Recursive lsearch in exim - exim

I have the following router in my exim.conf:
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part#$domain}lsearch{/etc/exim/file}}
The /etc/exim/file used by lsearch has the following lines:,,
In the past, when an email is sent to, exim would be able to redirect to, for which exim would then forward the email to the emails listed in the expansion. With the exim 4.89 that I have installed, this "recursive" lsearch expansion does not work anymore. When it receives mail for, it returns this error:
** <>: Unknown user
I haven't changed my exim.conf file in 5+ years. What should I do to get this behavior again? Thanks!

Run a debug session using the -bt switch and see what it gives you:
exim -d -bt
It should show you where the lookup is failing.


mbsync authentication failed

I was able to configure mbsync and mu4e in order to use my gmail account (so far everything works fine). I am now in the process of using mu4e-context to control multiple accounts.
I cannot retrieve emails from my openmailbox account whereas I receive this error
Reading configuration file .mbsyncrc
Channel ombx
Opening master ombx-remote...
Resolving ok
Connecting to (*.*.10*.16*:*9*)...
Opening slave ombx-local...
Connection is now encrypted
Logging in...
IMAP command 'LOGIN <user> <pass>' returned an error: NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Authentication failed.
In other posts I've seen people suggesting AuthMechs Login or PLAIN but mbsync doesn't recognizes the command. Here is my .mbsyncrc file
IMAPAccount openmailbox
UseIMAPS yes
# AuthMechs LOGIN
RequireSSl yes
PassCmd "echo ${PASSWORD:-$(gpg2 --no-tty -qd ~/.authinfo.gpg | sed -n 's,^machine .*password \\([^ ]*\\).*,\\1,p')}"
IMAPStore ombx-remote
Account openmailbox
MaildirStore ombx-local
Path ~/Mail/
Inbox ~/Mail/
Channel ombx
Master :ombx-remote:
Slave :ombx-local:
# Exclude everything under the internal [Gmail] folder, except the interesting folders
Patterns *
Create Slave
Expunge Both
Sync All
SyncState *
I am using Linux Mint and my isync is version 1.1.2
Thanks in advance for any help
EDIT: I have run a debug option and I have upgraded isync to version 1.2.1
This is what the debug returned:
Reading configuration file .mbsyncrc
Channel ombx
Opening master store ombx-remote...
Resolving ok
Connecting to (*.*.10*.16*:*9*)...
Opening slave store ombx-local...
pattern '*' (effective '*'): Path, no INBOX
got mailbox list from slave:
Connection is now encrypted
handle your requests.
Logging in...
Authenticating with SASL mechanism PLAIN...
>>> 1 AUTHENTICATE PLAIN <authdata>
1 NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Authentication failed.
IMAP command 'AUTHENTICATE PLAIN <authdata>' returned an error: NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Authentication failed.
My .msyncrc file now contains these options instead
SSLVersions TLSv1.2
AuthMechs PLAIN
At the end, the solution was to use the correct password. Since openmailbox uses an application password for third-party e-mail clients I was using the wrong (original) password instead of the application password.

302 Redirect from CGI script stopped working in Apache 2.4

I inherited maintenance of a self-written CGI application without
documentation and have never met the original author. The application
stopped working in Debian 8, but worked in Debian 7 and CentOS 5. The
main changes were the upgrade from Apache 2.2 (used by Debian 7 &
CentOS 5) to Apache 2.4 (used by Debian 8) and the upgrade from perl
5.8 (in CentOS 5) respectively perl 5.14 (in Debian 7) to perl 5.20.
The problematic part boils down to the following script (a
$|=1; # activate auto-flushing of stdout
use strict;
use warnings;
my $CRLF = "\015\012";
print STDOUT "Status: 302 Moved Temporarily$CRLF" .
"Location: /does_not_matter$CRLF" .
"URI: /does_not_matter$CRLF" .
"Connection: close$CRLF" .
"Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8$CRLF$CRLF";
close STDOUT;
while(1) {
sleep 1;
The observed behavior is that the redirect never reaches the client
as long as the script is still running when used with Apache 2.4, but
there is no error message in Apache's error.log. I changed the client
(Firefox, Chromium, wget), the Apache module (mod_cgid & mod_cgi),
sent additional headers, removed the close STDOUT, removed the
$|=1, replaced the $CRLF with \n and made the script
fork and exit the parent process (so that Apache is no longer the
parent process), all to no avail. The only things that worked: use
Apache 2.2, turn the script into an NPH-CGI-script (which has to send
complete HTTP headers that Apache will not modify in any way, even if
they contain errors), make the script exit instead of entering an
endless loop. I confirmed via tcpdump that the packages with the
redirect indeed never leave the server before the script is killed.
And from the Date-line in the response and the time of the eventual
arrival I gather that Apache receives my output immediately (&
immediately adds the Date-line to the headers), but does not send the
response to the client.
Don't bother answering, I already figured the solution out by myself
and will write an answer. I just want to make the solution available
to others who might encounter the same problem.
The problem was the missing message body. A 302 redirect may contain
a message body (see RFC 2616, section 4.3 (Message Body): "All other
responses do include a message-body, although it MAY be of zero
length"), but a Content-Length-line is optional (section 4.4 of RFC
2616 says the message body length can be determined by closing the
connection if the Content-Length-line is missing). Since Apache can
not know whether I want to send a message body or not, it has to wait
until I close the connection or actually send the message body
(Apache 2.2 apparently behaved erroneously here by not waiting for
the message body - or maybe close STDOUT; does not do in perl
5.20 what it did in older perl versions). The correct script should
therefore look like this (verified to work both in Apache 2.2 and in
Apache 2.4) - the only difference is an additional $CRLF which
terminates a zero-length message body:
$|=1; # activate auto-flushing of stdout
use strict;
use warnings;
my $CRLF = "\015\012";
print STDOUT "Status: 302 Moved Temporarily$CRLF" .
"Location: /doesNotMatter$CRLF" .
"URI: /doesNotMatter$CRLF" .
"Connection: close$CRLF" .
"Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8$CRLF$CRLF$CRLF";
close STDOUT;
while(1) {
sleep 1;
It was that pointed me in the right direction.

PingAccess issues with proxying target sites with HTTP/HTTPS mix

I'm trying to get PingAccess set up as a proxy (let's call the PA host
pagateway) for a couple of applications that share a Web Session. I want all access to come via the PA pagateway and use HTTPS, but the back end systems are not HTTPS.
I have two sites defined, app1:8080 and app2:8080. Both are set to "secure" = no and "use target host header" = yes.
I have listeners defined on ports 5000 and 5001 that are both set to "secure" = yes.
The first problem I found is that when I access either app in this way (e.g. going to https://pagateway:5000), after successfully authenticating with PingFederate I end up getting redirected to the actual underlying host name (e.g. http://app1:8080), meaning any subsequent interactions with the app are not via PingAccess. For users outside the network they wouldn't even be able to do that because the app1 host wouldn't even be visible or accessible.
I thought maybe I needed to turn off "Use target host header" to false but Chrome prompts me to download a file that contains NAK, ETX, ETX, NUL, STX, STX codes, and in the PA logs I get an SSL error:
2015-11-20 11:13:33,718 DEBUG [6a5KYac2dnnY0ZpIl-3GNA] - IOException reading sourceSocket Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
I'm unsure exactly which part of the process the SSL error is coming from (between browser and pagateway, or pagateway and app1). I'm guessing maybe app1 is having trouble with the unexpected host header...
In another variation I turned off SSL on the PA listener (I also had to change the PingAccess call-back URL in the PingFederate client settings to be http). But when I accessed it via http://pagateway:5000 I got a generic PingFederate error message in the browser and a different error in the PA logs:
2015-11-20 11:37:25,764 DEBUG [DBxHnFjViCgLYgYb-IrfqQ] - Invoking request handler: Scheme Validation for Request to [pagateway:5000] [/]
2015-11-20 11:37:25,764 DEBUG [DBxHnFjViCgLYgYb-IrfqQ] - Exception caught. Invoking abort handlers Invalid request protocol.
Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? I'm kind of surprised about the redirection to the actual server name, to be honest, but after that I'm stumped about where to go from here.
Any help would be appreciated.
Have you contacted our support on this? It's sounding like something that will need to be dug into a bit deeper - but some high level suggestions I can make:
Take a look at a browser trace to determine when the redirect is happening to the backend site. Usually this is because there's a Location header in a redirect from the backend web server that (by nature) is an absolute URL but pointing to it instead of the externally facing hostname.
A common solution to this is setting Target Host Header to False - so it will receive the request unmodified from the browser, and the backend server should know to represent itself as that (if it behaves nicely behind a proxy).
If the backend server can't do that (which it sounds like it can't) - you should look at assigning rewriting rules to that application. More details on them are available here: The "Rewrite Response Header Rule" in particular will rewrite Location headers in HTTP redirects.
FYI - The "Invalid request protocol." error you're seeing at bottom of your description could be due to a "Require HTTPS" flag on your defined Application.
Do you have the same issue if you add a trailing slash at the end (https://pagateway:5000/webapp/)? Your application server will rewrite the URL based on what it thinks is the true host. This is to get around some security related issues around directory listing.
Which application server are you using? All app servers are unique, but I'll provide instructions on how to resolve this with Tomcat.
Add a global rule that forces the application server to use the external facing host name. Here is a sample Groovy script:
def header = exc?.request?.header;
In Tomcat's server.xml, add scheme="https" to the connection:
<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
redirectPort="443" scheme="https" />

Sendmail authentication failed [# in password]

When sendmail is configured with password that starts with the character #, authentication is failed. Sendmail throwed an error that "AUTH=client, available mechanisms do not fulfill requirements".
Is this is a known issue.?
Is that a restriction with sendmail or ssl authentication or rules parsing?
Sample default-auth-info file :-
LINUX platform
Sendmail version : 8.14.0
sasl version : 2.1.22
Thanks in advance for the help..
It seems that readauth function in sendmail/usersmtp.c file ignores lines starting
with #.
BTW Have you considered using FEATURE(authinfo) instead of confDEF_AUTH_INFO/DefaultAuthInfo?
Anyway makemap command also by default treats # as a comment indicator but it may be changed using -D command line option.

Magento Soap Error - Premature end of data in tag definitions line 2

My client is using to connect to a Magento Store. But it gives this error.
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '' : Premature end of data in tag definitions line 2
When browsing Firebug gives me “500 Internal Service Error”.
When I browse, I am getting valid XML data.
I checked the server log files and it seems like:
[Thu Aug 30 22:22:25 2012] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: in /home/doaminuser/public_html/lib/Zend/Soap/Server.php on line 762
I been searching for couple of days now and today I tried to duplicate the entire site to another test server, and it seems to be working! So that seems to be a server issue.
Please, anybody got any idea what could be the issue?
Is there any better way of debugging this issue, any sample code or debugging tips.
Magento version is 1.6.2
Thank you.
There's lots of times where Magento's SOAP API fails due to problems your Magento server has communicating with itself.
That is, PHP's SOAP implementation requires that the SOAP server itself fetch the WSDL file via http, and a local network configuration issue gets in the way of Magento fetching it's own WSDL.
You can debug this by SSHing into your Magento server, and running the following command
curl -l '' > /tmp/wsdl.xml
and then examining the wsdl.xml file. Because you're performing this from your web-server, you may get different results than when you're performing it from your local browser.
I had a similar problem when calling the URL
After some time I received the message 500 - Internal Server Error and a Premature end of script headers message in the apache error log.
After a whole day of research I figured out, that the Timeout-Directive of the Apache module (configured in httpd.conf on a Linux environment) was set to "20" which caused the server to send the 500 error after 20 seconds. The problem is, that in my case the Magento system needs a longer time to "crawl" through all wsdl.xml files in order to build the WSDL-output (if you are using Magento SOAPv2).
Maybe you should check your Timeout Directive..hope that helps.
"I have memories of this. What worked for me was to put the hostname
in /etc/hosts on the server plus the www alias on However,
in this instance the server was in the building rather than in some
ISP place and the LAN had Windows computers on it. Windows users had
downloaded lots of trojan-virus-porn things that were spending the
whole time spamming the network so the real problem was with the
Windows computers on the network, not with the server or with Magento.
After fdisking the PC's the problem was solved."
Thank You I've been struggling for 2 days with this on magento 1.6 and Windows Server 2008 adding this line to the hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) solved the issue for me:
also remember to fix your magento soap (role) because the Roles Resources doesn't save in 1.6 unless you fix this file:
replace this:
if (array_key_exists(strtolower($item->getResource_id()), $resources) && $item->getPermission() == 'allow') {
with this:
if (array_key_exists(strtolower($item->getResource_id()), $resources) && $item->getApiPermission() == 'allow') {
In my case the issue was the Mod_Security rule "PHP Easter Egg Access" was enabled.
Rule ID: 380800
Once disabled, the api access worked.
An indicator was in the Apache log file:
Jun 19 09:15:52 httpd[1024961]: [error] [client] ModSecurity: [file "/usr/local/apache/conf/modsec/99_asl_jitp.conf"] [line "116"] [id "380800"] [rev "1"] [msg " WAF Rules - Virtual Just In Time Patch: PHP Easter Egg Access"] [data "phpe9568f35-d428-11d2-a769-00aa001acf42"] [severity "CRITICAL"] Access denied with code 403 (phase 2). Pattern match "php(?:e9568f3[56]-d428-11d2-a769-00aa001acf42|b8b5f2a0-3c92-11d3-a3a9-4c7b08c10000)" at REQUEST_URI. [hostname ""]...
Magento version:
PHP version: 5.3.26
More information about the PHP Easter Egg Access rule:
For those wanting a quick test script to replicate the issue (useful when trying to convince your hosting provider that it's a problem on their end), use:
$server = new SoapServer("http://<url to your magento shop>/index.php/api/v2_soap/index/wsdl/1/");
This is the line in /lib/Zend/Soap/Server.php that triggers the error.
In my case if you browsed to:
http://< url to your magento shop >/index.php/api/v2_soap/index/wsdl/1/
the xml was fine, but if you ran the above php script on the server, the error was given.
This error most often appeared for me while omitting www for domain given in Magento SOAP url. Url has to match base url specified in the Magento config.