How Do I Autoatically Copy Website Address URL - vba

I'm a journalist. I spend countless hours copying brief passages from various webpages, and then pasting those passages - along with attribution to the websites I found them - into web-based articles.
For example, many of my articles have passages which look like this:
The Mexican finance minister wrote:
The euro exchange rate is, strictly speaking, too low for the German economy's competitive position.
I want to use VBA to do the following:
(1) When I highlight the text I want to copy - in the example "The euro exchange rate is, strictly speaking, too low for the German economy's competitive position"
(2) I would also automatically copy the url where the text comes from (in this case,
(3) So when I paste the text into my blog, it would automatically paste the text and ALSO the url. In other words, I would end up with what I wrote above.
I think the write script is IE.LocationURL to automatically determine the url I'm at. And I know how to launch Internet Explorer and navigate to a web page.
But I don't know how to put the script together.
Here's my attempt:
' Declare Windows API function for setting active window
Declare Function SetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" _
Alias "SetForegroundWindow" (ByVal Hwnd As Long)As Long
' Declare Internet Explorer object
Dim IE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Sub Main
' create instance of InternetExplorer
Set IE = New InternetExplorer
' using your newly created instance of Internet Explorer
With IE
SetForegroundWindow IE.HWND
.Visible = True
.Navigate2 ""
' Wait until page we are navigating to is loaded
Do While .Busy
Loop Until .ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
On Error Resume Next
If Err Then
'Do Nothing
'Copy the selected text
SendKeys "^c"
' Here's where I'm trying to copy the url
End With
End If
' Tidy Up
Set IE = Nothing
End Sub
I would then run another script to automatically log into my publishing platform and paste the copied text and url info. Ideally, it would be pasted in the format shown at the top of this post (with linked text and then indented quote).
But if I just have the copied text and url, that would still save me a lot of time.
I use Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking to run my VBA scripts.
But I'm lost. Please help steer me in the right direction! Thanks!
UPDATE: I guess what I really need is a way to store the url as a string. I can then later write the string (and just paste the selected text the old-fashioned way, with control-v.)
So does anyone know how to read and store the url as a string or value?

Playing around with a bunch of possibilities, I think I finally created a script which works.
To do it, I
(1) first have to copy the url manually from the web page by highlighting the url and the copying it to clipboard using control-c on my keyboard;
(2) select (i.e. manually highlight with my keyboard) the text within the article which I want to copy.
Here's the script:
Sub Main
Dim MyData As DataObject
Dim strClip As String
Set MyData = New DataObject
strClip = MyData.GetText
Wait 5
SendKeys "^c"
'I have code here to open up the webpage where I'm inserting the information
SendKeys "^v"
' The line above pastes the text I have selected
SendKeys strClip
' The line above sends the url which I previously saved
End Sub
I don't know if it's the most efficient or elegant solution, but it works.


Connect to data after having found an already open IE window using shell application

VBA code to interact with specific IE window that is already open
Above is a thread to find and go to an already open instance of IE using shell applications in VBA. AFTER I found the open IE instance I am looking for, I need to query the tables from that IE page without using it's URL. The reason that I cannot use it's URL is that this IE page is a generic 'result' page that opens in a separate window after doing a search on the main website, so if I use the URL of the result page, which is:, it will return an error. Are there any other methods that allow querying tables without using URL connections, like a "getElements" for tables?
K.Davis, Tim William: you are correct in your assumptions. The first part of my code/project opens up a search page: objIE.navigate "" and through it I submit a search form. The second part (outlined above in the first paragraph) opens up a result page (pop-up). I am trying to automate the retrieving of the tables from that page. I tried using QueryTables.Add method, the way I am familiar with to connect to the data/webpage requires an URL. If I use the URL from the result page it returns an error, thus I am looking for suggestions/help on how I could otherwise connect. That said I am able to retrieve elements of the page using 'getElements' method but not able to query tables. There are other ways to connect to the data source using the QueryTables.Add method, see, but I am not familiar with these other methods. Hope this clarifies a bit.
I haven't experienced a problem with this as although you have an intermediate window the final IE window resolves to being the main IE window with focus. I was able to grab the results table with the following code using the indicated search parameters:
Option Explicit
Public Sub GetInfo()
Dim IE As New InternetExplorer
With IE
.Visible = True
.navigate ""
While .Busy Or .readyState < 4: DoEvents: Wend
With .document
.querySelector("option[value='3']").Selected = True
.querySelector("[name=edt_block]").Value = 1
.querySelector("[name=edt_lot]").Value = "0000"
End With
While .Busy Or .readyState < 4: DoEvents: Wend
Dim hTable As HTMLTable
Set hTable = .document.getElementsByTagName("table")(6)
'do stuff with table
End With
End Sub
You can copy a table via clipboard. Any tick windings appear in the right place but as empty icons.
For clipboard early bound go VBE > Tools > References > Microsoft-Forms 2.0 Object Library.
If you add a UserForm to your project, the library will get automatically added.
Dim clipboard As DataObject
Set clipboard = New DataObject
clipboard.SetText hTable.outerHTML
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial
Late bound use
Dim clipboard As Object
Set clipboard = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")

Copy specific field from different websites to worksheet

I need a vbscript that could be used to copy an output from different webpages and copy it into excel sheet
Website like truecaller.Com which you can search for people by phone number.
Each number represent by unique web address ex(
I need to make an excel sheet that has two columns; the 1st one is the web address and the 2nd one 8s the related name
Excel VBA is not the best for web scraping but it can get the job done.
Firstly you'll need to make sure you download the latest Internet Explorer, or at least ensure you have version 9 or above.
Secondly, you'll have to enable some references on your macros (these are analogous to imports in languages like Java). To do this, open your VBA editor, and go to Tools > References. You'll want to tick Microsoft Internet Controls and Microsoft HTML Object Library.
Now you're good to go, the following code should work for you. Not being a member of true caller, I only see "-" in the name field, but I imagine it's different if you have an account. The script I've made simply pulls out the name, number and address. I'm sure you won't have a problem with looping through your desired URLs and then placing the grabbed data where you want them.
Sub Test()
'to refer to the running copy of Internet Explorer
Dim ie As InternetExplorer
'to refer to the HTML document returned
Dim html As HTMLDocument
'open Internet Explorer in memory, and go to website
Set ie = New InternetExplorer
ie.Visible = False
ie.navigate ""
'Wait until IE is done loading page
Do While ie.readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE
Application.StatusBar = "Trying to go to StackOverflow ..."
'show text of HTML document returned
Set html = ie.document
MsgBox html.DocumentElement.innerHTML
Dim element As IHTMLElement
Set element = html.getElementsByClassName("result__details")(0)
Dim Name As String
Dim Number As String
Dim Address As String
Name = element.Children(0).Children(1).innerText
Number = element.Children(1).Children(1).innerText
Address = element.Children(2).Children(1).innerText
MsgBox ("Name is " & Name & " with number " & Number & ". Address: " & Address)
'close down IE and reset status bar
Set ie = Nothing
Application.StatusBar = ""
End Sub
If you want to learn more about scraping with VBA then here's a good link:

Converting word dialog to VB

It has been a long time since doing any type of coding.
I've been tasked to send a test page (looks like old TV test pattern page) to all of our printers prior to shift start. These pages will help our team determine if there is any physical issues with the printers (bad toner, fuser, etc)
I have found this code and used in a VBA (MS Word).
Sub Sorterprint01()
Dim sPrinter As String
Dim sPrinter1 As String
With Dialogs(wdDialogFilePrintSetup)
sPrinter = .Printer
.Printer = "\\dc999nt09\USPRT_01"
.DoNotSetAsSysDefault = True
Application.PrintOut FileName = "\\dc999file\share\7yr\Support\IS_TEAM_LOCAL\TEST SHEETS\BARCODE TEST SORTER01.docx"
.Printer = sPrinter
End With
End Sub
I even created a form to print to all or just a specific printer.
Management does NOT want this in a word doc and would prefer to have this in a VB app (even better would be web based).
After extensive research I have found that wdDialogFilePrintSetup is a WORD based dialog and does not work in VB6/2008/2013). I am just getting back into coding and need a quick solution.
Use Automation. If you want to print docx files then you'll need word.
Set word = CreateObject("Word.Application")
With Word.dialogs(wdDialogFilePrintSetup)
etc. Just preface your objects with word..
If using VBScript (which can't access constants - nor can VB6 if you don't add Word as a Reference) you need to specify the actual number that wdDialogFilePrintSetup is equal to.
With Word.dialogs(97)

How to click on this particular button from VBA?

I have a simple VBA code (see below), that goes to a webpage, selects some value, clicks the “Begin download” button, and then saves the file. The problem is I am stuck at the “clicking the download button” part. Can someone help?
Here is the code:
Sub Treasury_Auc_Notes()
Dim IE As Object
Set IE = Nothing
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
IE.Navigate ""
While IE.Busy
IE.Document.All.Item("begYr").Value = "2012"
With IE.Document.getElementsByName("cols")
.Item(0).Checked = True
End With
'Click "Begin download" button (this is where I am stuck)
'Choose Save Open or Cancel (I haven’t got to this part yet)
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename
End Sub
This one's tricky, and due to restrictive security on my laptop, I'm not able to verify this 100%, but try:
While IE.ReadyState <> 4
IE.Document.All.Item("begYr").Value = "2012"
With IE.Document.getElementsByName("cols")
.Item(0).Checked = True
End With
Dim ele As Object
For Each ele In IE.Document.Forms
If ele.Action = "/RI/OFAuctions" Then
Exit For
End If
You may have to use SendKeys (I think Application.SendKeys "o") method to open the file then use VBA to save the ActiveWorkbook to the desired location. I'm not able to test SendKeys for reasons mentioned below.
Or, I'm pretty sure there is a WinAPI functions that can do this more reliably than SendKeys. You'll need to get the hWnd of the Save dialog and do some other stuff to force it to open/save. This is fairly advanced VBA that I probably have a reference to somewhere, but rarely need to use it. If you have trouble with this particular part, I would urge you to ask a separate question "How to get the hWnd of File Save dialog and download file from IE" or something like that.
NOTE: I can't test the SendKeys method. When I use the above code, I am fairly certain the file is being downloaded, but it is going to a temporary folder that is hidden, and difficult to find. In any case, it does appear to be downloading with some manual intervention. I get this warning:
I click to ignore that (I have no idea how to automate this part, I'm just trying to validate that the form .Submit method actually worked), and after some creative searching (temporary internet files get dumped in a strange/hidden folder usually) I verify the file is downloaded, although it is showing as a TXT extension instead of CSV.
If instead of using VBA, I click on the button manually, and I choose to "open" the file opens as CSV and has the same path to that temporary internet location.

Automation Errors: 800706B5, 80004005, 80010108 appear for internal SAP site scrape

I am writing a macro that will scrape my company's internal SAP site for vendor information. For several reasons I have to use VBA to do so. However, I cannot figure out why I keep getting these three errors when I attempt to scrape the page. Is it possible that this has something to do with the UAC integrity model? Or is there something wrong with my code? Is it possible for a webpage using http can be handled differently in internet explorer? I am able to go to any webpage, even other internal webpages, and can scrape each of those just fine. But when i attempt to scrape the SAP page, i get these errors. The error descriptions and when they occur are:
800706B5 - The interface is unknown (occurs when I place breakpoints before running the offending code)
80004005 - Unspecified error (occurs when I don't place any errors and just let the macro run)
80010108 - The Object invoked has disconnected from its clients. (I can't seem to get a consistent occurrence of this error, it seems to happen around the time that something in excel is so corrupted that no page will load and i have to reinstall excel)
I have absolutely no idea what is going on. The Integrity page didn't make much sense to me, and all the research I found on this talked about connecting to databases and using ADO and COM references. However I am doing everything through Internet Explorer. Here is my relevant code below:
Private Sub runTest_Click()
ie.visible = True
End Sub
'The code to run the module
Private Sub doTest()
Dim result As String
result = PageScraper.scrapeSAPPage("<some num>")
End Sub
PageScraper Module
Public Function scrapeSAPPage(num As Long) As String
'Predefined URL that appends num onto end to navigate to specific record in SAP
Dim url As String: url = "<url here>"
Dim ie as InternetExplorer
set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
Dim doc as HTMLDocument
ie.navigate url 'Will always sucessfully open page, regardless of SAP or other
'pauses the exection of the code until the webpage has loaded
'Will always fail on next line when attempting SAP site with error
If Not ie.Busy And ie.ReadyState = 4 Then
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
If Not ie.Busy And ie.ReadyState = 4 Then
Exit Do
End If
End If
Set doc = ie.document 'After implementation of Tim Williams changes, breaks here
'Scraping code here, not relevant
End Function
I am using IE9 and Excel 2010 on a Windows 7 machine. Any help or insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I do this type of scraping frequently and have found it very difficult to make IE automation work 100% reliably with errors like those you have found. As they are often timing issues it can be very frustrating to debug as they don't appear when you step through, only during live runs To minimize the errors I do the following:
Introduce more delays; ie.busy and ie.ReadyState don't necessarily give valid answers IMMEDIATELY after an ie.navigate, so introduce a short delay after ie.navigate. For things I'm loading 1 to 2 seconds normally but anything over 500ms seems to work.
Make sure IE is in a clean state by going ie.navigate "about:blank" before going to the target url.
After that you should have a valid IE object and you'll have to look at it to see what you've got inside. Generally I avoid trying to access the entire ie.document and instead use IE.document.all.tags("x") where 'x' is a suitable thing I'm looking for such as td or a.
However after all these improvements although they have increased my success rate I still have errors at random.
My real solution has been to abandon IE and instead do my work using xmlhttp.
If you are parsing out your data using text operations on the document then it will be a no-brainer to swap over. The xmlhttp object is MUCH more reliable. and you just get the "responsetext" to access the entire html of the document.
Here is a simplified version of what I'm using in production now for scraping, it's so reliable it runs overnight generating millions of rows without error.
Public Sub Main()
Dim obj As MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP
Dim strData As String
Dim errCount As Integer
' create an xmlhttp object - you will need to reference to the MS XML HTTP library, any version will do
' but I'm using Microsoft XML, v6.0 (c:\windows\system32\msxml6.dll)
Set obj = New MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP
' Get the url - I set the last param to Async=true so that it returns right away then lets me wait in
' code rather than trust it, but on an internal network "false" might be better for you.
obj.Open "GET", "", True
obj.send ' this line actually does the HTTP GET
' Wait for a completion up to 10 seconds
errCount = 0
While obj.readyState < 4 And errCount < 10
obj.waitForResponse 1 ' this is an up-to-one-second delay
errCount = errCount + 1
If obj.readyState = 4 Then ' I do these on two
If obj.Status = 200 Then ' different lines to avoid certain error cases
strData = obj.responseText
End If
End If
obj.abort ' in real code I use some on error resume next, so at this point it is possible I have a failed
' get and so best to abort it before I try again
Debug.Print strData
End Sub
Hope that helps.