populating a react-select asynchronously - react-select

Given a selection made in a react-select (https://jedwatson.github.io/react-select/) I am using axios (https://github.com/mzabriskie/axios) to grab data from a remote url in order to populate a second react-select on the page.
The trick, which is where I think my use case differs from the Async examples, is that I don't want the user to have to type at all into the second select to trigger the auto-populating. I want that auto-population to happen immediately when the data returns from the AJAX call
I have confirmed that I'm grabbing the remote data correctly, but I can't quite figure out the correct syntax for the loadOptions parameter to the react-select. the closest example in the code to what I want is in this function from the project's examples
thanks for any tips you can offer

It looks like you're trying to do a related select type of scenario, where additional arguments are passed that the second select would use, and you require new options on open.
I did this (with the current build) by overriding AsyncSelect and adjusting my loadOptions.
import Select from 'react-select/lib/Async';
export default class AsyncSelect extends Select {
* reload()
* Called when optional load arguments change, to reload the
* data from remote source with new options
* loadOptions={
* (inputValue) => this.props.loadOptions(
* inputValue,
* this.props.loadArguments
* )
* }
reload() {
this.loadOptions('', options => {
const isLoading = !!this.lastRequest;
this.setState({ defaultOptions: options || [], isLoading });
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
// if the cacheOptions prop changes, clear the cache, force a reload
if (nextProps.cacheOptions !== this.props.cacheOptions) {
this.optionsCache = {};
* loadArguments
* Optional property used in the remote request.
* If these change externally, then the options should be reloaded.
* This is handy for things like related selects.
if (nextProps.loadArguments !== this.props.loadArguments) {
if (nextProps.defaultOptions !== this.props.defaultOptions) {
defaultOptions: Array.isArray(nextProps.defaultOptions)
? nextProps.defaultOptions
: undefined
And then, in my component:
const {loadArguments, myLoadFunc, ...attributes} = this.props;
return (
loadOptions={(inputValue) => myLoadFunc(inputValue, loadArguments)}

In github async example, input parameter getUsers(input) is the search text.
You can store your first react-select value in the component state, than loadOptions promise would fetch endpoint using this state value firstSelectValue
getUsers() {
return fetch(`https://api.github.com/search/users?q=${this.state.firstSelectValue}`)
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((json) => {
return { options: json.items };


How exactly do I update FlatList's data using Apollo Client's fetchMore method?

My GraphQL backend returns data in the form:
data: {
feed: {
A: [...],
B: [...]
Where my frontend merges A and B using a sort on some field present within the data, and then uses React Native's FlatList to display them as a single array. I'm using Apollo client to query my backend like so:
const { fetchMore, loading, data, error } = useQuery(fetchQuery, {variables: fetchArgs});
if (loading) {...}
if (error) {...}
let A = [];
let B = [];
if (data!.feed.A) A = data!.feed.A
if (data!.feed.B) B = data!.feed.B
let feedData = sortedMerge(A,B);
return (
//update fetchArgs
variables: fetchArgs,
updateQuery: // Not sure if I need to do anything here?
}).then(result => {
// Maybe this is where I update?
However, I can't seem to figure out how or where to get the new data, say A' and B' merged and concatenated with feedData so that my FlatList can update as efficiently as possible?
I guess I'm having trouble because I can't just directly update the list and need to do a little bit of preprocessing, but no matter where I update feedData, either in the then block after fetchMore or outside of it, the FlatList never seems to update.
Try putting your merge logic in a useMemo:
const { fetchMore, loading, data, error } = useQuery(fetchQuery, {variables: fetchArgs});
const feedData = useMemo(() => {
if (data) {
const { A, B } = data.feed;
return sortedMerge(A,B);
} else return [];
if (loading) {...}
if (error) {...}
return (
onEndReached = {() => fetchMore({ variables: fetchArgs })}
Executing fetchMore should cause data to be updated which will trigger the useMemo and update your feedData variable.
However you'll still need to merge the paginated results into the client-side cache.

simply replace a node's content in prosemirror

I'm in a function that receives a string as input:
(text) => {
I have access to the editor via Vue props (props.editor). I would like to replace the current node's content with this text. I cannot seem to find out how to do this. I'm using tiptap2, which is a wrapper around ProseMirror and has access to all of ProseMirror's api.
I'd rather not try to replace the whole node unless necessary, which I also tried, doing below – but cannot get that to work either:
(text) => {
.command(({ tr }) => {
const node = props.editor.state.schema.nodes.paragraph.create(
{ content: text}
return true;
Much thanks
This solution works for me in Tiptap version 2.
A precondition for this to work is, that the text to be replaced is marked (highlighted).
const selection = editor.view.state.selection;
from: selection.from,
to: selection.to
}, "replacement text").run();
I'm late to the party but this is the top result I came across when trying to find a solution for myself.
My code is in the context of a React NodeView, so I'm given a getPos() prop that gives the position of the React node in the Prosemirror document (I believe this number more-or-less means how many characters precede the React NodeView node). With that I was able to use this command chain to replace the content:
import { Node as ProsemirrorNode } from "prosemirror-model";
import { JSONContent, NodeViewProps } from "#tiptap/react";
const NodeViewComponent = (props: NodeViewProps) =>
// ...
* Replace the current node with one containing newContent.
const setContent = (newContent: JSONContent[]) => {
const thisPos = props.getPos();
.command(({ tr }) => {
const newNode = ProsemirrorNode.fromJSON(props.editor.schema, {
type: props.node.type.name,
attrs: { ...props.attrs },
content: newContent,
return true;
// ...
Basically you want to:
Set the current selection to the node you want to replace the content of
Create and update a new node that is a copy of the current node
Replace your selection with the new node.

i18n won't translate correctly when inside array or object in React Native

I'm trying to use i18n-js to translate some strings into other languages. If I have my code in normal code, it works. Ex:
//Displays "Something" (no quotes) where I want it
<Text> translate("Something"); </Text>
But if I put it inside an array or object, then call it later, it stops working and shows a missing message instead of the text I want translated. Ex:
const messages = {
something: translate("Something"),
// other translations...
// later on
// Displays "[missing "en.Something" translation]" (no quotes) where I want it
<Text> messages.something </Text>
The following is my code for my translate function, as well as the config for i18n. I'm using lodash-memoize, but that is unrelated to the issue. I've already checked that the text being passed to i18n.t() is the same (including type) no matter if it's in normal code or in the array, but it still doesn't return the correct thing. I have some error checking written up to avoid getting the missing message on screen, but that still doesn't fix the issue that it can't find the translation.
export const translationGetters = ({
en: () => require('./translations/en.json'),
es: () => require('./translations/es.json')
export const translate = memoize(
(key, config) => {
text = i18n.t(key, config)
return text
(key, config) => (config ? key + JSON.stringify(config) : key)
export const setI18nConfig = () => {
// fallback if no available language fits
const fallback = { languageTag: "en", isRTL: false };
const { languageTag, isRTL } =
RNLocalize.findBestAvailableLanguage(Object.keys(translationGetters)) ||
// clear translation cache
// update layout direction
// set i18n-js config
i18n.translations = { [languageTag]: translationGetters[languageTag]() };
i18n.locale = languageTag;
I have no idea where to go on this. Any advice would be appreciated!
Same problem here, workaround is to return array/object from inside a function:
Don't work
export const translations = [i18.t('path')]
export function getTranslations() {
const translations = [i18.t('path')]
return translations

Fetching data as reaction to observable array change in MobX

Suppose we have an observable main object array, and observable data about that array (e.g. suppose we have selectedReports and reportParameters) . Now suppose we emit action to either add report to the array or remove report from that array. How do we run an action to fetch the data for reportParameters, as reaction?
Thus far, my attempt, which isn't working, looks like this:
// report parameters stuff
async fetchAllReportParameters() {
() => this.selectedReports,
async (reports) => {
// reset the report parameters
this.reportParameters = {}
// fetch the parameters for all the reports
await reports
.forEach((report) => {
* fetches report parameters for a reportId
* #param {number} reportId
fetchReportParameters = (reportId) => {
this.reportParameters[reportId] = []
const onSuccess = (reportParameters) => {
this.reportParameters[reportId] = reportParameters
.then(onSuccess, this.fetchReportParametersError)
fetchReportParametersError = (error) => {
// TODO: output some error here
Are you ever actually calling fetchAllReportParameters? If you don't, the reaction will never be created. You may instead like to create the reaction from the constructor, assuming you always want it to be run. One example:
class SomeStore {
constructor() {
this.disposeReportsReaction = reaction(
() => this.selectedReports.slice(),
reports => {
// ...
Call storeInstanceName.disposeReaction() whenever you're done with the reaction.
Notice that I've used .slice() here. This is because if you simply pass the array reference, the reaction will never be called. See reaction docs: you have to actually use the value in some way.
You also need to tweak the async code a bit. This:
async (reports) => {
await reports.forEach((report) => {
// ...
won't do what you hope, because forEach returns undefined. Even if you shift the async keyword to the forEach callback, all the API requests will be sent in quick succession. Consider using something like this instead, depending on whether you want to wait for the preceding request before sending the next one:
try {
for (const report of reports) {
await this.fetchReportParameters(report.id)
} catch (e) {
// handle error
This isn't always the right answer: sometimes it's fine to send a bunch of requests in quick succession (perhaps especially if it's a small batch, and/or in the context of HTTP/2). If that's ok with you, you could use:
reports => {
// ...
reports.forEach(report => this.fetchReportParameters(report.id))

Lists and Components not updating after data change - (VueJS + VueX)

A question about best practice (or even a go-to practice)
I have a list (ex. To-do list). My actual approach is:
On my parent component, I populate my 'store.todos' array. Using a
getter, I get all the To-do's and iterate on a list using a v-for
Every item is a Component, and I send the to-do item as a prop.
Inside this component, I have logic to update the "done" flag. And this element display a checkbox based on the "state" of the flag. When it does that, it do an action to the db and updates the store state.
Should I instead:
Have each list-item to have a getter, and only send the ID down the child-component?
Everything works fine, but if I add a new item to the to-do list, this item is not updated when I mark it as completed. I wonder if this issue is because I use a prop and not a getter inside the child component
const state = {
tasks: []
const mutations = {
CLEAR_TASKS (state) {
state.tasks = [];
SET_TASKS (state, tasks) {
state.tasks = tasks;
ADD_TASK (state, payload) {
// if the payload has an index, it replaces that object, if not, pushes a new task to the array
state.currentSpaceTasks[payload.index] = payload.task;
// (1) Without this two lines, the item doesn't update
SET_TASK_COMPLETION (state, task){
let index = state.tasks.findIndex(obj => obj.id == task.id);
state.tasks[index].completed_at = task.completed_at;
const getters = {
getTasks: (state) => (parentId) => {
if (parentId) {
return state.tasks.filter(task => task.parent_id == parentId );
} else {
return state.tasks.filter(task => !task.parent_id );
const actions = {
* Add a new Task
* 1st commit add a Temp Task, second updates the first one with real information (Optimistic UI - or a wannabe version of it)
addTask({ commit, state }, task ) {
let iNewTask = state.currentSpaceTasks.length - 1;
response => {
let newTask = response.data;
task: newTask,
index: iNewTask
error => {
markTaskCompleted({ commit, dispatch, state }, task ){
commit('SET_TASK_COMPLETION', task);
dispatch('updateTask', { id: task.id, field: 'completed', value: task.completed_at } ).then(
response => {
commit('SET_TASK_COMPLETION', response.data);
error => {
task.completed_at = !task.completed_at;
commit('SET_TASK_COMPLETION', task);
updateTask({ commit, state }, data ) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
axios.patch('/spaces/'+state.route.params.spaceId+'/tasks/'+ data.id, data).then(
response => {
error => {
And basically this is my Parent and Child Components:
Task List component (it loads the tasks from the Getters)
<task :task = 'item' v-for = "(item, index) in tasks(parentId)" :key = 'item.id"></task>
The task component display a "checkbox"(using Fontawesome). And changes between checked/unchecked depending on the completed_at being set/true.
This procedure works fine:
Access Task list
Mark one existing item as done - checkbox is checked
This procedure fails
Add a new task (It fires the add task, which firstly adds a 'temporary' item, and after the return of the ajax, updates it with real information (id, etc..). While it doesn't have the id, the task displays a loading instead of the checkbox, and after it updates it shows the checkbox - this works!
Check the newly added task - it does send the request, it updates the item and DB. But checkbox is not updated :(
After digging between Vue.js docs I could fix it.
Vue.js and Vuex does not extend reactivity to properties that were not on the original object.
To add new items in an array for example, you have to do this:
// Vue.set
Vue.set(example1.items, indexOfItem, newValue)
More info here:
and here: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/list.html#Caveats
At first it only solved part of the issue. I do not need the "hack" used after pushing an item into the array (push and pop an empty object to force the list to reload)
But having this in mind now, I checked the object returned by the server, and although on the getTasks, the list has all the fields, including the completed_at, after saving a new item, it was only returning the fields that were set (completed_at is null when created). That means that Vue.js was not tracking this property.
I added the property to be returned by the server side (Laravel, btw), and now everything works fine!
If anybody has a point about my code other than this, feel free to add :)
Thanks guys