How i get a continuation of a value with Extractor (JMETER)? - apache

I am trying to take the Information from an element from the middle on.
And this value is only displayed this way
see image:
It would be the value "info_se"

You need to escape ? sign (as well as other meta characters) in your regular expression with a back slash so the whole expression would be something like:
a href="#" data-url="Cervello/Release.aspx\?info_s=(.+?)"
JMeter Regular Expressions
Using RegEx (Regular Expression Extractor) with JMeter
Perl 5 Regex Cheat sheet

Use regular expression extractor under your sampler that return the full html. Save in reference name as info and then use it later ${info}
Template $1$
Match No. 1

My error was another, this "info_s" field was decoded, so the system needs this coded encoding.
I managed to find several that stored this value, and in the parameters of HTTP request, I was informed to code the extracted value of the Extractor

I get, finding in the html the field that stored this value "info_s", decoded, then using the encoder option of jmeter, I was able to capture the correct value.


JMeter - get value from href

I am load testing an application that has a link that looks like this:
I need to get the dynamic value of the rsid so I can use it later in my script.
So far I have tried using the regex extractor and I am probably doing it wrong.
I have tried things like:
name = myvar
regular expression = rsid=(.*?) # didnt work
regular expression = <a href=".*?rsid=(.*?)"> # didnt work
Template = $1$
I have one extractor set up to get the csrf value and that one works as expected but that is also because the csrf value is in the page source.
The above link is NOT in the page source as far as I can see but it DOES show up when I inspect the link. I dont know if that is obfuscation or something else?
How can I extract the value of the rsid? Is the regular expression extractor the right one to use for this?
Should I be using something else?
Is it just a formula issue?
Thanks in advance.
Try something like:
the above regular expression should match a GUID-like structure and your rsid seems to be an instance of it.
Also be aware of the Boundary Extractor, it's sufficient to specify "left" and "right" boundaries and it will extract everything in-between. In general coming up with "boundaries" is much easier than creating a regular expression, it's more readable and JMeter processes the Boundary Extractors much faster. More information: The Boundary Extractor vs. the Regular Expression Extractor in JMeter

Where are variables in splunk defined

I have an alert setup in splunk which uses below search string.
index="someapp" sourcetype = "some:app" "some_scheduler" "ERROR"
| regex source = "(lambda:prod)"
I am not able to find where (lambda:prod) is defined. This search query works globally so I am assuming it's not something defined at app level or something.
(lambda:prod) is not defined anywhere. It is a literal string interpreted as a regular expression. That regex is used to match against the results returned by the commands prior to regex. Any event with a source field which matches the regex will be included in the results and all other events will be filtered.

URL-parameters input seems inconsistent

I have review multiple instructions on URL-parameters which all suggest 2 approaches:
Parameters can follow / forward slashes or be specified by parameter name and then by parameter value. so either:
For the 2nd one, I provide parameter name and then parameter value by using the ?. I also provide multiple parameters using ampersand.
Now I have see the request below which works fine but does not fit into the rules above:
I understand that the requests sets 42 as a parameter but why is the ? not followed by the parameter name and just by the value. Also the ? seems to be used as an ampersand???
From Wikipedia:
Every HTTP URL conforms to the syntax of a generic URI. The URI generic syntax consists of a hierarchical sequence of five components:
URI = scheme:[//authority]path[?query][#fragment]
where the authority component divides into three subcomponents:
authority = [userinfo#]host[:port]
This is represented in a syntax diagram as:
As you can see, the ? ends the path part of the URL and starts the query part.
The query part is usually a &-separated string of name=value pairs, but it doesn't have to be, so json is a valid value for the query part.
Or, as the Wikipedia articles says it:
An optional query component preceded by a question mark (?), containing a query string of non-hierarchical data. Its syntax is not well defined, but by convention is most often a sequence of attribute–value pairs separated by a delimiter.
It is also fairly common for request processors to treat a name=value pair that is missing the = sign, as if the it was name=.
E.g. if you're writing Servlet code and call servletRequest.getParameter("json"), it would return an empty string ("") for that last URL in the question.

Usage of Regular Expression Extractor JMeter?

Using Regular Extractor in JMeter, I need to get the value of "fullBkupUNIXTime" from the below response,
{"fullBackupTimeString":["Mon 10 Apr 2017 14:14:36"],"fullBkupUNIXTime":["1491833676"],"fullBackupDirName":["10_04_2017_0636"]}
I tried with Ref Name as time and
Regular Expression: "fullBkupUNIXTime": "([0-9])" and "(.+?)"
and pass them as input for 2nd request ${time}
The above 2 two doesn't work out for me.
Please Help me out of this.
First of all: why not just use this thing?
Then, if you firm with your RegExp adventure to get happen.
First expression is not going to work because you've defined it to match exactly one [0-9] charcter.
Add the appropriate repetition character, like "fullBkupUNIXTime": "([0-9]+)".
And basically it make sense to tell the engine to stop at first narrowest match too: "fullBkupUNIXTime": "([0-9]+?)"
Next, make sure you're handling space chars between key and value and colon mark properly. Better mark them explicitly, if any, with \s
And last but not least: make sure you're properly handle multiple lines (if appropriate, of course). Add the (?m) modifier to your expression.
And/or (?im) to be not case-sensitive, in addition.
[ is a reserve character in regex, you need to escape it, in your case use:
Regular Expression fullBkupUNIXTime":\["(\d+)
Template: $1$
Match No.: 1

T-SQL code for converting nvarchar string to UTF-8 (for URL percent-encoding)

I need to generate an URL string for a SSRS report (in order to link it with our CRM software). The report name is in Hebrew. When I send the URL string (with Heb) to Internet Explorer, it doesn't recognize the address because it isn't encoded with Percent-encoding (BTW, it works fine in Firefox). (Sending a URL with English only does work fine that way.)
Anyway, I tried to perform the encoding. I succeeded converting it to URI with UNICODE characters. I need to get the URI in UTF-8. For example, the letter 'י' should be converted into '%d7%99' and not to '%05%D9'.
I included a link:
A table with the codes, for your use, if needed.
I need the conversion\encoding function for 1 character. I can build the rest of the script / function for the complete string by myself.
I used a script which used the master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr function. As I said, though, the results aren't proper for IE.
the following:
SELECT master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr((CAST (N'י' AS varbinary)))
will get 0xd905, which I formatted into percent encoding. I should get 'd7 99' instead.
wrap up:
I convert an Hebrew character into URI percent encoding. I get a unicode result. I wish > to get a utf8 result.
Input = 'י'. Current output = %d9. Wanted output = %d7%99
How can I get those results?
I have had to deal with a few similar problems and there are two approaches that you may wish to consider; the first is to transform your data into HTML in the query and then render the result as HTML in the RDL, the second is to use JQuery to identify those cells with the incorrect value on the client and then transform that cell (again, using JQuery). The benefit of the second option is that if the server rendering is working on Firefox the transformation overhead doesn't get invoked. The downside is that if you are not rendering the report as HTML it won't work.
For the first option, in the select statement you would need to alter the appropriate column to produce a nvarchar value that looks like
<span style="font=yourfont;" charset="UTF-8">linkname</span>
With that string as data you then assign that to the appropriate columns (or cells, as needed)
In the RDL designer drag a placeholder for your field onto the designer and right click the placeholder and select placeholder properties then you can select to display the content as HTML.