ReactJS - Data Changing/Refreshing - api

I'm new to React, I think the basics have sunk in but I'm stuck on something. We're going to re-build one of our old systems and I'd like to do it in React.
Our system is an internal CRM, each set of client data is about a Mb in size, so efficiency is one of our priorities. The logic is done on a separate API, used by lots of different systems, so 99% of this front end is CRUD only.
(I hope I'm explaining this Ok!)
So onto my question. If I make a small change to a part of the client data, say I add an 'Audit' to the client... there is a chance that LOTS of other data changes. Complex enough that I don't want to replicate the logic both front end & API side.
Would I need to have the API return the full Mb of data, to have the root level app re-render all it's components? Or is there a more efficient way of doing it? Should I be setting up each component to periodically ping the API to check for changes individually?
I'm just a little bit lost where to start tackling the idea of it. Any help is much appreciated!

First things first - React Components rerender when any props or state field was changed.
If you change smth on the client-side and changes should affect server-side which important for user, then you do should updated your app view. To make it more smooth you can use shouldComponentUpdate method of Component's lifecycle to prevent unnecessary re-renders.
If server-side updates are not important for user (some meta data...), then you may not update the state of you application, by that you prevent re-renders.


Multiple requests from different components in Vue - best practice

My app consumes an self made - HTTP REST API. I use vueX for state management.
I have some nested components that needs access to the same http result as the parent, but I also use the component in other places where the parent does not fetch the result. Is there a way (pattern) to make sure a resource is not fetched multiple times.
I found this, and like the way of doing things, but I can't figure out how to make a new request to the server for updating the result.
and is this even best practice ?
anyone has a better way ?
Using vuex and checking if your state is already populated is good enough. If it's not, then call a vuex action. It will help you to have a state shared globally in your app.
Not sure about this part
how to make a new request to the server for updating the result
What would be the issue or calling the API a second time? If needed, you can use the suggested solution in the comment, like adding a ?refresh or even and id to it id={randomId}.

How to not rerender a component when revisiting a page in Nuxt.js?

When I visit another page and come back, I want to express the Google Maps coordinates and data that I had.
There's a lot of data that needs to be handled to use the Store, so it's hard to use.
I wonder if there is a way to recycle pages without erasing them from DOM.
If you wish to preserve the page's content as is while navigating, you may use keep-alive which will cache the route's content. See docs here.
However, my personal experience is that caching Vue or Nuxt pages with keep-alive sometimes leads to unexpected bugs in my applications since oftentimes I write code with the expectation that all the values I defined in data() are going to have the default value. But that's not the case when caching the components.
As you've said, this requirement often arises when some expensive data have been fetched. I prefer to either cache this fetch result (mostly in local storage) or in Vuex Store. One can then safely destroy the component when navigating away and reuse the cached data when navigating back, but the component will be otherwise initialized with the default data().
You can use keep-alive attribute:
Then your mounted lifecycle will called only once.
But, there is no prevention to store huge amount of data in the vuex store.

What's the best way to save set of objects locally in react-native?

AsyncStorage is unable to retain data and I have run out of options to save
a set of objects and update them with new entries to the list. Please help
For Handling App's Data:
State - It handles component's internal data with not much complexity.
Props - It tosses data back and forth from parent component to children and vice verse.
Redux - It handles data efficiently using action-reducer-store architecture. Great for a complex app with a lot of user's data to handle.
For Data Persistance:
AsyncStorage - Simple API to save and manage data on device manually.
Redux Persist - Built over Redux to store all the Redux State data to device synchronously.
Hope this helps :)
Realm could be your solution:
Realm is a mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets or wearables. This project hosts the JavaScript versions of Realm.
Currently we only support React Native (both iOS & Android) and Node.js (on MacOS and Linux) but we are considering adding support for Cordova/PhoneGap/Ionic as well.
Mobile-first: Realm is the first database built from the ground up to run directly inside phones, tablets and wearables.
Simple: Data is directly exposed as objects and queryable by code, removing the need for ORM's riddled with performance & maintenance issues.
Modern: Realm supports relationships, generics, and vectorization.
Fast: Realm is faster than even raw SQLite on common operations, while maintaining an extremely rich feature set.

Computed property depending on two async computations in Vue.js

I have a component that at creation fires two requests to a RESTful server. Responses are then stored in the Vue Store appropriately.
This component has a computed property that depends on both responses.
But, as designed, any relevant change in the store triggers recomputation of the property and all the consequent updates, for example in the related template.
How would I indicate that the property in fact did not change if only one of the required responses is received and there is no need to do any updates?
The post is from quite a while ago but I was running into the same problem. I have not tried this yet but I believe this to be the solution for this problem:
Especially the last part with the async/await example. It makes it clear how you can perform a mutation with multiple async actions.

WinRT Storing Session State Between Page Navigation

I am new to WinRT and was playing around with session state. I am navigating to a page to collect data and then want to return to the main page. Just before navigation I am using:
SuspensionManager.SessionState["CurrentState"] = someObject;
The object contains lists of other mildly complex objects, etc... All seems to be working but is this the correct way to use the Suspension Manager?
I have looked at other posts on the topic and some people report that it is necessary to use [DataContract] and [DataMember] attributes to all the classes that are serialized. I omitted them and it still works, (getting the data across pages). So what is the recommended approach?
I may be reading too much into one aspect your question, but the role of SuspensionManager and SessionState is to store just enough information to bring your application back to the place the user left it if the application is actually terminated while it's suspended.
In the Windows 8 application lifecycle, your app gets 'suspended' if another app comes to the foreground. While your app is suspended all of its state is retained in memory, and if reactivated (you flip back to it) everything* is restored "for free".
A suspended app could, however, also be terminated by the OS (b/c of memory pressure, for instance) and there is no opportunity to react to that scenario in your app, so what you are really doing with SessionState is storing what's necessary to 'recreate' the last place the user was at IF the application had actually terminated. It's essentially an insurance policy: if the application is merely suspended, SessionState isn't really needed.
The 'what's necessary' is the grey area, I could store all of the information about say a user profile that was in progress OR I could save just the userid that indexes into my persistent storage of all the user profile data. I generally have more of a minimalist view and will retain as little as possible in SessionState - I make the analogy that I don't need to remember everything, I only need to remember how/where to get/find everything.
There's an implication as well in your question that you're using SessionState to pass information between pages in your app, and that's not really the intent. Each page of your app is typically connected with a view model, and when you interact with a page of that app, you'd update the view model and drive additional screens and experiences from the changes already in the view model. Leaving one screen of your app and returning the main one would also imply to me that you've persisted what ever information you collected - certainly to the view model, but also to something persistent like a data base or local storage. When you revisit that page, you'd then pull the data back out of your view model (or that persistent storage); the main page doesn't need that information so why hold on to it?
Lastly, since you mentioned being new to WinRT, you may want to check out App Builder, which pulls together a number of resources in consumable chunks to lead you through building an app over a period of 30-days (though all material is available, so you can consume at any pace you want :)) The discussion of lifecycle management that's germane to your question comes in on Day 17 of that sequence.
*"everything is restored for free" doesn't necessarily mean you don't have any work to do when an app comes out of the suspended state. There may be stale data that requires refreshing, and connections or other transient or short-lived entities may need to be refreshed/recreated.