VueJs: Textarea input binding - vue.js

I'm trying to figure out how to detect change of the value on the textarea from within the component.
For input we can simply use
However on textarea this won't work.
What I'm working with is the CKEditor component, which should update wysiwyg's content when model value of the parent component (attached to this child component) is updated.
My Editor component currently looks like this:
<div class="editor" :class="groupCss">
<textarea :id="id" v-model="input"></textarea>
export default {
props: {
value: {
type: String,
default: ''
id: {
type: String,
required: false,
default: 'editor'
data() {
return {
input: this.$slots.default ? this.$slots.default[0].text : '',
config: {
watch: {
input(value) {
methods: {
update(value) {
fire(value) {
this.$emit('input', value);
mounted () {
CKEDITOR.replace(, this.config);
CKEDITOR.instances[].on('change', () => {[].getData());
destroyed () {
if (CKEDITOR.instances[]) {
and I include it within the parent component
however, whenever parent component's model value changes - it does not trigger the watcher - effectively not updating the editor's window.
I only need update() method to be called when parent component's model fields.body is updated.
Any pointer as to how could I approach it?

That's a fair bit of code to decipher, but what I would do is break down the text area and the WYSIWYG HTML window into two distinct components and then have the parent sync the values, so:
TextArea Component:
<template id="editor">
<textarea :value="value" #input="$emit('input', $" rows="10" cols="50"></textarea>
* Editor TextArea
Vue.component('editor', {
template: '#editor',
props: {
value: {
default: '',
type: String
All I'm doing here is emitting the input back to the parent when it changes, I'm using input as the event name and value as the prop so I can use v-model on the editor. Now I just need a wysiwyg window to show the code:
* WYSIWYG window
Vue.component('wysiwyg', {
template: `<div v-html="html"></div>`,
props: {
html: {
default: '',
type: String
Nothing much going on there, it simply renders the HTML that is passed as a prop.
Finally I just need to sync the values between the components:
<div id="app">
<wysiwyg :html="value"></wysiwyg>
<editor v-model="value"></editor>
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
value: '<b>Hello World</b>'
Now, when the editor changes it emits the event back to the parent, which updates value and in turn fires that change in the wysiwyg window. Here's the entire thing in action:


Vue v-model binding form Checkbox to Boolean variable is passing an Event object instead of true/false

I´m using a Vue base component which wraps a simple check box. In my template Im doing a 2-way bind using a v-model to a Boolean variable in my data. Nothing too fancy but there´s a problem with my implementation where instead of the target variable receiving a true/false value when the control state is turned on/off (check/unchecked), it receives an event object. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, any ideas?
I see this exception in the console when I click the control:
[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "value". Expected
Boolean, got Event
found in
<BaseSwitch> at src/components/BaseSwitch.vue
<Card> at src/components/Card.vue
<Modal> at src/components/Modal.vue
<RFQSales> at src/views/rfq/RFQSales.vue
<App> at src/App.vue
base-switch component:
<label class="custom-toggle">
<input type="checkbox"
<span class="custom-toggle-slider rounded-circle"></span>
export default {
name: "base-switch",
inheritAttrs: false,
props: {
value: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
description: "Switch value"
computed: {
model: {
get() {
return this.value;
set(value) {
this.$emit("base-switch", value);
<base-switch class="pull-right" v-model=""
You haven't stated the version of Vue you use. Is it Vue2 or Vue3?
Your tag is also not fully copy/pasted. I have changed it to
<base-switch class="pull-right" v-model="borrowButton" #base-switch="process($event)"></base-switch>
Now your code works perfectly with Vue3.
Here is the link to the working playground:
For Vue3 you must define the emitted events, to make it work well.
emits: ['base-switch'],
Also, pay attention to passing value:
this.$emit("base-switch", value);
If your function gets an Even Object, then you can try JSON.stringify() it to check the properties. Possibly, it is related to your $listeners solution. I couldn't guess it to reproduce the problem.
Here is the code:
<div id="app">
<base-switch class="pull-right" v-model="borrowButton" #base-switch="process($event)"></base-switch> <br />
Value: {{value}}
import BaseSwitch from './components/BaseSwitch.vue'
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
data() {
return {
borrowButton: false,
value: null
methods: {
process(value) {
this.value = value;
<label class="custom-toggle">
<input type="checkbox"
<span class="custom-toggle-slider rounded-circle"></span>
export default {
name: "base-switch",
inheritAttrs: false,
emits: ['base-switch'],
props: {
value: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
description: "Switch value"
computed: {
model: {
get() {
return this.value;
set(value) {
this.$emit("base-switch", value);

Dynamic prop binding from parent to child

So I'm having a headache since yesterday on this. I'd like to have some kind of two way binding of data. I want for my array data(): exploredFields be able to update the values of the children components. But the update is called from the child.
Here is my parent component.
<button #click="resetMinefield(rows, mineCount)">RESET</button>
<div class="minefield">
<ul class="column" v-for="col in columns" :key="col">
<li class="row" v-for="row in rows" :key="row">
:field="mineFields[(row + (col - 1) * rows) - 1].toString()"
:id="(row + (col - 1) * rows) - 1"
:e="exploredFields[(row + (col - 1) * rows) - 1]" // This doesn't update the child !!!
import Field from "#/components/Field";
export default {
name: "Minesweeper",
components: {
created() {
this.resetMinefield(this.rows, this.mineCount);
data() {
return {
rows: 7,
columns: 7,
mineCount: 5,
mineFields: [],
exploredFields: [],
methods: {
exploreField(index) {
this.exploredFields[index] = true;
resetMinefield(fieldSize, mineCount) {
// Updates this.mineFields
// Passes data properly to the child
And here is a child component. On #click it updates self data: explored and parents data: exploredFields. But the dynamic binding for props: e does not work.
<div :class="classObject" #click="changeState">
{{ field }}
export default {
name: "Field",
data() {
return {
explored: false,
props: {
id: {
type: Number,
default: -1,
field: {
type: String,
default: 'X',
e: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
methods: {
changeState() {
this.explored = true;
computed: {
classObject: function() {
// Stuff here
I also tried to do dynamic binding for data :explored instead of props :e, but no effect there too. It seams that it doesn't want to update because I'm calling the update from the child. And even I can see the data changing, it is not passed back to child dynamically
Looks like a common Vue change detection caveat.
Vue cannot detect the following changes to an array:
When you directly set an item with the index, e.g. vm.items[indexOfItem] = newValue
this.exploredFields[index] = true
won't be reactive. Try this instead
this.$set(this.exploredFields, index, true)
What you probably need is a watcher inside your child component, on the prop "e"
watch: {
this.explored = newValue
Everything else looks fine to me, once you click on the field you are emitting an event and youre listening to that in the parent.

VueJS: how to trigger 'change' on <input> changed programmatically

I'm going to build a customized virtual keyboard, so that's the first problem I've encountered.
I have an input element, whose value is changed from outside, in my case by pressing a button. The problem is that there seems to be no way to trigger the normal 'change' event.
Neither clicking outside the input, nor pressing Enter gives any result. What might be the correct way of solving this problem?
<div class="app-input">
<input #change="onChange" type="text" v-model="value" ref="input">
<button #click="onClick">A</button>
export default {
name: "AppInput",
data() {
return {
inputDiv: null,
value: ""
props: {
msg: String
methods: {
onClick() {
this.value = this.value + "A";
onChange() {
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.inputDiv = this.$refs.input;
The whole pen can be found here.
v-on:change would only trigger on a direct change on the input element from a user action.
What you are looking for is a wathcer for your data property, whenever your value changes, watcher will execute your desired function or task.
watch: {
value: function() {
The watch syntax is elaborated on the provided official vuejs docs link. use your data property as the key and provide a function as a value.
Check the snippet.
export default {
name: "AppInput",
data() {
return {
inputDiv: null,
value: ""
props: {
msg: String
methods: {
onClick() {
this.value = this.value + "A";
onChange() {
// this one:
watch: {
value: function() {
// --- rest of your code;
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.inputDiv = this.$refs.input;
When I build any new vue application, I like to use these events for a search input or for other inputs where I don't want to fire any functions on #change
<div class="class">
<input v-model="searchText" #keyup.esc="clearAll()" #keyup.enter="getData()" autofocus type="text" placeholder="Start Typing ..."/>
<button #click="getData()"><i class="fas fa-search fa-lg"></i></button>
These will provide a better user experience in my opinion.

Passing in a prop and setting it as data

I'm trying to pass a prop from my drop down button component:
<p #click="toggleActive">Open Drop Down</p>
<drop-down :active=""></drop-down>
export default {
data() {
return {
active: false,
methods: {
toggleActive() {
return = !;
To my drop down component:
<div class="drop-down" v-if="this.passedActive">
<p #click="toggleActive">Close drop down</p>
export default {
props: ['active'],
data() {
return {
methods: {
toggleActive() {
return this.passedActive = ! this.passedActive;
The idea is that I can activate the drop down component from it's parent, and then inside the drop down component I can modify this prop and deactivate the drop down - as if someone is pressing an 'x' inside the component.
I've checked the docs and this does appear to be the correct way to do it, but for some reason it's not working.
The code below works. As noted in the comments under your question, passedActive is initialized once. The parent controls the initial state (only), and the child itself controls any subsequent state. If you start with it false, it never gets to become true, because the controller is never displayed.
That is a design flaw: there should be one data item that controls it, not two. The child component should rely on its prop, and its toggle function should emit an event that the parent handles.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
active: true
methods: {
toggleActive() {
console.log("Toggling"); = !;
components: {
dropDown: {
props: ['active'],
data() {
return {
methods: {
toggleActive() {
return this.passedActive = !this.passedActive;
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="app">
<p #click="toggleActive">Open Drop Down {{active}}</p>
<drop-down :active="active" inline-template>
<div class="drop-down" v-if="this.passedActive">
<p #click="toggleActive">Close drop down</p>

Is it possible to detect if a change event was triggered by a click on a Vue select element?

I have a <select>-element that has a data property bound to it using v-model in Vue.
Sometimes I want to change that value dynamically. I also have an event-listener attached to this element which is triggered on the change-event. See code example:
<div class="mySelector">
<select id="testSelect" v-model="mySelectModel"
<template v-for="(item, index) in someList">
<option :class="['btn', 'btn-default', 'removing-button']" :value="index">{{}}</option>
export default {
data() {
return {
mySelectModel: null
props: {
methods: {
customChange: function() {
this.mySelectModel = ... // some value we from somewhere else that is set dynamically on some condiftion
onChange: function (event) {
if (!event) return;
The problem I have is that when I change the data value mySelectModel dynamically, like in the customChange-method, the change event is also called, triggering the method onChange. I only want to do stuff in that method if it was really triggered by a real click, not when it was changed dynamically.
I can not find a way to distinguish between those cases when the change-event is triggered by a click or when it is just changed for some other reason. Any suggestions?
See vue-js-selected-doesnt-triggering-change-event-select-option, it appears that select does not trigger #change when v-model is updated by JS (only when the selected value is changed by user).
A directive can add the functionality
Vue.directive('binding-change', {
update: function (el, binding, vnode) {
const model = => === 'model')
if (model) {
use like
<select id="testSelect"
Not sure about the parameter to onChange - I'll give it a test.
Similar to this suggested solution, you can make a settable computed that you v-model in your widget:
The get function simply returns the data item
The set function does whatever you want a change in the widget to do, in addition to setting the data item
Other code can change the data item directly and will not execute the set code of the computed.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
values: ['one','two','three'],
selectedItem: 'two'
computed: {
wrappedSelectedItem: {
get() { return this.selectedItem; },
set(value) {
console.log("Changed in widget");
this.selectedItem = value;
methods: {
changeToThree() {
console.log("Stealth change!");
this.selectedItem = 'three';
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="app">
<select v-model="wrappedSelectedItem">
<option v-for="value in values" :value="value">{{value}}</option>
<button #click="changeToThree">Set to three</button>