it.
It is not true that the error is on the CreditCard instance itself, it is specifically related to the cc_number field.
That should do it :
self.errors[:base] << "number is invalid!" if TEST_CREDIT_CARDS.include?(cc_number) and Rails.env.production?
base refers to the object as a whole, not a specific attribute.