How is a screencast-utility developed programmatically? - video-capture

How do screencast-programs like Kazaam actually record a screen from a technical perspective?

Screencastsoftware like Open Broadcaster Software make use of
the MIT Shared Memory Extension of the X-Server on Linux-Operating system.
This extension is meant for exchanging pixel-data of the entire windowing-system between clients (like screencast-software)
and the server of the x windowing system via interprocess-communication


Should I use SetupApi or CfgMgr32 in 2022?

I have a lot of experience with libusb, libudev, and SetupAPI for writing Windows drivers, but it's totally unclear to me what CfgMgr32 offers over SetupAPI for Windows USB applications. Microsoft outlines how one would port from SetupAPI to CfgMgr32, but, I don't really understand the trade-offs or if there are gotchas.
Specifically, most of the time my work involves communicating to bespoke devices with isochronous endpoints, devices with bulk endpoints and HID devices. Is there any clear reason to do one or the other?
One reason is stated at the top of the Microsoft page describing how to port from SetupApi to CfgMgr32 found here
Excerpt with pertinent part in bold:
This topic provides code examples that show how to port code that uses Setupapi.dll functionality to use Cfgmgr32.dll instead. Porting your code allows you to run your code on the Universal Windows Platform (UWP), which does not support SetupApi. A subset of CfgMgr32 is supported on UWP, specifically functionality exposed through the api-ms-win-devices-config-l1-1-0.dll API set (Windows 8 and later) or the api-ms-win-devices-config-l1-1-1.dll API set (Windows 8.1 and later). In Windows 10 and later, simply link to onecore.lib.
Another reason is that the CfgMgr API provides a specific return status code for operations whereas SetupApi returns a value to indicate success/error but a further call is required to GetLastError to get the specific error code of the last operation.

Integrating System Center Operation Manager [SCOM] with external monitoring tool [Application]

Trying to create an API or connector for an inhouse monitoring tool that integrates with SCOM [System Center/Microsoft System Operations Manager 2012].
Our tool has a restful page with all the necessary endpoints and simply would like SCOM to read the status of those endpoints.
Thus far according to SCOM documentation and my understanding, I need to build a management pack. And this consists of Authoring tools with visual studio etc.
Whilst I am still going through the documentation on this, whose tackled something like this before. Some guidance on how to approach this would be appreciated.
##### UPDATE [04/01/16] ########
Thinking.... * Plan to create a MP(s) for Discovery, Monitoring and Dashboard.*
New Question...
Created a script using posh that exposes the endpoints needed by SCOM.
+ These need to be converted to a class object (converting posh to xml). - not done yet!
+ Thinking ahead I am not sure what Base Class to use for this discovery script?
A very simple way to do this would be with Web Application Availability Monitoring, which works with any HTTP endpoint. As well as checking availability, this monitor can check the content of the response and raise an alert accordingly.
To get started, use the SCOM console and navigate to Authoring > Management Pack Templates > Create > Web Application Availability Monitoring
This blog is a really good walkthrough of doing that:
Some limitations with this approach vs. a custom management pack:
you won't get any control over the alert content (name, desciption etc)
it won't scale well to many monitors (in terms of administrative burden)
you can't represent the health using a complex object model (no classes / discoveries)
If you want to test a large number of URLs with this method, then a community Management Pack called URLGenie might also help:
You are right that custom MP is the right way to do an integration of the custom/third-party monitoring system with SCOM. You have to think about three important things when you are planning your work on such MP:
How you are going to get information from external system
How you are going to persist and use it in SCOM
How you are going to visualize it in SCOM
Let's walk through these three items:
From your intro it looks obvious - your system exposes RESTful API. SCOM (even 2012 or 2016) doesn't have native datasources to parse JSON so you'll need to create custom datasources using Powershell or C# (depends on your experience) . In this case, it might be reasonable to use any standard library to make this job easier.
SCOM has its special object model. You have classes to represent objects, monitors to detect failures/state changes and rules to collect performance metrics and alerts/events. So you'll need to implement Discovery datasources to get data about objects, monitored by your custom monitoring system (such as servers, databases, disks, apps, etc.) and define a class hierarchy to persist these objects in SCOM.
Then you'll need to create datasources for monitors and rules and here you must think before act - what failures, alerts and metrics you want to expose to SCOM. When you have clear understanding of this area - you are good to implement that (again - using PS or C#).
SCOM will give you some OOB visualization after you dome (1) and (2), so in the minimal scenario you'll need to define just a couple of views to show in SCOM console data collected by your MP. In ultimate case - if you want to have some fancy visualization - you'll have to create custom Dashboard. A good option here - use dashboards from SQL Server MP (it was released recently, it's free and it is really cool).
In fact, SCOM is not a monitoring system, but a framework, which has runtime platform, development language, and libraries, so building your own MP is closer to programming than IT administration :)
You also can try to use Silect MP authoring tool, but I'm not sure if it will help you to build custom datasources better than VS.
Good luck!
P.S. feel free to ping me via LinkedIn for more details about MP development.

Is there any private api to monitor network traffic on iPhone?

I need to implement an app that monitors inbound/outbound connections by different apps on iPhone. my app is going to run in background using apple's background multitasking feature for voip and navigators.
I can use private api as my client doesn't need this app on appstore.
I got through this.
I didn't need any private Api to get information of inbound/outbound active connections.
Its just you need to know basic C programming and some patience.
I wrote to apple dev forums regarding this,and got response as-
From my perspective most of what I have to say about this issue is covered in the post referenced below.
The way to make progress on this is to:
o grab the relevant headers from the Mac OS X SDK
o look at the Darwin source for netstat to see how the pieces fit together
WARNING: There are serious compatibility risks associated with shipping an app that uses this technique; it's fine to use this for debugging and so on, but I recommend against shipping code like this to end users.
What I did step by step is -
1)downloaded code of netstat from BSD opensource -
2)add this to your new iphone project.
3)see,some header files are not present in ios sdk so you need take it copied from and add those in your iphone sdk at relevant path under-
My xcode version is 4.5.2. so this is path relevent to my xcode. you can have different path according to versions of xcodes.Anyway. and remember to add those headers in both iosSdk & iOSSimulatorSdk both so that code will work on device as well as on simulator.
4)you may find some minor errors in netstat code relating not finding definitions of some structures in header files.e.g " struct xunpcb64 " .dont wory. definitions are present need to comment some "#if !TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED" #else in those header files so that ios sdk can reach in those if condition and access the definition.(need some try and patient.)
5)finally you will be abe to compile your code.Cheers!!
In case you haven't seen this already, I have used it successfully on my iPhone.
I realize it is not exactly what you want.
Generally, I agree with Suneet. All you need is network sniffer.
You can try to do partial port of WireShark (it's open source and it works on MacOS) to iOS. Both iOS and OS X share most part of the kernel, so if it's not explicitly prohibited on iOS, it should work for you.
WireShark is quite big product, so you may be intersted to look for another open source network sniffer which work on OS X.

VB.NET - Set windows to control/manage wireless over third-party clients

Within VB.NET, trying to find an easy way to in a sense check the check-box "Use Windows to configure my Wireless Network Settings". This is an option that forces windows to use your wireless over third-party programs that may try to steal control. I am aware this requires to have WZC enabled within services and that's something that can be easily accomplished one way or another.
I doubt or rather cannot find a proper registry value or API call to check or initiate such a task.
I would use a registry-recorder to record the changes when manually changing the value, then its a piece of cake to implement the register change in code.
There are plenty programs that can be used to see what changes has been done in the registry, here are one free:, but google may find more or better variants out there.
With this tool, create a registry dump:
systemsherlock.exe -dump d1.dat -regdirs HKEY_ROOT
Do the change in the wireless network settings
Do a new dump of the registry:
systemsherlock.exe -dump d2.dat -regdirs HKEY_ROOT
And last, compare them and see what has changed:
systemsherlock.exe -compare d1.dat d2.dat

Using the RDP control to login to a Vista machine that requires Network Level Authentication

I'm trying to use the mstscax.dll (Microsoft Remote Desktop Control) to login to a Vista machine that requires Network Level Authentication.
I've played around with all the methods in IMsRdpClientNonScriptable4, IMsRdpClientAdvancedSettings4 and IMsRdpClient6. There are a slew of functions that appear that the might enable this.
Unfortunately the MSDN documentation is pratacily useless and I can find no examples for any of these on the web. I know that it's possible because a product called "Royal TS" can connect this way.
One hint is that both "Royal TS" and Vista's Remote Desktop create a authoriztion prompt that looks like the one from CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials, this makes me belive that i might be able to use a function like that to get the credential and then possibly use PublisherCertificateChain to tell RDP about it.
Any ideas would be helpful.
So if other people find this:
All that needs to be done is EnableCredSspSupport=true, the problem I had was that I was loading the mstscax.dll manually and the version I was using supported the IMsRdpClientNonScriptable4 interface but simply didn't work. If you just load the control normally just setting EnableCredSspSupport=true works fine.
This property maybe help you
RDPControl.AdvancedSettings8.EnableCredSspSupport = true;
In addition, It also depend on your OS support Network Level Authentication or not.
Reference (
I've never tried to do what you're doing but I suggest you take a look at the following article:
Multi Remote Desktop Client .NET
The projects uses mstscax.dll.