Why Facebook API always returns Email Id when the privacy status is private? - facebook-javascript-sdk

I am using Facebook API for both public and private account. It always returns email id regardless of privacy status. Is there any possible to not return email when the privacy status is private??


Instagram: Unable to retrieve media

I've created an application in sandbox on Instagram and I just noticed that despite having the users be a part of my sandbox environment and also following them (and being followed) on Instagram, I am UNABLE to retrieve the media of ONLY those users who've set their account as Private Account. I am able to retrieve media of all the users who've not set any privacy on their account regardless of whether they follow me/I follow them or not.
Now, despite me following and being followed by some users, and also including them as sandbox users of my app, why am I unable to retrieve their data?
API Used: https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/{user-id}/media/recent/?access_token=ACCESS-TOKEN
Link: https://www.instagram.com/developer/endpoints/users/
Instagram API no longer allows retrieving private profiles even if the user has been approved by the private user. This change went into effect with the June 1st 2016 API changes.
private profile can be retrieved using API using the private profile's access_token, but not any other user's access_token (even if approved)

How to get Payer email Id from PayPay iOS SDK

Im using PayPal iOS SDK, after launching the PayPal Payment Screen. User will enter the PayPal email Id and Password. after successful payment Im getting some response from through PayPal delegate methods but I that response Im unable to collect the email Id (PayPal Id) that I have used to login.
Thank You.
No, You can not get user's email address. Paypal can not provide you
the personal credentials of any users. It can only provide you the
order details.

Is there any way to detect if a Twitter user verified their email address?

I have a whitelisted Twitter app that can request and receive email address of a twitter account when the owner of the account accepts and logs in through my app.
Now, I plan to connect it to my already available "Sign-up/Login by email" flow seamlessly.
The problem is, logged in Twitter user may not have verified their email account. In that case they can hijack a user on my system who signed-up with that email.
Therefore, I have to be sure that they have verified their email address. Otherwise I have to automatically send a confirmation link to the email address of the just-signed-in twitter user.
Is there any way to detect if the user confirmed their email address on Twitter? If not, what is the general solution to this problem? At least, how do you solve it for yourselves?
I found out that if the user does not verify their email address, Twitter will not return the email address even though it is there. So, if you receive an email address from Twitter, that should mean that the email address of the user is verified.
If anyone finds that this is not correct, please leave your comment or your findings.
Twitter returns a 0 length string in field email if user didn't verify his email.
translator_type: 'none',

Does anyone know how to get Google+ user's home/work address(not email) from Google API?

Currently we retrive user's profile by people.get API, and scopes are profile email https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login.
But no matter user sets their home/work address as public, we still can't get address from reponse.
Did I use the wrong API or scopes?
As documented for scopes.
email gives access to "the user's Google account email address."
https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.profile.emails.read gives access to "the user's Google account email address, as well as any public, verified email addresses in the user's Google+ profile."

fetch user media from instagram api without user id

I'm working on an instagram web client and i'm trying to get users media to come up if I type the user's username in the address bar. Also I don't want the user's id to show in the address bar. here's the site - http://writethefuturegroup.com/photo-client/. To get the user's media, I passed the ID in the address. But if you go to other web clients the ID doesn't show in the address bar and you can get a user's media by just entering their username in the address bar. I would like to know how this is done.
You will have to make 2 API calls to get user media by username, first use search API to search for the username, if the username exists then it will be in the API response, use a IF statement to check that the username matches and then get the corresponding user ID, use this ID to make another API call to get user media.
First use the user search API endpoint https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/search?count=1&q=USERNAME to search the username,
In the API response if the user.username == USERNAME you searched for, then get user.id
Make another call to get user media using the user id, use the API endpoint: https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/USER-ID/media/recent/