Vue Router: Keep query parameter and use same view for children - vuejs2

I'm rewriting an existing Angular 1 application with Vue.
The application always needs to authenticate an user by locale, id and token before entering any views. Respecting the conventions of our API, I specified the token as a query parameter within my main parent route.
Coming from the existing Angular's UI router implementation I thought this is the way to go:
// main.js
new Vue({
el: '#app',
template: '<router-view name="main"></router-view>'
// router.js
const router = new Router({
mode: 'history',
routes: [
name: 'start',
path : '/:locale/:id', // /:locale/:id?token didn't work
query: {
token: null
beforeEnter (to, from, next) {
// 1. Get data from API via locale, id and token
// 2. Update store with user data
components: {
main: startComponent
children: [{
name: 'profile',
path: 'profile',
components: {
main: profileComponent
When I navigate to the profile view, I expect the view to change and the query token to stay, e.g. /en-US/123?token=abc to /en-US/123/profile?token=abc. Neither happens.
I'm using Vue 2.3.3 and Vue Router 2.3.1.
Can I keep query parameters when navigating to child routes?
Am I using the Vue router right here? Or do I need to blame my UI router bias?

You can resolve this in the global hooks of Router
import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
import routes from './routes';
const Router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
function hasQueryParams(route) {
return !!Object.keys(route.query).length
Router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
if(!hasQueryParams(to) && hasQueryParams(from)){
next({name:, query: from.query});
} else {
If the new route (to) does not have its own parameters, then they will be taken from the previous route (from)

You can add in a mounted hook a router navigation guard beforeEach like this preserveQueryParams:
// helpers.js
import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty';
const preserveQueryParams = (to, from, next) => {
const usePreviousQueryParams = isEmpty(to.query) && !isEmpty(from.query);
if (usePreviousQueryParams) {
next({, query: from.query });
} else {
// StartComponent.vue
removeBeforeEachRouteGuard: Function;
mounted() {
this.removeBeforeEachRouteGuard = this.$router.beforeEach(preserveQueryParams);
// don't forget to remove created guard
destroyed() {
// resetting query can be useful too
this.$router.push({ query: undefined });


Vuex store module returning null when called from router

I have to access Vuex store from the router. Specifically, in the beforeEach() method. Which I do like this:
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
import store from '../store/index.js'
const routes = [
// The routes goes here
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
base: process.env.BASE_URL,
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
// This prints an object that does contain 'auth/user' sub-object,
// but I have to click on an ellipsis to show the value in the console.
// This prints null for some reason.
if ( !== 'Login' && !store.getters['auth/user']) {
} else {
The Vuex module is namespaced and can be accessed normally in components.
export default {
namespaced: true,
state: {
user: null
getters: {
user (state) {
return state.user
// Other getters
Is there a workaround to this?

How to test the access of protected route guard with in Vuejs?

I implemented a route guard to protect the /settings route with the vue-router method beforeEnter().
I try to test that the route is protected to admins only.
I am using Vuejs 2, Vue-router, Vuex and vue-test-utils.
import Vue from 'vue';
import Router from 'vue-router';
export default new Router({
routes: [
..., // other routes
path: '/settings',
name: 'Settings',
component: () => import('./views/settings'),
beforeEnter: (to, from, next) => {
the unit test:
test('navigates to /settings view if the user is admin', () => {
const localVue = createLocalVue();
const router = new VueRouter();
const wrapper = shallowMount(App, {
stubs: ['router-link', 'router-view'],
mocks: {
$store: store
wrapper.vm.$route.push({ path: '/settings' });
// test if route is set correctly
current logs output:
wrapper.vm.$route` is undefined.
How can I mount the App correctly and access the router? How can I test the current route to verify that the admin user has been redirected succesfully?
Thank logan for the link. It seems like the best possible solution:
As of now there is no easy way to test navigation guards. If you want to simulate the event triggering by calling router.push function, you are going to have a hard time. A better easier solution is to call the guard manually in beforeEach(), but even this solution doesn't have a clean approach. See the following example:
// my-view.js
class MyView extends Vue {
beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) {
next(function (vm) {
vm.entered = true;
// my-view.spec.js
it('should trigger beforeRouteEnter event', function () {
const view = mount(MyView);
const spy = sinon.spy(view.vm.$options.beforeRouteEnter, '0'); // you can't just call view.vm.beforeRouteEnter(). The function exists only in $options object.
const from = {}; // mock 'from' route
const to = {}; // mock 'to' route
view.vm.$options.beforeRouteEnter[0](to, from, cb => cb(view.vm));

How to setup vuex and vue-router to redirect when a store value is not set?

I'm working with the latest versions of vue-router, vuex and feathers-vuex and I have a problem with my router.
What I'm doing is to check if a route has the property "requiresAuth": true in the meta.json file. If it does then check the value of store.state.auth.user provided by feathers-vuex, if this value is not set then redirect to login.
This works fine except when I'm logged in and if I reload my protected page called /private then it gets redirected to login so it seems that the value of store.state.auth.user is not ready inside router.beforeEach.
So how can I set up my router in order to get the value of the store at the right moment?
My files are as follow:
import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import store from '../store'
const meta = require('./meta.json')
// Route helper function for lazy loading
function route (path, view) {
return {
path: path,
meta: meta[path],
component: () => import(`../components/${view}`)
export function createRouter () {
const router = new Router({
mode: 'history',
scrollBehavior: () => ({ y: 0 }),
routes: [
route('/login', 'Login')
route('/private', 'Private'),
{ path: '*', redirect: '/' }
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
if (to.meta.requiresAuth) {
if (!store.state.auth.user) {
} else {
} else {
return router
"/private": {
"requiresAuth": true
I fixed the issue by returning a promise from vuex action and then run the validations
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
store.dispatch('auth/authenticate').then(response => {
}).catch(error => {
if (!error.message.includes('Could not find stored JWT')) {
console.log('Authentication error', error)
(to.meta.requiresAuth) ? next('/inicio-sesion') : next()

Router beforeEach guard executed before state loaded in Vue created()

If I navigate directly to an admin guarded route,, the navigation is always rejected because the state hasn't yet loaded at the time the router guard is checked.
beforeEach is being executed before Vue created and thus the currently logged in user isn't recognized.
How do I get around this chicken and egg issue?
files below truncated for relevancy
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
// This is executed before the Vue created() method, and thus store getter always fails initially for admin guarded routes
// The following getter checks if the state's current role is allowed
const allowed = store.getters[`acl/${to.meta.guard}`]
if (!allowed) {
return next(
const app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
created() {
// state loaded from localStorage if available
render: h => h(App)
export default new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
routes: [
path: '/',
name: 'home',
component: () => import('../components/Home.vue'),
meta: {
guard: "isAny",
path: '/dashboard/',
name: 'dashboard',
component: () => import('../components/Dashboard.vue'),
meta: {
guard: "isAdmin",
Take this.$store.dispatch("auth/load") out of the Vue creation and run it before the Vue is created.
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {...}
new Vue({...})
If auth/load is asynchronous, then return a promise from it and do your code initialize your Vue in the callback.
store.dispatch("auth/load").then(() => {
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {...}
new Vue({...})

vue-router 2, how to fetch routes via ajax?

How do I create the routes array dynamically, after fetching it via ajax?
Is there a way to add/push new routes to the router after it has been initialized?
This doesn't work:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
template: '<App/>',
data: {
content: []
created: function () {
this.$http.get('dummyjsondatafornow').then((response) => {
// this doesn't work when creating the VueRouter() outside the Vue instance, as in the docs.
// this.$router.options.routes.push({ path: '/about', component: About })
let routes = [
{ path: '/about', component: About }
// this doesn't work either
this.router = new VueRouter({
routes: routes
// router: router,
components: { App }
I don't believe there is no.
That said you can wildcard the route so that may provide you with an alternative.
I built a site where the backend (and in turn pages created) were controlled via a CMS which served all pages to Vue as JSON. This meant Vue wasn't aware of the routes the backend was creating.
Instead we passed all the CMS pages to Vue Router via a single * wildcard component. In Vue Router 2 this would look like:
const routes = [
{ path: '*', component: AllPages }
Vue Router 2 allows for Advanced Matching Patterns
These allow you to set a wide variety of conditions, therefore whilst you can't inject the object passed back via ajax into your router you can add a dynamic component to an AllPages component that is wildcard matched. This would allow you to pass the name of the component to load via your ajax request and then load that component when the page is called. i.e.
Your Ajax response:
// url: component name
'/about/': 'about',
'/about/contact/': 'contact',
Then in an AllPages vue component:
<component v-bind:is="currentView"></component>
module.exports = {
data () {
return {
currentView: '',
ajaxRoutes: {}, // loaded via ajax GET request
// watch $route to detect page requests
watch: {
'$route' (to, from) {
if (this.ajaxRoutes[to]) {
this.currentView = this.ajaxRoutes[to]
The above is a rather abbreviated idea but essentially you dynamically load the component based on the path the user requested.
I think this is fixed in version 2.3.0. You can now run
to dynamically add routes.
I have the same situation wherein my routes are built on the backend as it is maintained thru a CMS. With that, I was able to retrieve my routes thru an API call then return it on the vue router. Here's my take:
const router = store.dispatch('cms/fetchRoutes').then((response) => {
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: response,
mode: 'history',
return router;
export default router;
import router from './router';
router.then((router) => {
const app = new Vue({
render: (h) => h(App),
Basically I do an axios call to fetch my routes then inject the response to the VueRouter routes property. Then on the main.js, do another then and inject the return on the Vue.
By then, my menus are now being retrieved from the database. No more hard coded paths.