Microservices Why Use RabbitMQ? - rabbitmq

I haven't found an existing post asking this but apologize if I missed it.
I'm trying to get my head round microservices and have come across articles where RabbitMQ is used. I'm confused why RabbitMQ is needed. Is the intention that the services will use a web api to communicate with the outside world and RabbitMQ to communicate with each other?

In Microservices architecture you have two ways to communicate between the microservices:
Synchronous - that is, each service calls directly the other microservice , which results in dependency between the services
Asynchronous - you have some central hub (or message queue) where you place all requests between the microservices and the corresponding service takes the request, process it and return the result to the caller. This is what RabbitMQ (or any other message queue - MSMQ and Apache Kafka are good alternatives) is used for. In this case all microservices know only about the existance of the hub.
microservices.io has some very nice articles about using microservices

A message queue provide an asynchronous communications protocol - You have the option to send a message from one service to another without having to know if another service is able to handle it immediately or not. Messages can wait until the responsible service is ready. A service publishing a message does not need know anything about the inner workings of the services that will process that message. This way of handling messages decouple the producer from the consumer.
A message queue will keep the processes in your application separated and independent of each other; this way of handling messages could create a system that is easy to maintain and easy to scale.
Simply put, two obvious cases can be used as examples of when message queues really shine:
For long-running processes and background jobs
As the middleman in between microservices
For long-running processes and background jobs:
When requests take a significant amount of time, it is the perfect scenario to incorporate a message queue.
Imagine a web service that handles multiple requests per second and cannot under any circumstances lose one. Plus the requests are handled through time-consuming processes, but the system cannot afford to be bogged down. Some real-life examples could include:
Images Scaling
Sending large/many emails (like newsletters)
Search engine indexing
File scanning
Video encoding
Delivering notifications
PDF processing
The middleman in between microservices:
For communication and integration within and between applications, i.e. as the middleman between microservices, a message queue is also useful. Think of a system that needs to notify another part of the system to start to work on a task or when there are a lot of requests coming in at the same time, as in the following scenarios:
Order handling (Order placed, update order status, send an order, payment, etc.)
Food delivery service (Place an order, prepare an order, deliver food)
Any web service that needs to handle multiple requests
Here is a story explaining how Parkster (a digital parking service) are breaking down their system into multiple microservices by using RabbitMQ.
This guide follow a scenario where a web application allows users to upload information to a web site. The site will handle this information and generate a PDF and email it back to the user. Handling the information, generating the PDF and sending the email will in this example case take several seconds and that is one of the reasons of why a message queue will be used.
Here is a story about how and why CloudAMQP used message queues and RabbitMQ between microservices.
Here is a story about the usage of RabbitMQ in an event-based microservices architecture to support 100 million users a month.
And finally a link to Kontena, about why they chose RabbitMQ for their microservice architecture: "Because we needed a stable, manageable and highly-available solution for messaging.".
Please note that I work for the company behind CloudAMQP (hosting provider of RabbitMQ).

The same question can be why REST is necessary for microservices? Microservice concept is not something new under moon. A long time distribution of workflow was used for backend engineering and asynchronous request processing, Microservice is the same component in a separated jvm which matches with S(single responsibility) in SOLID. What makes it micro SERVICE - is that it is balanced. And that is the all! Particularly (!), it can be REST Service on Spring Cloud/REST base, which is registered by Eureka, has proxy gateway and load balancing over Zuul and Ribbon. But it is not the whole world of microservices!By the way, asynchronous distributed processing is one of tasks which microservices are used for. Long time ago services(components) in separated JVM was integrated over any messaging and the pattern is known as ESB. Microservices are the same subjects the pattern. Due to fashion for Spring Cloud REST seems like it is the only way of microservices. Nope! Message based asynchronous microservice architecture is supported by Vertx https://dzone.com/articles/asynchronous-microservices-with-vertx, for example. Why not to use RabbitMQ as message channel? In this case load balancing can be provided by building RabbitMQ cluster. For example:https://codeburst.io/using-rabbitmq-for-microservices-communication-on-docker-a43840401819. So, world is much wide more.


Ready-made solution for notification microservice

I have a microservice architecture and now I need to introduce a notification center. Requirements are: any service is able to send a notification, any service is able to subscribe to any kind of notifications, UI (web) is able to subscribe to notifications (websockets are preferred). Of course I can write such service by myself but maybe there is ready-made robust solution for that.
UPD: I'm not looking for pub/sub messaging system as it is too low-level for notification center
What you are looking for is publish-subscriber messaging. If you are using AWS stack, then I can recommend Amazon SNS or Amazon SQS. I think Amazon SNS is more suitable because its push based.
Amazon SNS allows applications to send time-critical messages to multiple subscribers through a “push” mechanism, eliminating the need
to periodically check or “poll” for updates.
Amazon SQS is a message queue service used by distributed applications to exchange messages through a polling model, and can be
used to decouple sending and receiving components—without requiring
each component to be concurrently available.
Out of Amazon web services stack, there are a bunch of free messaging solutions:
RabbitMQ is one of the leading implementation of the AMQP protocol (along with Apache Qpid). Therefore, it implements a broker
architecture, meaning that messages are queued on a central node
before being sent to clients. This approach makes RabbitMQ very easy
to use and deploy, because advanced scenarios like routing, load
balancing or persistent message queuing are supported in just a few
lines of code. However, it also makes it less scalable and “slower”
because the central node adds latency and message envelopes are quite
ZeroMq is a very lightweight messaging system specially designed for high throughput/low latency scenarios like the one you can find in
the financial world. Zmq supports many advanced messaging scenarios
but contrary to RabbitMQ, you’ll have to implement most of them
yourself by combining various pieces of the framework (e.g : sockets
and devices).
ActiveMQ is in the middle ground. Like Zmq, it can be deployed with both broker and P2P topologies. Like RabbitMQ, it’s easier to
implement advanced scenarios but usually at the cost of raw
Now you know what you need, I would recommend to read through each technology for a while and decide which one serves your goal more accurately. If that doesn't worth our time and your requirement is more specific & relatively small, then you can go for writing something on your own.

Angular 5 and Message Bus

I have a set of RESTful services that my Angular 5 client uses to perform CRUD and business operations for the application. These are a set of micro services and they use pub/sub message queues to communicate between them, e.g. when a user is created the user server publishes a UserCreated event to the message queue and subscribers can listen for this event and act upon it as required.
Now, this is all good but i was thinking that wouldn’t it be better if the Angular 5 application itself published the event to the message queue rather than making HTTP POST/PUT or DELETE and only make GET requests against the API?
So repeating the example above the Angular 5 client would publish a CreateUserEvent to the message bus (in my case cloud pub/sub), I could then have services subscribe to these events and act upon them. My RESTful services would then only expose GET /users and GET /user/:id for example.
I know that this is doable and I guess what I am describing is CQRS, but I am keen to understand if publishing events to a message bus from the UI is good practice?
The concept of Messaging Bus is very different than Microservices. Probably, the answer to your question lies in the way you look at these two, from architectural perspective.
A messaging bus(whether it is backend specific or frontend specific) is designed in such a way, that it serves the purpose of communication of entities within the confined boundary of an environment, i.e. backend or frontend.
Whereas on the other hand, microservices architecture is designed in such a way that, two different environments that may be backend-frontend or backend-backend, can "effectively" communicate.
So there is a clear separation of motivation behind both the concepts. Now, from your viewpoint, you may use a hybrid approach which might work, and it may also lead to interesting findings related to performance, architectural design or overheads as well.
Publishing directly from the client is possible, but the caveat is that it means that the client needs to have the proper credentials to publish. For this reason, it may be preferable to have the service do the publishing in response to requests sent from the clients.

Approaches for reporting progress for competing consumer scenario

I am getting my head around messaging. Currently we are spiking a few scenarios using Rebus. We are also considering NServiceBus.
The scenario we are trying to build is a proof of concept for a background task processing system. Today we have a handful of backend services hosted in different ways. (web, windows services, console apps) I am looking to hook them up to rebus and start consuming messages using competing consumer, some mesages will have one listener and some will share the load of messages. Elegant :)
I got a pretty good start from this other question How should I set rebus up for one producer and many consumers and it is working nicely in the proof of concept.
Now I want to start reporting progress. My intital approach is to set up pub/sub as well and spin up a service that listens to progress events from all the services. And if a service is interrested in a specific progress in the future it is easy to subscripe of interrest to the messages and start listening.
But how shall I approach setting up both competing consumer and pub/sub? it is dimply two separate things? (In the rebus case one adapter using UseSqlServerInOneWayClientMode / UseSqlServer and another adapter that is set up for the pub/sub using whatever protocol we want?)
Or is there a better solution then having two "buses" here?
I've built something like that myself a couple of times, and I've had pretty good results with using SignalR to report progress from this kind of backend worker processes.
Our setup had a bunch of WPF clients, one single SignalR hub, and a bunch of backend worker processes. All WPF clients and all backend workers would then establish a connection to the hub, allowing workers to send progress reports while doing their work.
SignalR has some nice properties that makes it very suitable for this exact kind of problem:
The published messages "escape" the Rebus unit of work, allowing progress report messages to be sent several times from within one single message handler even though it could take a long time to complete
It was easy to get the messages all the way to the clients because they subscribe directly
We could use the hub groups functionality to group users so we could target progress/status messages from the backend at either all users or a single user (could also be used for departments, etc.)
The most important point, I guess, is that this progress reporting thing (at least in our case) was not as important as our Rebus messages, i.e. it didn't require the same reliability etc, which we could use to our advantage and then pick a technology with some other nice properties that turned out to be cool.

NServiceBus Sagas and REST API Integration best-practices

What is the most sensible approach to integrate/interact NServiceBus Sagas with REST APIs?
The scenario is as follows,
We have a load balanced REST API. Depending on the load we can add more nodes.
REST API is a wrapper around a DomainServices API. This means the API can be consumed directly.
We would like to use Sagas for workflow and implement NServiceBus Distributor to scale-out.
Question is, if we use the REST API from Sagas, the actual processing happens in the API farm. This in a way defeats the purpose of implementing distributor pattern.
On the other hand, using DomainServives API directly from Sagas, allows processing locally within worker nodes. With this approach we will have to maintain API assemblies in multiple locations but the throughput could be higher.
I am trying to understand the best approach. Personally, I’d prefer to consume the API (if readily available) but this could introduce chattiness to the system and could take longer to complete as compared to to in-process.
A typical sequence could be similar to publishing an online advertisement,
Advertiser submits a new advertisement request via a web application.
Web application invokes the relevant API endpoint and sends a command
Command message initiates a new publish advertisement Saga
Saga sends a command to validate caller permissions (in
process/out of process API call)
Saga sends a command to validate the
advertisement data (in process/out of process API call)
Saga sends a
command to the fraud service (third party service)
Once the content and fraud verifications are successful,
Saga sends a command to the billing system.
Saga invokes an API call to save add details. (in
process/out of process API call)
And this goes on until the advertisement is expired, there are a number of retry and failure condition paths.
After a number of design iterations we came up with the following guidelines,
Treat REST API layer as the integration platform.
Assume API endpoints are capable of abstracting fairly complex micro work-flows. Micro work-flows are operations that executes in a single burst (not interruptible) and completes with-in a short time span (<1 second).
Assume API farm is capable of serving many concurrent requests and can be easily scaled-out.
Favor synchronous invocations over asynchronous message based invocations when the target operation is fairly straightforward.
When asynchronous processing is required use a single message handler and invoke API from the handlers. This will delegate work to the API farm. This will also eliminate the need for a distributor and extra hardware resources.
Avoid Saga’s unless if the business work-flow contains multiple transactions, compensation logic and resumes. Tests reveals Sagas do not perform well under load.
Avoid consuming DomainServices directly from a message handler. This till do the work locally and also introduces a deployment hassle by distributing business logic.
Happy to hear out thoughts.
You are right on with identifying that you will need Sagas to manage workflow. I'm willing to bet that your Domain hooks up to a common database. If that is true then it will be faster to use your Domain directly and remove the serialization/network overhead. You will also lose the ability to easily manage the transactions at the database level.
Assuming your are directly calling your Domain, the performance becomes a question of how the Domain performs. You may take steps to optimize the database, drive down distributed transaction costs, sharding the data, etc. You may end up using the Distributor to have multiple Saga processing nodes, but it sounds like you have some more testing to do once a design is chosen.
Generically speaking, we use REST APIs to model the commands as resources(via POST) to allow interaction with NSB from clients who don't have direct access to messaging. This is a potential solution to get things onto NSB from your web app.

MSMQ between WCF services in a load balanced enviroment

I'm thinking of adding a queue function in a product based on a bunch of WCF services. I've read some about MSMQ, first I thought that was what I needed but I'm not sure and are considering to just put the queue in a database table. I wonder if somone here got some feedback on which way to go.
Basicly I'm planning to have a facade WCF service called over http. The facade service should only write all incoming messages to a queue to give a fast response to the calling system. The messages in the queue should then be processed by another component, either a WCF service or a Windows service depending om my choice of queue.
The product is running in a load balanced enviroment with 2 to n web servers.
The options I'm considering and the questions I got are:
To let the facade WCF write to a MSMQ and then have anothther WCF service reading from this queue to do the processing of the messages. What I don't feel confident about for this alternative from what I've read is how this will work in a load balanced enviroment.
1A. Where should the MSMQ(s) be placed? One on each web server? One on a separate server? Mulitple on a separate server? (not considering need of redundance and that data in rare cases could be lost and re-sent)
1B. How it the design affected if I want the system redundant? I'd like to be alble to lose a server (it never comes up online again) holding the MSMQ without losing the data in that queue. From what I've read about MSMQ that leaves me to the only option of placing the MSMQ on a windows cluster. Is that correct? (I'd like to avoid using a windows cluster fo this).
The second design alternative is to let the facade WCF service write the queue to a database. Then have two or more Windows services to do the processing of the queue. I don't have any questions on this alternative. If you wonder why I don't pick this one as it seems simpler to me then it is because I'd like to build this not introducing any windows services to the solution, that I beleive the MSMQ got functionality I don't want to code myself and I'm also curious about using MSMQ as I've never used it before.
Best Regards
OK, so you're not using WCF with MSMQ integration, you're using WCF to create MSMQ messages as an end-product. That simplifies things to "how do I load balance MSMQ?"
The arrangement you use is based on what works best for you.
You could have multiple webservers sending messages to a remote queue on a central machine.
Instead you could have a webservers putting messages in local queues with a central machine polling the queues for new arrivals.
You don't need to cluster MSMQ to make it resilient. You can instead make your code resilient so that it copes with lost messages using dead letter queues, transactional queues, journaling, and so on. Hardware clustering is the easy option :-)
Load-balancing MSMQ - a brief
Oil and water - MSMQ transactional
messages and load balancing
After reading some more on the subjet I haver decided to not use MSMQ. It seems like I really got no reason to go down this road. I need this to be non-transactional and as I understand it none of the journaling or dead letter techniques will help me with my redundancy requirement.
All my components will be online most of the time (maybe a couple of hours per year when they got access problems).
The MSQM will only add complexity to the exciting solution, another technique and maybe another server to keep track of.
To get full redundance to prevent data loss in MSMQ I will need a windows cluster or implement send/recieve to multiple identical queues. I don't want to do either of those.
All this lead me to front my recieving application with a WCF facade accepting http calls writing to a database queue. This database is already protected from data loss. The queue will be polled by muliple active instances of a Windows Servce containing all the heavy business logic. With low process priority these services could be hosted on the already existing nodes used by the load balaced web application. If I got time to use MSMQ or if I needed it for another reason in my application I might change my decision.