How the browser verifies that the web server's certificate was signed by the trusted certificate authority? - ssl

I wonder if anyone can provide more detailed description of point 2 of the answer to How are ssl certificates verified?.
What algorithms are used to verify that the certificate was signed by the trusted CA? What ideas are they based on? Why it is not possible to simulate trusted CA signature (make a certificate that the browser will treat as valid)?

It's a digital signature. You can verify it via the public key in the associated certificate. The algorithms are as specified in the certificate itself.


Self-signed certificate for Client

I'm confused on how Self-signed certificate works.
Our application will connect to a server to get some info via SSL or https. This mean we are the client. The server is asking us to provide the Self-signed certificate. I created a RSA Key pair and a self-signed certificate.. What cert or key will provide to them? The public key and the self-signed certificate? and do we expect certificate from them?
What cert or key will provide to them?
Only the self-signed certificate should be provided. The private key should be kept private (hence the name).
... and do we expect certificate from them?
This depends if they also use self-signed certificates at their end or if a publicly trusted CA has issued the certificate. In the first case they need to provide the certificate, in the latter case your client just needs to trust the common publicly trusted CA (i.e. what the browsers do).

How X.509 certificate is verified

I'm trying to understand how TLS protocol works under the hood. I know the TLS handshake is based on X.509 certificate. The certificate includes the public key and authenticates it's origin by CA's digital signature.
But how is the certificate verified by the browser according to CA's digital signature? Does browser has the public key of the CA to verify the signature? Isn't it possible for attacker to forge the certificate, if he can tamper the verifying process itself?

Certificate type used for SAML Signature

We have to send a SAML Response XML converted into a Base64 String to a vendor using a self-posting form.
I have setup the SAML and I have signed it with a certificate, but the certificate I used was the wrong one. The vendor asked for a certificate acquired from a CA (Certification Authority).
The problem is I do not know which certificate to choose from at the CA. I'm looking at the type of certificates I can buy from verisign. The two options is a SSL certificate or a Code Signing certificate.
Any thoughts on what certificate I need? And an explanation would be welcome :)
For your use, you want the SSL certificate.
There's a great explanation for the differences between the types in this other SO Q&A.

Issuing SSL certificates myself for subdomains of a domain I have an SSL cert for

I guess it can't be done, but if so, I'd like to know why.
Let's say I get an SSL certificate for from one of the official certificate authorities around. Let's also say I'm running and and would like to have SSL certificates for those as well.
Can I use the certificate to issue certificates for and myself? And will they be recognized by users' browsers? If not, why not?
(My guess that it can't be done is because it would break the very lucrative wildcard cert business model, wouldn't it?)
Clarification: can't I act as a "self-signed" certificate authority using the keypair for which I obtained the official cert, and simply add my official cert in the validation chain?
You cannot use Your certificate to issue other certificates, because the purposes of the
certificate are encoded in Your certificate and "Certificate Authority" is certainly not included in that list.
Web browsers check the "certificate chain" beginning from Your certificate, the certificate that was used to sign it, the signer of that certificate etc.
Your certificate must match the current use case (mostly "identify web site") and all signing certificates must include the "Certificate Authority" flag. The last certificate must be known to the browser (root cert).
As You already guess, wildcard certificates might help in Your case.
You're correct, you cannot issue certificates from a certificate. You need a Certificate Authority to issue certificates.
The whole point of a Certificate Authority is that they are a trusted 3rd party. CA's like Verisign are trusted by default by most browsers so that you dont have to manually accept certificates from them. They have what is termed a trusted root certificate.
If you create your own Certificate Authority and start dishing out certificates, web browsers will not know you and hance not trust you. The user will be prompted.

Difference between self-signed CA and self-signed certificate [closed]

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I'm not clear on the difference between a CA key and a certificate. Isn't a CA key simply a certificate? Let me try and clarify with an example.
I have a client and a server. I'm only trying to validate my connection to my server and not trying to establish trust to others so I don't care about signing with a real CA.
Option 1: Generate a self-signed CA (ssCA) and use that to sign a certificate (C). I then install ssCA into the root keystore on my client and setup my server to use certificate C.
Option 2: Generate a self-signed certificate (SSC). Install SSC into the root keystore on my client. Setup my server to use certificate SSC.
The second option seems like a much simpler process. Should that still work?
First, about the distinction between key and certificate (regarding "CA key"), there are 3 pieces used when talking about public-key certificates (typically X.509): the public key, the private key and the certificate.
The public key and the private key form a pair. You can sign and decrypt with the private key, you can verify (a signature) and encrypt with the public key. The public key is intended to be distributed, whereas the private key is meant to be kept private.
A public-key certificate is the combination between a public key and various pieces of information (mostly regarding the identity of the owner of the key pair, whoever controls the private key), this combination being signed using the private key of the issuer of the certificate.
An X.509 certificate has a subject distinguished name and an issuer distinguished name. The issuer name is the subject name of the certificate of the entity issuing the certificate. Self-signed certificates are a special case where the issuer and the subject are the same.
By signing the content of a certificate (i.e. issuing the certificate), the issuer asserts its content, in particular, the binding between the key, the identity (the subject) and the various attributes (which may indicate intent or scope of usage for the certificate).
On top of this, the PKIX specification defines an extension (part of a given certificate) which indicates whether a certificate may be used as a CA certificate, that is, whether it can be used as an issuer for another certificate.
From this, you build a chain of certificates between the end-entity certificate (which is the one you want to verify, for a user or a server) and a CA certificate you trust. There may be intermediate CA certificates (issued by other CA certificates) between the end-entity certificate of your service and the CA certificate you trust. You don't strictly need a root CA at the top (a self-signed CA certificate), but it's often the case (you may choose to trust an intermediate CA certificate directly if you wish).
For your use case, if you generate a self-signed certificate for a specific service, whether it has the CA flag (basic constraints extension) doesn't really matter. You would need it to be a CA certificate to be able to issue other certificates (if you want to build your own PKI). If the certificate you generate for this service is a CA certificate, it shouldn't do any harm. What matters more is the way you can configure your client to trust that certificate for this particular server (browsers should let you make an explicit exception quite easily for example). If the configuration mechanism follows a PKI model (without using specific exceptions), since there won't be a need to build a chain (with just one certificate), you should be able to import the certificate directly as part of the trust anchors of your client, whether it's a CA certificate or not (but this may depend on the configuration mechanism of the client).
Both options are valid, option 2 is simpler.
Option 1 (setting up your own CA) is preferable when you need multiple certificates. In a company you might set up your own CA and install that CA's certificate in the root keystore of all clients. Those clients will then accept all certificates signed by your CA.
Option 2 (self-signing a certificate without a CA) is easier. If you just need a single certificate, then this is sufficient. Install it in the keystores of your clients and you are done. But when you need a second certificate, you need to install that again on all clients.
Here is a link with further information: Creating Certificate Authorities and self-signed SSL certificates
You can openssl x509 -noout -text -in $YOUR_CERT to see the differences between files contents:
In your self-signed CA, you can seeļ¼š
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Basic Constraints:
CA:TRUE, pathlen:0
And in your self-signed certificate, it's:
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Basic Constraints:
If you need more certificates (C), you need to create a self-signed CA (ssCA).
If you need a single certificate, you can just create a self-signed certificate (SSC).
To trust the single certificate (SSC), you need to install SSC into the root keystore on your client.
To trust many certificates at once, you need to create a self-signed CA (ssCA), then install ssCA into the root keystore on your client.
You must always have a root CA, the CA has a key that can be used to sign a lower level certificate and a root certificate that can be embedded in the accepted root certificates on the client and is used to verify the lower certificates to check they are valid. Self signed just means you are your own CA. Whenever creating a self signed certificate you create a ca, then sign a site cert with that CA.