How to sort by number of counts in SQL Server? - sql

I want to bring the two biggest numbers and how many it.
picture is a table, table name SatisBasligi.
picture is a output.
How can I write a code for picture?
One needs to write code according to the second.
select sbb.musteriId, count(1) from SatisBaslik sbb group by
sbb.musteriId having count(1) = (select x.adet from (select count(1)
adet from SatisBaslik sb group by sb.musteriId having
"(select x.adet from (select count(1) adet from SatisBaslik sb group
by sb.musteriId having count(1)

Try this query:
select musteriId, count(musteriId) from SatisBasligi where musteriId in (7, 8, 9);

Use Group By and Having clause
select musteriId, count(musteriId)
from SatisBasligi
Group by musteriId
Having count(musteriId) > 1

For mysql:
select musteriId, count(*)
from SatisBasligi
group by musteriId
having count(musteriId) > 1

In order to get the greatest two counts, use ORDER BY with TOP and include WITH TIES in order to get musteriIds with the same count.
select top(2) with ties
from SatisBasligi
group by musteriId
order by count(*) desc;


sql aggregations

any ideas why this doesn't work?
select [column_name_2], max(count(distinct([column_name_1])))
from [table_name]
group by [column_name_2]
but it works if done like this
select [column_name_2], count(distinct([column_name_1])) as [x]
into #temp_table
from [table_name]
group by [column_name_2]
select max(x)
from #temp_table
Well, that's just the way SQL (the language) is defined to work. When you use GROUP BY, the corresponding SELECT list will produce a row for each group in the result. You're trying to take that result and aggregate twice, once with GROUP BY [column_name_2] and a second time with GROUP BY (), as defined by standard SQL. We can't do that in the same query expression.
The good news is you can break this up into more than one query expression:
WITH cte1 AS (
SELECT count(distinct([column_name_1])) AS cnt
FROM [table_name]
GROUP BY [column_name_2]
or use a derived table.
You can even order the initial query result by cnt DESC and limit the result to the first row.
In your case, you may not want just the MAX, but also the other column.
With SQL Server, which you may be using. Note: You should add a database specific tag to the question.
SELECT TOP 1 [column_name_2], count(distinct([column_name_1])) AS cnt
FROM [table_name]
GROUP BY [column_name_2]
I don't understand "this doesn't work", what were you expecting and what did you get? Normally you include the GROUP BY value in the result set. So it would be:
select [column_name_2], max(cnt) cnt
from (select [column_name_2], count(distinct [column_name_1]) cnt
from [table_name]
group by [column_name_2]) x
group by [column_name_2]
Ok, after reading your comment I think above is what you are looking for.
SELECT [column_name_two]
, max(x) x
SELECT [column_name_two]
, COUNT(DISTINCT [column_name_one]
FROM table_name
GROUP BY [column_name_two]
) AS Tbl
GROUP BY [column_name_two]

best way to get count and distinct count of rows in single query

What is the best way to get count of rows and distinct rows in a single query?
To get distinct count we can use subquery like this:
select count(*) from
select distinct * from table
I have 15+ columns and have many duplicates rows as well and I want to calculate count of rows as well as distinct count of rows in one query.
More if I use this
select count(*) as Rowcount , count(distinct *) as DistinctCount from table
This will not give accurate results as count(distinct *) doesn't work.
Why don't you just put the subquery inside another query?
select count(*),
(select count(*) from (select distinct * from table))
from table;
create table tbl
col int
insert into tbl values(1),(2),(1),(3);
select count(*) as distinct_count, sum(sum) as all_count
from (
select count(col) sum from tbl group by col
I think I have understood what you are looking for. You need to use some window function. So, you query should be look like =>
Select COUNT(*) OVER() YourRowcount ,
COUNT(*) OVER(Partition BY YourColumnofGroup) YourDistinctCount --Basic of the distinct count
FROM Yourtable
NEW Update
select top 1
COUNT(*) OVER() YourRowcount,
DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY YourColumn) YourDistinctCount
Note: This code is written sql server. Please check the code and let me know.

SQL Total Distinct Count on Group By Query

Trying to get an overall distinct count of the employees for a range of records which has a group by on it.
I've tried using the "over()" clause but couldn't get that to work. Best to explain using an example so please see my script below and wanted result below.
I should mention I'm hoping for a solution that does not use a sub-query based on my "sales_detail" table below because in my real example, the "sales_detail" table is a very complex sub-query.
Here's the result I want. Column "wanted_result" should be 9:
Sample script:
[employee] varchar(100),[customer] varchar(100),[startdate] varchar(100),[enddate] varchar(100),[saleday] int,[timeframe] varchar(100),[saleqty] numeric(18,4)
INSERT INTO [sales_detail]
SUM([saleqty]) AS [total_qty],
COUNT(DISTINCT [s].[employee]) AS [employee_count1],
SUM(COUNT(DISTINCT [s].[employee])) OVER() AS [employee_count2],
9 AS [wanted_result]
) AS [s]
If I understand correctly, you are simply looking for a COUNT(DISTINCT) for all employees in the table? I believe this query will return the results you are looking for:
SUM([saleqty]) AS [total_qty],
COUNT(DISTINCT [s].[employee]) AS [employee_count1],
(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT [employee]) FROM [sales_detail]) AS [employee_count2],
9 AS [wanted_result]
FROM #sales_detail [s]
You can try this below option-
SUM([saleqty]) AS [total_qty],
COUNT(DISTINCT [s].[employee]) AS [employee_count1],
SUM(COUNT(DISTINCT [s].[employee])) OVER() AS [employee_count2],
-- select count form sub query
(select COUNT(DISTINCT [employee]) from [sales_detail]) AS [wanted_result]
--caculate the count with first sub query
FROM [sales_detail]
) AS [s]
Use a trick where you only count each person on the first day they are seen:
select timeframe, sum(saleqty) as total_qty),
count(distinct employee) as employee_count1,
sum( (seqnum = 1)::int ) as employee_count2
9 as wanted_result
from (select sd.*,
row_number() over (partition by employee order by startdate) as seqnum
from sales_detail sd
) sd
group by timeframe;
Note: From the perspective of performance, your complex subquery is only evaluated once.

How to limit duplicated rows

I would like help regarding an SQL query.
Looking around the site, I found several code snippets to return duplicate rows.
Here is the one I went with:
select unumber, name, localid
from table1
where unumber
in (select unumber from table1 group by unumber having count (*) > 1 )
order by unumber
which works fine, however, in the table I have other columns as well, like timestamp etc.
As such, when I run the query I indeed get the duplicate rows, however, I get the duplicates several times due to different timestamps for example.
Is there any way to limit the results to 'unique' duplicate rows only?
Hope this makes sense!
Thank you in advance!
For what you describe, you can just use select distinct:
select distinct unumber, name, localid
from table1
where unumber in (select unumber from table1 group by unumber having count (*) > 1 )
order by unumber;
However, I would be more likely to write this using window functions:
select unumber, name, localid
from (select t1.*,
count(*) over (partition by unumber) as cnt,
row_number() over (partition by unumber, name, localid order by unumber) as seqnum
from table1 t1
) t1
where cnt > 1 and seqnum = 1;

MAX and COUNT function doesn't work together

I want to count id_r and then return the maxim value of count using
but shows me this error
the error
Thanks :)
You can only use one aggregation function at a time.
The ANSI standard way to do what you want is:
select count(*)
from t
group by ?
order by count(*) desc
fetch first 1 row only;
Or alternatively a subquery:
select max(cnt)
from (select count(*) as cnt
from t
group by ?
) x;
Note that you want a group by of something, perhaps id_r.
Try this:
SELECT MAX(e1) as Expr1 FROM (
SELECT COUNT(id_r) as e1
FROM Angajat) as t1
COUNT(id_r) wil return only 1 result since there is no group by clause. Hence, there is no use of max.
You need to add a group by clause in subquery:
SELECT MAX(e1) as Expr1 FROM (
SELECT column1, COUNT(id_r) as e1
FROM Angajat
GROUP BY column1
) as t1