Orika - how to map inheritance and flattening? - orika

I have been struggling with a task how to tell Orika to map an inherited structure that is flattened to DTO so that it may correctly resolve the implementation on reconstruction of an object. Here is an example of a simple structure with many nested objects:
abstract class Document {
// common values
class LegalDocument extends Document {
// complex object with many nested objects
class PersonalDocument extends Document {
// complex object with many nested objects
And let's say I have a reason to have an object flattened of the structure above:
class FlattenedDocument {
private String documentType = "LEGAL"; // "LEGAL" or "PERSONAL"
// flattened properties of Document and both its subclasses
I am able to tell Orika via CustomMapper<Document, FlattenedDocument> to map correctly the property documentType with a correct value based on an actual type (class) of the input document, but what I don't know how to do is the reverse situation. I need to tell Orika that when it converts from FlattenedDocument to one of the implementations of abstract Document, whether it should create the former or the latter by the value of documentType property. I can do that via CustomConverter or ObjectFactory but in both cases I am losing the benefit of byDefault().
Is there any way how to use the standard ClassMap with byDefault() option
factory.classMap(Document.class, FlattenedDocument.class).byDefault().register();
but with the possibility to tell Orika that it should re-instantiate the object based on the value of documentType field?

You can create a CustomConverter, that decides the type based on your field:
public class ShapeReverseConverter extends CustomConverter<ShapeDTO, Shape> {
public Shape convert(ShapeDTO source, Type<? extends Shape> destinationType, MappingContext mappingContext) {
if (Circle.class.getSimpleName().equals(source.type)) {
return mapperFacade.map(source, Circle.class);
} else {
return mapperFacade.map(source, Rectangle.class);
In Config you can map setting the type:
DefaultMapperFactory mapperFactory = new DefaultMapperFactory.Builder().build();
mapperFactory.classMap(Shape.class, ShapeDTO.class).byDefault()
.field("class.simpleName", "type")
mapperFactory.getConverterFactory().registerConverter(new ShapeReverseConverter());


Naming: Composite vs compound for entities that delegate function calls to array of entities (vs something else?)

Imagine you have some Entity class and want another class that groups multiple instances of Entity.
How do you name it?
something else?
This is a common thing I do, and my colleagues use different naming convention. I have no idea what is better and also I'm not a native English speaker.
Concrete example:
public final class CompoundSetUpAction: SetUpAction {
private let setUpActions: [SetUpAction]
public init(
setUpActions: [SetUpAction])
self.setUpActions = setUpActions
public func setUp() -> TearDownAction {
return CompoundTearDownAction(
tearDownActions: Array(setUpActions.map { $0.setUp() }.reversed())

How to match a class with annotation inside?

I have an annotation named Metric
#Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD})
public #interface Metric {
String name() default "";
I want to weave some logic when some methods with the #Metric annotation, like:
public class MethodWithMetricDemo{
public void targetMethod(){
// do some thing
But how to match the class MethodWithMetricDemo in new AgentBuilder.Default().type(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) ?
You would need to match your type based on the method annotatation. As methods are inherited virtually, you would however need to travers the entire class hierarchy by hasSuperType(declaresMethod(isAnnotatedWith(...))). This is possible but rather expensive. If you choose to use such a matcher, you should probably restrict your matching to a given namespace.

Jackson, how to expose fields when serializing a class which extend a collection?

I have a class that we use for paginated results, as follows:
public class PaginatedList<T> extends LinkedList<T> {
private int offset;
private int count;
private int totalResultCount;
and I'd like Jackson to serialize it like this:
(where the parent list contains the three integer values 1,2 and 3.)
In my first attempt I discovered that Jackson effectively ignores any properties on classes which are assignable to a Collection class. In hindsight, this makes sense, and so I'm now in search of a workaround. A search of SO resulted in two similar questions:
However, both of these resulted in the suggestion to switch from inheritance to composition.
I am specifically looking for a solution that allows the class to extend a collection. This 'PaginatedList' class is part of the common core of the enterprise, and extends Collection so that it can be used (and introspected) as a collection throughout the code. Changing to composition isn't an option. That being said, I am free to annotate and otherwise change this class to support serialization as I described above.
So, from what I can tell, there's two parts I'm missing (what I'm looking for in an answer):
How to get Jackson to 'see' the added properties?
How to get Jackson to label the collection's content as a 'results' property in the JSON output?
(PS: I'm only concerned with serialization.)
Ashley Frieze pointed this out in a comment, and deserves the credit for this answer.
I solved this by creating a JsonSerializer instance as follows:
public class PaginatedListSerializer extends JsonSerializer<PaginatedList> {
public Class<PaginatedList> handledType() {
return PaginatedList.class;
public void serialize(PaginatedList value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
for (Object entry : value) {
jgen.writeNumberField("offset", value.offset);
jgen.writeNumberField("count", value.count);
jgen.writeNumberField("totalResultCount", value.totalResultCount);
and, of course, register it as a module:
SimpleModule testModule = new SimpleModule("PaginatedListSerializerModule", new Version(1, 0, 0, null, null, null));
testModule.addSerializer(new PaginatedListSerializer());

Pattern name/Convention -> Class that merge different attributes from other classes

I wanted to know if there is a known pattern or convention for the following scenario:
I have two classes: MAT (name:String, address:String) & MATversion(type:String, version:int)
Now I have a DataGrid (DataTable) which will take a generic List of objects for the column mapping and data filling.
The columns should be name, type, version. (Which are distributed in MAT and MATversion)
So I create a class to make this work. This class will merge the needed properties from each class (MAT, MATversion).
-> MAT_MATversion (name:String, type:String, version:int).
Does there exist a naming convention for such an class like MAT_MATversion? Any pattern that mirrors that?
Is there any specific reason why the merged result has to be a unique class?
I'm assuming every MAT object has a single MATversion
you can add a couple of custom properties who will return the type and version of the underlying MATversion object
In C# this would result in something like this
public class MAT{
public String name{ get;set;};
public String adress{ get;set;};
public MATversion myVersion;
public String type {
return myVersion.type;
myVersion.type = value;
public int version {
return myVersion.version;
myVersion.version = value;
I'm aware that this doesn't answer the question about design patterns, but I couldn't ask/suggest another approach in a comment since I don't have that right yet.

Serialize class based on one interface it implements with Jackson or Gson

I have the following:
An interface I1 extends Ia, Ib, Ic
An interface I2.
A class C implements I1, I2. And this class has its own setters and getters as well.
C cInstance = new C():
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.writeValue(new File("somefile.json"), cInstance);
Gson gson = new Gson();
String json = gson.toJson(cInstance);
The output will be cInstance serialized according to the properties of C and what it inherited.
However, I like the properties are being serialized to be according to the setters/getters in I1 (only the cInstance properties represented in the I1 interface).
How can I do this with Jackson knowing that I have too many classes with the same problem and I can't modify the class definition or add annotations.
And the same issue applies to Deserialization (Deserializing according to an interface)
First of all, you can always attach "mix-in annotations" even without adding annotations directly (see wiki page). With this, annotation to use would be:
but if you do not want to use mix-ins, you can force specific type to use with
Jackson's VisibilityChecker provides an easy way for filtering certain properties, especially because it allows you to test for visibility (equals "will be serialized or not") for each method/field individually.
At least this helps for the serialization phase.
Here is what I did (using Jackson version 1.9.11):
import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper;
import org.codehaus.jackson.map.introspect.AnnotatedMethod;
import org.codehaus.jackson.map.introspect.VisibilityChecker;
public static class InterfaceVisibilityChecker extends VisibilityChecker.Std {
private final Set<Method> visibleMethods;
public InterfaceVisibilityChecker(Class<?>... clazzes) {
this.visibleMethods = new HashSet<>();
for (Class<?> clz : clazzes) {
public boolean isGetterVisible(Method m) {
return super.isGetterVisible(m) && isVisible(m);
public boolean isGetterVisible(AnnotatedMethod m) {
return isGetterVisible(m.getAnnotated());
private boolean isVisible(Method m) {
for (Method visiMthd : visibleMethods) {
if (isOverwriteMethod(m, visiMthd)) return true;
return false;
private boolean isOverwriteMethod(Method subMethod, Method superMethod) {
// names must be equal
if (! subMethod.getName().equals(superMethod.getName())) return false;
// return types must be assignable
if (! superMethod.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(subMethod.getReturnType())) return false;
// parameters must be equal
if (! Arrays.equals(subMethod.getParameterTypes(), superMethod.getGenericParameterTypes())) return false;
// classes must be assignable
return superMethod.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(subMethod.getDeclaringClass());
The main idea is to use the standard VisibilityChecker and extend it by a check whether the method is declared in one of the given interfaces.
The checker is applied to an ObjectMapper instance using the following snippet:
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
om.setVisibilityChecker(new InterfaceVisibilityChecker(
Some comments on the solution above:
The checker is not complete, methods like isIsGetterVisible or isFieldVisible can be handled in a similar manner if needed.
isOverwriteMethod is not optimized at all, it's checks could be cached.