Password of rabbitmq system user - rabbitmq

It's written in the documentation that RabbitMQ server
is set up to run as system user rabbitmq
What is the default password of the user?

Defaults :
Username: guest
Password: guest

There is no default password for a Linux user. The password can be set during account creation; if it isn't set, then it won't exist, and password auth is disabled for that user (/etc/shadow will show the password as '!!'). Without knowing the password (or it existing), it can only be changed/set by root.


what is the default password of Splunk enterprises

I have configured splunk from AWS marketplace, I am unable to login using default password.
user name: admin
password: changeme
also i tried below password
The "changeme" password hasn't been used since Splunk 7.1.
According to the AMI's usage instructions, the password is the text "SPLUNK-" followed by your instance's ID. Since instance IDs do not contain braces, you might try SPLUNK-i-00014d5f17644a8e0.

Reset OpenStack admin password

I have installed openstack on my VM. I changed my admin password but I do not know it(I have generated via keepass, but forget to save it :( )
Now I want to change it.
stack#smaug:~/devstack$ openstack user password set --password somepassword admin
Could not recognize Fernet token (HTTP 404) (Request-ID: req-8ba5e9a3-f8df-4ef1-91ab-24e6da33ff8f)
Could you help me How to use Fernet token and How Can I change admin password?
Solved, Update:
source /opt/stack/devstack/openrc admin admin
openstack user set --password-prompt admin
Now I am able to login \o/

Change admin password alfresco share

I can't login with my user administrator "admin" and I can't reset the password
I try to reset the password in Postgresql data base with this comande
UPDATE alf_node_properties SET string_value='f59601091e5cbb1dcf28bbb15a30c50b' WHERE node_id=4 and qname_id=12;
but don't resolve the problème !!!
Are you using the correct Alfresco's reset password method ?
Things have changed since Alfresco 5.1, you might be doing it the wrong way.
You globally have three ways to do it :
Set a user with a known password as admin :
in set the alfresco_user_store.adminusername=username property
Configure the authentication component to accept all logins using
Change the admin password in the DB (By following the correct alfresco's version instructions)

How to verify LDAP username and password via an authenticated connection?

Currently, I have 1 user have the permission to bind OpenDJ server. Then I need to verify the username and password from the end user. How can I do that?
This is the way I create the LDAP connection and bind successfully:
LdapConnection connection = new LdapConnection("");
//Set session options
connection.SessionOptions.SecureSocketLayer = false;
connection.AuthType = AuthType.Basic;
connection.Bind(new NetworkCredential("myuser", "mypassword"));
After that, I need to use this connection to verify the "user1" and "password1".
How can I query this action?
This is the configuration of OpenDJ:
You've already done it. If the bind succeeded, the username and password were correct.
EDIT Your 'IT guy' is seriously misinformed. According to the OpenDJ configuration documentation #6.1.5, there is no real 'bind' permission. Instead:
Because this is used to establish the user's identity and derived authorizations, ACI is irrelevant for this operation and is not checked. To prevent authentication, disable the account instead. For details see Section 11.2, "Managing Accounts Manually".
[Emphasis added.]

opends:Is there a way for root user account/root Dns to send account notifications based on the password policies?

Description :
Enabled SMTP handler and mail properties global configuration via dsconfig, enabled SMTP handler in root user password policy, also configured root user password policy for password expiration notification, created a new root user, assigned root user password policy to that root user.
Any password change (reset) or password expiry warning for this root user is not notified to the email id configured in the recipient address of the SMTP Handler. This works fine for 'Default Password Policy' and for any password related changes to the end user (users under ou=user node). But notification does not work for root DNs/root users and it's password policies.
Is there a way to send email notifications or alerts for any root user based on it's password policy. Kindly let me know. Thanks!