Remove filter description in enhanced grid dojo - dojo

I would like to remove the filter description in dojo enhanced grid.
Here is the image:

The message is part of FilterBar of the plugin Filter. Try getting the filter bar from Filter like
var filterBar = dijit.byId('grid').pluginMgr.getPlugin('filter').filterBar;
Next, the text is set with attach point name as 'statusBarNode'
Once you the attachpoint, you can change the text by using set() method or innerHTML
Hope this helps.


Click on first element contained in a div

I have a div that contains a set of dynamic elements. I want to click on the first search result.
I want to click on the first element contains in
I tried using creating a custom xPath like so but it didn't work. Any ideas here?
//div[1][contains(text(), 'listing')]
First of all It would've helped if you had provided more information.
best will be using pseudo-child like div.firstChild or if the elements are generated dynamically you can add a class and use document.querySelectorAll(".class") which will give you an array of elements that had the class.
You can use array[0] to use click on the first element.
For anyone coming across this thread here is the solution
const listings = await page.$x('//*[contains(#id,"listing_")]')

Selecting element using webdriver (duplicate identifiers)

I have to look at an application which I can't use the normal selectors (like "id", "name", etc - this is a design flaw) but I do have a custom tag which has been applied to elements on the page:
and this is fine, I can interact with this using (simple script)
var tag = '[test-tag="x"]';
var selector = $(tag);
However, I have now found that some elements (notably textboxes) have a title and a box element - both have the same custom tag applied. Now the text box is an input type. Anyone know how I can change the above to target specifially input types?
try this:
for the input box
Take a look at this as well:

How to change header template in extjs 4 grid panel

I want to change default header template of grid. I do not know what config or property to set. I tried "renderTpl" , "tpl" , "metaRowTpl" but these property related to row in grid, where i want to change header.
Any example or link would be great.
Like above image, I want extra header/row/column-header in between where text will come from database (and basically it is filter information).
You change the header text with the following command
yourGrid.getView().getHeaderAtIndex(columnIndex).setText('Header Text');

FilteringSelect text alignment

Using Dojo 1.6.1
I have a FilteringSelect that looks like:
When an address is selected, it looks like:
What I'd really like to see instead is:
Any ideas on how this could be accomplished?
When you select a value in a Filtering select, the caret position is at the end of the text, so it's not CSS that will help you there.
You have to move the cursor to the beginning of the text.
I see no other option than javascript here.
If you look at the template of dijit.form.FilteringSelect, you will see that the input node is bound to the property "focusNode" of the widget. So you could use that to move the caret, like this :
dijit.byId('your_filteringSelect_id').onChange = function(evt) {
This appears to be an IE & FF issue see this listed bug:
and also this test case (issue seen in IE7-9):
The work around suggested is to set the function _setCaretPos to do notthing e.g
dijit.byId('your_filteringSelect_id')._setCaretPos = function() {};
.setSelectionRange doesn't work at IE
Use dijit.selectInputText(widget.focusNode,0,0); instead

Not able to get tooltip text using Selenium WebDriver

I have 5 tooltips in page. Using WebDriver, I am trying to verify these tooltip text.
I am using following code sequentially to get the tooltip text of all 5 elements:
Actions builder = new Actions(WebDriver);
The issue is I get only the tooltip text of first element printed in console.
Is it because I need to refresh or reset the builder?
It's really weird when I delete the code for 1st element , then I can get tooltip text of 2nd element. So, basically it is getting tooltip text only once in single execution.
Verify tool tip by comparing "title" attribute of the web element and your expected tool tip text.
Tool tip text for input elements would be the title attributes and for images, alt attribute would be the tool tip.This is the standard for HTML 4, so I am not sure if you need to do hover and all.
I think, it needs to release from element as:
So, your code could be as below:
Actions builder = new Actions(WebDriver);
I am facing the same issue , i checked the view source page on running the test and it appears that the title attribute is displayed as data-original-title.Due to which it is unable to display the text.On replacing the title with data-original-title . I am able to obtain text.