Convert hex to latitude longitude from dashcam .MOV file - gps

I have an OEM dashcam that saves videos in .MOV format. I want to extract the embedded gps data from the video files programmatically. Upon opening the .mov file in a hex editor I found data packets with freeGPS headers and I can confirm that for my 7 seconds sample video there are 7 packets so I know this where the gps data comes from.
I already found the date and time but I got stuck with converting the hex values to latitude longitude. Below are the hex values and their equivalent coordinates when extracted using Registrator Viewer.
273108AC1C7996404E,0D022B873EA3C74045 - 14.637967,121.041475
516B9A771C7996404E,0D022B873EA3C74045 - 14.637963,121.041475
B9FC87F41B7996404E,52499D803EA3C74045 - 14.637955,121.041472
B9FC87F41B7996404E,52499D803EA3C74045 - 14.637955,121.041472
B459F5B91A7996404E,C442AD693EA3C74045 - 14.637935,121.041460
1DEBE2361A7996404E,ACADD85F3EA3C74045 - 14.637927,121.041455
08CE19511A7996404E,4FD1915C3EA3C74045 - 14.637928,121.041453
The bolded bytes directly translates to #N and #E so I think they are not part of the conversion. I already tried the below answers but I did not succeed in getting the correct coordinates.
How to convert GPS Longitude and latitude from hex
How to convert my binary (hex) data to latitude and longitude?
I already sent an email to the dashcam provider asking for their protocol documentation but it does not look like they have one since they sent Registrator Viewer when I asked for their own video player.
I will also include the first freeGPS packet in case I am looking at the wrong place.
00 00 80 00 66 72 65 65 47 50 53 20 98 00 00 00 78 2E 78 78 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 30 30 30 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 27 00 00 00 41 00 00 00 27 31 08 AC 1C 79 96 40 4E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0D 02 2B 87 3E A3 C7 40 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8F C2 F5 28 5C 8F E2 3F 48 E1 7A 14 AE 07 68 40 11 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 76 00 00 00 88 00 00 00 DE 00 00 00 4D 00 00 00 49 00 00 00 4F 00 00 00 2D 00 00 00 2B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Data in bold extracted in order : freeGPS, time, latitude#N?, longitude#E?, date
I can confirm that time and date are correct. The speed is supposed to be 1km/h but I can't also find that.
Thanks in advance for those who can help.
Here is the link for the test video. Test Video

Not sure how helpful this is but if you convert the hex string (including the 0x40 at the end) into a little endian IEEE-754 double precision real, then you get approximately 100X the lat/lon.
In C, I did something like
printf( "%f\n", *(double*)"\x27\x31\x08\xAC\x1C\x79\x96\x40" );
printf( "%f\n", *(double*)"\x0D\x02\x2B\x87\x3E\xA3\xC7\x40" );
and got out
Update thanks to #TDG
If the 1438.278 is interpreted as 14 degrees 38.278 minutes then you get a decimal value of 14.6379666666666667. If 12102.4885 is interpreted as 121 degrees and 2.4885 minutes, the decimal equivalent is 121.041475.
Some example C code to do this
double convert( double input ) {
int i = input/100;
return ( input - i*100 ) / 60 + i;
int main(){
printf( "%f\n", convert( *(double*)"\x27\x31\x08\xAC\x1C\x79\x96\x40" ) );
printf( "%f\n", convert( *(double*)"\x0D\x02\x2B\x87\x3E\xA3\xC7\x40" ) );

Found this explanation of GPS data format, worked for me.
public static ViofoGpsPoint Parse(uint offset, uint size, byte[] file)
byte[] data = new byte[size];
Array.Copy(file, offset, data, 0, size);
uint pos = 0;
uint size1 = Box.ReadUintBE(data, pos); pos += 4;
string type = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, (int)pos, 4); pos += 4;
string magic = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, (int)pos, 4); pos += 4;
if (size != size1 || type != "free" || magic != "GPS ")
return null;
ViofoGpsPoint gps = new ViofoGpsPoint();
//# checking for weird Azdome 0xAA XOR "encrypted" GPS data.
//This portion is a quick fix.
uint payload_size = 254;
if (data[pos] == 0x05)
if (size < 254)
payload_size = size;
byte[] payload = new byte[payload_size];
pos += 6; //???
for (int i = 0; i < payload_size; i++)
payload[i] = (byte)(file[pos + i] ^ 0xAA);
else if ((char)data[pos] == 'L')
const uint OFFSET_V2 = 48, OFFSET_V1 = 16;
pos = OFFSET_V2;
//# Datetime data
int hour = (int)Box.ReadUintLE(data, pos); pos += 4;
int minute = (int)Box.ReadUintLE(data, pos); pos += 4;
int second = (int)Box.ReadUintLE(data, pos); pos += 4;
int year = (int)Box.ReadUintLE(data, pos); pos += 4;
int month = (int)Box.ReadUintLE(data, pos); pos += 4;
int day = (int)Box.ReadUintLE(data, pos); pos += 4;
try { gps.Date = new DateTime(2000 + year, month, day, hour, minute, second); }
catch (Exception err) { Debug.WriteLine(err.ToString()); return null; }
//# Coordinate data
char active = (char)data[pos]; pos++;
gps.IsActive = (active == 'A');
gps.Latitude_hemisphere = (char)data[pos]; pos++;
gps.Longtitude_hemisphere = (char)data[pos]; pos++;
gps.Unknown = data[pos]; pos++;
float lat = Box.ReadFloatLE(data, pos); pos += 4;
gps.Latitude = FixCoordinate(lat, gps.Latitude_hemisphere);
float lon = Box.ReadFloatLE(data, pos); pos += 4;
gps.Longtitude = FixCoordinate(lon, gps.Longtitude_hemisphere);
gps.Speed = Box.ReadFloatLE(data, pos); pos += 4;
gps.Bearing = Box.ReadFloatLE(data, pos); pos += 4;
return gps;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// # Novatek stores coordinates in odd DDDmm.mmmm format
/// </summary>
/// <param name="coord"></param>
/// <param name="hemisphere"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static double FixCoordinate(double coord, char hemisphere)
double minutes = coord % 100.0;
double degrees = coord - minutes;
double coordinate = degrees / 100.0 + (minutes / 60.0);
if (hemisphere == 'S' || hemisphere == 'W')
return -1 * (coordinate);
return (coordinate);


How to show the public key for a website certificate

I've created a Go program to connect to a website and get the certificates it uses. I'm not sure how to get the correct representation of the public key.
I can fetch the certificate and I can type check on Certificate.PublicKey. Once I understand it's rsa.PublicKey or ecdsa.PublicKey I'd need to print the hex representation of it.
switch cert.PublicKey.(type) {
case *rsa.PublicKey:
logrus.Error("this is RSA")
// TODO: print hex representation of key
case *ecdsa.PublicKey:
logrus.Error("this is ECDSA")
// TODO: print hex representation of key
fmt.Println("it's something else")
I'd expect it to print something like:
04 4B F9 47 1B A8 A8 CB A4 C6 C0 2D 45 DE 43 F3 BC F5 D2 98 F4 25 90 6F 13 0D 78 1A AC 05 B4 DF 7B F6 06 5C 80 97 9A 53 06 D0 DB 0E 15 AD 03 DE 14 09 D3 77 54 B1 4E 15 A8 AF E3 FD DC 9D AD E0 C5
it seems you are asking for the sha1 sum of the certificates involved.
here is a working example that asks for a host:port and prints the sums of the certificates involved
package main
import (
func main() {
if len(os.Args) != 2 {
log.Panic("call with argument of host:port")
conf := &tls.Config{
//InsecureSkipVerify: true,
fmt.Printf("dialing:%s\n", os.Args[1])
conn, err := tls.Dial("tcp", os.Args[1], conf)
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
for i, v := range conn.ConnectionState().PeerCertificates {
//edit: use %X for uppercase hex printing
fmt.Printf("cert %d sha1 fingerprint:%x \n", i, sha1.Sum(v.Raw))
run as:
cert 0 sha1 fingerprint:34781c3be98cf958f514aecb1ae2e4e866effe34
cert 1 sha1 fingerprint:eeacbd0cb452819577911e1e6203db262f84a318
for general notions on SSL i have found this stackexchange answer to be extremely valuable.

GNURadio PSK bit recovery

I have followed the wonderful GNURadio Guided Tutorial PSK Demodulation:
I've created a very simple DBPSK modulator
I feed in a series of bits that are sliding. So the first byte I feed in is 0x01, the next byte is 0x02, 0x04, 0x08 and so on. This is the output of hd:
00000000 00 00 ac 0e d0 f0 20 40 81 02 04 08 10 00 20 40 |...... #...... #|
00000010 81 02 04 08 10 00 20 40 81 02 04 08 10 00 20 40 |...... #...... #|
The first few bytes are garbage, but then you can see the pattern. Looking at the second line you see:
0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x00, 0x20, 0x40, 0x81
The walking ones is there, but after 0x10, the PSK demodulator receives a 0x00, then a few bytes later is receives a 0x81. It almost seems like the timing recovery is off.
Has anyone else seen something like this?
OK, I figured it out. Below is my DBPSK modulation.
If you let this run, the BER will continue to drop. Some things to keep in mind. The PSK Mod takes an 8-bit value (or perhaps an short or int as well). It grabs the bits and modulates them. Then the PSK Demod does the same. If you save this to a file, you will not get the exact bits out. You will need to shift the bits to align them. I added the Vector Insert block to generate a preamble of sorts.
Then I wrote some Python to find my preamble:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def findPreamble(preamble, x):
for i in range(0, len(x) - len(preamble)):
check = 0
for j in range(0, len(preamble)):
check += x[i + j] - preamble[j]
if (check == 0):
print("Found a preamble at {0}".format(i))
x = x[i + len(preamble)::]
return check == 0, x
def shiftBits(x):
for i in range (0, len(x) - 1):
a = x[i]
a = a << 1
if x[i + 1] & 0x80:
a = a | 1
x[i] = (a & 0xFF)
return x
f = open('test.bits', 'rb')
x =;
preamble = [0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08]
searchForBit = True
x = np.frombuffer(x, dtype='uint8')
x = x.astype('int')
while searchForBit:
x = shiftBits(x)
found, y = findPreamble(preamble, x)
if found:
searchForBit = False
y = y.astype('uint8')
f = open('test.bits', 'wb')

Converting Hex String to UInt8 Array in Objective-C

The String to bytes[]
NSString *strData = #"ca 20 fe c1 04 03 03 07 00 ac";
The Result is
UInt8 bytes[]= {0xca,0x20,0xfe,0xc1,0x04,0x03,0x03,0x07,0x01,0xac};
for swift code, how convert to Objective-C
let data = NSString(string : "ca 20 fe c1 04 03 03 07 01 ac");
let dataArr = data.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
var bytes : [UInt8] = [];
for item in dataArr {
let byte = UInt8(item, radix: 16)
let hexData = NSData(bytes: bytes, length: 10)

Ti C6x DSP intrinsics for optimising C code

I want to use C66x intrinsics to optimise my code .
Below is some C code what I want to optimise by using DSP intrinsics .
I am new to DSP intrinsic ,so not having full knowledge of which intrinsic use for below logic .
uint8 const src[40] = = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40};
uint32_t width = 8;
uint32_t axay1_6 = 112345;
uint32_t axay2_6 = 123456;
uint32_t axay3_6 = 134567;
uint32_t axay4_6 = 145678;
C code:
uint8_t const *cLine = src;
uint8_t const *nLine = cLine + width;
uint32_t res = 0;
const uint32_t a1 = (*cLine++) * axay1_6;
const uint32_t a3 = (*nLine++) * axay3_6;
res = a1 + a3;
const uint32_t a2 = (*cLine) * axay2_6;
const uint32_t a4 = (*nLine) * axay4_6;
res += a2 + a4;
C66x Intrinscics :
const uint8_t *Ix00, *Ix01, *Iy00,*Iy01;
uint32_t in1,in2;
uint64_t l1, l2;
__x128_t axay1_6 = _dup32_128(axay1_6); //112345 112345 112345 112345
__x128_t axay2_6 = _dup32_128(axay2_6); //123456 123456 123456 123456
__x128_t axay3_6 = _dup32_128(axay3_6); //134567 134567 134567 134567
__x128_t axay4_6 = _dup32_128(axay4_6); //145678 145678 145678 145678
Ix00 = src ;
Ix01 = Ix00 + 1 ;
Iy00 = src + width;
Iy01 = Iy00 + 1;
int64_t I_00 = _mem8_const(Ix00); //00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
int64_t I_01 = _mem8_const(Ix01); //01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
int64_t I_10 = _mem8_const(Iy00); //10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
int64_t I_11 = _mem8_const(Iy01); //11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
in1 = _loll(I_00); //00 01 02 03
l1 = _unpkbu4(in1); //00 01 02 03 (16x4)
in2 = _hill(I_00); //04 05 06 07
l2 = _unpkbu4(in2); //04 05 06 07 (16x4)
Here I want one something __x128 register with 32*4 value containg " 00 01 02 03 " data .
So I can multiply __x128 into __x128 bit register and get __x128 bit value .Presently i am planning to use _qmpy32
I am new to this C66x DSP intrinscic .
Can you tell me which intrinsic is suitable to get __x128 type of register with 32x4 values with 00 01 02 03 values.
(means how to convert 16 bit to 32 bit by using dsp intrinsic)
Use the _unpkhu2 instruction to expand the 16x4 to 32x4.
__x128_t src1_128, src2_128;
src1_128 = _llto128(_unpkhu2(_hill(l1)), _unpkhu2(_loll(l1)));
src2_128 = _llto128(_unpkhu2(_hill(l2)), _unpkhu2(_loll(l2)));
Be careful: Little-endian/Big-endian settings can make these sorts of things come out in a way you didn't expect.
Also, I wouldn't recommend naming a variable l1. In some fonts, lower-case L and the number 1 are indistinguishable.

Optimization using NEON assembly

I am trying to optimize some parts of OpenCV code using NEON. Here is the original code block I work on. (Note: If it is of any importance, you can find the full source at "opencvfolder/modules/video/src/lkpyramid.cpp". It is an implementation of an object tracking algorithm.)
for( ; x < colsn; x++ )
deriv_type t0 = (deriv_type)(trow0[x+cn] - trow0[x-cn]);
deriv_type t1 = (deriv_type)((trow1[x+cn] + trow1[x-cn])*3 + trow1[x]*10);
drow[x*2] = t0; drow[x*2+1] = t1;
In this code, size of deriv_type is a 2 byte.
And here is the NEON assembly I have written. With original code I measure 10-11 fps. With NEON it is worse, I can only get 5-6 fps. I don't really know much about NEON, probably there are lots of mistakes in this code. Where am I doing wrong? Thanks
for( ; x < colsn; x+=4 )
__asm__ __volatile__(
"vld1.16 d2, [%2] \n\t" // d2 = trow0[x+cn]
"vld1.16 d3, [%3] \n\t" // d3 = trow0[x-cn]
"vsub.i16 d9, d2, d3 \n\t" // d9 = d2 - d3
"vld1.16 d4, [%4] \n\t" // d4 = trow1[x+cn]
"vld1.16 d5, [%5] \n\t" // d5 = trow1[x-cn]
"vld1.16 d6, [%6] \n\t" // d6 = trow1[x]
"vmov.i16 d7, #3 \n\t" // d7 = 3
"vmov.i16 d8, #10 \n\t" // d8 = 10
"vadd.i16 d4, d4, d5 \n\t" // d4 = d4 + d5
"vmul.i16 d10, d4, d7 \n\t" // d10 = d4 * d7
"vmla.i16 d10, d6, d8 \n\t" // d10 = d10 + d6 * d8
"vst2.16 {d9,d10}, [%0] \n\t" // drow[x*2] = d9; drow[x*2+1] = d10;
//"vst1.16 d4, [%1] \n\t"
: //output
:"r"(drow+x*2), "r"(drow+x*2+1), "r"(trow0+x+cn), "r"(trow0+x-cn), "r"(trow1+x+cn), "r"(trow1+x-cn), "r"(trow1) //input
:"d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6", "d7", "d8", "d9", "d10" //registers
This is the verison with intrinsics. It is almost the same with before. It still works slow.
const int16x8_t vk3 = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 };
const int16x8_t vk10 = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
for( ; x < colsn; x+=8 )
int16x8x2_t loaded;
int16x8_t t0a = vld1q_s16(&trow0[x + cn]);
int16x8_t t0b = vld1q_s16(&trow0[x - cn]);
loaded.val[0] = vsubq_s16(t0a, t0b); // t0 = (trow0[x + cn] - trow0[x - cn])
loaded.val[1] = vld1q_s16(&trow1[x + cn]);
int16x8_t t1b = vld1q_s16(&trow1[x - cn]);
int16x8_t t1c = vld1q_s16(&trow1[x]);
loaded.val[1] = vaddq_s16(loaded.val[1], t1b);
loaded.val[1] = vmulq_s16(loaded.val[1], vk3);
loaded.val[1] = vmlaq_s16(loaded.val[1], t1c, vk10);
You're creating a lot of pipeline stalls due to data hazards. For example these three instructions:
"vadd.i16 d4, d4, d5 \n\t" // d4 = d4 + d5
"vmul.i16 d10, d4, d7 \n\t" // d10 = d4 * d7
"vmla.i16 d10, d6, d8 \n\t" // d10 = d10 + d6 * d8
They each only take 1 instruction to issue, but there are several-cycle stalls between them because the results are not ready (NEON instruction scheduling).
Try unrolling the loop a few times and interleaving their instructions. The compiler might do this for you if you use intrinsics. It's not impossible to beat the compiler at instructions scheduling etc, but it is quite hard and not often worth it (this might fall under not optimizing prematurely).
Your intrinsic code is reasonable, I suspect the compiler is just not doing a very good job. Take a look at the assembly code it's producing (objdump -d) and you will probably see that it's also creating a lot of pipeline hazards. A later version of the compiler may help, but if it doesn't you might have to modify the loop yourself to hide the latency of the results (you will need the instruction timings). Keep the current code around, as it is correct and should be optimisable by a clever compiler.
You might end up with something like:
// do step 1 of first iteration
// ...
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
// do step 1 of (i+1)th
// do step 2 of (i)th
// with their instructions interleaved
// ...
// do step 2 of (n-1)th
// ...
You can also split the loop into more than 2 steps, or unroll the loop a few times (e.g. change i++ to i+=2, double the body of the loop, changing i to i+1 in the second half). I hope this answer helps, let me know if anything is unclear!
There is some loop invariant stuff there that needs to be moved outside the for loop - this may help a little.
You could also consider using full width SIMD operations, so that you can process 8 ppints per loop iteration rather than 4.
Most importantly though, you should probably be using intrinsics rather than raw asm, so that the compiler can take care of peephole optimisation, register allocation, instruction scheduling, loop unrolling, etc.
// constants - init outside loop
const int16x8_t vk3 = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 };
const int16x8_t vk10 = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
for( ; x < colsn; x += 8)
int16x8_t t0a = vld1q_s16(&trow0[x + cn]);
int16x8_t t0b = vld1q_s16(&trow0[x - cn]);
int16x8_t t0 = vsubq_s16(t0a, t0b); // t0 = (trow0[x + cn] - trow0[x - cn])
// ...