How to insert bytestrings into HANA - sql

I am trying to insert two byte strings into a HANA table with VARBINARY columns, but I keep getting a syntax error, e.g.
SAP DBTech JDBC: [257]: sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "G\xa2ac\xa0av\xf6": line 1 col 98 (at pos 98)
My two byte strings look like this:
STRING1 = b'G\xa2ac\xa0av\xf6'
type(STRING1) == <class 'bytes'>
STRING2 = b'708ca7fbb701799bb387f2e50deaca402e8502abe229f705693d2d4f350e1ad6'
type(STRING2) == <class 'bytes'>
My query to insert the values looks like this:
CAST(b'708ca7fbb701799bb387f2e50deaca402e8502abe229f705693d2d4f350e1ad6' AS VARBINARY),
CAST(b'G\xa2ac\xa0av\xf6' AS VARBINARY));
I've also tried to do a query how the documentation suggests:
CAST(x'708ca7fbb701799bb387f2e50deaca402e8502abe229f705693d2d4f350e1ad6' AS VARBINARY),
CAST(x'G\xa2ac\xa0av\xf6' AS VARBINARY));
As well as:
But all of these give me some syntax error. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

The problem here lies with your STRING1 value ( b'G\xa2ac\xa0av\xf6' ).
It is not a valid hexadecimal string that can represent a binary value in SAP HANA. That's why any type casting will fail here.
Instead, it seems that it is actually a string and some of the characters are represented hexadecimal values (UNICODE codepoints maybe?).
At least that's what I make of the \x escpace sequence in the string.
So, you can do different things now.
you can store the string as-is with the escape sequences in the
VARBINARY column. To do that, you can use
to_binary('G\xa2ac\xa0av\xf6') in the insert statement.
you can convert this string into a valid UNICODE string in your application code and store the data in an NVARCHAR column instead.

As far as I am aware HANA does not understand byte encode like python so I think there is the mix up if you use that representation within the sql console. So in python when printing b'G\xa2ac\xa0av\xf6' a byte that is non presentable in ascii (your local encoding?) is prefixed with \x.
If you want to do that you might first want to convert that to a hex representation in python
>>> import binascii
>>> binascii.hexlify(b'\xa2ac\xa0av\xf6')
This will give you a uniform representation of your bytearray in hex which you can now use in your SQL console (as HANA Studio and the likes):
INSERT INTO TestTable VALUES(x'47a26163a06176f6');
-- OR
INSERT INTO TestTable VALUES(HEXTOBIN('47a26163a06176f6'));
Note that the prefix b changes to x in the first case to indicate HANA that it should consider this as binary data in hexadecimal representation.
To insert the value from Python 2 as prepared statement:
>>> cursor.execute("INSERT INTO TestTable Values(?)", \
PyHDB seems to expect a string to cope correctly, but in Python 3 hexlify will yield a byte array so you need to turn the result into a string again
>>> param = str(binascii.hexlify(b'G\xa2ac\xa0av\xf6'), 'ascii')
>>> cursor.execute("INSERT INTO TestTable Values(?)", parameters=[param])
I guess this could be considered a bug in PyHDB or at least an inconsistency. Just for completeness sake, in SAP's dbapi client there is a Binary class to wrap bytearrays for this purpose.
Now query that with your client
>>> import pyhdb
>>> con = pyhdb.connect(....)
>>> cursor = con.cursor()
>>> cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM TestTable')
>>> cursor.fetchall()
To sum the entire thing up: b'G\xa2ac\xa0av\xf6' is not a representation HANA understands as such when using it in a SQL statement. We need to find a common ground, for that we converted the bytearray to a hex representation (hexlify) and told HANA to handle it as such (x-prefix / HEXTOBIN).
As Lars Br. mentioned, if those are indeed unicode literals you might
want to consider NVARCHAR as datatype.


SQL ORACLE : Is it possible to convert NUMBER with CHAR (varchar2 datatype) to NUMBER datatype

I have a big problem right now and I really need your help, because I can't find the right answer.
I am currently writing a script that triggers a migration process from a table with raw data (data we received from an excel file) to a new normalized schema.
My problem is that there is a column PRICE (varchar2 datatype) with a bunch of traps. For example: 540S, 25oo , I200 , S000 .
And I need to convert it to the correct NUMBER(9,2) format so I can get: 5405, 2500, 1200, 5000 as NUMBER for the previous examples and INSERT INTO my_new_table.
Is there any way I can parse every CHAR of these strings that verify certain conditions?
Or others better way?
Thank you :)!
One of the wonderful things about Oracle that some other DBs lack, is the TRANSLATE function:
SELECT TRANSLATE(number, 'SsIilOoxyz', '5511100') FROM t
This will convert:
S, s to 5
I, i and l to 1
O, o to 0
Remove any x, y or z from the number
The second and third arguments to translate define what characters are to be mapped. If the first string is longer than the second then anything over the length of the second is deleted from the resulting string. Mapping is direct based on position:
Look at the columns of the characters; the character above is mapped to the character below:
You can use translate() and along with to_number(). Your rules are not exactly clear, but something like this:
select to_number(translate(price, '0123456789IoS', '012345678910'))
from t;
This replaces I with 1, o with 0, and removes S.

How to cast hex data string to a string db2 sql

How would you decode a hex string to get the value in text format by using a select statement?
For example my data in hex is:
I want to decode it to get the string value using a select statement.
The value of the above is "ONLY FOR BACK-UP ON LEVEL ONE FOR CRANES"
what I have tried is :
SELECT CAST('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'
AS VARCHAR(30000) CCSID 37) from myschema.atable
The above sql returns the exact same hex string and not the decoded text string of "ONLY FOR BACK-UP ON LEVEL ONE FOR CRANES" what I expected.
Is it possible to do this with a cast? If it is what will the syntax be?
My problem that I have is a system stores text data in a blob field and I want to use a select statement to see what the text data is in the blob field.
Db : Db2 on Ibm
I have managed to covert the string to the hex value by using :
select hex(cast('ONLY FOR BACK-UP ON LEVEL ONE FOR CRANES' as varchar(100) ccsid 1208))
FROM myschema.atable
This gives me the string in hex :
Now somehow I need to do the inverse and get the value.
Using the answer from Daniel Lema, I tried using the unhex function but my result that I got was :
|+<ßã|êâ ä.í&|+<áîá<|+áã|êäê +áë
Is this something to do with a CSSID? Or how should I convet the above to a readable string?
This is the table field definition if it will help the field with my data in is GDTXFT a BLOB :
I was able to take your shortened hex string and convert is to a valid EBCDIC string.
The problem I ran into is that the original hex code you receive comes in UTF-16LE (Thanks Tom Blodget). IBM's CCSID system does not have a distinction between UTF-16BE and UTF-16LE so I am at a loss there on how to convert it properly.
If it is in UTF-8 as you generated later, the following would work for you. It's not the prettiest but throw it in a couple functions and it will work.
Create or replace function unpivothex (in_ varchar(30000))
returns table (Hex_ char(2), Position_ int)
with returnstring (ST , POS )
(Select substring(STR,1,2), 1
from table(values in_) as A(STR)
union all
Select nullif(substring(STR,POS+2,2),'00'), POS+2
from returnstring, table(values in_) as A(STR)
where POS+2 <= length(in_)
Select ST, POS
from returnstring
Create or replace function converthextostring
(in_string char(30000))
returns varchar(30000)
(select listagg(char(varbinary_format(B.Hex_),1)) within group(order by In_table.Position_)
from table(unpivothex(upper(in_string))) in_table
join table(unpivothex(hex(cast('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ' as char(53) CCSID 1208)))) A on In_table.Hex_ = A.Hex_
join table(unpivothex(hex(cast('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ' as char(53) CCSID 37)))) B on A.Position_ = B.Position_
Here is a version if you're not on at least V7R2 TR6 or V7R3 TR2.
Create or replace function converthextostring
(in_string char(30000))
returns varchar(30000)
(select xmlserialize(
xmltext(cast(char(varbinary_format(B.Hex_),1) as char(1) CCSID 37))
order by In_table.Position_)
as varchar(30000))
from table(unpivothex(upper(in_string))) in_table
join table(unpivothex(hex(cast('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ' as char(53) CCSID 1208)))) A on In_table.Hex_ = A.Hex_
join table(unpivothex(hex(cast('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ' as char(53) CCSID 37)))) B on A.Position_ = B.Position_
I tried the following solution I found published by Marcin Rudzki at Convert HEX value to CHAR on DB2, tested in my own Db2 for LUW v11 with a small modification.
the solution consists on creating a function just as Marcin suggested:
To test the solution, lets create an HEXSAMPLE table with a HEXSTRING column loaded with the string representation of a HEX sequence:
INSERT INTO HEXSAMPLE (HEXSTRING) VALUES ('4F4E4C5920464F52204241434B2D5550204F4E204C4556454C204F4E4520464F52204352414E4553')
Then exec the following query (and here it is different from the original proposal):
With result:
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ONLY FOR BACK-UP ON LEVEL ONE FOR CRANES 4F4E4C5920464F52204241434B2D5550204F4E204C4556454C204F4E4520464F52204352414E4553
I hope someone else can find a more direct solution. Also, if someone can explain why it works, it will be very interesting.
I question why you need to do this...
There's valid reasons to convert a hex string back to it's character equivalent...for instance somebody sends you a 32 byte string UUID and you want it back it it's 16 byte binary form.
But there's no reason ONLY FOR BACK-UP ON LEVEL ONE FOR CRANES should have been transformed to hex.
I suspect you need to post a new question asking why you're not getting readable strings in the first place.
However, in answer to this question... IBM i has an MI function Convert Character to Hex (CVTCH) that is easily called from any ILE langage. You could wrap that function call up into a user defined function in order to use it from SQL.
Note that you'll need to know what the hex string represents, EBCDIC, ASCII or Unicode, because you'll need to be able to tell the system what you've started with. From there there are ways to convert between encoding.
Here's an article that shows how to call the MI function from RPG.
Utilizing MI Functions in RPG Programs
A more modern free form version of the prototype that takes advantage of enhancements to the CCSID keyword might look like
dcl-pr FromHex extproc('cvtch');
charString char(32767) ccsid(*UTF8) options(*varsize);
hexString char(65534) ccsid(*HEX) const options(*varsize);
hexStringLen int(10) value;
With the above prototype, the system will treat the character string that comes back as UTF8 (ccsid 1208). But all I'm doing is telling the system how to interpret the bytes that come back. If the string was actually EBCDIC, I'm going to get garbage.
I think you could even defined the cvtch function directly as an external UDF without needing an ILE wrapper. I'd have to play around with that...
Disregard that idea...cvtch only has parameters, not a return value. Using an ILE wrapper is the best way to move the output parameter to a return value for use as a UDF.
The problem is that your original string is in ASCII format (actually with x'00' byte after each letter), and you have to convert it to EBCDIC.
Below is the solution for latin capital letters only:
select cast(translate(replace(mycol, x'00', x'')
, x'C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E940'
, x'4142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F505152535455565758595A20'
) as varchar(500) ccsid 37)
from mytab;
Every ASCII character is translated to the corresponding EBCDIC one.
x'00' symbols are removed.
cast (col_name as varchar(2000) ccsid ascii for sbcs data)

AS400 thousand delimiter on numeric field

Is there a way to get a number formatted with a comma for thousand in numbers?
According to IBM documentation, this is the syntax:
DECIMAL(:newsalary, 9, 2, ',')
newsalary is the string (field)
9 is the precision
2 is the scale
, is the delimiter.
I tried:
When trying it, I am getting the following error:
Message: [SQL0171] Argument 4 of function DECIMAL not valid.
DECIMAL converts from string type to a numeric type.
Numeric types don't have separators; only character representations of numbers have separators.
What tool are you using STRSQL, Run SQL Scripts or something else? Once you convert the string to a number, the tool should add the language appropriate separators when it displays the numeric data. For example, in STRSQL:
select decimal('12345.67', 12,2) as mynum
from sysibm.sysdummy1
Using SQL to format strings is usually a bad idea. That should be left to whatever is consuming the data.
But if you really, really, really want to do it. You should create a user defined function (UDF) that does it for you. Here's an article, Make SQL Edit the Way You Want It To that includes source for for an EDITDEC function written in ILE RPG along with the SQL function definition you need to use it in an SQL statement.

Character values being represented as inf

I have a SQL SERVER database full of part numbers that are alphanumeric, such as 19E378. When I query these values using the sqlQuery() function of the RODBC package, R immediately recognizes this value as Inf. I assume it is considering scientific notation and thinks that 19E378 means 19 * 10 to the 378th power (corrected).
I have tried casting and converting the values in the SQL query to varchar to no avail. I tried as.character() around the entire query but simply got "Inf" as a string.
myConn <- odbcConnect('ServerName')
sqlQuery(myConn, "SELECT DISTINCT TOP 1 Sku, ProdUrl FROM dbo.GSR_Aux_Source WHERE Sku = '19E378')
How can I get R to display the value as a string, instead of trying to interpret it at as a number?
I found a workaround by doing 'A'+Sku as Sku and then using a regular expression to remove the A, this forces R to store the data as a character string before converting to "Inf" value.

sql convert error on view tables

SELECT logicalTime, traceValue, unitType, entName
FROM vwSimProjAgentTrace
WHERE valueType = 10
AND agentName ='AtisMesafesi'
AND ( entName = 'Hawk-1')
AND simName IN ('TipSenaryo1_0')
AND logicalTime IN (
SELECT logicalTime
FROM vwSimProjAgentTrace
WHERE valueType = 10 AND agentName ='AtisIrtifasi'
AND ( entName = 'Hawk-1')
AND simName IN ('TipSenaryo1_0')
AND CONVERT(FLOAT , traceValue) > 123
) ORDER BY simName, logicalTime
This is my sql command and table is a view table...
each time i put "convert(float...) part " i get
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1
Error converting data type nvarchar to float.
this error...
One (or more) of the rows has data in the traceValue field that cannot be converted to a float.
Make sure you've used the right combination of dots and commas to signal floating point values, as well as making sure you don't have pure invalid data (text for instance) in that field.
You can try this SQL to find the invalid rows, but there might be cases it won't handle:
SELECT * FROM vwSimProjAgentTrace WHERE NOT ISNUMERIC(traceValue)
You can find the documentation of ISNUMERIC here.
If you look in BoL (books online) at the convert command, you see that a nvarchar conversion to float is an implicit conversion. This means that only "float"-able values can be converted into a float. So, every numeric value (that is within the float range) can be converted. A non-numeric value can not be converted, which is quite logical.
Probably you have some non numeric values in your column. You might see them when you run your query without the convert. Look for something like comma vs dot. In a test scenario a comma instead of a dot gave me some problems.
For an example of isnumeric, look at this sqlfiddle