Rails String Interpolation in Model - ruby-on-rails-5

I'm trying to string interpolate in a message model.
I want to combine a string 'message' and a select media_url into a :body so I can text a text message that contains both a message and a link concatenated. Any help with the interpolation would be appreciated.
I'm trying to do a before_create to grab two fields and combine them into a 3rd field that's saved as body.
My current result yields:
before_create do
self.body = 'MESSAGE' + '#{#message.media_url}'
<%= f.text_field :body, :value => "body" ,:class => 'form-control ' %>
<%= f.select :media_url, Url.order('name asc').all.collect { |u| [u.name, (u.sanitized_url + u.short_url)] }, { class: 'form-control' } %>
It is suppose to output something like... Message and www.google.com/EdRds which is the value coming from the select box.
Thank you

You got the MESSAGE#{#message.media_url} result, because you're wrapping your #{} in single quotes '', that must be between double quotes.
You could try just interpolating, not concatenating:
before_create do
# Not an instance variable, the media_url attribute from the object itself
self.body = "MESSAGE #{self.media_url}"
Because '#{#message.media_url}' won't work as a interpolation, that must be with double quotes "", and 'MESSAGE' + is concatenating the #message.media_url value, so you could wrap all in double quotes and your variable value in {}.


rails3 content_tag with static attributes

The following is being properly generated into HTML code
<%= content_tag(:span, (t 'hints.h'), :class => "has-tip", :title => (t 'hints.s') ) %>
But I am trying to generate
<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" title="title bla bla">translated h</span>
and have found no way to generate these span attributes data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" They cannot be part of the options hash given one has only a name... and the second one has a dash which impedes from defining it as a symbol :aria-haspopup
I suggest that you use the following:
content_tag(:span, t('hints.h'), :class => 'has-tip', :title => t('hints.s'), :'aria-haspopup' => true, :'data-tooltip' => '')
Note that you can use the dash character in symbols if you enclose them in quotes.
The data attribute you could also specify as nested hash like :data => {:tooltip => ''} instead of :'data-tooltip' => '', use whatever you prefer.
As for the boolean attribute data-tooltip, setting the value to an empty string is as good as omitting it (and your best option with Rails 3 ;)). See also:

Learning to Search in Rails

I'm trying to create a search form in my rails application. I've looked up various solutions but they make little sense to me.
I'm getting the following error when I run a search through a form in my rails app. Right now my concern (other than the error) is my instance variable #computers in my index action. I'm pretty sure it's not 'the rails way' to get a search done properly and would love some advice.
undefined method `%' for #<Array:0x5780460>
Parameters after Search
Search Form
<%= form_tag computers_path, method: "get" do %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :direction, params[:direction] %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :sort, params[:sort] %>
<%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search] %>
<%= submit_tag "Go", name: nil, class: "btn btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
Call to Method
def index
#computers = Computer.where(school_id: current_user.school_id).search(params[:search]).category(params[:category]).order(sort_column + " " + sort_direction)
def Computer.search(search)
if search
search = search.downcase
params = []
values = {}
column_names.each do |c|
params << "#{c} LIKE #{c.to_sym}"
values[c.to_sym] = search
params.join (' OR ')
You've got the right idea, but invoking the .join method does not change the object on which it is called, it merely returns a string representation. You need to store the return in a variable, something like this: paramsStr = params.join(' OR '). Then simply pass paramsStr to the where clause.
Ultimately, that is what is causing your unidentified method % for Array .... error; this version of the where method is expecting the first parameter to be a string. Check out this documentation, the part about placeholder conditions.
Hope that helps.

Concatenate field names in select

I have a form that allows you to select a facility by name then writes the id of the facility to a vale in the database.
<%= f.collection_select(:transfer_to_id, Facility.all, :id, :facility_name, {:include_blank => true}, {:class => 'select'})%>
I'd like to be able to select the facility name but to the right of the facility name display the facility_address in the form. I'm not sure how to do this, possibly an array of some sort or using a helper method.
If anyone can provide some help it would be appreciated.
Here is what ended up working properly for me by creating a Class method.
def facility_name_with_facility_address
"#{facility_name} | #{facility_address}"
This is untested so bear with me, but you need to add a method to your Facility model:
def facility_name_with_facility_address
facility_name << " " << facility_address
And then in your form you want to change the following:
<%= f.collection_select(:transfer_to_id, Facility.all, :id, :facility_name, {:include_blank => true}, {:class => 'select'})%>
To this:
<%= f.collection_select(:transfer_to_id, Facility.all, :id, :facility_name_with_facility_address, {:include_blank => true}, {:class => 'select'})%>

how to create dropdown from a hash in rails 3

In rails 3, how to create a Dropdown from hash
I have following code in my User class
class User
... other codes
key :gender, Integer # i use mongo db
class << self
def genders()
genders = {
'1' => 'Male',
'2' => 'Female',
'3' => 'Secret'
In the user form, i am trying to create a gender dropdown list
<%= f.collection_select nil, :gender, User.genders, :key, :value %>
but it complain
undefined method `merge' for :value:Symbol
So what is the proper way to create the dropdown?
This should work:
<%= f.collection_select :gender, User.genders, :first, :last %>
Edit: Explanations:
collection_select will call each on the object you give (User.genders here) and the two methods (first and last here) on each object. It's roughly equivalent to something like this:
User.genders.each do |object|
output << "<option value=#{object.first.inspect}>#{h object.last}</option>"
When you call each on a Hash, it yields an Array of two values (the key and the value). These values can be retreived with the first and last methods.

Rails 3 custom validation: Highlighting offending fields

I'm writing my first custom rails validation, and would like to tag the offending class with an html "error" class if they return false - I can't quite figure out how to do it. Relevant validation code below - any help appreciated.
(If it makes a difference, I'm using jQuery)
validates_each :shop do |record, attr, value|
shopvar = record.shops.map{ |s| s.email.downcase.strip }
if shopvar.count != shopvar.uniq.count
record.errors.add(attr, 'has the same email address entered more than once')
#record.errors[attr] << "You have entered this shop in the form twice"
So in your form you'd have something like this for an input field
<%= form.text_field :title %>
Since errors is a hash you could use the "include?" method like so...
This tells you that there's something wrong with this field. Now all you need to do is style it.
Whack on a ternary operator asi...
<% css_class = errors.include?(:title) ? "highlight_error_class" : "no_problem_class" %>
<%= form.text_field :title, :class => css_class %>