How to send keystrokes to application in Blue Prism? - automation

In a HTML application I need to put text and press Enter key in order to perform search task. There is no alternate of pressing Enter key to search text. In Blue prism I couldn't find way of sending Enter key (or any other hotkey) after writing text to search element.

Use Navigate stage in business object/process
Double click on navigate stage
Select root app element and drag & drop element to his position and Actions combobox , select Global Send Keys
Type {ENTER} in right hand side
Reset business object
Run application

Navigate Stage, use the main app element in the given list, drag and drop in his position, and in Actions comboBox, select Global Send Keys.
Go down, in Text input, write "{ENTER}" and Done.

Use NAVIGATE, in it use your Element(field, where you put your text) and in Action dropbox you will have "Send Key" or "Global Send Key". Choose one of those and at the bottom of Navigate window there will be Input section where you can type in(as a text) button which you need: "Enter"


Telegram Bot: Add action to keyboard button to add text in the chat inputbox

I have added a Inlinekeyboard button as reply_markup to a chat message, and now as an on click action, i want to add a text in the input box, to make it easy for the user ( the text is part of the input to be given in the conversation).
All I could find is 'switch_inline_query_current_chat', which only supports inline queries
Unfortunately, you can't do it directly at this time. :(
You need to send/edit a message which contains a switch_to_inline_current_chat button, and ask user to click it.
I hope you can make this suggestions to #BotSupport, this would be useful for further developers!

In IntelliJ IDEA, how do I use the keyboard to highlight an arbitrary checkbox?

For example, if I press Ctrl-Alt-P to extract a parameter, pressing Tab on the resulting dialog box moves directly from "Name" to "Refactor". I know I can work around this by using Alt+key to select a checkbox (e.g., Alt+a for replace all), but as AltGr doesn't work I have to contort my left hand to hit this combination. How do I, using the keyboard, select the first checkbox, so I can use space to change it?
The only way to access the checkboxes in this dialog is via mnemonics (Alt+underlined letter).
There is also an open issue to add tabstops for checkboxes and radio buttons in the refactoring dialogs so that they can be accessed not only by the mnemonics, but also by cycling the components using Tab:
IDEA-154127 Extract refactorings: navigation and mnemonics problems
There is really nothing you can do about it until tabstops are explicitly implemented for these dialogs.

Give focus to text-entry field in prompt in node-webkit

In most browsers, a javascript prompt() gives focus to the text entry field so the user can begin typing immediately.
In node-webkit, a javascript prompt() gives focus to the prompt window, but not the text entry field. The user has to click inside the field before typing.
How can I set the focus to inside the text entry field when using a prompt in node-webkit?
An extensible way is to create your own prompts with a javascript modal window. Many of the common JS frameworks have easy ways of creating a modal window which will give you complete control over the text and inputs being displayed.

Using Enter key to invoke different methods in Mac(objective c)

I am new to Objective c programming. I have created an application which has a UI with two buttons "Cancel" and "Ok". On clicking "Cancel", the application must terminate and clicking "Ok" must perform some task. Everything works fine. I am able to tab between these buttons and can call the required functionality by clicking space button.
All I want to do is, that when focus is on "Cancel" button(using tab key) then on clicking enter button from keyboard, my application should terminate and similarly, when focus is on "Ok" button then clicking enter should perform the desired functionality.
I have even set the 'setKeyEquivalent" property of the "Ok" and "Cancel" button, but I can only set unique keyequivalents. I also tried to read the title or tag value of the buttons and then call the required functionality but it didn't worked too.
Can someone please guide me how can I use enter button to invoke different functions depending upon the selected button in UI.
I think you don't want to set key equivalents for the buttons. You would want to override keyDown: and test for the enter key, then do the appropriate thing depending on which button had focus (which I think you could determine using NSWindow's firstResponder method).

Invoking a method on Space bar or Enter Press + MAC APP

I am developing a mac standalone app.
I want to let user press enter on search button to get result from DB.
Is there any way we can give control to search when user presses 'Enter Key'.
It works great on 'Space Bar'.
How can it be possible on 'Enter Key' in objective C.
Just set your button's "key equivalent" to the return key. To do that, select your button in the Interface Builder, open the inspector, and look for the entry labeled "key equivalent". Click it, and hit the return key. That's it!
But if you have a search box already, it's usually a better idea to do away with the search button. For example, Safari's Google search field doesn't have a "Google Search" button. Instead, hitting the return key at the end of the search phrase automatically triggers the search. If you want to do that, you just need to set the target and the action for the search box.