Using SSL with docker containers - ssl

I am having a trouble related with SSL certificates.
I have a server running service in a docker container, I installed Caddy and get the SSL certificate for the site. Now, from other server I want to consume the service with HTTPS, but I get:
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority exit status 1
And, it seems to be a common issue when using docker + SSL. What should I do? thanks

Install the ca-certificates package.


What is the meaning of error=x509: certificate is valid for user A, not localhost in Docker?

I am using a Docker container to run a bunch of services, all of those services make use of certificates to communicate to each other.
When starting up those services there is one in concrete that complains with the following error
> discovery_1 | INFO ttn: Got public keys for token validation
> discovery_1 | DEBUG Connected to gRPC server Address=localhost:1900
> discovery_1 | FATAL Could not start client for gRPC proxy error=x509: certificate is valid for discovery, not localhost
> ttnbackbone_discovery_1 exited with code 1
I have created the certificate for "discovery" user but still Docker runs it for the localhost, in some way, which I don't understand... I have also followed this tutorial of certificates usage from Docker but still I have the same error.
What can I do further?
THanks in advance,
I encountered this today. x509 certificates have a Common Name attribute that some software use to match the DNS hostname of a server. Here was my error with a certificate with CN of localhost and a DNS hostname of docker1-staging:
error during connect: Get https://docker1-staging:2376/v1.26/containers/json: x509: certificate is valid for localhost, not docker1-staging
I'll have to regenerate the certificate used by the Docker server and make sure it has a CN value of docker1-staging. You'll have to do the same with a CN value of localhost.

boot2docker behind proxy - certificate signed by unknown authority

I have installed DockerToolbox-1.12.0.exe on Windows 7. The corporate proxy provides its own certificate to do MITM.
I have configured boot2docker to use the proxy by exporting environment variables in .profile.
I am still not able to do
docker run hello-world
as i am getting - docker: Error while pulling image: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority.
Please anyone help.

Tunnel Connection Failed error when logging into artifactory docker registry

We have created a private docker registry in artifactory.
Our artifactory is a standalone installation and have Nginx as a webserver.
SSL certificates are trusted and works fine.
on docker client, I have copied the ca.crt to /etc/docker/certs.d/:5001/
while am trying to login or push images from my docker client i see below error.
[root#cds-dev-test ~]# docker login
Username: raj
Error response from daemon: invalid registry endpoint unable to ping registry endpoint
v2 ping attempt failed with error: Get Tunnel Connection Failed
v1 ping attempt failed with error: Get Tunnel Connection Failed. If this private registry supports only HTTP or HTTPS with an unknown CA certificate, please add --insecure-registry to the daemon's arguments. In the case of HTTPS, if you have access to the registry's CA certificate, no need for the flag; simply place the CA certificate at /etc/docker/certs.d/
my docker version is 1.9.1 and artifactory versioin 4.4.3.
It works when i use --insecure-registry option but not the secure way. We have all trusted certs in place, still see the error.
I have tried using proxy settings on docker client and also without proxy... always the same error.
Any help guys?
I figured it out.
I have proxy settings under my docker deamon. I have added No_Proxy and it works fine.
so people if you are using trusted CA cert, and your network is behind proxy, make sure your docker services file doesnt have proxy settings, if it does add

Docker Remote CA Verification

I have updated Docker 1.10 to 1.10.1 on latest CentOS 7 minimal. I am using Docker Remote Socket with self-signed certificates.
Now I get suddenly: 509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate
I guess this is either a CentOS issue or Docker issue. Does anybody know how I can tell Docker or CentOS to verify my personal self-created authority? (file ca.pem)
Solved this: Environment Variable DOCKER_CERT_PATH on client machine pointed to a deprecated directory.

Chef ssl validation failure

I have one chef-server version 12.0.1 and can connect linux (rhel/centos) systems to the chef-server with knife bootstrap but cannot with windows and locally on my rhel client knife ssl check fails.
I have two problems but I think they are both related.
Problem 1 - knife ssl check fails:
Connecting to host chef-server:443
ERROR: The SSL certificate of chef-server could not be verified
Problem 2 - bootstrap windows server fails:
ERROR: SSL Validation failure connecting to host: chef-server - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed
Chef encountered an error attempting to create the client "desktop"
I have tried a number of things:
1) knife ssl fetch - no changes
2) I have a signed digicert crt on the server which is accepted by the management-console and chrome web browser
3) I have changed set this in the chef-server.rb
nginx['ssl_certificate'] = "/var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/hostname.crt"
nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] = "/var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/hostname.key"
which go to the signed certs.
Anything else I should be trying or am I being a plank?
Try running these commands on your Chef server:
mkdir /root/.chef/trusted_certs
cp /var/opt/chef-server/nginx/ca/YOUR_SERVER'S_HOSTNAME.crt /root/.chef/trusted_certs/
I was having the same problem and it was fixed after I looked through this article, and tried out the steps it gave:
I was having the same issue using a valid wildcard certificate, although it was linux rather than windows. Looks like the issue is that the chef client uses openssl and didn't have the CA and root certificates. I was getting errors when I ran the following from the chef client server:
openssl s_client -connect chef_server_url*:443 -showcerts
I solved my issue by browsing to the chef server, inspecting the certs and exporting each cert in the chain to a single file, ordered with the issued certificate at the top, and the root at the bottom. I then used this bundled-cert as the certificate file in the chef server config file and reconfigured chef.