Show all API Products across multiple Developer Portals - apiconnect

I have created two different Developer Portals to separate my APIs. Is it possible to view ALL of my published products (from both Portals) in a single Portal? For example, I want to have a public Developer Portal that only shows a subset of my products but an internal Portal that shows all of them. How can I do this?

A single portal site always represents a single catalog in APIC.
If you want to see an aggregated view of the data from multiple catalogs then you need to use the syndication capabilities in APIC to publish the content to a single catalog. That parent catalog can then have a portal site that has all of the content in it.
If you want two portals, you need two catalogs.


Customize Azure API Management Developer Portal

I am Customizing the Azure APIM Developer portal. For the Non Production enviornment like Dev, QA etc I am using the same instance of APIM. But the API name is different. I would like to either group them by name so that I see all the API's related to Dev First and rest of the enviornments later. Is there a way i can achieve it? Also we have one template called API List which we can customize. Can we create multiple pages from this template so that I can create different versions of API List for each enviornment?
Your best bet is to use tags. You can assign them to APIs and group by Tags in APIs list. Look for this button next to search field:
if you don't have one, check your customized template, and compare it to default one.

VirtoCommerce Integration with eBay and Amazon

I have been working on import modules for eBay and Amazon. The idea is that if you have an existing storefront at either of these providers, you can import your inventory and sell them at your own custom storefront. The concern I have is, after selling an item on VC, I would have to make sure to adjust the inventory at eBay. And likewise, if an item is sold on eBay, the VC inventory would not be updated until the next scheduled import (perhaps run hourly).
With these concerns in mind, I wonder if I might be going about this the wrong way. Would it be possible for me to author a custom "catalog provider" class, that, instead of retrieving catalog items from the database, would retrieve them real-time via the eBay/Amazon APIs? (Perhaps backed by a cache)
So I guess in summary my question is, is there support/guidance for creating a custom catalog type in VirtoCommerce?
Import/export is a preferred approach for getting a listing data. eBay also provides client alerts, which allows you to pull the data every minute about various alerts, like when item is sold. You can use that to get the inventory. So in case it is critical for you to get up to date inventory information, I would use combination of more realtime inventory APIs and import/export.
As of creating an external catalog provider, it is possible but will be much more effort than doing import/export.
Also, we have a parter who is developing integration with eBay/amazon, the project is open source:

Adding providers to Sitefinity content modules (News, Images,...)

Anyone familiar with adding providers to content modules?
I have two Sitefinity sites that I want to share the news content items of, one with the other. So when I add news content and images to one, I want to show the full content items in the other.
Sitefinity does offer their multisite management module but it looks like its only available for certain editions as a $5000 add on. Not sure what the budget is but maybe that's worth it since it allows the sharing of content between sites.
If not what we had proposed as a potential solution for this to a client was to have one site be the entry point for news items and just run the news lists and details pages off the built in widget templates. Then on the other site we wanted to share the content with, create a custom .ascx or Sitefinity mvc widget to pull the news items from the other site using the built in web services on that site. You'd probably have to write a couple controls for it, one to get the list and one to pull the details but its a poor man's way to get shared content without writing a custom content provider or paying for multisite.
Here's some documentation on using the web services:

Managing users with Pirhana CMS

What is the best way to manage users with PirhanaCMS?
I would like to prevent some users from adding content (posts etc...) in some categories and prevent that some sites be listed for some users. (For people who don't know it, PirhanaCMS is a micro CMS programmer oriented).
I would like to use the sites features because I'm working on a project in which I'll have a "network" of several sites managed by different entities of an organization. I would like that each entity be only able to see its own site but that the big organization at the top be able to manage every sites. Moreover, within a site I would like that some users be only able to edit some part of the site.
Are these features built-in ? Otherwise what is the best way to implement them myself around the CMS ?
I am using ASP.NET MVC 4 and EF5.
If you take a look at System > Permissions in the manager area you can see that there are permissions you can give to groups for different parts of the manager interface.
There's however currently no built in support for restricting access to different site trees, but you are free to add a feature request for this at GitHub or maybe participate by implementing it and sending a pull request!

Google Analytics API and custom variables?

We've got a web directory and we'd like to use google's API to display demographic numbers to our clients for pages that their directory listing is shown for. We've reviewed GA's analytics documentation and can create graphs, but no way that we can see to grab metrics (like percentage of mobile users vs desktop) for ONLY pages where those custom variables were present.
For instance, on the directory search page, we want to be able to tell customer X that their business showed up 100 times, that 78% of them were mobile users, and that a breakdown of cities. How can I do this using GA's API code?
For any future googlers, this is not currently possible through the API.