How to stub an API when testing with Selenium Server - selenium

I'm using Nightwatch.js to test a MERN stack application—it makes calls to the Twilio API when it receives a POST request at /sms/outgoing/.
I would rather not send SMS messages every time I run my e2e tests—instead I'd like to stub out the behaviour and, ideally, return the request data, so that I can check my app is submitting the correct info.
I have looked at libraries such as nock and fetch-mock, but neither of these will work with tests that rely on selenium.
Is there a library that can intercept requests made by Selenium Server and provide the stubbing behaviour I'm after?

As you have mentioned nock and fetch-mock, I assume you're using a node server?
If that is the case, you could modify the server to detect an environment variable process.env.MOCK_API and return hard-coded responses to fetch request using fetch-reply-with


Difference between REST Client and browser

I wonder what is the difference between REST Client like Postman and browser? I want to make API calls but I dont understand why I have to use a REST Client instead of a browser.
A browser permits to create simple GET calls, you invoke a url and obtain the response.
A REST Client permits more possibilities like:
to construct every type of REST/HTTP call such as POST,PUT and DELETE,
add headers to the calls,
build a body for the calls (a json/xml or whatever of want one).
It's a tool more sophisticated.
You can install a standalone one like:
or install a browser extension for Firefox and Chrome like:
Disclaimer: I'm the creator and maintainer of Resting

Karate: How do I verify a mock server is called

I'm testing a peer-to-peer app that I can send a URL to and then it should make a request to that URL. I can mock the response with the karate mock server, but I would also like to verify the request was made.
One idea I had was to log each request to the mock server to a file, then in my main scenario (which started the mock and sent the URL to the app) read it back for verification.
Is there a better way to do this? Can I access the state of the mock server from the scenario that created it without using a file. Can I tell the mock server to verify its own state?
I'm using the standalone JAR if that makes a difference.
Remember, Karate mocks are all about exposing arbitrary REST end-points that can "see" a bunch of global variables.
All you need to do is expose a "secret" end-point that your test can call to get pretty much anything you want out of the "state" of the mock.
More details here: and here:

I have a Master API exposed which calls microservice A and A then called a third party microservice B. I want to mock Service B [duplicate]

I am exploring Karate API double (mocking) for the integration test. For the below scenarios, I'm not getting the expected mocking response. Your help will be appreciated.
My Setup :
1. Karate Mock Server up with pathMatches rules on port 8001: http://localhost:8001 ( working, validated against "/cat" and some test calls)
2. My own Application is up from docker on port 8080. From Docker exposed 8001 port as well.
Mocking Case:
1. My application REST call exposed to all users http://localhost:8080/service/v1/findUser. This exposed API, underlying calling other REST call http://dev-STG/userservice/v1/findUser which actually giving JSON response. So, I want to mock underlying API call and validate my API behavior accordingly.
Steps tried:
1. Now, in my application config, m replacing actual underlying API call to Karate mock server(http://localhost:8001/userservice/v1/findUser). Then did build & up my application docker.
In Karate, I defined test e.g "testIntgrtn.feature" which calling my application API "http://localhost:8080/service/v1/findUser" and Karate mock server up and set with pathmatch "/userservice/v1/findUser".
After executing "testIntgrtn.feature" karate not mocking for an underlying call(http://localhost:8001/userservice/v1/findUser).
Now, in "testIntgrtn.feature" file I changed my-application URL to underlying REST URL i.e (http://localhost:8001/userservice/v1/findUser) then mocking will work like charm.
I'm not understanding why underlying API call not getting mocked here? Did I miss something here?
Also, in Karate can we monitor all REST calls (like cypress mocking).
Thanks for this wonderful framework. Which is intuitive for writing automation cases.
Karate cannot automatically intercept calls.
The recommended approach is when you boot the application running at localhost:8080 you change the configuration so that instead of calling http://dev-stg/userservice/v1/findUser it calls something like http://localhost:8001/v1/findUser. This is what most teams do, and is easy because you should anyway be defining external URL-s as (or equivalent) as a best-practice.
It is very easy to over-ride an application property in Spring Boot for example, you can do this via the command-line:
If you want, you can dynamically provision a port for the mock. So your unit test can first start a mock, get the port, and then start the server. You can find details in the Karate documentation.
All this said, if you are able to change the (system) HTTP proxy before the app at localhost:8080 starts, you may be able to do this without modifying the configuration. (But it is tricky, so I recommend the approach explained above.) So in this case, Karate can actually "intercept" the outgoing HTTP calls that the app at localhost:8080 makes.
See the second-last row (5a) in the table here:

In Karate API mocking not working as expected for me

I am exploring Karate API double (mocking) for the integration test. For the below scenarios, I'm not getting the expected mocking response. Your help will be appreciated.
My Setup :
1. Karate Mock Server up with pathMatches rules on port 8001: http://localhost:8001 ( working, validated against "/cat" and some test calls)
2. My own Application is up from docker on port 8080. From Docker exposed 8001 port as well.
Mocking Case:
1. My application REST call exposed to all users http://localhost:8080/service/v1/findUser. This exposed API, underlying calling other REST call http://dev-STG/userservice/v1/findUser which actually giving JSON response. So, I want to mock underlying API call and validate my API behavior accordingly.
Steps tried:
1. Now, in my application config, m replacing actual underlying API call to Karate mock server(http://localhost:8001/userservice/v1/findUser). Then did build & up my application docker.
In Karate, I defined test e.g "testIntgrtn.feature" which calling my application API "http://localhost:8080/service/v1/findUser" and Karate mock server up and set with pathmatch "/userservice/v1/findUser".
After executing "testIntgrtn.feature" karate not mocking for an underlying call(http://localhost:8001/userservice/v1/findUser).
Now, in "testIntgrtn.feature" file I changed my-application URL to underlying REST URL i.e (http://localhost:8001/userservice/v1/findUser) then mocking will work like charm.
I'm not understanding why underlying API call not getting mocked here? Did I miss something here?
Also, in Karate can we monitor all REST calls (like cypress mocking).
Thanks for this wonderful framework. Which is intuitive for writing automation cases.
Karate cannot automatically intercept calls.
The recommended approach is when you boot the application running at localhost:8080 you change the configuration so that instead of calling http://dev-stg/userservice/v1/findUser it calls something like http://localhost:8001/v1/findUser. This is what most teams do, and is easy because you should anyway be defining external URL-s as (or equivalent) as a best-practice.
It is very easy to over-ride an application property in Spring Boot for example, you can do this via the command-line:
If you want, you can dynamically provision a port for the mock. So your unit test can first start a mock, get the port, and then start the server. You can find details in the Karate documentation.
All this said, if you are able to change the (system) HTTP proxy before the app at localhost:8080 starts, you may be able to do this without modifying the configuration. (But it is tricky, so I recommend the approach explained above.) So in this case, Karate can actually "intercept" the outgoing HTTP calls that the app at localhost:8080 makes.
See the second-last row (5a) in the table here:

Retrieve response object after UI action?

so I've created several service tests where I validate the response object, normally using the requests library or http library to send a POST request for example.
This time however I'm doing an end-to-end test. Through the UI progressing through a workflow, one stage involves uploading a document, behind the scenes this will call a separate service, the response of which will contain some information that could be useful to me for further verification.
Is there a way to merge these? After the UI action can I 'listen' for the response object somehow?
I do NOT wish to call the endpoint directly as I want to prove the workflow is as intended, the endpoint is verified directly in service level tests already.
Integrate Selenium tests with BrowserMob Proxy and you will be able to 'listen' for the responses using HAR file:
Java repo where the feature is implemented: