Should I run Jenkins by command line instead of as a service? - selenium

I have been running Jenkins as a service on EC2 for a while. The problem is that since it's being run as a service, the chrome browser size is smaller than what we need. We are now running it using command line (not as a service) so it has a bigger browser size now. The only issue that I've observed so far was that the performance decreased. It took 1:30h for a 50mins jobs.
Should I keep running it using command line? Any other concerns that I need to worry about? (except the performance issue) Thank you.

Try below steps, might help you out
Stop the service (Jenkins.exe)
Right Click >> Properties >> Log On TAB >> Local System Account >> Check Allow service to interact with Desktop
then it will take the resolution of the monitor you currently use.
Make sure you put browser.driver.manage().window().maximize(); in your script.
Let me know if this does not works out.


Reconnect to Google Cloud Platform Terminal

I am running a python machine learning script on google cloud platform. I have connected through SSH in browser. When I run the code it works, but when I close the browser it seems to stop running.
I believe I can make it run in the background with nohup, but I want to be able to check back in on it as it prints outputs on its progress.
Basically I want to be able to start the script, close the terminal and then reconnect from any machine to check on its progress. Any help would be really appreciated.
I am new to google cloud platform if any of this was unclear please as an ill try providing more detail.
You may use an app called as screen. Just install it using `sudo apt-get install screen`` (if debian, ubuntu).
In some cases it might be already installed in your instance, you may check it.
Once installed enter the following command into the terminal:
and press enter. Now, You may start with your job in terminal.
The moment you need to disconnect you may press Ctrl+A and then d.
The session would be disconnected. You may note the session id that would be displayed (eg. detached from 1498.pts-1.server)
You may now close the terminal.
When you come back, use the following command to get back into the older session.
screen -r *screen_id* (eg. screen -r **1498.pts-1.server**)
This process is checked for google cloud, ssh through browser, it really works.
Check this site for mode details.
It sounds like you're referring to the Google Cloud Shell feature. If so then what you desire is not possible, the cloud shell is not intended for non-interactive operation. From Usage limits:
Cloud Shell is intended for interactive use only. Non-interactive
sessions will be ended automatically after a warning.
The cloud shell operates on a temporary Compute Engine virtual machine, which is running only while the cloud shell session is active in the browser.
Apart from the obvious approach of keeping the browser session active while your application is running, you could also provision yourself a non-temporary Compute Engine instance (a free one is available), to which you can connect and on which you can run non-interactive applications as you desire.

SSH timeout when running importDump.php on a Bitnami Mediawiki instance on Google Cloud server

The import seems to start out ok, showing the contents of the mediawiki in the terminal window. At some point (often around the same point in the content), the SSH terminal freezes up. Opera Browser returns an 'out of memory' message.
2 questions -
Can I just start the import and ask the server to run it regardless of the status of the terminal window on my machine (or the internet connection)?
If no to #1, what can I modify to prevent the terminal from timing out?
It could be that the cause of the problem is not the Google Cloud server or the network but a problem with the client browser being used.
A good test would be to do the same operation using another browser if possible and see how it goes. If the operation is successful then it means that it is a problem with the Opera browser itself.
Also check the memory configurations on the client machine to see if it can handle the request.
There has been reports of out of memory errors in Opera:
If you have tried other browsers and issue is the same then it should not be caused by the Opera browser ‘out of memory’ error.
Have you provided your Bitnami Mediawiki deployment with the correct instance specs to handle every request?
At the Google Cloud Platform click on Products & Services which is the
icon with the four bars at the top left hand corner.
On the menu go to the Compute section and hover on ‘Compute Engine’ and
then click on ‘VM Instances’ to view all your instances.
Click on your Bitnami instance to see more details.
Go to ‘Machine type’ where you can see CPU and memory allocated for the
Ensure Bitnami Mediawiki instance has a good profile to handle the request.
You can also check the instance performance while you’re doing the import and see how it behaves.
As per the documentation, running importDump.php can take quite a long time. For a large Wikipedia dump with millions of pages, it may take days, even on a fast server.

Logging the output of VBoxHeadless

I want to be able to launch a VM in headless mode and log the outputs of its tty to the command line.
Basically I have a situation where the VM will be launched remotely (hence the command line requirement), but every once and a while, the VM's bootup sequence freezes, and right now there's no way for me to debug why the VM is not booting up properly unless I go there manually and view it in a non-headless mode.
The VM itself does not have a GUI, it just boots into TTY mode.
So is there anyway I can get some debugging output from the TTY while it's headless?
One crazy idea would be using non-headless mode and taking screenshots of the window that opens, but there must be a better way!
You can use the following command to output a PNG file of the current screen, even in headless mode:
vboxmanage controlvm [vmname] screenshotpng screen.png
I am trying to get some integration testing for bootstrapped virtualboxes up and running and ran into the exact same problem. After finding out that VRDP is a dead end, because RDP cannot send text but only bitmaps, I remembered that some cloud providers require grub to output to ttyS0.
What is ttyS0 you ask? It's the serial console of course :-)
Here's how to configure Debian to output to serial console
VirtualBox allows you to redirect the serial port into either a file or a pipe, meaning you should be able to get all the information you desire by simply reading the specified filepath.

ASP.MVC 4, Azure Caching: Error on both local and remote - "role discovery data is unavailable"

Whew...ok, been wrestling with this for a while and I can't figure out what is going on.
I am new to Azure caching, but at this point I have read a good bit and I think I have it setup right, but something is obviously wrong so what do I know?
Ok, so first I setup a dedicated caching web worker role using this fine tutorial:
I have an MVC 4 website that is supposed to be using it.
I have my solution set to multiple starting projects with my cloud caching project set to start first, but no matter what I do, I get the "role discovery data is unavailable".
Sometimes in my output log I get that the Role Environment failed to initialize, but not very often. Most of the time the output log says that is succeeds. Regardless of that, I still get the error above.
I was thinking that maybe the issue was because I was running on local azure storage and compute emulators, so I reconfigured and published the Cloud Service to Azure to see if that helped.
It didn't...
The fun part is that there have been exactly 2 times when it suddenly worked (both when I was working locally). 2 times about of about 100. I didn't do anything different...just ran the debugger and poof, it all worked. This at least lends a bit of credit that it is actually setup correctly.
Needless to say, this is putting a huge damper on my productivity so any advice would be appreciated.
Ok, I have figured out a workaround of sorts...I have learned that the reason that it consistently failed was because the development web server was holding onto a file which prevented the caching server to launch correctly.
The workaround is to stop the web server each and every time I want to recompile and run the code. This is obviously not ideal, so any ways to make this more reliable would be appreciated.
I don't know if this helps but I find that if I don't shut down the both the storage and compute emulator, I get weird errors, so after doing an F5 and closing the browser down, I manually shut down both emulators

How would I created a flexible EC2 Windows 2008 boot script?

If you look at the Linux ecosystem (especially the Ubuntu and Alestic EC2 images) there is a common technique where the VMs are pre-configured to look at the EC2 user-data and use it as a boot script. The nice thing about this approach is that you can write a boot script that further provisions your machine, allowing you to avoid making a new image every time your software that runs on the machine changes.
I want to do the same thing for Windows, but given that I'm an Mac and Linux guy, I'm a bit lost on where to start. My requirements are:
This must run on Windows Server 2008
A bootstrap script needs to start when the machine boots up, read the user-data file by pulling down the contents
The bootstap script then needs to run the contents of that file as if it were a script
The script embedded in the user-data needs to run in such a way that it has access to the desktop environment (ie: it can launch a browser, etc).
I'm not quite sure how services work in Windows or if I need to enable auto-login, so any advice here would be appreciated. The ultimate goal is to run a Java program that launches some custom software that in turn launches a web browser (IE, Firefox, etc) and is capable of taking screenshots.
The screenshot part is interesting, because in the past when I've tried this the only way I could get something other than a black screen was to have UltraVNC or RealVNC boot up as a service, though I don't know why that helped.
I'm looking for answers to three specific questions, as well as any general advice:
Should I be focussing on a Windows service or auto-login + bat file in the "Startup" folder?
If I use a Windows service, is there anything special that I need to do to make sure desktop access and/or screenshots are available?
Do you recommend any tools for common Linux commands, like curl or wget? Last time I used Windows I used Cygwin a lot, but is there something more appropriate to use here?
I have not tried auto-login on Windows instances in EC2, but here's the support document on how to enable it.
We boot-strap our Windows instances using a custom AMI with a custom Windows 'install' service already installed. The boot-strap installer reads a URL from user-data at startup. The URL points to a ZIP file stored in S3. The installer then downloads, un-zips, and executes the actual application installer -- in our case a simple CMD fie.
This setups allows us to have one base AMI and then be able to easily overlay 15+ different application configurations (without having to rebuild the AMI). If you only have one application configuration this may be overkill for your situation.
The only trouble we ran into was having our installer service start to early -- changing the service startup mode to "Automatic Delayed" fixed that issue.
We wrote our boot-strap installer in Java, launched via YAJSW, because we're comfortable with it. If you just want a few simple Unix tools, most are available pre-compiled for Windows, for example wget.
For something completely different, you could try PsExec to configure the instance after it has booted.
You can try using RightScale's free developer account to create plain Powershell scripts and associate them with your Windows instances to run at boot time. The RightScale dashboard solves exactly the problems you are trying to solve above.
DISCLAIMER: I work for RightScale.
As for screen capture CutyCapt is a simple tool you can point at a URL and generate an image from.
Unxutils is a great solution for those looking for unix tools on Windows. It's got the wget.exe that you're looking for, however, using Powershell to download stuff is not so bad either:
$wc = new-object
If you can write a batch file to do your setup, then you can run it at startup of the vm by doing this:
1. Run REGEDT32.EXE.
2. Modify the following value within HKEY_CURRENT_USER:
Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\ParseAutoexec
1 = autoexec.bat is parsed
0 = autoexec.bat is not parsed
As an answer to #3, I would say that you can do just about anything in a batch file that you need which includes downloading from a ftp server (but not from a http server). I am really interested in this stuff and so if you have questions, try asking me.
If you use Elastic Beanstalks you can use this:
Customizing the Software on EC2 Instances Running Windows
It uses YAML formatting standards, e.g.
I know this is a little bit late to help out with the original post but for anyone who is still reading this one solution is to use the project. The service is easily installed using a powershell script and will create a local administrator account to use while running.
The goal for this project was to replace the Cloud-Init project used in Amazon Linux and Ubuntu.