Serenity how to keep browser only one instance through the test - serenity-bdd

I'm using Serenity jbehave to automate my webapp, and I got trouble in keeping one browser instance through the test.
My app need to login to perform any test, so I don't want to start new browser and login again and again every story.
I tried the setting below but it seem not work as expected. I am using Serenity 1.5.rc-1 with latest Firefox and Chrome, my test always open new browser every story run, if I run 5 stores, then there are 5 instance of Firefox open.
I googled for 2 weeks, but I'm still stuck.
Please help!

JBehave doesn't support using a single browser across all stories (there is no way of knowing when the suite has finished running, so no way of knowing when to shut down the browser cleanly), so the optimal setting is
serenity.restart.browser.for.each = story
This is actually a good compromise, as some WebDriver instances can become flaky when run for too long with the same browser.


Run chrome as different user using Selenium and C#

As part of a testing project, I am trying to run a chrome instance as different user ('UserA') using Selenium and C#. I have tried all suggestions I could find, but nothing works. No matter what I do, the Chrome instance that is opened during the test, runs as the user logged into the machine and not as 'UserA'. Everything runs locally.
I am fairly new to this, so any advice/suggestion is appreciated

Chrome Headless - Firefox

I'm working on a monitoring tool for my website to log data. The actual logging is made on server. My goal is to calculate stats based on how long the user stays on the website.
Main question: I used chrome headless command --remote-debugging-port=80. I got logs for up to 10 minutes. Works perfectly. But how long will it work if left working? Is there a default timeout? If yes, how can I change it? If I want to run it exactly 30 minutes after page finished loading?
I'm trying to do the same on firefox (tried using PhantomJS but it wasn't loading the page correctly even though useragent was set to firefox) but firefox just throws an bank page when I'm trying to start a headless mode. I used "firefox -headless" and tried capturing an screenshot. It was just exiting my currently open firefox tabs without capturing any image. Any idea?
Using firefox quantum 59.0. I don't want to use selenium.
Also PhantomJS solution would be great. Currently I just want to collect logs. So, it only have to run all javascript (an jquery) code on the page which then sends the data using ajax. I tried page.onLoadFinished and then a wait function to make it stay on the page for the exact time after page loading.
Since no one answered, I will try to answer my own question after even more research and logical thinking.
Main question: Seems that there is no timeout but if need can be used --timeout X. Even though it's not perfect because it runs independently if the page if fully loaded or not.
As for the firefox, it's buggy. -new-instance (make headless run while you are already on firefox) is not working and -no-remote didn't help. Firefox is only working if running only one instance. So, if it's the PC you are working on and you want to run tests too, firefox is not for you. Headless runs only when no other instances of firefox are running, while chrome runs fine.
PhantomJS didn't work even though tried multiple solutions.
Best solution? Use chrome. Need portable? Use chromium and use headless. Or write your soft to use cefsharp which is based on chromium. Your browser with all libs will be around 120-200MB. Pretty big for portable but do it's work. Same as portable chrome or chromium. CefSharp have a privilege of integrating whatever you like into the browser since it's a... browser.

NIGHTWATCH JS - How to debug without relaunching a new execution each time

I did not find what I'm looking for on different sites.
In fact, when I write my tests with NIGHTWATCH for WEB forms, I have to re-test my entire test each time I want to check something that I have just corrected.
Is there a way to keep the browser open on a page to restart only a small part ? because it can be very long on forms tests with several pages or tabs.

Slow/incomplete page load in the browser launched by selenium webdriver

I am using selenium WebDriver using RobotFramework. The major problem we are facing is, my tests are timing out even after setting timeout as high as 10 minutes. It happen with any browser I use. These thing works much faster If I run test manually (with all browser cache/data/cookie cleared). These are the other things I have observing for few months.
Some component are never loaded (I check the call trace using BrowserMob Proxy and we found nothing unusual)
"Click Element" does not work in many cases. Clicking on element triggers some action but that action is not always trigerred in automation. Manually it works all the time.
This is happening on FF and Chrome. (IE is not working for me at all)
App server and automation suite is in LAN so latency is not an issue
No other heavy process is running at this time
Issue persist even if with firefox default profile
I tried it with different selenium versions. (2.45 - 2.52)
I took latest driver for chrome. Broweser: FF 40+ and GC 48
This does not look application issue as we spent 2 month confirming that. Let me know if you need any other detail.

Nightwatch.js - Use the same browser session

We would love to adopt Nightwatch.js for testing on browsers, but we're stuck on one major caveat: at the time of this writing, Nightwatchjs does not support running different tests using the same browser session. In short, it means that:
Creating the browser session is handled by the Nightwatch module from lib/index.js, in the startSession function;
Killing the browser would correspond to the delete command place in the Selenium action queue in the terminate function of that module;
A new Nightwatch client is created at every test run, which happens every time we load a different test file;
According to this source, it is possible to reuse the current browser session in Selenium, instead of opening a new window.
Has anyone managed to fix this problem in Nightwatch?
Here's the feature request on Github, which was requested on Mar 31, 2014 and is still open.
Another approach would be to circumvent the problem altogether by getting Nightwatch to merge all different files into one Test Suite, but that seems to be harder to solve than the problem with sessions...
Nightwatch now has support for resuing browser sessions. You can simply use the flag --reuse-browser to reuse sessions while running your nightwatch tests.