How to change MaterialAsset Property in ContentBrowser through C++ - game-engine

Now I am making a plugin and I want to change MaterialAsset Property in ContentBrowser ,but I don't know how to change and save it.
TArray AssetData;
UMaterial *u = Cast(AssetData[0].GetAsset());
u->BlendMode = EBlendMode::BLEND_Masked;
( This is wrong, nothing have changed)
enter image description here


virtual ClistCtrl with checkboxes on displayed report list style

I have an MFC SDI application to display a list of data read from a csv file. So I set up its view to be inherited from CListView and make it a virtual list control. That means I have to use LVS_OWNERDATA as one of its CListCtrl style attributes. Yet I now run into a problem when I have to include Checkboxes in each row of the displayed list. As you might know, LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES can't be used with LVS_OWNERDATA, I therefore create a bitmap file to contain 2 small images of checkbox (selected and de-selected) and toggle them every time the user clicks on the loaded image/icon. I am handling this in OnNMClick method. And I have two problems I would like to ask for your help to solve.
(1) I don't know how to update the virtual list (which is commonly handled in OnLvnGetdispinfo method) so I try this in OnNMClick and find that the check and unchecked images aren't toggled.
void CMFCSDITest::OnNMClick(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
*pResult = 0;
LVHITTESTINFO hitinfo; = pNMItemActivate->ptAction;
int nItem = pListCtrl->HitTest(&hitinfo);
if (hitinfo.flags != LVHT_ONITEMICON)
NMLVDISPINFO *pDispInfo = reinterpret_cast<NMLVDISPINFO*>(pNMHDR);
LV_ITEM* pItem = &(pDispInfo)->item;
if (pItem->iImage == 0)
pItem->iImage = 1;
pItem->iImage = 0;
pListCtrl->UpdateWindow(); //this is wrong as nothing seems updated after all.
Given that the created imagelist is inserted into the pListCtrl already (in OnInitialUpdate method) and I set the output image index value in OnLvnGetdispinfo method.
(2) Instead of handling OnNMClick, I read somewhere people's advice that OnLvnItemchanged method could also be used. However in LPNMLISTVIEW struct, there is uNewState and uOldState variable members for which I don't know how to set up my tiny checked and unchecked icons as status images. Because I might have to do this
if (pNMLV->uChanged & LVIF_STATE)
case image1://do
case image2://do

How can I make an SLTextField tappable?

I have been writing a test with "Subliminal's" "SLTextField" and have run into some really annoying issues lately.
I have written a test which should update a text field, clear it, and update it again.
For some reason when I use "SLTextField" to change the element text I consistently receive errors stating that "SLTextFields" aren't tappable elements. Is this true? If so, what is the point of having an "SLTextField" class at all?
I can rewrite the same test code to find the element as an "SLElement", at which point I can tap the element, open up a keyboard object and type the necessary text, but it seems like I'm circumventing the entire functionality of Subliminal in doing this.
What's wrong w/"SLTextField"?
SLTextField *textField = [SLTextField elementWithAccessibilityLabel:fieldName];
SLWaitUntilTrue([textField isTappable], DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
textField.text = newValue;
The above code throws an error, stating that "textField" never becomes tappable. Alternatively, the code below works perfectly, though it's unnecessarily verbose and seems to make "SLTextField" superfluous.
SLElement *field = [SLElement elementWithAccessibilityLabel:fieldName];
[field tapAtActivationPoint];
//fill with text
SLKeyboard *kb = [SLKeyboard keyboard];
SLKeyboardKey *deleteKey = [SLKeyboardKey elementWithAccessibilityLabel:#"Delete"];
while(![field.value isEqualToString:#""]){
[deleteKey touchAndHoldWithDuration:1.2];
[kb typeString:newValue];
SLKeyboardKey *doneKey = [SLKeyboardKey elementWithAccessibilityLabel:#"Next"];
if(![doneKey isValid]){
doneKey = [SLKeyboardKey elementWithAccessibilityLabel:#"Done"];
[doneKey tap];
[kb hide];
Is your TextField within a TableViewCell? And are you seeing this on iOS 7?
If so, it might have been fixed by (merged 6/6/2014).

Setting value to flashvars property doesn't work

I'm trying to set value to the property FlashVars when inserting shockwave flash movie to PowerPoint 2010 using vba like this:
Dim s As Shape
Set s = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.AddOLEObject(0, 0, -1, -1, ClassName:="ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash")
With s.OLEFormat.Object
.FlashVars = "parm1 = val1"
.EmbedMovie = True
.Movie = "D:\Samples\test.swf"
End With
However, after executing the setting command (s.OLEFormat.Object.FlashVars = "parm1 = val1" ), the value of FlashVars remains empty. Do you have any idea about this weird behavior ?
I have no idea about embedding Flash in this fashion, but in the browser an alternative to defining a FlashVars object can be to append the variables to the SWF file name. That might be worth a try if a proper solution does not present itself.
.Movie = "D:\Samples\test.swf?parm1=var1"

Flex: Embedding fonts at runtime only works locally?

I'm trying to change the text format in a TextField I get from a .swf. I'm embedding my font in a myFont.swf:
public class TemplateFont extends Sprite
[Embed(source='../fontFiles/geogrotesque/Geogrotesque-Regular.ttf', fontName='theFontName')]
public static var FONT_TEXT:Class;
Then I'm loading it where I need it and registering it:
var FontLibrary:Class ="TemplateFont") as Class;
And then I'm trying to set the format to my Textfield:
txtTitle.embedFonts = true;
txtTitle.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
var titleFormat:TextFormat = txtTitle.getTextFormat(); //TextFormat is set in swf, just wanna change font at runtime.
titleFormat.font = "theFontName;
txtTitle.htmlText = title; //coming from xml sorrunded with CDATA
txtTitle.defaultTextFormat = titleFormat;
This all works fine when I'm running it on my computer, but as soon as I place my files on a server nothing shows. When I'm tracing the htmlText for the TextField it looks fine, but no text is showing up. I'm also tracing the registered fonts to see that they are there, and they are.
Anybody knows?
Two things:
The EULA of this font don't allowed to upload the font to a server.
Have you a legal copy of Geogrotesque? We only sell Open Type format (OT), but not True Type (TTF).
If you have doubts about this, please contact with Emtype.

creating a static "app" that consist of a single picture

I need to create a program that consists of a unmovable, always on top bitmap, with no menu bar or anything, and does not show up in the task bar as program.
It needs to always start in the same place.
Essentially I need to mask a part of the screen by using a bitmap that blends into the scenery.
I am not sure which properties I need to tweak to achieve all of this.
Just to try changing the properties until you get the right result, but the below is probably sort of what you're looking for.
StartPosition = Manual
ShowInTaskBar = False
SizeGripStyle = Hide
TopMost = True
ControlBox = False
FormBorderStyle = None
Location = X, Y 'wherever it should be