How to programmatically switch a switch in React Native? - react-native

I make us several Switch Components in one view. When I switch on one switch, I want all others to switch off. Currently, I set the boolean value property via the state. This results in changes happen abruptly because the switch is just re-rendered and not transitioned.
So how would you switch them programmatically?
EDIT 2: I just discovered that it runs smoothly on Android so it looks like an iOS-specific problem.
EDIT: part of the code
_onSwitch = (id, switched) => {
let newFilter = { status: null };
if (!switched) {
newFilter = { status: id };
this.props.changeFilter(newFilter); // calls the action creator
_renderItem = ({ item }) => {
const switched = this.props.currentFilter ===; // the state mapped to a prop
return (
onSwitch={() => this._onSwitch(, switched)}


Best way to have a default dynamic value derived from other atom [Recoil]

I am developing an app, which has sidebar menu. I have an atom, which saves the state of the /menu and an atom which saves the last selected menu key (as this key is used for other selectors too) -> for getting specific info for the current selected key.
export const menuItems = atom({
key: "menuItems",
default: ({ get }) => get(baseApi)("/menu"),
}); -> Returns Menu Items
And then I have an atom, which saves the selected menu item key:
export const selectedMenuKey = atom<string>({
key: "selectedMenuKey",
I cannot prefix the initial selected menu key as I don't know it in advance. I want the behavior to be following:
If the key is not set (when the app initially runs) set the selectedMenuKey value to be the first item of the menuItems atom value, otherwise be whatever is set last.
What would you say is the best way to achieve this?
I ran into this exact use case. Here is what I ended up doing.
In my 'activeTabState' file, equivalent to your 'selectedMenuKey':
import { atom, selector } from 'recoil';
import formMapState from './formMapState';
const activeTabState = atom({
key: 'activeTabAtom',
default: selector({
key: 'activeTabDefault',
get: ({ get }) => {
const formMap = get(formMapState);
if (!formMap) return null;
const [defaultTab] = Object.keys(formMap);
return defaultTab;
export default activeTabState;
Then you can update the tab just like any other recoil state:
const FormNavigationTab = (props) => {
const { text, sectionName } = props;
const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = useRecoilState(activeTabState);
return (
<NavigationTab active={activeTab === sectionName} onClick={() => setActiveTab(sectionName)}>
One thing to watch out for is that your activeTab value will be null until the menu items are loaded. So based on my use case, I needed to add a safeguard before using it:
const FormPage = () => {
const map = useRecoilValue(formMapState);
const activeTab = useRecoilValue(activeTabState);
// Starts out null if the map hasn't been set yet, since we don't know what the name of the first tab is
if (!activeTab) return null;
const { text, fields, sections } = map[activeTab];
// ... the rest of the component

Update state more efficiently in React native?

I'm building a checklist app with multiple tabs. It works but when the list grows larger, it's not performing very snappy when I want to check 1 item for instance. I have the feeling this is because the entire state (consisting of all items in all tabs) is updated, when I just want to update 1 item. The tabs and items are generated dynamically (ie, at compile-time I don't know how many tabs there will be). Any idea how this could be done more efficiently?
This is the (stripped down) state provider:
export default class InpakStateProvider extends React.Component {
state = {projectName: " ", tabs: [{name: " ", items: [{checked: false, name: " "}]}]};
DeleteItem = (categoryname: string, itemname: string) => {
let stateTabs = this.state.tabs;
var tab = stateTabs.find((tab) => == categoryname);
let index = tab.items.findIndex(el => === itemname);
tab.items.splice(index, 1);
this.setState({projectName: this.state.projectName, tabs: stateTabs})
CheckItem = (categoryname: string, itemname: string) => {
var tab = this.state.tabs.find((tab) => == categoryname);
let index = tab.items.findIndex(el => === itemname);
tab.items[index] = {[index], checked: !tab.items[index].checked };
this.setState({projectName: this.state.projectName, tabs: this.state.tabs});
ClearChecks = () => {
let stateTabs = this.state.tabs;
stateTabs.forEach((tab) => {
let tabItems = [];
tabItems.forEach((item) => item.checked = false);
this.setState({projectName: this.state.projectName, tabs: stateTabs})
return (
projectName: this.state.projectName,
tabs: this.state.tabs,
DeleteItem: this.DeleteItem,
CheckItem: this.CheckItem,
ClearChecks: this.ClearChecks,
The issue here is that all list components are being re-rendered upon updating the state. My advice is to move the state of checked inside of the list item component. Or if you don't want to do that, I advise you to read about React memoization.
If you go for the memoziation approach if you update the state, and the props of the list item didn't change, this will not re-render the unchanged components, it will only trigger the re-render for the components with the prop checked that has changed.
Here's the documentation for memoization if it helps:
Also, on another note, always go for FlatLists instead of using map. You won't notice a big difference with a small dataset, but performance takes a big hit with mid-large datasets.

React Native State Management Question - when does useState hook load?

I have a FlatList of items that has a "remove" button next to it.
When I click the remove button, I am able to remove the item from the backend BUT the actual list item is not removed from the view.
I am using useState hooks and it was to my understanding that the component re-renders after setState happens.
The setState function is used to update the state. It accepts a new
state value and enqueues a re-render of the component.
What am I missing with how state is set and rendering?
I don't want to use the useEffect listener for various reasons. I want the component to re-render when the locations state is updated....which I am pretty sure is happening with my other setStates....not sure if I am totally missing the mark on what setState has been doing or if it's something specific about setLocations().
const [locations, setLocations] = useState(state.infoData.locations);
const [locationsNames, setLocationsNames] = useState(state.infoData.names]);
const removeLocationItemFromList = (item) => {
var newLocationsArray = locations;
var newLocationNameArray = locationsNames;
for(l in locations){
if(locations[l].name == item){
newLocationsArray.splice(l, 1);
newLocationNameArray.splice(l, 1);
} else {
<FlatList style={{borderColor: 'black', fontSize: 16}}
renderItem={({ item }) =>
onRemove={() => removeLocationItemFromList(item)}
title={item}/> }
keyExtractor={item => item}/>
const removeLocationItemFromList = (item) => {
var spliceNewLocationArray =locations;
var spliceNewLocationNameArray = locationsNames;
for(f in spliceNewLocationArray){
if(spliceNewLocationArray[f].name == item){
spliceNewLocationArray.splice(f, 1);
} else {
for(f in spliceNewLocationNameArray){
if(spliceNewLocationNameArray[f] == item){
spliceNewLocationNameArray.splice(f, 1);
} else {
var thirdTimesACharmName = spliceNewLocationNameArray;
var thirdTimesACharmLoc = spliceNewLocationArray;
console.log('thirdTimesACharmName:: ' + thirdTimesACharmName + ', thirdTimesACharmLoc::: ' + JSON.stringify(thirdTimesACharmLoc)); // I can see from this log that the data is correct
This comes down to mutating the same locations array and calling setState with the same array again, which means that the FlatList which is a pure component will not re-render since the identity of locations has not changed. You could copy the locations array to newLocationsArray first (similarly with the newLocationNameArray) to avoid this.
var newLocationsArray = locations.slice();
var newLocationNameArray = locationsNames.slice();

react native conditional rendering with section list and flatlist

I have two different components one is CategoryList which is a flatlist and regionlist is a section list. I would like to display the CategoryList first and when item clicked the regionlist will show however I m not sure why it is not working. (I use context to store the state)
{!isToggle ? (
) : (
<RegionList style={styles.regionListStyle}></RegionList>
I also create a button to see if it is a problem about the context but it is not.
const ToggleContext = createContext(true);
export const useToggle = () => {
return useContext(ToggleContext);
export function ToggleProvideData({children}) {
const [isToggle, setToggle] = useState(true)
return <ToggleContext.Provider value={{isToggle,setToggle}}>
I just wonder conditional render is it not working for flatlist?
UPDATE: I tried create a state to store the useContext isToggle but it only appears for like 1 sec
I guess isToggle as a boolean variable, hence you can use the below code for rendering conditionally
{ (isToggle === true) &&
{ (isToggle === false) &&
<RegionList style={styles.regionListStyle}></RegionList>

How to toggle a boolean value using Context and Hooks?

I am using ReactContext and Hooks to show and hide a Modal on click of a button.
Following is my Context code
const setPrivacyPolicyModalVisibility = dispatch => {
return ({visible}) => {
? dispatch({type: 'enablePrivacyPolicyModalVisibility'})
: dispatch({type: 'disablePrivacyPolicyModalVisibility'});
And the reducer code for the same is something as follows
case 'enablePrivacyPolicyModalVisibility':
return {...state, ...{enablePrivacyPolicy: true}};
case 'disablePrivacyPolicyModalVisibility':
return {...state, ...{enablePrivacyPolicy: false}};
Some setup code in my class
const {state, setPrivacyPolicyModalVisibility} = useContext(Context);
const [privacyVisibility, setPrivacyVisibility] = useState(false);
on click of button I am calling the following code
onPress={() => {
As you can see I am console logging the privacyVisibility value but it is always false which I fail to understand
Following is my code in the component to hide or show the Modal
{state.enablePrivacyPolicy ? (
<SettingsPrivacyModal visible={true} />
) : (
<SettingsPrivacyModal visible={false} />
The Modal code is proper as I have tried setting default value to true just to check if modal is visible then it works, but on click of button press the state value does not change and I am not able to see the modal as the value is always false
The issue seems to be in the onPress callback:
onPress={() => {
const privacyVisibility_new = !privacyVisibility;
console.log( privacyVisibility_new );
setPrivacyVisibility( privacyVisibility_new );
setPrivacyPolicyModalVisibility( privacyVisibility:privacyVisibility_new );
When the cycle reaches the callback privacyVisibility has the default which is false. I think you are assuming that once setPrivacyVisibility is called, the privacyVisibility variable will have the new value in that same cycle; but it won't have the updated value until the component renders again.
setPrivacyPolicyModalVisibility doesn't seem to be correct. I am not sure where is dispatch exactly, but assuming it is at the same level as the function you can simply use it inside.
const setPrivacyPolicyModalVisibility = visible => {
if ( visible ) {
dispatch({ type: "enablePrivacyPolicyModalVisibility" });
} else {
dispatch({ type: "disablePrivacyPolicyModalVisibility" });
You might want to simplify your reducer and send directly the visible value:
const setPrivacyPolicyModalVisibility = visible =>
dispatch({ type: "setPrivacyPolicyModalVisibility", payload: visible });
case 'setPrivacyPolicyModalVisibility':
return { ...state, is_privacyPolicy_visible: action.payload };
Actually the error was simple. I am using the visible parameter as props in setPrivacyPolicyModalVisibility but while setting I am passing prop of different name
Thanks to #Alvaro for pointing me in the right direction