Can't find RestComm SMPP Server link - restcomm

I recently just installed RestComm SMSC gateway. On the left hand side in the management section, I'm missing the SMPP server link. Did I miss something during install? Also missing the ESMEs link.
Also can we use RestComm as an SMPP Client and Server over SMPP by I.P over a VPN with our SMPP provider?

Try the GUI link as below:
In the previous versions of Restcomm SMSC GW the smpp and smsc settings were all avialable under one link i.e:
In newer versions the developers have separated the ESME and SMPP_Management under /smpp-management


How can I decrypt TLS packets of other devices (Wifi Hotspot) from Windows?

I am using WireShark to monitor my network. I connect my phone to Windows HotSpot and I can monitor network of my phone too. For TLS decrypting, I applied steps in the link below:
SSL info of the browsers are written my SSLKEYLOGFILE but SSL info of my phone doesn't. I easily decrypt browser packets but phone requests are still encrypted. How can I get SSL info of my phone packets? Is there any way to write SSL info of HotSpot connection to SSLKEYLOGFILE or is there any other solution?
Edit: I am very very newbie for encryption and networking.
Please setup your Android device to use "Fiddler" tool as a proxy. Then you can use fiddler tool for debugging on Windows. You just need to install fiddler root certificate. Refer below link:
And to capture iOS Traffic with Fiddler:

Config restcomm ussd gateway

I install restcomm ussd gateway on my server but can not config it
I tried but did not work
I just want to send a real ussd push message to my phone number
How to config it?
For anyone running into this, you might want to follow up on the discussion in the Restcomm Google Groups here, as this same question was posted there too.

MobileFirst development server - analytics REST services

I'm running the development server under MobileFirst Studio 7.0 and I can see the analytics console with data reflecting my application's activities.
Previously in my production servers I have been able to interrogate the status of the Analytics engine by using REST requests such as
The port 9500 being configurable by JNDI entry
<jndiEntry jndiName="analytics/httpport"
value="9501" />
this value defaults to 9500, while the transport port defaults to 9600.
In my development server I don't seem to be able to access these REST services Looking at the ports I can see that 9600 is active but 9500 is not, and the JNDI entry seems to have no effect.
I'm only seeking to do this for educational purposes, but am I missing something here? Is the REST capability expected to work in the development server? Is there some additional config I need to do?
In MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.0 this port was blocked for security reasons. However, some customers found it useful using that port so in a coming iFix there will be an option to override the security setting allowing you to view your analytics data on that port.

IBM Worklight: Self-signed CA implementation in Testing environment with Load Balancer

I have the following implementation in testing environment,
Front-end Server [IBM HTTP Server + IBM Websphere plugin],
WLServer1 [IBM Worklight 6.2 + IBM DB2 10.1+ Liberty Farm] and
WLServer2 [IBM Worklight 6.2 + IBM DB2 10.1+ Liberty Farm].
plugin-cfg.xml has been generated from each Worklight server and merged.
The request[http] from multiple devices has been directed to worklight server's alternatively, once the merged plugin-cfg.xml has been deployed in Front-end server's IBM Websphere plugin.
How I can implement the same to serve HTTPS request.
And also I have implemented the "UserCertificateAuthenticationProject" from the Worklight modules which connects the device[HTTPS] to Worklight server directly.
Note Tested it on Android only.
Help me to understand, How I can achieve HTTPS in Test environment via IHS.
What should be the procedure in Production environment?
Note IBM Worklight 6.2 supports Android, IOS, Blackberry & Windows, so I have to implement in all platforms.
It sounds like the problem you are having is similar to this one: The Unresponsive Host error occurs for one of two reasons:
Your device cannot reach your server (they are not in the same network)
The device does not trust the server's certificate
Since you can connect to your HTTP connection, it is not #1, so it should be #2. The answer to the other question I pointed to above should fix your problem. Make sure to turn on trace-level logs in the WL Logger so that you can see the exceptions regarding untrusted certificates.
Edit: To expand on this answer; to use HTTPS, your server needs an SSL certificate to identify itself, otherwise the device has no proof that it is connecting to the right server and not to some random server that could be malicious. You should already have a certificate that you are using in your server; if you don't, then read on.
You usually get an SSL certificate from one of two places: you either use a certificate issued to you by a trusted Certificate Authority (e.g., Verisign), or you create one for internal testing purposes. In your case, you probably want to create your own, so you should follow the "Client X.509 Certificate Authentication and User Enrollment" getting started here, specifically the parts that talk about generating the server certificate.
Once you have that certificate set up, you should configure your server to use it; for that, follow the instructions here. After doing this, the last step is to have your device trust your server's certificate. For this, follow the last part in the getting started above, which shows you how to make your iOS/Android device trust the server. You would have to look up how to do this on Windows and Blackberry, too.
After this, you should now be able to connect successfully via HTTPS. (Always make sure that when you get an "Unresponsive host" error, that you can still connect to the HTTP console via the browser, to make sure that you are connected to the same network as your server. I know you already did this as you specified in your question, I'm just mentioning it as a reminder since it is easy to forget this.)

Fiddler Running on Windows Server 2008

I have an ARM embedded processor that talks to a .net WCF SOA (SOAP) web service application. The ARM device is remotely located and web service is hosted in a WS2k8 cloud server. I am having some protocol issues with the ARM code and would like to run Fiddler on my WS2k8 machine to observer the SOAP exchange between the embedded device and the web service application. I installed Fiddler Web Debugger V4.4.8 on the server but it does not capture any http requests. I know the ARM device is talking to my web services as it responds to several good SOAP exchanges. Anyone know how to set up Fiddler to work in the configuration I have explained?
Best Regards,
Steve Mansfield
Fiddler is a proxy, it captures any requests sent to it. If your ARM device supports a proxy, then point its proxy settings at the Fiddler endpoint on the Windows Server, port 8888. Also tick Allow Remote Clients to Connect in the Tools > Fiddler Options > Connections tab, and restart Fiddler.
If the client doesn't support configuring a proxy, you need to Use Fiddler as a Reverse Proxy.
They way I fixed it was to set in the client application to use a proxy ( so now the calls are redirected to fiddler and fiddler call the services, so I can see the traffic. Hope it helps someone