Show a toast message when a text is recognized from camera - android-vision

I am trying to detect a text with a specific format from a live camera feed and show a toast message when that text is detected automatically.
I was able to detect the text and put a box around it. But I'm having a hard time showing that toast message.
This is the receiveDetections method from the Processor
public void receiveDetections(Detector.Detections<TextBlock> detections) {
SparseArray<TextBlock> items = detections.getDetectedItems();
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) {
TextBlock item = items.valueAt(i);
if (item != null && item.getValue() != null) {
Log.d("OcrDetectorProcessor", "Text detected! " + item.getValue());
// Check if it is the correct format
if (item.getValue().matches("^\\d{3} \\d{3} \\d{4} \\d{4}")){
OcrGraphic graphic = new OcrGraphic(mGraphicOverlay, item);
// Show the toast message
-> Showing a toast is not my end goal, If I'm able to fix that I'll fix the main problem.
-> I'm building on top of the code labs tutorial for the text vision api

First pass context to OcrDetectorProcessor class from OcrCaptureActivity and runUiThread from that context. This piece of code show all text at once. If you want to show words one by one you need to split from TextBlock items.
Context context;
OcrDetectorProcessor(GraphicOverlay<OcrGraphic> ocrGraphicOverlay, Context context) {
mGraphicOverlay = ocrGraphicOverlay;
this.context = context;
public void receiveDetections(Detector.Detections<TextBlock> detections) {
final String result;
String detectedText = "";
SparseArray<TextBlock> items = detections.getDetectedItems();
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) {
final TextBlock item = items.valueAt(i);
OcrGraphic graphic = new OcrGraphic(mGraphicOverlay, item);
detectedText += item.getValue();
result = detectedText;
((OcrCaptureActivity)context).runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Toast.makeText(context, result, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


How to update the map properly using canvas and a button when the players relocate to a new location?

My game snapshot Attachment> Blockquote
My canvas constructs
public class DrawingView4 extends View{
DrawingView4(Context context4)
#Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas4)
int tile4=0;
if (DoneDrawFacilities && doneloading) {
else {
for (int i4=0; i4< 17 && notfixingorientation; i4++){
if (i4< 16) {
for (int ii4=0; ii4 < 16; ii4++){
try {
//Checking the data of all spots of the game map from package directory.
//Then Draw in canvas if the data of the spot occupied by type of human and core facilities,
FacilityList = new Gson().fromJson(FileUtil.readFile(FileUtil.getPackageDataDir(getApplicationContext()).concat("/GameResource/Tile".concat(String.valueOf((long)(tile4 + 1)).concat(".data")))), new TypeToken<ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>>(){}.getType());
if (FacilityList.get((int)0).get("Type").toString().equals("Human")) {
canvas4.drawBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeFile(AllObjects.getString(String.valueOf((long)(tile4)), "")),null,new Rect(ii4*120, i4*120, 120*(ii4+1),120*(i4+1)), null);
if (FacilityList.get((int)0).get("Type").toString().equals("Core")) {
if (FacilityList.get((int)0).get("Name").toString().equals("Arena")) {
canvas4.drawBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeFile(AllObjects.getString(String.valueOf((long)(tile4)), "")),null,new Rect(7*120, 7*120, 120*(8+1),120*(8+1)), null);
else {
} catch (Exception e) {
else {
DoneDrawFacilities = true;
My Relocate button
//I use sharepreference called AllObjects rather than a list and I Only update the path of objects in specific tile in sharedpreference such as in variable 1, 2, etc. and then re-draw using this code below, next time I update the objects path and get this object path from the same json file in the package directory. Too decode to Bitmap and then Draw in canvas.
//Some other code are removed that just updating some data in specific file directory.
AA_structures_facilities.addView(new DrawingView4(GameActivity.this));
// But It freezes the screen or stop me from touching the touch event in a second everytime I update new canvas.
//WHILE MY touchevent is hundled in the parent LinearLayout where the canvas is placed.

Xamarin.Android how to remember the position of items in a recyclerview

I have a recyclerview set up in as per the code in this link
My question is, how can I remember the position of these items when the app is restarted etc. When the user adds items they are inserted at adapter position 0,1,2,3 etc but when they close the app and come back in, it is not always in the same order.
The user can also rearrange by drag and drop so this seems to add even more confusion!
Currently I have the items in the recyclerview being saved by converting the list to Json and loading when the app opens again but as I said, the items aren't always in the same order as before the app was closed.
Can anyone advise the best way to do this? I have tried to add the item name and position number to a list converting to json then trying to insert the item at the saved position index but can't get it to work..
Do you want to achieve the result like following GIF?
You can use PreferenceManager to store position of items(Before store data, I will Serialize data) in a recyclerview.
You can override OnPause() method, this method will be executed when application is background or app is killed. So we can store the position and data in this method.Here is code about ReOrderActivity
[Activity(Label = "ReOrderList")]
public class ReOrderActivity : Activity, IOnStartDragListener
private ItemTouchHelper _mItemTouchHelper;
public static ObservableCollection<string> ResourceList;
private RecyclerView _resourceReorderRecyclerView;
ReOrderAdapters resourceAdapter;
ISharedPreferences prefs;
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
resourceAdapter = new ReOrderAdapters(ResourceList, this);
// Initialize the recycler view.
_resourceReorderRecyclerView = FindViewById<RecyclerView>(Resource.Id.ResourceReorderRecyclerView);
Button mDone = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.mDone);
mDone.Click += MDone_Click;
_resourceReorderRecyclerView.SetLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this, LinearLayoutManager.Vertical, false));
_resourceReorderRecyclerView.HasFixedSize = true;
ItemTouchHelper.Callback callback = new SimpleItemTouchHelperCallback(resourceAdapter);
_mItemTouchHelper = new ItemTouchHelper(callback);
protected override void OnPause()
string ConvertData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ResourceList);
ISharedPreferencesEditor editor = prefs.Edit();
editor.PutString("ObservableCollection_ConvertData", ConvertData);
// editor.Commit(); // applies changes synchronously on older APIs
editor.Apply(); // applies changes asynchronously on newer APIs
private void MDone_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
resourceAdapter.AddItem("Add item");
public void OnStartDrag(RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder)
//Added sample data record here
public void GetCollection()
//ISharedPreferencesEditor editor = prefs.Edit();
//editor.PutString("ObservableCollection_ConvertData", "");
string ConvertData = prefs.GetString("ObservableCollection_ConvertData","");
ResourceList = new ObservableCollection<string>();
ResourceList= JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ObservableCollection<string>>(ConvertData);
//var or= ResourceList.ToString();
You can download my demo

Updating GUI from another class which implements SerialPortEventListener (Java FX, FXML)

I am making an application which uses serial communication. In SerialEvent method of that class, I am awaiting for a input from COM port, and then I want to pass it to the controller class of an .fxml screen.
Input will always be 8 bytes, and it works correctly inside that thread (I read the input and by printing it to the output, I see that the String is correct). However, when I try to pass it "in real time" to the controller class, I have a problem.
If I pass it directly, it does receieve it, but I can't invoke anything later (Not on FX Application Thread exception), I know that I can't do it that way, that I need to use Platform.runLater or similair solution, but if I use it that way, my controller class never receives that input, textField which I am trying to update stays blank.
I will copy part of the code here, and I am hoping that someone tell me what I'm doing wrong.
public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent spe) {
if (spe.getEventType() == SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE) {
try {
byte singleData = (byte);
logText = new String(new byte[]{singleData});
if(bytes.size() == 8) {
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.size(); i++) {
inputText += bytes.get(i);
if(inputText.length() == 8) {
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
inputText = "";
} catch (Exception e) {
logText = "Failed to read data. (" + e.toString() + ")";
public void getInputString(String input) {
When using it this way, my firstSerialNumberField never gets that input.
public void setController(SerialController controller) {
this.controller = controller;
serialCommunication = new SerialCommunication(this);
loader = new FXMLLoader();
pane = loader.load(getClass().getResource(path).openStream());
serialController = (SerialController) loader.getController();
parent = loader.getRoot();
stage = new Stage();
stage.setScene(new Scene(parent));
You are passing a reference to inputText to the (inappropriately-named) getInputText() method in the controller. inputText is presumably a field in the class implementing the port listener. However, as soon as you pass it, you then set it back to an empty string:
if(inputText.length() == 8) {
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
inputText = "";
Since inputText is being accessed from multiple threads, there is no guarantee as to which order things will happen: whether controller.getInputText(inputText) will execute first, or whether inputText = ""; will execute first. So you may end up setting the text field to an empty string.
What I think you intend to do is:
if(inputText.length() == 8) {
final String numberFieldText = inputText ;
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
or more succinctly:
if(inputText.length() == 8) {
final String numberFieldText = inputText ;
Platform.runLater(() -> controller.getInputString(numberFieldText));

Recycler View: Inconsistency detected. Invalid view holder adapter positionViewHolder

Recycler View Inconsistency Detected error, coming while scrolling fast or scrolling while loading more items..
Process: com.pratap.endlessrecyclerview, PID: 21997
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Inconsistency detected. Invalid view holder adapter positionViewHolder{56a082c position=40 id=-1, oldPos=39, pLpos:39 scrap [attachedScrap] tmpDetached no parent}
at android.view.Choreographer$
at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(
at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(
at android.view.Choreographer$
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
public class DataAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter {
private final int VIEW_ITEM = 1;
private final int VIEW_PROG = 0;
private List<Feed> mFeed;
// The minimum amount of items to have below your current scroll position
// before loading more.
private int visibleThreshold = 5;
private int lastVisibleItem, totalItemCount;
private boolean loading;
private OnLoadMoreListener onLoadMoreListener;
public DataAdapter(List<Feed> feeds, RecyclerView recyclerView) {
mFeed = feeds;
if (recyclerView.getLayoutManager() instanceof LinearLayoutManager) {
final LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager = (LinearLayoutManager) recyclerView
.addOnScrollListener(new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() {
public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView,
int dx, int dy) {
super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy);
totalItemCount = linearLayoutManager.getItemCount();
lastVisibleItem = linearLayoutManager
if (!loading
&& totalItemCount <= (lastVisibleItem + visibleThreshold)) {
// End has been reached
// Do something
if (onLoadMoreListener != null) {
loading = true;
public int getItemViewType(int position) {
return mFeed.get(position) == null ? VIEW_PROG : VIEW_ITEM;
public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent,
int viewType) {
RecyclerView.ViewHolder vh;
if (viewType == VIEW_ITEM) {
View v = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(
R.layout.list_row, parent, false);
vh = new StudentViewHolder(v);
else {
View v = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(
R.layout.progress_item, parent, false);
vh = new ProgressViewHolder(v);
return vh;
public void onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position) {
if (holder instanceof StudentViewHolder) {
Feed singleStudent= (Feed) mFeed.get(position);
((StudentViewHolder) holder).tvName.setText(singleStudent.getTitle());
((StudentViewHolder) holder).student= singleStudent;
} else {
public void setLoaded() {
loading = false;
public void addFeed(Feed feed) {
//mFeed.addAll(0, (Collection<? extends Feed>) feed);
public void removeAll(){
public int getItemCount() {
return mFeed.size();
public void setOnLoadMoreListener(OnLoadMoreListener onLoadMoreListener) {
this.onLoadMoreListener = onLoadMoreListener;
public static class StudentViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
public TextView tvName;
public Feed student;
public StudentViewHolder(View v) {
tvName = (TextView) v.findViewById(;
//tvEmailId = (TextView) v.findViewById(;
public static class ProgressViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
//public ProgressBar progressBar;
public static ProgressBar PROGRESS_BAR;
public ProgressViewHolder(View v) {
PROGRESS_BAR = (ProgressBar) v.findViewById(;
// progressBar = (ProgressBar) v.findViewById(;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener {
private Toolbar toolbar;
private TextView tvEmptyView;
private RecyclerView mRecyclerView;
private DataAdapter mAdapter;
private LinearLayoutManager mLayoutManager;
private RestManager mManager;
private List<Feed> mFeed;
SwipeRefreshLayout mSwipeRefreshLayout;
protected Handler handler;
private int currentPage=1;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;
tvEmptyView = (TextView) findViewById(;
mRecyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(;
mSwipeRefreshLayout= (SwipeRefreshLayout) findViewById(;
//studentList = new ArrayList<Student>();
mFeed = new ArrayList<Feed>();
handler = new Handler();
if (toolbar != null) {
getSupportActionBar().setTitle("Android Students");
mManager = new RestManager();
// use this setting to improve performance if you know that changes
// in content do not change the layout size of the RecyclerView
mLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this);
// use a linear layout manager
// create an Object for Adapter
mAdapter = new DataAdapter(mFeed,mRecyclerView);
// set the adapter object to the Recyclerview
// mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
// if (mFeed.isEmpty()) {
// mRecyclerView.setVisibility(View.GONE);
// tvEmptyView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
// } else {
// mRecyclerView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
// tvEmptyView.setVisibility(View.GONE);
// }
mAdapter.setOnLoadMoreListener(new OnLoadMoreListener() {
public void onLoadMore() {
//add null , so the adapter will check view_type and show progress bar at bottom
mAdapter.notifyItemInserted(mFeed.size() - 1);
handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// remove progress item
mFeed.remove(mFeed.size() - 1);
// mAdapter.notifyItemRemoved(mFeed.size());
//add items one by one
int start = mFeed.size();
Log.d("CurrentPage", String.valueOf(currentPage));
Call<Results> listCall = mManager.getFeedApi().getAllFeeds(1);
listCall.enqueue(new Callback<Results>() {
public void onResponse(Call<Results> call, Response<Results> response) {
if (response.isSuccess()) {
if (response.body() != null) {
Results feedList = response.body();
// List<Results> newUsers = response.body();
Log.d("Retrofut", String.valueOf(feedList));
for (int i = 0; i < feedList.results.size(); i++) {
Feed feed = feedList.results.get(i);
// mFeed.add(feed);
// mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
// mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
public void onFailure(Call<Results> call, Throwable t) {
Log.d("Retrofut", "Error");
mFeed.remove(mFeed.size() - 1);
// for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
// studentList.add(new Student("Student " + i, "androidstudent" + i + ""));
// }
//or you can add all at once but do not forget to call mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
}, 2000);
// load initial data
private void loadData(final boolean removePreData) {
Call<Results> listCall = mManager.getFeedApi().getAllFeeds(1);
listCall.enqueue(new Callback<Results>() {
public void onResponse(Call<Results> call, Response<Results> response) {
if (response.isSuccess()) {
if (response.body() != null) {
// if(removePreData) mAdapter.removeAll();
Results feedList = response.body();
Log.d("Retrofut", String.valueOf(feedList));
for (int i = 0; i < feedList.results.size(); i++) {
Feed feed = feedList.results.get(i);
// mFeed.add(feed);
public void onFailure(Call<Results> call, Throwable t) {
Log.d("Retrofut", String.valueOf(t));
mFeed.remove(mFeed.size() - 1);
// for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
// studentList.add(new Student("Student " + i, "androidstudent" + i + ""));
// }
public void onRefresh() {
put this line along with setting recyclerView. issue was fixed by
setting ItemAnimator to null for RecyclerView.
in kotlin
recyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
recyclerView.itemAnimator = null
in java
It looks similar with known android bug
There are quite ugly, but working approach
public class WrapContentLinearLayoutManager extends LinearLayoutManager {
//... constructor
public void onLayoutChildren(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) {
try {
super.onLayoutChildren(recycler, state);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
Log.e("Error", "IndexOutOfBoundsException in RecyclerView happens");
mRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(new WrapContentGridLayoutManager(getContext(), spanCount));
For me it works without any by-effect.
This issue is a known bug of RecyclerView. The best solution is, clear the list every time before refresh RecyclerView.
For fix this issue just call notifyDataSetChanged() with empty list before updating recycle view.
For example
//Method for refresh recycle view
if (!yourList.isEmpty())
yourList.clear(); //The list for update recycle view
Use this to refresh a RecyclerView
items.clear(); //here items is an ArrayList populating the RecyclerView
items.addAll(list);// add new data
adapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(0, items.size);// notify adapter of new data
I had similiar issue, and also this solution has helped me, after I've added new item to my RV:
Maybe you can try this before refresh the adapter:
In my case I was doing it as notifyItemInserted(position);
That caused me this issue then i used as and it worked perfectly.notifyItemRangeInserted(startIndex,endIndex);
I had this problem when scrolling fast through my endless/paging RecyclerView. The root of my problem came from the fact that I had a “header” item at the beginning of the list, this header item was not a part of the data source, it was just inserted at the beginning of the adapter list. So when scrolling fast and adding new pages of items to the RecyclerView Adapter and notify the adapter that new data had been inserted, I was not taking into account the additional header item, thus making the size of the adapter’s list wrong... and causing this exception...
So in short, if you’re using a header/footer in our RecyclerView adapter make sure you take it into account when updating the adapters data.
public void addNewPageToList(List<MyData> list)
{ //
// Make sure you account for any header/footer in your list!
// Add one to the currentSize to account for the header item.
int currentSize = this.adapterList.size() + 1;
notifyItemRangeInserted(currentSize, this.adapterList.size());
I guess you could always just use the adapter method getItemCount() to get the size, instead of getting the size from the “data list” and adding to it. Your getItemCount() method should already be taking into account any additional headers/footers/etc that you have in your list.
The problem is in this line of code:
mFeed = feeds;
you are assigning mFeed to the caller's instance feeds so whenever the caller changes it's variable (may be adding, clearing or removing items), your local mFeed will change
try to change to
don't forget to initialize mFeed to any list tat fits your needs like mFeed = new ArrayList<>();
put this line along with setting recyclerView. issue was fixed by setting ItemAnimator to null for RecyclerView.
in kotlin
recyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
recyclerView.itemAnimator = null
I'm using the recyclerview from mikepenz. And any update to the items using .set(item) was causing this issue.
For some reason, setting recylerView.itemAnimator = null, resolved the issue. This is a known android bug.
In my case, I was using RecyclerView from Firebase UI. Initially, the logic to initialize the RecyclerView was in onCreate(). To fix, I put the logic in onResume() and seems to be working for me. I had this error when going back to the Activity which had the RecyclerView. So, everytime the Activity screen is refreshed, the new data is loaded.
I had similar problem. Removing all views from RecyclerView helped me:
RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager = mRecyclerView.getLayoutManager();
For me the issue was I wasn't posting notifyDatasetChanged when the data set changed as I implemented incremental search.
I had a list that was filtered based on what the user searched in the search widget. For each item in the list, I was making a remote request, and when I got the result back, I was updating that particular cell.
I had to do both notifies for the recycler view to work
Filter the original data set then post the dataset change
this.searchResultTable?.post {
After receiving response, post notifications again
this.searchResultTable?.post {
this.searchResultTable?.adapter?.notifyItemChanged(index, updateDataHashMap)
You have to post updates rather than sending notifiy messages directly in order to prevent the recycler view from crashing when the update comes in before the view is laid out.
Another important gotcha is that when you post the individual updates after the remote response, you have to make sure that the list the user currently sees is the list that existed when the requests were sent.
For my case in adapter there was notifyItemRangeInserted and I replaced it with notifyItemRangeChanged

Telerik Mail Merge - Friendly Names (using RadRichTextBox)

I think i'm missing something obvious...
I'm using the Telerik Rad controls for WPF but i assume that the Rich text box uses some similar implementation for the mail merge functionality.
I want to have some friendly names on my mail merge fields. (namely spaces in the field names)
So i have a class for instance
Public Class someclass
<DisplayName("This is the complex description of the field")>
Public property thisfieldnamehasacomplexdescription as string
Public property anothercomplexfield as string
This is the only way i know to get "Friendly" names in the dropdown that is the mail merge.
So the two fields turn up okay as :
"This is the complex description of the field"
but only anothercomplexfield actually populates with data when you do the merge.
Am i going to have to template the raddropdownbutton that holds the mail merge fields?
Is there an example of this somewhere?
Also a sub question. How do i add a scroll bar on these things?
(also i know this board is not a TELERIK specific board (duh!) but this might be useful to someone in the future. So i'll copy the answer i get from Telerik into here! )
This is what telerik gave me:
With the default MergeFields, it is not possible to change the display name fragment of the field in order to achieve a more friendly look. This should be possible if you implement a custom MergeField by deriving from the MergeField class. Here is a sample implementation that shows how this can be done:
public class CustomMergeField : MergeField
private const string CustomFieldName = "CustomField";
static CustomMergeField()
CodeBasedFieldFactory.RegisterFieldType(CustomMergeField.CustomFieldName, () => { return new CustomMergeField(); });
public override string FieldTypeName
return CustomMergeField.CustomFieldName;
public override Field CreateInstance()
return new CustomMergeField();
protected override DocumentFragment GetDisplayNameFragment()
return base.CreateFragmentFromText(string.Format(Field.DisplayNameFragmentFormat, this.GetFriendlyFieldName(this.PropertyPath)));
private string GetFriendlyFieldName(string fieldName)
int lettersInEnglishAlphabet = 26;
List<char> separators = new List<char>(lettersInEnglishAlphabet);
for (int i = 0; i < lettersInEnglishAlphabet; i++)
separators.Add((char)('A' + i));
StringBuilder newFieldName = new StringBuilder();
int previousIndex = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < fieldName.Length; i++)
if (separators.Contains(fieldName[i]))
if (previousIndex > 0)
newFieldName.Append(" ");
newFieldName.Append(fieldName.Substring(previousIndex, i - previousIndex));
previousIndex = i;
newFieldName.Append(" " + fieldName.Substring(previousIndex));
return newFieldName.ToString();
Note that the fragment that is shown when the DisplayMode is Code cannot be changed.
As for your other question, you can change the content of the dropdown button to show the friendly name of the fields and to include a scrollbar in the following way:
1. First, remove the binding of the button to the InsertMergeFieldEmptyCommand from XAML and give it a name (e.g. insertMergeField).
2. Next, add the following code in code-behind:
private void AddMergeFieldsInDropDownContent(RadRibbonDropDownButton radRibbonDropDownButton)
Grid grid = new Grid();
grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition() { Height = new GridLength(100, GridUnitType.Pixel) });
ScrollViewer scrollViewer = new ScrollViewer();
scrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto;
StackPanel stackPanel = new StackPanel();
foreach (string fieldName in this.editor.Document.MailMergeDataSource.GetColumnNames())
RadRibbonButton fieldButton = new RadRibbonButton()
Text = this.GetFriendlyFieldName(fieldName),
Size = ButtonSize.Medium,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left
fieldButton.Command = this.editor.Commands.InsertFieldCommand;
fieldButton.CommandParameter = new MergeField() { PropertyPath = fieldName };
//fieldButton.CommandParameter = new CustomMergeField() { PropertyPath = fieldName };
stackPanel.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
scrollViewer.Content = stackPanel;
radRibbonDropDownButton.DropDownContent = grid;
You can, of course optimize the code of the GetFriendlyName method and add it in a way that will be available by both classes.