SQL Server - Select INTO statement stored in sys.tables - sql

I know how to find the CREATE statement for a table in SQL Server but is there any place that stores the actual SQL code if I use SELECT INTO ... to create a table and if so how do I access it?

I see two ways of creating tables with SELECT INTO.
First: You know the Schema, then you can declare a #Table Variable and perform the Select INSERT
Second: You can create a temp table:
SELECT * INTO #TempTable FROM Customer
There are some limitations on the second choice:
- You need to drop the temp table afterwards.
- If there is a VARCHAR Column and the maximum number of characters of that given SELECT is 123 characters (example), and then you try to insert into the TEMP table afterwards with a greater number of characters, it will throw an error.
My recommendation is always declare a table in order to use, it makes it clear what is the intentions and increases readability.


SQL insert from select, but set some values by hand

Let's say that I have table with A LOT of columns. I have one column with primary key that has autoincrement set to 1. I want to insert a new row and in this new row I have following requirements:
The row must have generated ID
All non-specified columns have to be copied from row with id='9999'
I have to be able to set some values of columns by hand (for example columns name and age
I have tried:
Insert Into demo_table
Select * From demo_table Where id='9999';
However, I get this error:
An explicit value for the identity column in table 'demo_table' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON.
What do I need:
I want to duplicate a row -> let the id be set by database (I have PK and autoincrement configured) -> set some columns by hand -> have other column's values duplicated, without specifying column names (as I have a lot of columns and their names could change in future.)
Form of solution:
I would prefer if I was able to achive this using only one query. If necessary, I have stored procedures available.
My question:
Is this even possible? How could I achive such query/procedure?
There is a way to build sql query by table schema:
USE <databaseName>
#SourceTableName NVARCHAR(255) = <TableName>,
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#IdentityCols', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #IdentityCols;
CREATE TABLE #IdentityCols(
ColumnName NVARCHAR(255)
INSERT INTO #IdentityCols
sys.objects o inner join
sys.columns c on o.object_id = c.object_id
c.is_identity = 1 AND o.name = #SourceTableName
--STRING_AGG in SQL SERVER 2017 and greater. As aproach for early versions is cursor or loop
SELECT #SqlQuery = 'SELECT ' + STRING_AGG(COLUMN_NAME, ',') + ' FROM ' + #SourceTableName
WHERE TABLE_NAME=#SourceTableName AND COLUMN_NAME NOT IN (Select ColumnName FROM #IdentityCols)
exec sp_executesql #SqlQuery
For more information you can see this questions:
How can I show the table structure in SQL Server query?
How do you determine what SQL Tables have an identity column programmatically
How to concatenate text from multiple rows into a single text string in SQL Server
SQL Server Loop through Table Rows without Cursor
SQL Server loop - how do I loop through a set of records
For anyone interested, how I've solved this problem:
After I've read your comments (thanks btw) and some threads online, I've realized why I cannot do what I asked. However, I've come seen solution to similar problem somewhere, where they wanted to select * except one specific column, they solved it like this:
copied the entire table
selected from there.
I've come up with similar solution to my problem
-- check data, remove after testing
select * from demo_table order by ID desc;
-- create table with one column I want to duplicate
select * into Temp_demo_table from demo_table where ID=9999;
-- drop id, so it does not get included in the inter-table insert
alter table Temp_demo_table
drop column ID;
-- update columns that I need to modify, doesn't have to have WHERE clause, becuase there's only one row there
update Temp_demo_table set MyCustomProperty='abc', name=NULL, age=NULL
-- insert the desired and edited row
insert into demo_table
select * from Temp_demo_table;
-- drop the temp table
drop table Temp_demo_table;
-- check data, remove after testing
select * from demo_table order by ID desc;
I realize how inefficient this is, however the function (on my api) executing this command will not be called so often (max 100 times per day). I believe that this query could be optimized, however I do not have sufficient knowledge to do it at this moment (100% going to put it in my TODO :D).
Just found out that you can write queries in oracle db like this:
(select * from demo_table) - (select name, age from demo_table)
I currentlly don't know if I can apply this to sql server, however as soon as I have an access to mssql, I'll try it out and keep this answear updated!

Nested Loop in Where Statement killing performance

I am having serious performance issues when using a nested loop in a WHERE clause.
When I run the below code as is, it takes several minutes. The trick is I'm using the WHERE clause to pull ALL data if the report_id is NULL, but only certain report_id's if I set them in the parameter string.
The function [fn_Parse_List] turns a VARCHAR string such as '123,456,789' into a table where each row is each number in integer form, which is then used in the IN clause.
When I run the code below with report_id = '456' (the dashed out portion), the code takes seconds, but passing the temporary table and using the SELECT statement in the WHERE clause kills it.
alter procedure dbo.p_revenue
(#report_id varchar(max) = NULL)
select cast(value as int) Report_ID
into #report_ID_Temp
from [fn_Parse_List] (#report_id)
where #report_id is null
or a.report_id in (select Report_ID from #report_ID_Temp)
--Where #report_id is null or a.report_id in (456)
exec p_revenue #report_id = '456'
Is there a way to optimize this? I tried a JOIN with the table #report_ID_Temp, but it still takes just as long and doesn't work when the report_id is NULL.
You're breaking three different rules.
If you want two query plans, you need two queries: OR does not give you two query plans. IF does.
If you have a temporary table, make sure it has a primary key and any appropriate indexes. In your case, you need an ALTER TABLE statement to add the primary key clustered index. Or you can CREATE TABLE to declare the structure in the first place.
If you think fn_Parse_List is a good idea, you haven't read enough Sommarskog
If I were to write the Stored Procedure for your case, I would use a Table Valued Parameter (TVP) instead of passing multiple values as a comma-seperated string.
Something like the following:
-- Create a type for the TVP
report_id INT
-- Use the TVP type instead of VARCHAR
#report_ids AS ids
-- OPTION(RECOMPILE) -- see remark below
-- Execute the Stored Procedure
-- Empty table for all rows:
EXEC dbo.revenue #ids;
-- Specific report_id's for specific rows:
INSERT INTO #ids(report_id)VALUES(123),(456),(789);
EXEC dbo.revenue #ids;
If you run this procedure with a TVP with a lot of rows or a wildly varying number of rows, I suggest you add the option OPTION(RECOMPILE) to the query.
I see 2 possible things that could help improve performance. Depends on which part is taking the longest. First off, SELECT INTO is a single threaded operation until SQL Server 2014. If this is taking a long time, create an explicitly defined temp table with CREATE TABLE. Secondly, depending on the number of records inserted into the temp table, you probably need an index on the Report_ID column. That can all be done in the body of the stored procedure. If you do end up using an explicitly defined temp table, I would create the index after the data is loaded.
If that doesn't help, first check that the report_id column on the BIGTABLE is indexed. Then try splitting the select into 2 and combining with a UNION ALL like this:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.p_revenue
#report_id VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL
INTO #report_ID_Temp
FROM fn_Parse_List(#report_id);
WHERE #report_id IS NULL
WHERE a.report_id IN ( SELECT Report_ID
FROM #report_ID_Temp );
EXEC p_revenue #report_id = '456';
Are you saying I should have two queries, one where it pulls if the report_id doesn't exists and one where there is a list of report_ids?
Yes, yes, yes. The fact, that it somehow works when You enter the numbers directly, distracts You from the core problem. You need table scan when #report_id is null and index seek when it is not and You can not have both in one execution plan. The performance would inevitably have to suffer, one way or another.
I would prefer not to, as the table i'm pulling from is actually a
view with 800 lines with an additional parameter not shown above.
I do not see where is the problem, SELECT * FROM BIGTABLE and SELECT * FROM BIGVIEW seems the same. If You need parameters You can use inline table valued function. If You have more parameters with variable selectivity like #report_id, I guess You would end up with dynamic sql anyway, sooner or later.
UNION ALL as proposed by #db_brad would help, but one of those subquery is executed even when there is no need for it.
As a quick patch You can append OPTION(RECOMPILE) to the SELECT and have table scan one time and index seek the other time, but recompiling every time would induce nontrivial overhead.

Is there an automated way to create a temp table in SQL Server

I have a rather complex SELECT statement in a stored procedure that I am updating to insert the rows from the select into a temp table. To define the temp table, I need to know the data type of each every item selected.
Is there a easy way (a script maybe) that I can use to determine the data types and the temp table structure instead of going to each table's definition in the select to find out what it is?
PS: I can't use a Common table expression as I need to use this temp table several times within the proc
blah and wibble are not secret syntax. Please replace these with your own SQL :)
All columns in TABLE 1 gets into your temp table now

Using User Defined Functions and performance?

I'm using stored procedure to fetch data and i needed to filter dynamically. For example if i dont want to fetch some data which's id is 5, 10 or 12 im sending it as string to procedure and im converting it to table via user defined function. But i must consider performance so here is a example:
Solution 1:
FROM Customers
FROM dbo.func_ConvertListToTable('4,6,5,1,2,3,9,222',','));
Solution 2:
CREATE TABLE #tempTable (Value NVARCHAR(4000));
INSERT INTO #tempTable
SELECT Value FROM dbo.func_ConvertListToTable('4,6,5,1,2,3,9,222',',')
FROM BusinessAds
DROP TABLE #tempTable
Which solution is better for performance?
You would probably be better off creating the #temp table with a clustered index and appropriate datatype
CREATE TABLE #tempTable (Value int primary key);
INSERT INTO #tempTable
FROM dbo.func_ConvertListToTable('4,6,5,1,2,3,9,222',',')
You can also put a clustered index on the table returned by the TVF.
As for which is better SQL Server will always assume that the TVF will return 1 row rather than recompiling after the #temp table is populated, so you would need to consider whether this assumption might cause sub optimal query plans for the case that the list is large.

"select * into table" Will it work for inserting data into existing table

I am trying to insert data from one of my existing table into another existing table.
Is it possible to insert data into any existing table using select * into query.
I think it can be done using union but in that case i need to record all data of my existing table into temporary table, then drop that table and finally than apply union to insert all records into same table
select * into #tblExisting from tblExisting
drop table tblExisting
select * into tblExisting from #tblExisting union tblActualData
Here tblExisting is the table where I actually want to store all data
tblActualData is the table from where data is to be appended to tblExisting.
Is it right method.
Do we have some other alternative ?
You should try
INSERT INTO ExistingTable (Columns,..)
SELECT Columns,...
FROM OtherTable
Have a look at INSERT
and SQL SERVER – Insert Data From One Table to Another Table – INSERT INTO SELECT – SELECT INTO TABLE
No, you cannot use SELECT INTO to insert data into an existing table.
The documentation makes this very clear:
SELECT…INTO creates a new table in the default filegroup and inserts the resulting rows from the query into it.
You generally want to avoid using SELECT INTO in production because it gives you very little control over how the table is created, and can lead to all sorts of nasty locking and other performance problems. You should create schemas explicitly and use INSERT - even for temporary tables.
#Ryan Chase
Can you do this by selecting all columns using *?
INSERT INTO yourtable2
SELECT * FROM yourtable1
Update from CTE? http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic629743-338-1.aspx