Calculate a field based on 2 calculated colums in SQL - sql

I have a query that sums a couple of values based on a common identifier known as a workcell. I'm trying to figure out how to add a column that calculates this formula as a percentage: (SumOfAct - SumOfStd) / (SumOfStd)
I was thinking some kind of subquery with inner joins would work, but I'm not sure how to get it looking right.
Here is my code that gets everything I want except for that calculated column:
SELECT v_MES_OrderIssues.AssignedWorkcell
, CONVERT(Decimal(10,2), Sum(v_SAP_OrderOperations.Std)) AS SumOfStd
, CONVERT(Decimal(10,2), Sum(v_SAP_OrderOperations.Act)) AS SumOfAct
, CONVERT(Decimal(10,2), Sum(v_SAP_OrderOperations.Variance)) AS SumOfVariance
FROM (v_SAP_OrderOperations
LEFT JOIN v_SAP_Orders ON v_SAP_OrderOperations.Ordr = v_SAP_Orders.Ordr)
LEFT JOIN v_MES_OrderIssues ON v_SAP_OrderOperations.Ordr = v_MES_OrderIssues.WOrder
WHERE (((v_SAP_Orders.OpenOrder) Like '1')
AND ((v_SAP_Orders.Equipment) Is Not NULL)
AND ((v_SAP_OrderOperations.ACT)>0))
AND ((v_MES_OrderIssues.AssignedWorkcell) Like 'S5H%W')
AND ((v_MES_OrderIssues.DateTimeClosed) Is Null)
OR (((v_SAP_Orders.OpenOrder) Like '1')
AND ((v_SAP_Orders.Equipment) Is Not NULL)
AND ((v_SAP_OrderOperations.OpenOp) Like '0'))
AND ((v_MES_OrderIssues.AssignedWorkcell) Like 'S5H%W')
AND ((v_MES_OrderIssues.DateTimeClosed) Is Null)
GROUP BY v_MES_OrderIssues.AssignedWorkcell
ORDER BY Sum(v_SAP_OrderOperations.Variance) DESC

If I got it right yo can do it directly in SELECT clause
SELECT v_MES_OrderIssues.AssignedWorkcell
, CONVERT(Decimal(10,2), Sum(v_SAP_OrderOperations.Std)) AS SumOfStd
, CONVERT(Decimal(10,2), Sum(v_SAP_OrderOperations.Act)) AS SumOfAct
, CONVERT(Decimal(10,2), Sum(v_SAP_OrderOperations.Variance)) AS SumOfVariance
, CONVERT(Decimal(10,2), (Sum(v_SAP_OrderOperations.Act) - Sum(v_SAP_OrderOperations.Std))/ Sum(v_SAP_OrderOperations.Std)) AS percentage
WHERE (((v_SAP_Orders.OpenOrder) Like '1')
will be INNER JOIN really as a column from left-joined table expression is thus prohibited to have NULL value. You may wish to move the predicate to ON clause to keep it left-joined.


SQL CASE WHEN ELSE not working in AWS Athena

I have the script below setup in AWS Athena, the goal is to replace some budget numbers (total) with 0 if they are within a certain category (costitemid). I'm getting the following error in AWS Athena and could use some advice as to why it isn't working. Is the problem that I need to repeat everything in the FROM and GROUP BY in the WHEN and ELSE? Code below the error. Thank you!
SYNTAX_ERROR: line 6:9: 'projectbudgets.projectid' must be an aggregate expression or appear in GROUP BY clause
This query ran against the "acorn-prod-reports" database, unless qualified by the query. Please post the error message on our forum or contact customer support with Query Id: 077f007b-61a0-4f6b-aa1f-dd38bb401218
WHEN projectbudgetlineitems.costitemid IN (462561,462562,462563,462564,462565,462566,478030) THEN (
, projectbudgetyears.year fiscalYear
, projectbudgetyears.status
, "sum"(((0 * projectbudgetlineitems.unitcost) * (projectbudgetlineitems.costshare * 1E-2))) total
, projectbudgetyears.year fiscalYear
, projectbudgetyears.status
, "sum"(((projectbudgetlineitems.quantity * projectbudgetlineitems.unitcost) * (projectbudgetlineitems.costshare * 1E-2))) total
(("acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgets projectbudgets
INNER JOIN "acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgetyears projectbudgetyears ON ( = projectbudgetyears.projectbudgetid))
INNER JOIN "acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgetlineitems projectbudgetlineitems ON ( = projectbudgetlineitems.projectbudgetyearid))
--WHERE (((projectbudgetlineitems.costitemid <> 478030) AND (projectbudgetlineitems.costitemid < 462561)) OR (projectbudgetlineitems.costitemid > 462566))
GROUP BY projectbudgets.projectid, projectbudgetyears.year, projectbudgetyears.status
Your syntax is wrong (at least according to most SQL dialects.) You can't generally say "SELECT CASE WHEN (condition) THEN (this select clause) ELSE (that select clause) END FROM (tables)"
You can only use CASE to calculate a single value.
But it looks as if the only change between your two inner SELECT clauses is whether you use 0 or the quantity in the final multiplication. And that is perfect for a CASE!
I do not guarantee this will work right off the bat, because I don't have your setup or an idea of your table layout. However, it's a step in the right direction:
, projectbudgetyears.year fiscalYear
, projectbudgetyears.status
, "sum"(
WHEN projectbudgetlineitems.costitemid IN (462561,462562,462563,462564,462565,462566,478030)
ELSE projectbudgetlineitems.quantity
END * projectbudgetlineitems.unitcost
) * (
projectbudgetlineitems.costshare * 1E-2
))) total
(("acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgets projectbudgets
"acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgetyears projectbudgetyears
ON ( = projectbudgetyears.projectbudgetid))
INNER JOIN "acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgetlineitems projectbudgetlineitems
ON ( = projectbudgetlineitems.projectbudgetyearid))
projectbudgets.projectid, projectbudgetyears.year, projectbudgetyears.status
This could solve your problem if you want to sum the items for each project and year and status except for certain line items. Here, it is correct to use a "where" condition and not "case when" :
"sum"(((projectbudgetlineitems.quantity * projectbudgetlineitems.unitcost) *
(projectbudgetlineitems.costshare * 1E-2))) total
(("acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgets projectbudgets
INNER JOIN "acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgetyears
projectbudgetyears ON ( = projectbudgetyears.projectbudgetid))
INNER JOIN "acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgetlineitems
projectbudgetlineitems ON ( =
WHERE projectbudgetlineitems.costitemid NOT IN
GROUP BY projectbudgets.projectid, projectbudgetyears.year,

SQL code is removing duplicate values in error

My SQL code is removing duplicate values of "Time" specific to Project Description. For example, if a time value for a specific project is included two or more times, the data is only pulling the value once skewing the results.
I've tried adding SUM(PMTT_DailyTime.Time) as 'Sum of Time" and this creates a different problem and inaccurate results. It multiplies the sum values by the number of an irrelevant field.
SELECT View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.Department
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectDesc
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectStartDate
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.VoidInd
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectStatus
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectType
, DatePart("yyyy", PMTT_DailyTime.ReportDate) AS [ReportYear]
, PMTT_DailyTime.Time
, PMTT_DailyTime.VoidInd
, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.ProjectHealth
, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.PrimaryBuilder
, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.CurrentProjectStatus
FROM View_ProjectsInfoDecoded
LEFT JOIN View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded ON View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.Department = View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.Department AND View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr = View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr
LEFT JOIN PMTT_DailyTime ON (View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.Department = PMTT_DailyTime.Department) AND (View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr= PMTT_DailyTime.ProjectNbr)
WHERE (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.Department IN ('107'))
And (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectStatus <>'Cancel')
And (dbo.View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.VoidInd = 'N' OR dbo.View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.VoidInd IS NULL)
AND (PMTT_DailyTime.VoidInd = 'N' OR PMTT_DailyTime.VoidInd IS NULL)
AND ((DATEDIFF(MONTH, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate,GETDATE()) <= 12) OR (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate IS NULL) OR (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate='' ))
GROUP BY View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.Department, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectDesc, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectStatus
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.EstStartDate, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectStartDate
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.Complexity
, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectType, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.VoidInd
, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.ProjectHealth, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.PrimaryBuilder
, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.CurrentProjectStatus, PMTT_DailyTime.VoidInd
, DatePart("yyyy", PMTT_DailyTime.ReportDate), PMTT_DailyTime.Time
I think this is an easy fix in the Group function or the type of joins used. But not sure...
With a re-factoring of your query to use aliases, include line breaks and re-order columns, you will notice you have two additional GROUP BY fields that are not included in SELECT: EstStartDate and p.Complexity. As a result, the SELECT columns may show repeated values over the distinct groupings of these omitted two fields.
For a more readable aggregate query, consider including the same columns in GROUP BY also in SELECT clause without omitting any. Do note: per SQL standard, you cannot have a column in SELECT that does not appear in GROUP BY. However, the reverse as your query does is valid. Alternatively, simply run the analogous SELECT DISTINCT without GROUP BY.
SELECT p.ProjectNbr, p.Department, p.ProjectDesc, p.ProjectStartDate, p.ProjectCompletionDate,
p.VoidInd, p.ProjectStatus, p.ProjectType, DatePart("yyyy", d.ReportDate) AS [ReportYear],
d.Time, d.VoidInd, b.ProjectHealth, b.PrimaryBuilder, b.CurrentProjectStatus
FROM (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded p
LEFT JOIN View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded b
ON (p.Department = b.Department) AND (p.ProjectNbr = b.ProjectNbr))
ON (b.Department = d.Department) AND (b.ProjectNbr = d.ProjectNbr)
WHERE (p.Department IN ('107'))
AND (p.ProjectStatus <> 'Cancel')
AND (dbo.p.VoidInd = 'N' OR dbo.p.VoidInd IS NULL)
AND (d.VoidInd = 'N' OR d.VoidInd IS NULL)
AND ((DATEDIFF(MONTH, p.ProjectCompletionDate, GETDATE()) <= 12)
OR (p.ProjectCompletionDate IS NULL)
OR (p.ProjectCompletionDate='')
GROUP BY p.ProjectNbr, p.Department, p.ProjectDesc, p.ProjectStartDate, p.ProjectCompletionDate,
p.VoidInd, p.ProjectStatus, p.ProjectType, DatePart("yyyy", d.ReportDate),
d.Time, d.VoidInd, b.ProjectHealth, b.PrimaryBuilder, b.CurrentProjectStatus,
p.EstStartDate, p.Complexity -- ADDITIONAL NON-SELECT FIELDS
You are using the Group By clause, but have no aggregate function in your Select statement. This results in the same behavior as using Select Distinct. Removing the Group By clause will include the duplicate records you seem to be looking for.
SELECT View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.Department, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectDesc, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectStartDate, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.VoidInd, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectStatus, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectType, DatePart("yyyy", PMTT_DailyTime.ReportDate) AS [ReportYear], PMTT_DailyTime.Time, PMTT_DailyTime.VoidInd, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.ProjectHealth, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.PrimaryBuilder, View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.CurrentProjectStatus
FROM (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded LEFT JOIN View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded ON (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.Department = View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.Department) AND (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr = View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr)) LEFT JOIN
PMTT_DailyTime ON (View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.Department = PMTT_DailyTime.Department) AND (View_ProjectsBuilderInfoDecoded.ProjectNbr= PMTT_DailyTime.ProjectNbr)
WHERE (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.Department IN ('107')) And (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectStatus <>'Cancel') And
(dbo.View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.VoidInd = 'N' OR dbo.View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.VoidInd IS NULL) AND (PMTT_DailyTime.VoidInd = 'N' OR PMTT_DailyTime.VoidInd IS NULL)
AND ((DATEDIFF(MONTH, View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate,GETDATE()) <= 12) OR (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate IS NULL) OR (View_ProjectsInfoDecoded.ProjectCompletionDate='' ))

No records found when running not in operator

I am trying to get records from one table excluding some records (Order No.'s in the Union). Can anybody tell me what could be wrong with this query. I am getting no records after running it.
FROM [dbo].[FMD15_18]
FROM [dbo].[FMD15_18]
WHERE [Item Description] Like '%AP%')
SELECT [OrderNo] FROM [dbo].[AP&C]
I would use NOT EXISTS instead :
FROM [dbo].[FMD15_18] t
FROM [dbo].[FMD15_18] t1
WHERE t1.OrderNo = t.OrderNo AND
t1.[Item Description] Like '%AP%') AND
FROM [dbo].[AP&C] a
WHERE a.OrderNo = t.OrderNo);
However, i suspect some nullable issues with current query. If so, then you need to fiter out with IS NOT NULL in subquery.
NOT IN is tricky. I guess that OrderNo is nullable that is why you don't get any rows.
FROM [dbo].[FMD15_18]
FROM [dbo].[FMD15_18]
WHERE [Item Description] Like '%AP%'
SELECT COALESCE([OrderNo], '^') FROM [dbo].[AP&C]
1 IN (1, NULL)
1=1 OR 1 = NULL
-- 1 row returned
1 NOT IN (1, NULL)
1!=1 AND 1 != NULL
-- always not true
-- always 0 rows returned
You should be able to avoid using sub-queries entirely. It sounds like you want orders (from FMD15_18) where the description does not contain "AP", and the order number is not in the AP&C table. If that's the case, you could do something like the following:
select FMD15_18.*
from FMD15_18
left join [AP&C] on
[AP&C].OrderNo = FMD15_18.OrderNo
FMD15_18.[Item Description] NOT like '%AP%'
and [AP&C].OrderNo is null
I don't know what kind of data is in the [FMD15_18].[Item Description] field, but it seems heavy-handed to exclude items where the description contains 2 letters. How long does the description column tend to be? Might there be records that contain "AP" that you're excluding inadvertently? Items with descriptions as varied as "APPLE", "MAPLE SYRUP", and "BURLAP" would be excluded based on this condition.

Why I need Group by in this simple query?

the error might be in sum(si.amt_pd) from item table (as there is no relation) :
select SUM(si.amt_pd)amt_pd from [HMIS_REPORTING].HMIS_RPT_ME.dbo.item i
is there a work around?
I am trying to run this query. The query just fetches the amount of a month based on some tables. It is just a part of a big query.
select s.sales_Contract_Nbr
, s.Sales_Id
, s.Sale_Dt
, YEAR(s.Sale_Dt) 'YEAR'
, MONTH(s.Sale_Dt) 'MONTH'
, s.Sales_Need_TYpe_Cd
, s.Sales_Status_Cd
, si.Posted
, s.location_Cd
, jan2011 = (
select SUM(si.amt_pd)amt_pd
from [HMIS_REPORTING].HMIS_RPT_ME.dbo.item i
where i.Item_Id = si.Product_Item_ID
and i.Item_Cd <> '*INT'
and convert(varchar(10),SI.Sales_Item_Dt,126) >= '2011-01-01'
and convert(varchar(10),SI.Sales_Item_Dt,126) >= '2011-01-31'
) INTO dbo.#a_acomparision
WHERE SI.Sales_Id = S.Sales_Id
and s.Sales_Contract_Nbr in (
select distinct (Sales_Contract_Nbr)
from mountainviewContracts
where Sales_Contract_Nbr <> '')
but I am getting the following error message.
Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Column 'HMIS_REPORTING.HMIS_RPT_ME.dbo.Sales.Sales_Contract_Nbr' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
I just can't understand why my query should have a group by for sales_contract_nbr and even if I put in the group by clause it tells me that inner query si.Product_item_id and SI.sales_item_dt should also be contained in group by clause.
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance
This is a very subtle problem. However, I think the subquery should be:
select SUM(i.amt_pd)amt_pd from [HMIS_REPORTING].HMIS_RPT_ME.dbo.item i
That is, the alias should be i not si.
What is happening is that the sum in the subquery is on a value in the outer query. So, the SQL compiler assumes an aggregation query. As soon as the first column is found that is not an aggregation, it complains with the message that you have.
By the way, you should use proper join syntax, so you from clause looks like:
on SI.Sales_Id = S.Sales_Id
As #Gordon Linoff says, this is almost certainly because the query optimizer is treating this like a SUM operation, normalizing away the subquery for "jan2001".
If the amt_pd column is present in the ITEM table, Gordon's solution is the right one.
If not, you have to add the group by statement, as below.
select s.sales_Contract_Nbr
, s.Sales_Id
, s.Sale_Dt
, YEAR(s.Sale_Dt) 'YEAR'
, MONTH(s.Sale_Dt) 'MONTH'
, s.Sales_Need_TYpe_Cd
, s.Sales_Status_Cd
, si.Posted
, s.location_Cd
, jan2011 = (
select SUM(si.amt_pd)amt_pd
from [HMIS_REPORTING].HMIS_RPT_ME.dbo.item i
where i.Item_Id = si.Product_Item_ID
and i.Item_Cd <> '*INT'
and convert(varchar(10),SI.Sales_Item_Dt,126) >= '2011-01-01'
and convert(varchar(10),SI.Sales_Item_Dt,126) >= '2011-01-31'
) INTO dbo.#a_acomparision
WHERE SI.Sales_Id = S.Sales_Id
and s.Sales_Contract_Nbr in (
select distinct (Sales_Contract_Nbr)
from mountainviewContracts
where Sales_Contract_Nbr <> '')
GROUP BY s.sales_Contract_Nbr
, s.Sales_Id
, s.Sale_Dt
, s.Sales_Need_TYpe_Cd
, s.Sales_Status_Cd
, si.Posted
, s.location_Cd

SQL issue with NULL values on SUM

I'm currently working on some sql stuff, but running in a bit of an issue.
I've got this method that looks for cash transactions, and takes off the cashback but sometimes there are no cash transactions, so that value turns into NULL and you can't subtract from NULL.
I've tried to put an ISNULL around it, but it still turns into null.
Can anyone help me with this?
;WITH tran_payment AS
SELECT 1 AS payment_method, NULL AS payment_amount, null as tran_header_cid
SELECT 998 AS payment_method, 2 AS payment_amount, NULL as tran_header_cid
paytype AS
SELECT 1 AS mopid, 2 AS mopshort
tran_header AS
SELECT p.mopid AS mopid,
p.mopshort AS descript,
payment_value AS PaymentValue,
ISNULL(DeclaredValue, 0.00) AS DeclaredValue
from paytype p
When (tp.payment_method = 1)
(ISNULL(SUM(tp.payment_amount), 0)
- (SELECT ISNULL(SUM(ABS(tp.payment_amount)), 0)
FROM tran_payment tp
INNER JOIN tran_header th on tp.tran_header_cid = th.cid
WHERE payment_method = 998
) )
ELSE SUM(tp.payment_amount)
END as payment_value,
0 as DeclaredValue
FROM tran_header th
LEFT OUTER JOIN tran_payment tp
ON tp.tran_header_cid = th.cid
GROUP BY payment_method) pmts
ON p.mopid = pmts.payment_method
Maybe COALESCE() can help you?
You can try this:
SUM(COALESCE(tp.payment_amount, 0))
COALESCE(SUM(tp.payment_amount), 0)
COALESCE(arg1, arg2, ..., argN) returns the first non-null argument from the list.
try to put ISNULL inside SUM and ABS, i.e. around the actual field, like this
SUM(ISNULL(tp.payment_amount, 0))
SUM(ABS(ISNULL(tp.payment_amount, 0)))
I don't have MS SQL to test here, but would it work to put the ISNULL around the SELECT? Maybe, ISNULL isn't triggered at all, if there are no matching rows...