mix_docker npm not found when building the image - npm

With the last version of Alpine-erlang Linux image used in the mix_docker dependency I get a weird npm command not found error.

Takes me time to figure out that on the last version of Alpine npm package seems outside node.
With nodejs-npm package the error is solved.
In my Docker file:
RUN apk add --no-cache --repository http://nl.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.6/main nodejs=6.10.3-r1 nodejs-npm=6.10.3-r1
For the segfault errors it seems that node version is conflicting with brunch when compiling assets.
Hope this helps others.


Error while I create a new Npm project it says error while installing dependencies

enter image description here
While creating a npm project I am getting this error.
But when I install yarn.
I don't know how to rerun the program.
Or is it because I installation problem.
Is using the latest version of node an issue.
Can Someone help me with this?
the strapi supports node version up to 18, you can check it here https://docs.strapi.io/developer-docs/latest/setup-deployment-guides/installation/cli.html#preparing-the-installation
there is flag for npm you can try to use:
npx create-strapi-app /appname --ignore-engines
However I doubt it would work, the workflow with yarn:
yarn create strapi-app /appname
If error still persists you can try to open your project with VS code or whatever IDE you use… Open terminal, do:
yarn --ignore-engines
yarn build --ignore-engines
yarn develop --ignore-engines
If that won’t help, it should give you another, more detailed error message that you should post then here…

Cannot find module ‘#expo/metro-config’ when trying to start the project with expo cli >= 4.8.0

I recently tried to launch my project on a new computer. I downloaded the source code from its repository and ran npm install to get all the needed packages.
However, when I run npm start or expo start:web, I get the error:
Cannot find module '#expo/metro-config'
I ran npm install #expo/metro-config and the install run without issue, but I still get the “Cannot find module '#expo/metro-config'” error.
The only post I saw regarding this error recommends editing the metro.config.js but I do not use one.
I am on SDK 42, and the project launches fine on my other computer. Any idea what is happening?
FYI, I use to perform this whole operation without any issue until now.
I ran npm install -g #expo/metro-config and now I get the error Cannot find module 'resolve-from'
So it looks like maybe running npm install -g expo-cli doesn't actually install all the necessary packages? Could it be the issue?
I managed to make it "work" (get other missing packages errors down the line) by reverting to expo-cli 4.7.3. Anything from 4.8.0 and above will cause the error.
Something else is that on a fresh npm install, after running npm install -g expo-cli, if I try to create a project with expo init, I will get the error Error: Cannot find module 'kleur'. Running npm install kleur fix it, but maybe that's also a clue.

VS Code terminal fails to use npm version from nvm

I'm using nvm on my Terminal and successfully installed node 10.2.1, which also installed npm 6.1.0. However, when I go to my VS Code editor, it gives me warnings in the integrated terminal for:
npm WARN npm npm does not support Node.js v10.2.1
npm WARN npm You should probably upgrade to a newer version of node as we
npm WARN npm can't make any promises that npm will work with this version.
npm WARN npm Supported releases of Node.js are the latest release of 4,6, 7, 8, 9.
Turns out, it is actually using npm 5.5.1 (npm -v).
I check to see what's up with that and tried to dig further and eventually used: which npm on both integrated terminal and Mac's CLI.
Mac's Terminal shows:
VS Code's Terminal shows:
/usr/local/bin/npm. Which is interesting, because if you do which node in this terminal, it results in the appropriate /Users/Aiz/.nvm/versions/node/v10.2.1/bin/node.
I'm not sure how to get my VS Code terminal to point to the appropriate npm install through nvm. Not sure if it helps, but I checked npm get prefix and npm -g bin to find /Users/Aiz/.nvm/versions/node/v10.2.1. The only difference I'm finding is where each terminal is using npm from.
I ended up looking through VS Code issues on GitHub and came across something relevant to NVM and node issues. It fixed my issue since the underlying cause was the same.
Essentially what happened is that I had a global install of node before that I removed prior to using NVM but hadn't removed my global install of npm. This was causing conflicts in VS Code's terminal (not Mac's terminal). In order to fix this, you essentially have to find the symlink for which npm and remove the node_modules and npm associated recursively.
Here's the link you'll need: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/master/docs/editor/integrated-terminal.md#why-is-nvm-complaining-about-a-prefix-option-when-the-integrated-terminal-is-launched.
Don't forget to restart your editor after.
Another solution is to implement this. https://medium.com/#kinduff/automatic-version-switch-for-nvm-ff9e00ae67f3
Basically, nvm will check for a .nvmrc and switch or default each time you go to a new directory in shell.
It does have a dependency on zsh.
The fix for me on Ubuntu:
A.) sudo apt-get remove nodejs npm
B.) Removed lines in my .bashrc that added the npm package directory to the path.
C.) Restart VS Code.
I doubt step A is necessary. But B and C certainly are.

How to stop angular-cli freezing on "loadRequestedDeps: silly install loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree"?

I am running Windows 8.1 with node version 7.7.3 and npm version 4.1.2.
I have been working on an Angular tutorial without issues. At some point since finishing that tutorial I installed Python. I am not sure if it is related, but I have mentioned it just in case.
Today I am trying to create an Angular application and it hung without completing.
I did some research and it tells me to do this:
npm uninstall -g #angluar/cli
npm cache clean
npm install -g #angular/cli
The last command hangs at this point:
loadRequestedDeps: silly install loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree
I opened the command prompt "run as administrator" to run these commands.
Everything I try fails. I have connected to a completely different network to eliminate that as the problem and that didn't fix anything. I have uninstalled and reinstalled node.js and that hasn't fixed the problem either.
I can ping registry.npmjs.org just fine.
What is causing this error?
I finally found the answer! I ran the following command in the command window:
echo %temp%
It had 3 temp paths in there. I removed the two I didn't need and voila, it works!

Travis not installing npm modules

I'm new to travis- I'm trying to get it to install my npm modules for my project and can't even get past that. "npm install" and "npm test" work fine on my computer (a mac). However, when I push my commits to travis it complains that:
Error: No compatible version found: ini#'^1.2.0'
Valid install targets:
npm ERR! ["1.0.0","1.0.1","1.0.2","1.0.3","1.0.4","1.0.5","1.1.0","1.2.0","1.2.1","1.3.0"]
Note that ini is not something I was originally including in my package.json, but it is depended on by something that I am using. I tried explicitly adding the 1.2.0 version of ini to my package.json but it still complains. I get similar complaints about other upstream dependencies.
Is there something about how travis is doing npm install that greatly differs from my local machine where it is working fine? Really stumped here.
Here's a link to my latest travis failed build: https://travis-ci.org/infomofo/chrome-angular-md-template/builds/35592993
This is due to the NPM version coming with Node.js 0.8. It doesn't support the ^ syntax for declaring dependecies.
You could either use Node.js instead:
node_js: 0.10
Or you could update npm, which would bring support for the dependency version:
before_install: npm update -q