Create Temporal Table in Azure DB - azure-sql-database

I am using SSMS 17 and are trying to create a temporal table in SQL Azure but for some reason the option Tables -> New -> Temporal Table is disabled.
I have created a basic Azure database which currently has no tables.
Does anybody know how to enable this feature or what I may be doing wrong?

The grayed out option in Object Explorer that you are seeing was an unintentional limitation in SSMS, which was probably true in the early days of Azure SQLDB.
The issue has been fixed quite some time ago, but it was never (and never will) be ported back to SSMS 17.x. Could you install the latest SSMS 18.x (currently SSMS 18.2) and give it a try?
If you are still having issues, please reach out to us on UserVoice (

In my case, that option only appears if you connect to the SQL on Azure VM using "sa" account ( sql 2017 - 14.0.2072.2 ) , but not to Azure SQLDB ( 12.0.2000.8 ). So it could be a version issue although SQLDB supposedly is SQL 2016 plus, and this temporal table was there since 2016 ) Please try T-SQL as explained in the documentation snippet ( ) that works.

You can use below screen shot also
just right click on table and follow below screen shot

On SQL Server Management Studio, make a right click to Tables --> Select New --> Choose "System-Versioned Table".


SQL Management Studio 18.12.1 not showing server tables

I'm having a strange issue with MSSQL Management Studio 18.12.1 (I just updated it to the last version to try to fix it). It is not showing the tables of a database.
When I click to expand the tables it starts the process:
But after a little bit it gives up and does not show anything:
The tables are not new as the server is more than an year old and I can access the data with normal queries:
Does anybody know what am I missing? Is there a timeout setting to adjust?
I tried both with SA and normal users.
Thanks in advance.

How come I have no option to Create Partition?

I have no option to Create Partition on my table.
I thought maybe I had to create a filegroup first, but I have no option for that either under the database properties.
What am I missing?
*This is an Azure database.
We can create partition on table with T-sql like comments mentioned.
As you know, SSMS UI: Create Partition works well with local SQL Server, no option for Azure SQL Database.
Actually, not only the Create Partition option, there many options not support for Azure SQL database. Most documents only say the feature is supported in Azure SQL database with no details.
You could reference this blog:No UI dialogs in MS Azure / SQL Server Management Studio.
The reason is that SSMS do not have the full SSMS Support for Azure SQL database.
A lot of people complained about this in the SQL database feedback:
How can we improve Azure SQL Database?Full Management Studio Support
Such as:
"Graham Plowman commented · January 23, 2019 17:01
The regular version of SSMS has a UI around all the security and user
management options (and many others), making them a breeze to use.
When SSMS is connected to a SQL Azure database, all this UI
functionality is gone, replaced by bombing out to screens where one
has to type in SQL commands!!
Whatever next ? This was how we used to manage SQL server way back in
the 1990's with version 4.3 before SSMS became a serious tool!!
Kindly add the UI so it is the same as regular SQL installations.
Bombing out to SQL is a highly backward step."
There is still no solution for now.
Hope this helps.

How can I get SSMS to provide Auto Completion for SQL Azure?

I'm trying to identify a SQL Server Management Studio option (when writing/running queries) that provides table/column auto-complete functionality in the query editor. Unfortunately, SSMS seems to stop giving you Intellisense when you're connected to a SQL Azure database. Is there any way to fix this?
Are there any options, hacks, plugins or anything else that can accomplish this?
I've finally stumbled upon an option. It's non-ideal but it is certainly a huge step in the right direction!
dbForge SQL Complete is a SSMS plugin that replaces SSMS's built-in Intellisense with its own auto-complete engine. This is a HUGE improvement when connected to SQL Azure, but so far the free version feels like a step backwards when connected to traditional SQL Server instances. Overall, I think we're going to prefer using this over not using it. I'll come back in a couple days to report how well (or not) it's going.
At least it's an option, though!
New Release of SQL Server Management Studio V17.2 now support Intelliscence so no need to have any other tools for this.
Please note that this will only work in case of SQL Server Authentication, that means logged in using SA Instance.
Visual Studio have enabled basic IntelliSense for Azure SQL, but it isn't avalaible easily.
You have to click on table, select from drop menu DROP AND CREATE TO -> New query window and then IntelliSense will work. If you simply use New query it will not.

federation sql view azure

So I've been trying to use federations in SQL Azure for my site.
I've been first trying to find a tool where i can test my coding with a full graphic interface.
I'm unable to find the context menu for edit top 200 rows in SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio).
Can anyone help?
There may not be exactly GUI interface to play completely with SQL Database federation through SSMS R2 however combining proper queries together with SSMS you may be able to get the results you are looking for. I am not sure how you are trying to display first 200 records with your federated data however if you provide more steps how do you do it, I may add more info.
FYI, here is how SSMS is used to work with SQL Database Federation.

Cant edit schema or data from sql server management studio

I have connected to my SQL azure server using SQL Server 2012 Management Studio and I cannot edit any of my table's schema or the data in it. When I right click on the table the options are missing. Am I doing something wrong?
Not that I am using SSMS 2012, but in 2008 R2 is generally the same. There is no GUI for neither table designer, nor "Edit top 200 records". You have to begin diving into the DDL and DML for SQL Server and give up GUIs. One way you could use GUI to some extend, especially for DDL is to use the portal provided Windows Azure SQL Database manager. You can find a link to it when you go to your database from either the new or the old portal (Manage). Other way is to use some third party tool, which I am not aware of.
Here is the link to that manager from the new portal:
Another option some people may find helpful, if you have and use Visual Studio then you can link to the server in ServerManager, connect to the database, and then design and edit data directly.
My 2008 R2 version of SSMS had the same problem. I downloaded 2016 CTP3 SSMS which has Azure support and everything is normal for the Azure Databases.
I did lose my connection history information so beware.